

This year you could get assets from demos like the real-time rendered Adam films and the TANKS multiplayer tutorial, as well as training and content from Swords & Shovels. We’ve introduced new Unity tools and support plugins like the Unity ARKit and the FBX exporter. And we’ve seen thousands of great new packages from Asset Store publishers. We spoke to the publishers behind three of the year’s hottest packages: Bolt, Odin, and the Realistic Effects Pack 4.

今年,您可以从演示中获取资产,例如实时渲染的Adam电影和TANKS多人教程,以及Swords&Shovels的培训和内容。 我们引入了新的Unity工具和支持插件,例如Unity ARKit和FBX导出器。 而且,我们已经看到Asset Store发行商提供的数千种出色的新软件包。 我们与发行人讨论了本年度最热门的三个软件包:Bolt,Odin和逼真的效果包4。

螺栓 (Bolt)

Bolt brings complete visual scripting to Unity, empowering artists, designers and programmers to create gameplay mechanics and interactive systems without writing a single line of code. Bolt’s comprehensive manual is full of gifs and pictures to get you started quickly, with no useless fluff. Basic scripting concepts are explained for absolute beginners, but advanced topics are also covered for experienced users.

Bolt为Unity带来了完整的视觉脚本,使美术师,设计师和程序员无需编写任何代码即可创建游戏机制和交互式系统。 Bolt的综合手册中包含许多gif和图片,可帮助您快速入门,并且没有多余的绒毛。 为绝对的初学者解释了基本的脚本编制概念,但对于有经验的用户也涵盖了高级主题。

关于发行人 (About the publisher)

Lazlo Bonin is a Montreal-based developer and designer, and the one-man-army behind Ludiq, the creator of the Bolt asset.

Lazlo Bonin是蒙特利尔的开发人员和设计师,是Bolt资产的创建者Ludiq的一臂之力。

您开发Bolt的灵感是什么? (What was your inspiration for developing Bolt?)

My experience working as a C# coder with 3D artists and level designers made me realize how visual scripting could enable members of a Unity team with different skillsets to collaborate more efficiently. Along the way, someone introduced me to UX superstar Bret Victor, and I was fascinated by his philosophy of Learnable Programming. As Bret puts it: “People understand what they can see. If a programmer cannot see what a program is doing, she can’t understand it.” This made me realize that Bolt could be an incredible tool for learning all the concepts needed for game development.

我作为3D艺术家和关卡设计师的C#编码员的经验使我意识到视觉脚本如何使具有不同技能的Unity团队成员能够更有效地进行协作。 一路上,有人向我介绍了UX超级巨星Bret Victor,他的学习型编程哲学使我着迷。 正如布雷特所说:“人们了解他们所看到的。 如果程序员看不到程序在做什么,那么她将无法理解。” 这使我意识到Bolt可以成为学习游戏开发所需的所有概念的不可思议的工具。

人们对Bolt的使用方式感到最惊讶的是什么? (What surprises you most about how people are using Bolt?)

The extent to which people use it in their projects. Often, users end up using zero C# script, and relying entirely on Bolt. Some users have even started to use Bolt for procedural map generation. I hadn’t thought of using it for editor scripting, but in the future, I want to encourage this by creating more powerful ways to hook Bolt in the editor.

人们在项目中使用它的程度。 通常,用户最终使用零C#脚本,并且完全依赖于Bolt。 一些用户甚至开始使用Bolt生成过程图。 我本来没想过将其用于编辑器脚本,但是在将来,我想通过创建更强大的方法将Bolt挂接到编辑器中来鼓励这一点。

资产商店用户对Bolt的发展抱有什么期望? (What can Asset Store users expect from Bolt moving forward?)

In the next few months, there’ll be a lot of exciting new features that will improve the Bolt workflow, such as built-in tweening nodes, a new full-screen mode, more powerful events, a smarter search and even finer debugging tools. There’s a public roadmap that’s regularly updated, and you can influence the future of Bolt by voting on ideas at the Bolt community forum.

在接下来的几个月中,将会有很多激动人心的新功能将改善Bolt工作流程,例如内置补间节点,新的全屏模式,更强大的事件,更智能的搜索甚至更精良的调试工具。 有一个公共路线图会定期更新,您可以通过在Bolt社区论坛上对想法进行投票来影响Bolt的未来。

Check out Bolt on the Asset Store here.


Odin –检查器和序列化器 (Odin – Inspector & Serializer)

Odin puts your Unity workflow on steroids, making it easy to build powerful and advanced user-friendly editors for you and your entire team. With an effortless integration that deploys perfectly into pre-existing workflows, Odin allows you to serialize anything and enjoy Unity with 80+ new inspector attributes, no boilerplate code and so much more!

Odin将您的Unity工作流置于类固醇上,从而轻松为您和您的整个团队构建功能强大且高级的用户友好型编辑器。 通过轻松集成,可以完美地部署到现有工作流程中,Odin允许您序列化任何内容,并使用80多个新的检查器属性,没有样板代码等来享受Unity的乐趣!

关于发行人 (About the Publisher)

Devdog handles most of the marketing, social activity and communication efforts for the Odin – Inspector and Serializer. This allows the three-person Danish developer team at Sirenix to focus on great features.

Devdog负责Odin – Inspector和Serializer的大部分营销,社交活动和沟通工作。 这使Sirenix的三人丹麦开发人员团队可以专注于出色的功能。

您能否简要总结一下Odin如何帮助Unity用户实现其目标? (Can you briefly summarize how Odin helps Unity users achieve their goals?)

Odin makes it much easier for you to create and maintain huge custom editors for the most crucial parts of your game. And if you’re a programmer, Odin frees you to use all of the techniques and language features you’re used to in your Unity-facing data structures.

Odin使您可以更轻松地为游戏中最关键的部分创建和维护庞大的自定义编辑器。 而且,如果您是一名程序员,则Odin可以让您释放使用面向Unity数据结构时所习惯的所有技术和语言功能。

您开发Odin的灵感是什么? (What was your inspiration for developing Odin?)

We were developing our own game, which required a lot of very involved data setup that didn’t fit in very well with the traditional way of doing things in Unity. In practice, this meant that we had to play the game in the editor as we built the levels. As a result, we needed to write a lot of complex custom editor code, make changes to our custom editors, and do our own data serialization. So we started writing our own serializer, and then we needed to render the data properly. Eventually, the idea of Odin as a fully-fledged product came into being.

我们正在开发自己的游戏,该游戏需要大量非常复杂的数据设置,而这些数据与Unity中的传统做事方式不太吻合。 实际上,这意味着我们在构建关卡时必须在编辑器中玩游戏。 结果,我们需要编写许多复杂的定制编辑器代码,对定制编辑器进行更改,并进行自己的数据序列化。 因此,我们开始编写自己的序列化器,然后需要正确呈现数据。 最终,奥丁(Odin)作为成熟产品的想法应运而生。

人们对Odin的使用方式最让您感到惊讶的是什么? (What surprises you most about how people are using Odin?)

Odin’s scope is so broad, that we’ve learned we can’t possibly cover every use case out-of-the-box. So we’re committed to giving our users the unhindered ability to adjust and tweak our product however they need to in order to fit their particular needs.

Odin的范围如此广泛,以至于我们了解到我们不可能开箱即用地涵盖每个用例。 因此,我们致力于为用户提供无障碍的能力来调整和调整我们的产品,以满足他们的特殊需求。

资产商店用户对Odin的发展有何期望? (What can Asset Store users expect from Odin moving forward?)

Odin is already highly extendable, but it’s still a challenge to meet the needs of some of the really exotic and unusual cases. So the need for extreme flexibility is a big part of what we’re looking to address with our upcoming patches.

Odin已经具有高度可扩展性,但是要满足某些真正的异国情调和异常情况的需求仍然是一个挑战。 因此,对极高灵活性的需求是我们希望在即将发布的补丁中解决的重要部分。

Check out Odin on the Asset Store here.

此处在Asset Store上查看Odin。

逼真的效果包4 (Realistic Effects Pack 4)

Within weeks of release, Realistic Effects Pack 4 was one of the top VFX assets on the store, and was the most popular asset during the Biggest Sale Ever, in April 2017.  With an amazing demo and AAA effects, the popularity of this package is easy to understand.


关于发行人 (About the Publisher)

Andrey Turkov, AKA kripto289, is a Russian C# programmer turned VFX artist with dozens of particle system effects and shaders on the Unity Asset Store.

Andrey Turkov,又名kripto289,是一位俄罗斯C#程序员,是VFX艺术家,在Unity Asset Store上拥有数十种粒子系统效果和着色器。

您能否简要总结一下逼真的效果包4如何帮助Unity用户实现其目标? (Can you briefly summarize how Realistic Effects Pack 4 helps Unity users achieve their goals?)

With this package, even beginners can create beautiful effects with minimal effort. You just drag a prefab on to your scene, and then you can easily change the color, size, speed, distance and other parameters.

有了这个程序包,即使是初学者也可以毫不费力地创建漂亮的效果。 您只需将预制件拖到场景上,然后即可轻松更改颜色,大小,速度,距离和其他参数。

您开发逼真的效果包4的灵感是什么? (What was your inspiration for developing Realistic Effects Pack 4?)

I saw a game trailer with an effect I really liked of a  stone flying out of a portal. My curiosity lead me to investigate, and I found that the technique of creating volumetric holes is actually quite common and simple. This in turn lead to many new techniques like a stencil buffer, turbulence script for particles, ribbonized trails with gravity and others, which I’ve used in my fourth effects package.

我看到了一个游戏预告片,它真的很喜欢石头从门户飞出的效果。 出于好奇,我进行了调查,发现创建体积Kong的技术实际上非常普遍且简单。 反过来,这又带来了许多新技术,例如钢网缓冲区,用于粒子的湍流脚本,带有重力的带状迹线等,这些都已在我的第四个效果包中使用过。

资产商店用户可以从您的前进中获得什么其他效果包? (What other effect packages can Asset Store users expect from you moving forward?)

I’m currently working on a comprehensive modern water pack that will include features like FFT waves and flow maps, and in the future, I plan to create an effects pack for teleports, portals, slashes and decals completely rewriting all the old effects. In addition, I welcome you to contact me with any ideas or suggestions you might have, at kripto289@gmail.com.

我目前正在开发一个全面的现代水包,其中将包括FFT波和流图等功能,并且将来,我计划为瞬移,门户,斜线和贴花创建一个效果包,以完全重写所有旧效果。 此外,欢迎您通过kripto289@gmail.com与我联系,以提出任何想法或建议。

Check out Realistic Effects Pack 4 on the Asset Store here.

此处查看 Asset Store上的逼真的效果包4。

2017年Unity奖 (Unity Awards 2017)

Our yearly awards ceremony is a way for us to celebrate the great thinking and creativity that exists in our community. This year, we had two Asset Store assets that stood above the rest to become Unity Awards 2017 winners.

我们的年度颁奖典礼是我们庆祝社区中伟大思想和创造力的一种方式。 今年,我们拥有两个资产商店资产,这些资产比其他资产都高,成为Unity Awards 2017获奖者。

放大着色器编辑器 (Amplify Shader Editor)

This user-friendly node-based visual tool enables you to create your own custom shaders without typing code. Working in a visual, graphical environment, you can quickly hone your visual style to make your game stand out.

此用户友好的基于节点的可视化工具使您无需输入代码即可创建自己的自定义着色器。 在视觉,图形环境中工作,您可以快速磨练视觉风格以使游戏脱颖而出。

POLYGON –海盗包 (POLYGON – Pirates Pack)

A low poly asset pack of 477 unique characters, buildings, props, items and environment assets you can piece together to create your own impressive and consistent pirate-based polygonal style game.


亚军 (Runner Ups)

Achrimatix Pro2D Desert Pack
CaronteFXFantasy Adventure Environment
CTS – Complete Terrain ShaderLittle Dragons: Tiger
ODIN – Inspector and SerializerRome: Mobile Fantasy Pack I
Stylizer – ExtendedThe Starfighter
Achrimatix专业版 2D沙漠包
CaronteFX 奇幻冒险环境
CTS –完整的地形着色器 小龙:老虎
ODIN –检查器和序列化器 罗马:流动幻想套装I
样式器-扩展 星际战士


The Neon demo is a prototyping project made over one weekend by The Unity Demo team’s creative director, Veselin Efremov in Unity 2017.1. The atmospheric futuristic cyber-punk vibe was achieved entirely by repurposing models from the Asset Store.

Neon演示是一个原型项目,由Unity演示团队的创意总监Veselin Efremov在Unity 2017.1中进行,耗时一个周末。 通过重新使用Asset Store中的模型,完全实现了未来派的朋克氛围。


Read the blog 阅读博客

资产商店2018年调查 (Asset Store 2018 Survey)

Take this short survey and help us make the Asset Store the best it can be.

进行此简短调查,帮助我们使Asset Store达到最佳状态。

Take the survey

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/12/18/asset-store-a-year-in-review/






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