unity 2019_Unity是2019年Grace Hopper庆祝活动的骄傲赞助商

unity 2019

We had an amazing time at #GHC19. Read on to discover our favorite moments from the event, what inspired our team the most, and a few pieces of advice for women entering the tech world.

#GHC19我们度过了一段愉快的时光 。 请继续阅读,以了解活动中我们最喜欢的时刻,最激发我们团队的灵感,以及为进入科技界的女性提供的一些建议。

Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) is the “world’s largest gathering of women technologists.” Every year, over 25,000 people meet to celebrate the achievements of women in computing. It’s a great place for attendees to network, see new faces, build a stronger sense of community, and learn from some of the brightest women in the tech space.

Grace Hopper Celebration(GHC) 是“世界上最大的女性技术专家聚会”。 每年,有超过25,000人聚在一起庆祝女性在计算机领域的成就。 这是与会人员进行交流,看到新面Kong,增强社区意识以及向科技领域一些最聪明的女性学习的好地方。

Over 20 Unity employees traveled to Orlando, Florida to attend this year’s celebration from October 1–4. We connected with more than 700 women and allies from around the globe, attended sessions across a wide array of topics and interests, recruited top talent to Unity, and most importantly, felt inspired by the brilliance and success that this conference attracts.

10月1日至4日,超过20位Unity员工前往佛罗里达的奥兰多参加了今年的庆祝活动。 我们与来自全球的700多名妇女和盟友建立了联系,参加了涵盖各种主题和兴趣的会议,为Unity招募了顶尖人才,最重要的是,这次会议吸引了众多的光辉和成功。

From Unity-curated speaking sessions presented by Natalie Burke and Timoni West to our recruiting booth in the Career Fair, there were plenty of highlights to share.

从娜塔莉·伯克(Natalie Burke)和蒂莫尼·韦斯特(Timoni West)在Unity策划的演讲会到我们在职业博览会上的招聘摊位,都有很多值得分享的亮点。

娜塔莉·伯克(Natalie Burke)在职业生涯的一部分中介绍了“培养职业:作为技术艺术家的经验”(Natalie Burke presented “Cultivating careers: Experiences as a technical artist” as a part of the career track)

“My talk was about the field of technical art,” Natalie explains. “Many people who attended my presentation had never heard about the field, and my hope is that they left with a better understanding of the sort of work a technical artist can do. Another major takeaway was that there are jobs, such as technical art, that incorporate both art and technology – you don’t have to give up a love for the arts to be in STEM.”

“我的演讲是关于技术艺术领域的,”娜塔莉解释说。 “参加我的演讲的许多人从未听说过该领域,我希望他们对技术艺术家可以做的工作有更好的了解。 另一个主要的收获是,有些工作,例如技术艺术,既包含艺术又包含技术,而您不必为了STEM而放弃对艺术的热爱。”

蒂莫尼·韦斯特(Timoni West)主持了会议 增强未来:我们的增强现实之旅及其对人类的意义 ,会议由各自领域的杰出领导人组成。 (Timoni West moderated the session The future is augmented: Our AR journey and what it means for humans, featuring a panel of outstanding leaders in their respective fields.)

Alongside Aleissia Laidacker (director of Developer Experience at Magic Leap), Kayla Kinnunen (principal program manager of Mixed Reality Business Applications at Microsoft), Silka Miesnieks (head of Emerging Design at Adobe), and Lydia Choy (lead designer and engineer and cofounder of Oculus Medium), Timoni West, Unity’s director of XR and Labs examined the systems, infrastructure, and tools that are needed to make spatial computing a reality. The talk aimed to see attendees walk away understanding that:

除了Aleissia Laidacker(Magic Leap开发人员经验总监),Kayla Kinnunenen( Microsoft 混合现实业务应用程序首席项目经理 ),Silka Miesnieks(Adobe新兴设计负责人)和Lydia Choy(首席设计师,工程师和联合创始人) Oculus Medium),XR和实验室的Unity主管Timoni West考察了使空间计算成为现实所需的系统,基础架构和工具。 演讲旨在让与会人员了解以下内容:

  • Augmented reality is not just limited to head-mounted displays (HMDs) — it’s about all computing devices working together holistically.


  • This shift in computers as sensor-driven devices has many components, from the tooling to the data layer to treating the end user as an entity with developer-class permissions.


  • If you do development work for computers, you are, or will soon be, part of this new era of distributed computing.


来自Unity的经验丰富的GHC爱好者和首次参加GHC的爱好者都分享了节目中最喜欢的时刻。 (Both experienced and first-time GHC-goers from Unity share their favorite moments from the show.)

“It was really inspiring to see all the incoming young talent in engineering. My favorite part was definitely talking to all of the many young women who are interested in Unity and very passionate about the gaming industry. Many of them have worked on or are working on their own games, which I thought was really cool.” – Rachel Ah Chuen, data scientist, Ads

“看到所有即将到来的工程学年轻人才真的很鼓舞。 我最喜欢的部分是肯定地与所有对Unity感兴趣并且对游戏行业充满热情的年轻女性交谈。 他们中的许多人都在从事或正在开发自己的游戏,我认为这很酷。” –广告数据科学家Rachel Ah Chuen

“It is always exciting to see the growth in the number of female engineers that come to Grace Hopper each year. With 25,000 attendees this year, I was amazed by the amount of talent and potential in the tech community.” – Aniqa Kamal, backend engineer, Monetization

看到格蕾丝·霍珀(Grace Hopper)每年来的女工程师人数的增长,总是令人兴奋。 今年有25,000名与会者,我为科技界的才华和潜力感到惊讶。” –货币化后端工程师Aniqa Kamal

“This was my first time attending Grace Hopper Celebration, and it was an amazing experience. It was incredibly encouraging to learn about so many organizations and opportunities run by women that use technology to improve the world. It was also an incredible honor to be able to share my own experiences in my tech field for others who are early in their careers and just learning about all the different paths that they have open in front of them.” – Natalie Burke, technical artist, Graphics

“这是我第一次参加Grace Hopper庆典,那是一次了不起的经历。 令人鼓舞的是,要了解许多利用技术改善世界的妇女组织的组织和机会。 能够与那些在其职业生涯早期的其他人分享我在我的技术领域中的经验,并且仅仅了解他们所面临的所有不同道路,这也是一种令人难以置信的荣誉。” – Natalie Burke,图形技术艺术家

Timoni和Natalie为有兴趣进入科技世界的女性分享了他们的最佳建议   (Timoni and Natalie shared their best advice for women interested in breaking into the tech world  )

“Everything about the world is ‘tech’ these days. Everything is connected because technology is becoming a part of everything. I actually think there will be no way to avoid being in the tech world in the future… that it will just be the world! My advice is not to think of tech as a silo, something that has to be separate from other interests. Technology is something that can enhance other passions and interests, and finding ways to combine these makes you a more unique, interesting, and desirable member of the tech world.” – Natalie Burke, technical artist, Graphics

“如今,关于世界的一切都是'技术'。 一切都是连接在一起的,因为技术正在成为一切的一部分。 我实际上认为,将来没有办法避免进入科技世界……它将成为世界! 我的建议是不要将技术视为孤岛,而这必须与其他利益区分开来。 技术是一种可以增强其他激情和兴趣的东西,而找到将这些激情和兴趣结合起来的方法可以使您成为科技界中更加独特,有趣和理想的成员。” – Natalie Burke,图形技术艺术家

“I have a couple: (1) Everyone is on some level an imposter. Pay attention to how people tell the stories of themselves, and see if it matches up to what you think the job should entail; you’ll start to see the differences. This will also help you learn what it really takes to do the job, vs what your perceptions are. 

“我有一对:(1)每个人在某种程度上都是冒名顶替者。 注意人们如何讲述自己的故事,并看它是否符合您认为工作的要求; 您将开始看到差异。 这也将帮助您了解完成这项工作真正需要什么,以及您的看法是什么。

(2) If you’re a junior or mid-level and someone else is repeating your ideas in a meeting in a way that leaves you cold, you can fix this. Ask them to clarify the difference between their idea and your own; thank them for repeating your idea and add that you have additional details; or explain how the language may be different but the core ideas are the same. Get in the habit of viewing these meetings as a conversation, rather than feeling like you only have one chance to get people to listen to you.

(2)如果您是初级或中级人员,并且其他人正在开会时重复您的想法,这会使您感到不寒而栗,则可以解决此问题。 请他们澄清他们的想法和您自己的想法之间的区别; 感谢他们重复您的想法,并补充说您还有其他详细信息; 或说明语言可能有所不同但核心思想相同。 养成将这些会议视为对话的习惯,而不是觉得自己只有一个机会让人们听你讲话。

(3) The more you know, the better off you are. This is true of technical chops, but also things like how and why people act, what motivates or triggers them, and, in general, why things are the way they are. (See Chesterton’s fence.)  – Timoni West, director of XR and Labs

(3)了解得越多,您的生活就越好。 对于技术印章来说,这是正确的,但对于诸如人们如何行事,为什么行事,激发或触发他们的动机,以及总的来说,为什么事情就是这样的事情,这是正确的。 (请参阅 切斯特顿的篱笆 。)– XR和实验室总监Timoni West

The energy and excitement of attendees around the possibilities of tech and organizer AnitaB.org’s commitment to changing the face of the industry inspired us all. We can’t wait to be a part of this moment again next year. 

与会者对技术的可能性充满活力和兴奋,主办方 AnitaB.org 致力于改变行业面貌,这激发了我们所有人的灵感。 我们迫不及待想在明年再次成为这一时刻的一部分。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/10/15/unity-was-a-proud-sponsor-of-the-2019-grace-hopper-celebration/

unity 2019

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