unity bim 插件_新的资产商店插件可帮助开发人员在Unity中可视化BIM模型

Tridify Convert是一款专为开发者设计的Unity插件,旨在简化BIM模型导入过程,提供自动云服务和BIM工具集。该插件支持IFC格式,允许用户控制几何生成,自动处理UV生成和材质映射。通过Tridify,用户可以高效地在Unity中处理建筑模型,实现从BIM到XR应用的快速转换,同时保持数据与几何体的连接,便于搜索和操作。

unity bim 插件

Tridify Convert has been designed specifically for developers who want to spend more time creating and less time importing. Bridging the gap between BIM and Unity, Tridify’s automation technology helps fast-track and streamline workflows.

Tridify Convert是专门为希望花费更多时间创建和减少导入时间的开发人员设计的。 Tridify的自动化技术弥合了BIM与Unity之间的鸿沟,有助于快速跟踪和简化工作流程。

There are two key elements: 1) an automatically scalable cloud service that enables the conversion of 3D BIM & CAD models to Unity with BIM data attached (in minutes, not hours), and 2) an expanding BIM toolset that allows for advanced search functions and other automated features such as material mapping, colliders, and lighting generation.

有两个关键元素:1)一种自动可扩展的云服务,该服务可将3D BIM和CAD模型转换为附加了BIM数据(以分钟为单位,而不是数小时)的Unity,以及2)扩展的BIM工具集,可提供高级搜索功能以及其他自动化功能,例如材质贴图,对撞机和照明生成。

A Revit model in Unity after being converted via Tridify Convert. This is running on the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) using dynamic lights and shadows.

通过Tridify Convert转换后,Unity中的Revit模型。 它使用动态灯光和阴影在高清渲染管道(HDRP)上运行。

Converting architectural models to virtual models has previously been an uphill struggle and a process prone to errors. Tridify has developed an easy and fast workflow for developers to import BIM models and data to Unity for all kinds of use cases, from simulation to XR applications. Tridify Convert keeps all of the data connected to its geometry for easy manipulation through powerful search functions.

将架构模型转换为虚拟模型以前一直是艰苦的工作,并且容易出错。 Tridify开发了一种简单快捷的工作流程,供开发人员将BIM模型和数据导入到Unity中,以用于从模拟到XR应用程序的各种用例。 Tridify Convert使所有数据保持连接到其几何图形,以便通过强大的搜索功能轻松进行操作。

These tools are now ready to be released as a solid toolbox for the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) community. IFC format was selected as the input because of its open, standard, and global use across most AEC tools, including Revit and ArchiCAD.

现在,这些工具已准备好作为体系结构,工程和构造( AEC )社区的可靠工具箱发布。 选择IFC格式作为输入是因为它在包括Revit和ArchiCAD在内的大多数AEC工具中都是开放,标准和全局使用的。

用户可以控制如何从IFC文件生成几何。 (Users have the ability to control how the geometry will be generated from the IFC-file.)

When there are changes made to the BIM, the whole model must be reimported to Unity and all of the tasks previously made to the model must be redone. Difficult tasks like UV-generation and material mapping are automated in Tridify.

对BIM进行更改后,必须将整个模型重新导入到Unity中,并且必须重做以前对模型所做的所有任务。 在Tridify中,诸如UV生成和材质贴图之类的艰巨任务是自动完成的。

Last year, Tridify decided to release an in-house process as a service. When they started designing the service, they came up with the idea of a remote system, where users could continue working at their own workstations while the time-consuming conversion happened on a scalable AWS cloud service.

去年,Tridify决定发布内部流程即服务。 当他们开始设计服务时,他们想到了远程系统的想法,当可伸缩的AWS云服务上进行耗时的转换时,用户可以继续在自己的工作站上工作。

When users sign up and convert their IFC files through Tridify’s service, the resulting Collada files and BIM data stays attached to the appropriate items.


Tridify IFC Tools are now available in the Unity Asset Store as a plugin that takes advantage of BIM data.

Tridify IFC工具现在作为可利用BIM数据的插件在Unity资产商店中提供。

用Tridify转换的建筑模型在层次结构中划分,因此您可以访问单独楼层中的各个类型和项目。 (Building models converted with Tridify are divided in the hierarchy so you can access individual types and items within the separate storeys.)

The two-stage process starts from the web service where they first check that IFC format is valid. After the verification, the user can select different conversion options like ‘split by storeys’ or ‘export separate models’ from various IFC elements.

分两个阶段的过程从Web服务开始,在Web服务中,他们首先检查IFC格式是否有效。 验证后,用户可以从各种IFC元素中选择不同的转换选项,例如“按楼层划分”或“导出独立模型”。

Some of the features that are very useful for creating architectural visualizations in Unity include the ability to filter specific object types and the option to separate the storeys as floorplans for further manipulation.


Together with the conversion service, the Unity plugin provides a full end to end workflow from IFC to the position where you can hit the build button from the Editor.


Select the building from your converted files list and import selected elements to your scene. Then select your favorite material mapping file from the project to replace all the materials at once. You can also create basic lighting with our lighting tool; it generates area lights and light probes automatically in a  few simple steps.

从转换后的文件列表中选择建筑物,然后将选定的元素导入场景。 然后从项目中选择您喜欢的材料映射文件,以一次替换所有材料。 您还可以使用我们的照明工具创建基本照明; 它只需几个简单的步骤即可自动生成区域照明和光探头。

In most use cases, it is important that the models are accurate and up to date. Therefore, updating models should be easy and robust. Anyone in your design team should have access to the latest plans and be able to update them. With this in mind, Tridify has separated the conversion process as a standalone web service which can also serve as a storage place for original IFC files.

在大多数使用情况下,准确且最新的模型很重要。 因此,更新模型应该简单而稳健。 设计团队中的任何人都应该有权访问最新计划,并能够对其进行更新。 考虑到这一点,Tridify将转换过程作为一个独立的Web服务进行了分离,该服务也可以用作原始IFC文件的存储位置。

When just the ‘IfcWindow’ checkbox is checked, only that type of element will be loaded to the scene.

仅选中“ IfcWindow”复选框时,只会将该类型的元素加载到场景中。

BIM的优点是什么 (What is cool with the BIM)

The fundamental idea of the Tridify Convert service is to keep data connected to geometry and that is why a good search function is essential.

Tridify Convert服务的基本思想是保持数据与几何体的连接,这就是为什么良好的搜索功能必不可少的原因。

Unlike game objects that do not have data attached, you can now search IFC data types, attributes or properties. BIM data is not only accessible in Unity, but you can also access data in run-time. Here ’s a run-time example which hides all of the elements that are marked as the exterior of the building.

与不附带数据的游戏对象不同,您现在可以搜索IFC数据类型,属性或属性。 BIM数据不仅可以在Unity中访问,而且还可以在运行时访问数据。 这是一个运行时示例,该示例隐藏了所有标记为建筑物外部的元素。

Tridify has a strong background in converting models to first generation tablets and phones, so they have lots of hands-on knowledge as to how to reduce geometry and get good frame rates on devices. The same optimization is also needed for current VR-devices for optimal user experience.

Tridify在将模型转换为第一代平板电脑和手机方面具有深厚的背景,因此他们在如何减少几何尺寸并在设备上获得良好的帧速率方面具有丰富的实践知识。 当前的VR设备也需要进行相同的优化,以获得最佳的用户体验。


Check out Tridify on the Unity Asset Store or explore tutorials and cool ideas of how to use BIM can be found on the Tridify blog.

在Unity Asset Store上查看Tridify或浏览教程,有关如何使用BIM的很棒的想法可以在Tridify博客上找到。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/12/06/new-asset-store-plugin-helping-developers-to-visualize-bim-models-in-unity/

unity bim 插件





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