oculus go_Oculus Launch Pad 2018在这里!

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Get the help you need to develop and bring your VR experience to market.


申请至5月20日! (Apply until May 20!)

Since 2016, Oculus has invited promising developers from underrepresented backgrounds to get hands-on coaching that helps them meet their VR development goals by joining the Launch Pad program.

自2016年以来,Oculus邀请了背景不足的有前途的开发人员进行实践指导,通过加入Launch Pad计划帮助他们实现VR开发目标。

Apply by May 20 to join this diverse range of creators, and get the help you need to bring your VR experience to market!


该程序包括什么? (What’s included in the program?)

Oculus Launch Pad kicks off with a two-day boot camp at Oculus HQ June 23 and 24, where expert instructors will offer hands-on workshops to build up the technical skills you need to tackle the challenges of building a VR prototype.

Oculus Launch Pad将于6月23日至24日在Oculus HQ举行为期两天的新兵训练营,届时专家讲师将提供动手实践研讨会,以培养您解决构建VR原型挑战所需的技术技能。

For the following three months, developers will receive live-streamed educational programming, and join the growing online community of VR developers with coaching from Oculus, Unity, and experienced peers. The program wraps up with an opportunity to compete for Oculus Launch Pad Scholarships, worth up to $250,000!

在接下来的三个月中,开发人员将收到直播的教育节目,并在Oculus,Unity和经验丰富的同行的指导下加入不断发展的VR开发人员在线社区。 该计划将有机会竞争价值高达25万美元的Oculus Launch Pad奖学金!

该程序适用于谁? (Who is this program for?)

Now in its third year, Oculus Launch Pad provides women, people of color, members of the LGBTQ community, and people from other underrepresented backgrounds with funding and resources to ensure diversity of thought in the VR ecosystem.

现在是第三年,Oculus Launch Pad为女性,有色人种,LGBTQ社区成员以及其他背景不足的人提供了资金和资源,以确保VR生态系统中思想的多样性。

Unity was proud to power many of the 14 winning projects of the Launch Pad 2017 Scholarship contest, which received funding to support their launch as full VR experiences.

Unity自豪地为Launchpad 2017奖学金竞赛的14个获胜项目提供了动力,该竞赛获得了资金支持,以支持他们作为完整的VR体验进行发布。

[For a full list of winners, see the Oculus 2017 Launch Pad blog]

[有关获奖者的完整列表,请参见Oculus 2017 Launch Pad 博客 ]

焦点:Clorama Dorvilias和Jessica Outlaw的老师的宠物 (Spotlight: Teacher’s Pet by Clorama Dorvilias & Jessica Outlaw)

After the 2017 boot camp with Unity’s own Sarah Stumbo, Launch Pad participants Clorama Dorvilias and Jessica Outlaw connected over a shared interest: how to use VR to reduce cognitive bias. Outlaw’s expertise is in research that studies behavior and culture in VR, and applied to Oculus Launch Pad in 2017 with an interest in de-biasing applications of immersive technology. Dorvilias, bringing experience both in developing VR applications with Unity, also had several years of developing anti-bias projects for clients. After a fateful meet-cute during a shared Lyft ride, the two partnered their matched skills.

在2017年与Unity自己的Sarah Stumbo进行新手训练营之后,Launch Pad的参与者Clorama Dorvilias和Jessica Outlaw在一个共同的兴趣上联系在一起: 如何使用VR来减少认知偏见 。 Outlaw的专长是研究VR中的行为和文化的研究,并于2017年应用于Oculus Launch Pad,以消除沉浸式技术的应用偏见。 Dorvilias既拥有使用Unity开发VR应用程序的经验,也有多年为客户开发反偏差项目的经验。 在一次共享的Lyft骑行中遇到了一次命运多meet的碰碰碰碰碰碰碰碰球之后,两人将他们相匹配的技能相结合。

After three months in development, they submitted the made with Unity prototype of Teacher’s Pet and won the 2017 Oculus Launch Pad scholarship. The experience, which was brought to market as Teacher’s Lens, leverages the unique capability of Virtual Reality to train teachers to avoid bias through the power of evidence-based gameplay.

经过3个月的开发,他们提交了使用Unity制作的教师宠物模型的原型,并获得了2017年Oculus Launch Pad奖学金。 这种体验作为“ 教师的镜头”被推向市场,它利用虚拟现实的独特功能来培训教师,以通过循证游戏的力量来避免偏见。


After the experience with the Oculus Launch Pad, and empowered through Unity’s technology, Dorvilias established
在体验了Oculus Launch Pad之后,并借助Unity的技术,Dorvilias成立了 Debias VR, which creates playful and effective evidence-based testing and training apps across industry verticals. These apps that have demonstrated that they help better engage employees, maximize profits, and unlock the proven potential of diverse teams. Outlaw remains a valued partner at Debias VR in an advisory role to ensure the research at the core of Teacher’s Pet continues to meet the highest standards. Debias VR ,该公司创建了有趣且有效的基于证据的测试和培训应用程序,横跨各个行业。 这些应用程序已证明可以帮助员工更好地参与工作,最大程度地提高利润并释放各种团队已被证明的潜力。 Outlaw仍然是Debias VR的重要合作伙伴,担任顾问角色,以确保“教师的宠物”核心研究继续达到最高标准。

VR is a valuable tool that inspires creators, artists, and educators and, via integrated programs like Oculus Launch Pad,  reach a broad audience, supporting diversity of thought across the industry. Teacher’s Lens will be available for download on the Oculus Store in May 2018!

VR是一种有价值的工具,可以激发创作者,艺术家和教育者的兴趣,并通过Oculus Launch Pad等集成程序吸引广泛的受众,支持整个行业的思想多样化。 教师镜头将于2018年5月在Oculus商店下载!

Clorama Dorvilias (left) and Jessica Outlaw (right) demoing ‘low tech VR’ at Unity’s San Francisco Headquarters.

Clorama Dorvilias(左)和Jessica Outlaw(右)在Unity旧金山总部演示了“低端技术VR”。

进行VR开发的下一步 (Take the next step with your VR development)

If you’re ready to share your perspective in games and VR development, the Oculus Launch Pad program will be your opportunity to take on new challenges and develop the skills you need to be at the forefront of emerging technology.

如果您准备在游戏和VR开发中分享您的观点,那么Oculus Launch Pad计划将是您迎接新挑战并发展成为新兴技术前沿所需的技能的机会。

Apply by May 20th to join this diverse range of creators, and get the help you need to bring your VR experience to market!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/05/12/oculus-launch-pad-2018-is-here/

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