oculus unity_Oculus和Unity Launch Pad研讨会:促进VR中的思想多样性

oculus unity

Unity proudly partnered with Oculus for the second annual Launch Pad program, which aims to inspire diversity of thought in the VR community by helping people from a variety of backgrounds break into VR.


介绍 (Introduction)

In support of Launch Pad and broader efforts to support diversity within VR, Unity provided hands-on training during the 2017 Launch Pad Boot Camp, which took place June 10th and 11th on the Facebook campus in Menlo Park. Additionally, Unity will participate in the Women@Oculus programming series, which provides Oculus employees with guest speakers and educational opportunities to support professional development among women and allies at the company.

为支持LaunchPad和更广泛的支持VR多样性的工作,Unity在6月10 日 至11 日 在Menlo Park的Facebook校园 举行的2017 Launch Pad Boot Camp期间提供了动手培训 。 此外,Unity将参加Women @ Oculus编程系列,该系列向Oculus员工提供嘉宾演讲和教育机会,以支持公司中女性和盟友之间的职业发展。

Launch Pad 2016回顾 (Launch Pad 2016 Recap)

Announced in March of 2016, the Oculus Launch Pad program began with a one-day boot camp at Facebook headquarters, where participants received hands-on training, mentorship, and a free Samsung Gear VR on which to develop and test their own games and experiences.

Oculus Launch Pad计划于2016年3月宣布,它在Facebook总部举行了为期一天的新兵训练营,参与者在此接受了实践培训,指导和免费的Samsung Gear VR,可以在上面开发和测试自己的游戏和体验。

The result was the successful inclusion of over 100 new developers as they worked to deliver VR experiences that more accurately represent our global audience.


Unity was proud to power three of the 11 winning projects of the Launch Pad 2016 Scholarship contest, which received funding to support their launch as full VR experiences:

Unity自豪地为Launchpad 2016奖学金竞赛的11个获胜项目中的三个提供了动力,该竞赛获得了资金来支持其作为完整VR体验的发布:

Jewel Lim, Found + “Project Dragonfly”


Jeris JC Miller, Shifting POV

Jeris JC Miller,转变POV

Emre Tanirgan, Paradiddle

Emre Tanirgan,天堂

[For a full list of winners, see the Oculus 2016 Launch Pad blog]

[有关获奖者的完整列表,请参见Oculus 2016 Launch Pad 博客 ]

Oculus Launch Pad 2017 (Oculus Launch Pad 2017)

Now in its second year, Oculus Launch Pad provides women, people of color, members of the LGBTQ community, and people from other underrepresented backgrounds funding and resources to ensure diversity of thought in the VR ecosystem. This year, Launch Pad kicked off with a weekend boot camp at Facebook headquarters on June 10th and 11th. Creators received mentoring, hands-on training, and a free Gear VR to playtest their own games and experiences.

现在已经是第二年了,Oculus Launch Pad为女性,有色人种,LGBTQ社区成员以及其他背景不足的人提供了资金和资源,以确保VR生态系统中思想的多样性。 今年,Launch Pad于6月10日至11日在Facebook总部举行了周末新兵训练营。 创作者接受了指导,动手训练以及免费的Gear VR,以测试他们自己的游戏和体验。

Attendees were introduced to the Unity game engine and went hands on with the workflows and features used by top game studios. During this training—led by Unity VR Evangelist Sarah Stumbo—attendees learned how to build a brand-new 3D, VR/AR-ready game from start to finish while touching upon many of the diverse systems and tools that Unity offers.

与会者介绍了Unity游戏引擎,并亲身体验了顶级游戏工作室使用的工作流程和功能。 在由Unity VR传播者Sarah Stumbo领导的培训期间,与会者学习了如何从头到尾构建全新的3D,VR / AR就绪游戏,同时接触到Unity提供的多种系统和工具。

Virtual reality is one of the most exciting and fastest-growing branches of the tech industry, but to reach its full potential, it needs a diverse team of creators.  I was thrilled to see men and women of all backgrounds and ages participating in Oculus Launch Pad. During the Unity workshop, we covered the foundations of VR development, including programming, animations, input and 360 video integration. Everyone left with a small VR game that they can play on their Oculus Rift or Gear VR. I can’t wait to see what they build in the future!

虚拟现实是技术行业中最令人兴奋,发展最快的分支之一,但要充分发挥其潜力,它需要一支多元化的创作团队。 我很高兴看到各种背景和年龄的男女都参与Oculus Launch Pad。 在Unity研讨会期间,我们介绍了VR开发的基础,包括编程,动画,输入和360视频集成。 每个人都留下了一个小型VR游戏,可以在Oculus Rift或Gear VR上玩。 我等不及要看看他们将来会建造什么!

–Sarah Stumbo Unity VR/AR Evangelist

–Sarah Stumbo Unity VR / AR传播者

女性@Oculus (Women@Oculus)

To further the mission of inclusivity and access, Unity is also supporting Women@Oculus, an internal Facebook education program designed for women and allies. This monthly event includes a speaker series, hands-on workshops, collaborations on ideas, and project development.

为了促进包容性和访问性的使命,Unity还支持Women @ Oculus,这是一个专为女性和盟友设计的内部Facebook教育计划。 这个每月的活动包括一个演讲者系列,动手研讨会,想法合作和项目开发。

Women@Oculus Unity Classes are a unique opportunity for Oculus and Unity to partner to further develop understanding of the gaming industry and content creation—while possibly creating some amazing spaces in VR.

Women @ Oculus Unity类为Oculus和Unity提供了一次难得的机会,可以通过该类进一步发展对游戏行业和内容创作的理解,同时可能在VR中创造一些惊人的空间。

超越! (And Beyond!)

Virtual reality is one of the most exciting and fastest-growing branches of the tech industry, but to reach its full potential, it needs a diverse team of creators. That’s why Oculus started Launch Pad—and why Unity strives to support it.

虚拟现实是技术行业中最令人兴奋,发展最快的分支之一,但要充分发挥其潜力,它需要一支多元化的创作团队。 这就是Oculus启动LaunchPad的原因,也是Unity努力为其提供支持的原因。

Unity’s key mission to democratize development includes working towards a better, more equitable landscape in VR and beyond.


Stay tuned to find out which Launch Pad creators take home 2017 scholarships and to learn how you can participate in future events!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/06/24/oculus-unity-launch-pad-workshops-promoting-diversity-of-thought-in-vr/

oculus unity





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