

We recently had another successful Nordic Game Jam here in Copenhagen with around 700 participants from more than 30 different countries. Nordic Game Jam is the largest on-site game jam in the world and has been taking place for the past 12 years in the city where Unity was originally created. It’s a three day event and includes one day of talks and workshops, followed by almost 48 hours of game jamming.

最近,我们在哥本哈根又成功举办了一次北欧游戏果酱大赛,来自30多个国家的700名参与者参加了比赛。 北欧游戏果酱(Nordic Game Jam)是世界上最大的现场游戏果酱,并且在过去12年来一直在最初创建Unity的城市进行过。 这是一个为期三天的活动,其中包括一天的演讲和研讨会,以及将近48个小时的游戏干扰。

Jamming is a great way to try new things and experiment with game concepts that you wouldn’t normally work on. For the solo developers or beginners this is also a great way to find other people to team up with and collaborate on a project. 

干扰是尝试新事物并尝试通常不会使用的游戏概念的好方法。 对于单独的开发人员或初学者来说,这也是寻找其他人进行项目合作和协作的好方法。

Once the jam is over you also have a game, which you could leave as is or see it as a prototype for a large project and take it further afterwards. An example of a game that has become a commercial release after Nordic Game Jam is Stikbold! – A Dodgeball Adventure. Stikbold! was conceived during Nordic Game Jam 2013 and was released April 2016 after further development.

一旦卡纸结束,您还将拥有一个游戏,可以将其保留原样,也可以将其视为大型项目的原型,然后再进行开发。 Stikbold是一个在北欧游戏果酱(Nordic Game Jam)之后成为商业发行的游戏的例子! –躲避球冒险。 Stikbold! 是在2013年Nordic Game Jam期间构思的,并在进一步开发后于2016年4月发布。

波兰入侵 (Polish invasion)

Before Nordic Game Jam kicked off we hosted the Polish Invasion at the Unity office. The Polish Invasion was a group of 25 Global Game Jam winners travelling to Nordic Game Jam. While having a pit stop at the Unity office the jammers showed us some of their projects, including the recently released BeatCop.

在北欧游戏果酱大会开始之前,我们在Unity办公室主持了波兰入侵。 波兰入侵是由25名全球Game Jam获奖者组成的团体,前往北欧游戏Jam。 在Unity办公室进站时,干扰者向我们展示了他们的一些项目,包括最近发布的BeatCop。

Having the Polish game developers invade us has become a tradition as you can read about from a previous year, and we look forward to having them come visit us again!

您可以 从上一年的内容中了解到 让波兰游戏开发商入侵我们已经成为一种传统 ,我们期待着他们再次来访我们!

演讲者和会议 (Speakers and conference)

After a fun night of pre-partying and Marioke (a game themed karaoke session), it was time for Nordic Game Jam to kick off.

在参加狂欢派对和Marioke(游戏主题卡拉OK会议)的一个有趣的夜晚之后,就该开始Nordic Game Jam了。

The first day included a conference with a great line-up of speakers and workshops:


Dominik Johann (Accounting, Dr. Langeskov) and William Pugh (The Stanley Parable) set up the Idea Court, where they would take in any ideas for games and rule them good or bad alongside an elaboration of what this idea could possibly entail, when executed as a game. Brie Code (Child of Light, Assassin’s Creed) talked about people who would enjoy games if the games only were a bit different. If you haven’t yet read her article about making games for people who don’t like games, you’re in for a treat!

Dominik Johann(会计学,Langeskov博士)和William Pugh(史丹利寓言)成立了Idea Court,在这里他们会考虑游戏的任何想法,并在对想法进行详尽阐述的同时裁定它们的好坏。作为游戏执行。 Brie Code(刺客信条的光明之子)谈到了只有游戏有些不同的人才会喜欢游戏。 如果您还没有读过她的文章《为不喜欢游戏的人制作游戏》,那您将大饱口福!

Kelly Wallick (Indie Mega Booth) held the keynote presentation that wrapped up the conference part, telling the story of her journey from being a chemical engineer to now running the Indie Mega Booth.

Kelly Wallick(独立超级展位)举行了主题演讲,总结了会议的一部分,讲述了她从化学工程师到现在运营独立超级展位的故事。

One of the workshops running was about creating controllers.


Unity booth and help desk


We were a small group from Unity participating both during the conference and the jam. During the conference our recruitment team was on site speaking with the jammers about career opportunities. Our Evangelist team set up a Unity Help Desk, where they were helping out with technical support and advice, while jamming on their own game.

我们是来自Unity的一小群人,他们都参加了会议和会议。 会议期间,我们的招聘团队在现场与干扰者讨论了职业机会。 我们的宣教士团队设立了一个Unity帮助台,他们在提供技术支持和建议的同时为自己的游戏提供帮助。

Being part of Nordic Game Jam is important for us – most of the participants of this jam are a strong part of our community, and it’s inspiring to be among so many creative minds while in their element. Copenhagen in general has a brilliant game developer scene in particular indie game developers. Games such as Inside, Stikbold!, Progress, Kalimba, Affordable Space Adventures, Cloud Chamber, La Petite Mort, and #SelfieTennis were all created here.

成为Nordic Game Jam的一部分对我们很重要-这场果酱的大多数参与者都是我们社区的重要组成部分,并且能在如此多的创意人士中脱颖而出令人鼓舞。 总体而言,哥本哈根拥有出色的游戏开发商,尤其是独立游戏开发商。 诸如Inside,Stikbold!,Progress,Kalimba,Affordable Space Adventures,Cloud Chamber,La Petite Mort和#SelfieTennis之类的游戏都在这里创建。

人为干扰! (Jamming!)

This year the venue was different from previous years. Nordic Game Jam 2017 took place at Docken which is located next to the sea in an industrial area of Copenhagen. It immediately got very cozy as all jammers were gathered in large open areas, compared to previous years, where everyone split up into smaller rooms.

今年的场地与往年不同。 北欧游戏果酱2017在多肯举行,多肯位于哥本哈根工业区的海边。 与往年相比(每个人都分成较小的房间),所有干扰器都聚集在宽敞的开阔地带,因此立即变得非常舒适。

There were many amazing games presented, and it was hard to pick just one especially during the finals. The winning game of Nordic Game Jam was “Baba Is You” an impressive one-man project with an abstract view at coding and puzzles.

比赛中出现了许多令人惊叹的比赛,尤其是在决赛中很难挑出其中的一场比赛。 北欧游戏果酱公司(Nordic Game Jam)的获奖游戏是“ Baba Is You ”, 这是一个令人印象深刻的单人项目,对编码和谜题有抽象的见解。

Games to mention:


As you can imagine many of the teams participating in the jam were using Unity for their projects, and the presentations were great! These were some of the gems that we saw:

可以想像,许多参与果酱项目的团队都在使用Unity进行他们的项目,并且演示非常棒! 这些是我们看到的一些宝石:



That crazy game with explosions and time




One platform less (from our onsite Unity team)

少一个平台 (来自我们的现场Unity团队)

… and loads more.


Find a complete list of all the 145 submitted games on itch.io.


Many thanks to the team behind Nordic Game Jam 2017 for making yet another extraordinary game jam!

非常感谢Nordic Game Jam 2017背后的团队再次制作非凡的游戏果酱!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/05/25/nordic-game-jam-recap/






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