

Learn how industrial giant ABB is using Unity and augmented reality to transform field maintenance procedures into a completely paperless process.


We recently invited members of ABB’s IS Innovation and Digital Scouting team, Maciej Włodarczyk and Rafał Kielar, to walk us through how they used Unity to develop a new digital field operator system. This multiplatform application runs on mobile devices and the HoloLens, and it’s designed to improve the efficiency and safety of the field operators maintaining and servicing equipment on industrial sites.

最近,我们邀请了ABB IS创新和数字侦察团队的成员MaciejWłodarczyk和RafałKielar,向我们介绍了他们如何使用Unity开发新的数字现场操作员系统。 该多平台应用程序可在移动设备和HoloLens上运行,旨在提高现场操作员在工业现场维护和维修设备的效率和安全性。

Learn more in their presentation on a recent Unity webinar, including their migration process to the HoloLens 2. In the webinar, Microsoft’s Mixed Reality Academy lead engineer Nick Klingensmith also shares how Microsoft’s new device will take AR-enabled training, guidance, and maintenance to the next level.

最近的Unity网络研讨会上的演讲中了解更多信息,包括他们向HoloLens 2的迁移过程。在网络研讨会上,微软混合现实学院首席工程师尼克·克林根史密斯(Nick Klingensmith)还分享了微软的新设备如何将支持AR的培训,指南和维护下一级。

Watch the webinar


Let’s explore the problems ABB sought to solve for its clients and some of their key learnings from the development process.


维护操作人员面临哪些挑战? (What are some challenges faced by maintenance operators?)

For ABB’s customers, two key personnel are involved in this process: the field operators responsible for maintaining and servicing equipment, and control room operators who supervise the process and are located in another part of the facility.


Due to the dangerous nature of the tasks involved, field operators have traditionally undergone time-consuming, expensive training programs before working on-site.


Once they are in the field, however, it is difficult to assign and track performed service procedures, which are done on paper. This leads to further communication issues between field and control room operators, who often need to exchange information in real-time. 

但是,一旦它们进入现场,就很难分配和跟踪已执行的服务程序,而这是在纸上完成的。 这导致了现场和控制室操作员之间进一步的通信问题,他们经常需要实时交换信息。

ABB如何解决这些挑战? (How did ABB solve these challenges?)

ABB used the Unity Editor and Microsoft’s Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) to test prototypes quickly and eventually build a production-ready software application called ABB Ability™ Augmented Field Procedures. This multiplatform application completely digitizes the field operator experience with remote-enabled augmented reality technologies.

ABB使用Unity编辑器和Microsoft的混合现实工具包(MRTK)快速测试原型,并最终构建了可用于生产的软件应用程序,称为ABB Ability™增强现场程序。 该多平台应用程序通过远程启用的增强现实技术将现场操作员的体验完全数字化。

The application provides several advantages over the traditional, paper-based workflow. This system:

与传统的基于纸张的工作流程相比,该应用程序具有多个优势。 该系统:

  • Allows any field operator to follow digitized procedures and become an expert without costly training 


  • Integrates the field and distributed control systems to enable real-time data capture (versus processing paper-based forms afterward) 


  • Ensures that the latest version of a procedure is always followed (rather than using an outdated document)


  • Connects field and control room operators for real-time communication using Microsoft Remote Assist 

    使用Microsoft Remote Assist连接现场和控制室操作员进行实时通信


设计用于现场使用的可穿戴AR应用程序有哪些最佳实践? (What are some best practices for designing wearable AR applications for field use?)

Based on their experiences, Włodarczyk and Kielar from ABB shared numerous best practices for those developing similar applications related to training, guidance, and maintenance use cases. In this post, we focus on several best practices for the HoloLens application, centered around the user interface (UI) and ergonomy of interactions. 

根据他们的经验,ABB的Włodarczyk和Kielar为开发与培训,指导和维护用例相关的类似应用程序的人员分享了许多最佳实践。 在本文中,我们将重点介绍HoloLens应用程序的几种最佳实践,并围绕用户界面(UI)和交互的人体工程学进行研究。

Check out the webinar for a complete list of ABB’s recommendations, including location/device recognition, hologram positions, and more.


使用户界面不显眼 (Make the UI unobtrusive )

The placement of the UI should not interfere with a user’s ability to perform tasks.


As seen in the image above, the UI should not obscure the user’s view. UI elements that block the real-life objects that the user needs to interact with can pose a safety hazard.

如上图所示,UI不应遮挡用户的视图。 阻止用户需要与之交互的现实生活对象的UI元素可能构成安全隐患。

轻松控制用户看到的内容 (Make it easy to control what the user sees)

To minimize clutter in the user’s field of view, allow navigation menus to be accessed on request rather than being omnipresent. In the video above, notice how the user controls the visibility of the menu with a gesture. 

为了最大程度地减少用户视野中的混乱情况,应允许按需访问导航菜单,而不是无所不在。 在上面的视频中,请注意用户如何通过手势控制菜单的可见性。

In order to avoid blocking the field of view, some may think smaller menus and buttons make sense. On the contrary, these should be large enough to be easily targeted by gaze and selected by gestures. 

为了避免遮挡视野,某些人可能会认为较小的菜单和按钮有意义。 相反,它们应该足够大以易于被注视和由手势选择。

使交互变得直观,并尽可能自动进行交互 (Make interactions intuitive, and automate as many of them as possible)

Włodarczyk and Kielar needed to make their app easier and more convenient to use than the paper-based Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) their clients were used to.


That led them to automate as much of the experience as possible in order to limit the number of interactions the user needed to perform (e.g., having a window automatically appear following a gesture, as shown in the video above). It’s also important to provide clear instructions (e.g., the “tap to dock” message shown in the video) to ensure that the next step is always clear.

这导致他们尽可能多地自动化体验,以限制用户需要执行的互动次数(例如,如上图所示,在手势之后自动显示一个窗口)。 提供清晰的说明(例如,视频中显示的“轻按以停靠”消息)也很重要,以确保始终保持下一步。

Users should also be given the flexibility to select the interaction mode of their choice, such as voice commands, gaze, and gestures. 


对AR新手进行压力测试 (Pressure-test with users who are new to AR)

Test in a controlled environment before going into production.


Since most field operators have limited experience with AR but will be the end-users of these applications, it’s critical to share the app with a test group comprised of these individuals. They will be a source of valuable feedback that will help you to reduce complexity and streamline your app to its core components.

由于大多数现场操作员在AR方面的经验有限,但将成为这些应用程序的最终用户,因此与包含这些人员的测试小组共享该应用程序至关重要。 它们将成为有价值的反馈的来源,有助于您降低复杂性并简化应用程序的核心组件。


For more best practices from ABB, sign up to watch our on-demand webinar.


You can also check out ABB’s presentation at Unite Copenhagen.

您也可以在Unite Copenhagen查看ABB的演讲。


Learn how to get started developing AR applications with Unity. Also, check out our report: “Top 2020 Trends: Enterprise AR & VR” and our post on how spatial computing is changing frontline work.

了解如何开始使用Unity开发AR应用程序 。 另外,请查看我们的报告:“ 2020年热门趋势:企业AR和VR ”,以及有关空间计算如何改变一线工作方式的文章。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/02/28/best-practices-for-bringing-ar-applications-to-the-field/






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