

It’s hard to believe, but it has already been more than 6 years since we launched the Unity Asset Store. Our vision was to create a space where community members could enable each other’s success: creators could make their content available to others to help fill skill gaps and help propel projects forward. For any problem you might encounter along the way, someone would have created the solution, and it would be just a click away.

令人难以置信,但是自从我们推出Unity Asset Store至今已经6年多了。 我们的愿景是创造一个空间,使社区成员可以彼此成功:创作者可以将其内容提供给其他人,以帮助填补技能空白并帮助推进项目。 对于您在过程中可能遇到的任何问题,只需创建一个解决方案,然后单击即可。

Since its debut in 2010, the Asset Store has enabled countless members of the Unity community to find the assets and tools to help them build fantastic experiences. Today, with a catalog of over thirty-six thousand assets and tools, it has become a vital resource and an integral part of Unity. Nearly a million Unity creators visit the store each month to find a wealth of off-the-shelf content to jump-start their projects, overcome roadblocks, and make development faster and easier.

自2010年首次亮相以来,Asset Store已使Unity社区的无数成员找到了资产和工具,以帮助他们建立出色的体验。 如今,它拥有超过三万六千种资产和工具的目录,已成为至关重要的资源和Unity的组成部分。 每个月有将近一百万的Unity创作者造访该商店,以找到大量现成的内容来快速启动他们的项目,克服障碍,并使开发更快,更轻松。

在过去的几个月中,我们一直在努力改善Asset Store的体验。 (Over the past months, we’ve been working hard on improving the Asset Store experience.)

Our guiding principle and goal for this redesign has been to make it easier for the community to discover great assets, services, and solutions to fit their needs and for creators to discover relevant content faster and easier than ever before.


Today, we’re excited to announce that we are kicking off the rollout of the new store experience, and a new phase of life for the Asset Store.

今天,我们很高兴地宣布,我们将开始新商店体验的推出,以及Asset Store的新生活阶段。

We will be rolling out access to the new and improved Asset Store over the course of the next few weeks. Make sure to keep an eye out on your email — we’ll notify you when the new site is available!

在接下来的几周内,我们将推出对新的和改进的Asset Store的访问权限。 请务必注意您的电子邮件-当新站点可用时,我们会通知您!

animated gif showing the new Unity Asset Store home page

A sneak peek at the new home page of the Asset Store, complete with a revamped global navigation system for easier filtering, a ‘Quick View’ system for easier viewing of content, and new featured sections to highlight the best and most relevant assets.


那有什么变化? (So what’s changed?)

Updated Global Navigation, Quick View, and Global Search


A common challenge we’ve heard from Asset Store customers is difficulty finding content. One of the core design changes we’ve implemented is restructuring the global navigation. We’ve added “mega menu” items, including a new 2D category, which will allow you to quickly find relevant content.

我们从Asset Store客户那里听到的一个常见挑战是难以找到内容。 我们已实现的核心设计更改之一是重组全局导航。 我们添加了“超级菜单”项,包括新的2D类别,可让您快速找到相关内容。

Unity Asset Store website navigation menu drop down

The expanded 2D section in the redesigned global navigation for the updated Asset Store.


To enable you to review assets faster, we’ve implemented a ‘Quick View’ feature that will make browsing much more efficient.


Unity Asset Store quick view window

The new Quick View helps make browsing and finding the asset you need much faster and more efficient.


We’ve also added a search bar in the global header and improved search results filtering to ensure that, no matter where you are on the site, you’ll able to quickly find the content you’re looking for.


Personalized Recommendations and New Featured Sections


We’ve rolled out a brand-new, personalized asset recommendation system to improve the relevance of assets you are shown as you browse. You’ll be shown assets which are relevant to the types of projects you’re working on, whether you’re an artist, programmer, designer, or anywhere in between. In addition, content pages have been redesigned with a much cleaner, simpler layout to better showcase the content.

我们推出了全新的个性化资产推荐系统,以改善浏览时显示的资产的相关性。 无论您是艺术家,程序员,设计师,还是介于两者之间的任何地方,都会向您显示与您正在从事的项目类型相关的资产。 此外,内容页面经过重新设计,布局更加简洁,简洁,可以更好地展示内容。

We also wanted to provide more opportunities for assets to shine. We’ve created several new sections on the home page and across the site to highlight featured and promoted assets.

我们还希望为资产发光提供更多机会。 我们已经在首页和整个网站上创建了几个新部分,以突出显示精选和推荐资产。

Unity Asset Store recommendations

Asset pages have been redesigned with a sleeker, cleaner look. Open up large pop-out image galleries, browse through a personalized list of recommended assets, and expand detailed specifications about the asset you’re viewing.

资产页面经过重新设计,外观更加整洁。 打开大型弹出式图​​库,浏览个性化的推荐资产列表,并扩展有关正在查看的资产的详细规格。

这仅仅是开始… (This is just the beginning…)

This redesign is the first step in a longer-term process of ongoing evolution for the Asset Store. We’re starting with this design update and plan to continue adding functionality and feature improvements on an ongoing basis to better serve the needs of our customers and publishers.

重新设计是Asset Store持续发展的长期过程中的第一步。 我们将从此设计更新开始,并计划持续不断地添加功能和功能改进,以更好地满足我们的客户和发布者的需求。

When you receive access to the new store,  feel free to browse and purchase assets on the new store to your heart’s content.


我们很高兴开始Asset Store的下一阶段发展,并期待在此过程中与您分享更多信息! (We are excited to be kicking off the next phase of the Asset Store’s evolution and look forward to sharing more with you on this as we go forward!)

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/06/22/introducing-a-new-asset-store-experience/






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