unity bim 插件_Unity Reflect添加了Navisworks集成以实现BIM协调

Unity Reflect新版本增加了Navisworks支持,实现了BIM协调,提供云托管(测试版),改进了视觉保真度、查看器导航,并对现有插件进行了改进。此更新旨在简化非开发者如设计师、业主和承包商的实时3D协作,提高用户体验。

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New Unity Reflect release adds Navisworks support, project sharing through cloud, and improved navigation and visuals.

新的Unity Reflect版本增加了Navisworks支持,通过云的项目共享以及改进的导航和视觉效果。

We created Unity Reflect to empower the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry to create highly customizable real-time 3D experiences in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) on an array of devices. 

我们创建了Unity Reflect,以授权建筑,工程和建筑(AEC)行业,以在一系列设备上的增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)中创建高度可定制的实时3D体验。

Today, Unity is being used across the entire building lifecycle, from design to preconstruction, to the job site and beyond. Unity Reflect makes it easier to personalize your workflow. Last year, we launched Unity Reflect with support for Autodesk Revit as part of our strategic collaboration with Autodesk to enable real-time BIM for designers and engineers. In March, we expanded support for more design tools and platforms, including SketchUp, Rhino, and Android.

如今,从设计到预施工,再到工作现场,以及在整个建筑生命周期中都使用Unity。 Unity Reflect使个性化工作流程更加容易。 去年,作为与Autodesk战略合作的一部分,我们推出了对Autodesk Revit的支持的Unity Reflect,以为设计师和工程师提供实时BIM。 3月,我们扩展了对更多设计工具和平台的支持,包括SketchUp,Rhino和Android

Now, Unity Reflect adds support for Navisworks, enabling the use of Unity Reflect for BIM coordination. In this release, we concentrated on enhancing the user experience and making collaboration in real-time 3D accessible for non-developers, such as designers, building owners, and contractors. We also improved the Unity Reflect Viewer to enable you to send projects to as many clients and collaborators as you want for free, meaning everyone has access to BIM data that they can understand!

现在,Unity Reflect增加了对Navisworks的支持,从而可以将Unity Reflect用于BIM协调。 在此版本中,我们专注于增强用户体验,并使非开发人员(例如设计师,建筑物所有者和承包商)可以实时访问3D协作。 我们还改进了Unity Reflect Viewer,使您可以免费将项目发送给任意数量的客户和合作者,这意味着每个人都可以访问他们可以理解的BIM数据!

与Navisworks的BIM协调 (BIM coordination with Navisworks)

We launched Unity Reflect with integration for Autodesk Revit to enable designers and engineers to transfer Revit models into real-time 3D experiences, including in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. To expand on our partnership with Autodesk, we’re excited to announce that Unity Reflect’s metadata support now extends to Navisworks, the most popular software to bring design and BIM data to coordination and the field.

我们推出了与Autodesk Revit集成的Unity Reflect,使设计人员和工程师能够将Revit模型转换为实时3D体验,包括增强现实和虚拟现实 。 为了扩大与Autodesk的合作关系,我们很高兴地宣布,Unity Reflect的元数据支持现已扩展到Navisworks,这是将设计和BIM数据引入协调和现场的最受欢迎的软件。

Navisworks improves project reviews and BIM coordination by combining design and construction data into a single model, identifying and resolving clash and interference problems before construction, and aggregating data from multiple trades to better control outcomes.


By integrating with Unity Reflect, AEC companies can improve BIM coordination, visualize design clashes, and better coordinate engineering reviews. Unity Reflect supports Navisworks 2019, 2020, and 2021. 

通过与Unity Reflect集成,AEC公司可以改善BIM协调性,可视化设计冲突并更好地协调工程审查。 Unity Reflect支持Navisworks 2019、2020和2021。

For details about our Navisworks integration, have a look at our documentation page.


改善视觉保真度和查看器导航 (Improved visual fidelity and viewer navigation)

Real-time 3D enables companies to experience an environment before it exists, train without physical constraints, and iterate across teams before the concrete is poured. We’ve added enhanced visual quality, multithreading for faster model loading on mobile, and improved navigation to allow users to easily move around a scene.

实时3D使公司能够在环境存在之前就对其进行体验,在没有物理约束的情况下进行培训,并在浇筑混凝土之前在团队之间进行迭代。 我们添加了增强的视觉质量,多线程以在移动设备上更快地加载模型,并改进了导航功能,使用户可以轻松地在场景中移动。

减少开发工作 (Less development work required)

You now have more flexibility to customize settings for better visual fidelity, meaning less development on your end. Improvements include post-effects adjustments, slight Bloom increase, glass transparency, light reflections, Sun Study tool, Tonemapping set to Academy Color Encoding System (ACES), and activated Screen Space Reflection.

现在,您可以更加灵活地自定义设置,以实现更好的视觉保真度,这意味着最终无需进行任何开发。 改进包括后效果调整,轻微的布隆增加,玻璃透明度,光反射,晒太阳工具,设置为学院色彩编码系统(ACES)的色调映射和激活的屏幕空间反射。

使用Unity Editor工具提供更大的自定义灵活性 (Greater customization flexibility with Unity Editor tools)

Workflow improvements allow Unity Reflect users to switch between Built-in, Universal Render Pipelines (URP), and High Definition Render Pipelines (HDRP) in the Unity Editor to allow for higher visual fidelity and greater customization.

工作流程的改进使Unity Reflect用户可以在Unity编辑器中的内置,通用渲染管道(URP)和高清晰度渲染管道(HDRP)之间进行切换,以实现更高的视觉保真度和更大的自定义。

改进的导航功能,易于使用 (Improved navigation for ease of use)

We’ve added navigation features such as teleport mode, 2-finger drag, and easy-model reset to make gestures and model interactions more intuitive on any device, including iOS, Android, PC, and now Mac. 


云托管(测试版) (Cloud hosting (Beta))

The cloud hosting Beta is available to all Unity Reflect users. You now have the option to host projects on-premise or in the cloud, allowing you to push data to mobile devices and share models with users outside of your network. We are launching this as a Beta so we can make it as scalable and robust as possible to ensure reliability for real-world use cases.

所有Unity Reflect用户均可使用云托管Beta。 现在,您可以选择在本地或云中托管项目,从而可以将数据推送到移动设备并与网络外的用户共享模型。 我们将其作为Beta发布,以便我们使其尽可能具有可伸缩性和鲁棒性,以确保实际使用案例的可靠性。

对现有插件的改进和支持 (Improvements and support for existing plug-ins)

The new release of Unity Reflect is packed full of requested improvements on the overall user experience. This Includes a new Unity Reflect Dashboard that allows you to monitor export progress and manage projects and servers. In addition to supporting Navisworks 2019, 2020, and 2021, we’ve added additional support for existing integrations, including Revit 2021 and SketchUp 2020.

新版本的Unity Reflect包含了对整体用户体验的要求改进。 其中包括一个新的Unity Reflect仪表板,可让您监视导出进度并管理项目和服务器。 除了支持Navisworks 2019、2020和2021外,我们还添加了对现有集成的其他支持,包括Revit 2021和SketchUp 2020。

下一步是什么 (What’s next)

We want to continue bringing Unity Reflect to every phase of the building lifecycle. In future releases, we will continue investing heavily in the user experience and providing functionality to get Unity Reflect in the hands of on-site personnel to guide the construction process.

我们希望继续将Unity Reflect引入建筑物生命周期的每个阶段。 在将来的版本中,我们将继续在用户体验上进行大量投资,并提供功能以使Unity Reflect交到现场人员手中,以指导施工过程。

We’re constantly listening to feedback from users and implementing the top suggestions into our roadmap. You can view the Unity Reflect roadmap here to see what’s in development, planned, and under consideration. Submit ideas of your own or vote on how important the suggested features are to you.

我们一直在听取用户的反馈,并在路线图中实施最重要的建议。 您可以在此处查看Unity Reflect路线图 ,以查看开发中,计划中的和正在考虑的内容。 提交您自己的想法,或对建议的功能对您的重要性进行投票。


Interested in trying out Unity Reflect? Sign up for a 14-day free trial.

有兴趣尝试Unity Reflect吗? 注册以进行14天的免费试用

Watch our AEC Digital Series and follow along with expert-led walkthroughs on how to build in Unity Pro and Unity Reflect.

观看我们的AEC数字系列,并跟随专家指导的逐步演练,了解如何在Unity Pro和Unity Reflect中进行构建。

Join our new Unity for AEC forum to get product support, troubleshoot problems, share projects and feedback, and discuss Unity for AEC.

加入我们新的Unity for AEC论坛以获得产品支持,解决问题,共享项目和反馈,并讨论Unity for AEC。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/06/24/unity-reflect-adds-navisworks-integration-to-enable-bim-coordination/

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