

What better way to unveil a new Unity event than with our incredible community in Mexico? We were thrilled to host the first-ever Unity Developer Day this past June 25th in Mexico City. Unity Developer Day Mexico 2016 is the first of our new conference series dedicated to supporting local developer success and education through Unity game development.

有什么比我们令人难以置信的墨西哥社区更好的方式来发起一项新的Unity活动? 我们很高兴于今年6月25日在墨西哥城举办有史以来的第一个Unity开发人员日。 墨西哥2016年Unity开发人员日是我们新系列会议的第一个会议,致力于通过Unity游戏开发来支持本地开发人员的成功和教育。

The Talks


The aim of the talks was to help developers share knowledge and resources with each other. The day featured a track of talks by local Mexican developers complemented with a second track of technical talks directly from visiting Unity staff. Over 20 speakers in total presented on topics like game programming, art, design, marketing, and business. All these talks were possible thanks to the support of Mexico’s game development community!

讨论的目的是帮助开发人员彼此共享知识和资源。 当天的活动包括墨西哥当地开发商的谈话,以及直接访问Unity员工的第二次技术谈话。 总共有20多位演讲者,他们就游戏编程,艺术,设计,营销和商业等主题进行了演讲。 感谢墨西哥游戏开发社区的支持,所有这些谈话才得以实现!


The event’s keynote speaker was none other than Amilton Diesel, Co-Founder of Aquiris and Lead Technical Artist on the hit VR racing game, Horizon Chase. He opened our conference with a talk about what it takes to manage and balance a game, studio, and personal life. He left us all inspired to do so much more with our games!

此次活动的主题演讲嘉宾是Aquiris的共同创始人,热门VR赛车游戏Horizo​​n Chase的首席技术艺术家Amilton Diesel。 他在我们的会议开始时谈到了管理和平衡游戏,工作室和个人生活所需的条件。 他让我们所有人受启发去做更多的游戏!

Due to popular demand, all talks from Unity Developer Day Mexico 2016 are being added to YouTube. Subscribe to the Unity Latin America YouTube channel to see sessions from this conference and other upcoming LatAm events.

由于需求旺盛,墨西哥2016年Unity开发人员日的所有演讲都已添加到YouTube中 。 订阅Unity拉美YouTube频道,观看本次会议以及其他即将举行的LatAm活动的会议。

The latest Unity Developer Profile video was also debuted at Developer Day – it features SQUAD, one of the most successful studios in Latin America! Get to know the team behind Kerbal Space Program here:

最新的Unity开发者资料视频也在开发者日首次亮相-它包含了SQUAD,这是拉丁美洲最成功的工作室之一! 在这里认识Kerbal太空计划背后的团队:

The #madewithunity Showcase


In addition to a packed talk schedule, we also hosted a special-edition #MadeWithUnity showcase featuring eight incredible games made in Mexico. The developers showcased exciting new projects for mobile, PC, and consoles – all made with Unity. We encourage everyone to show some love to these new and upcoming games!

除了紧凑的演讲时间表,我们还举办了特别版#MadeWithUnity展示,展示了八种在墨西哥制作的精彩游戏。 开发人员展示了激动人心的新项目,这些项目都是通过Unity进行的,用于移动设备,PC和游戏机。 我们鼓励每个人都对这些新游戏和即将推出的游戏表示热爱!


Kleptocats – Wake Up Metro – Warcher Defenders – The Hommies – Adele: Following the Signs – Suki & the Shadow Klaw – Randall – Flat Kingdom

Kleptocats – 唤醒地铁– Warcher Defenders – The Hommies – Adele:跟随标志Suki&Shadow Klaw – Randall – Flat Kingdom

What’s next?


We were thrilled to see the outpouring of support from the community at Developer Day Mexico 2016. Hundreds of game developers arrived in droves to support not only the event, but each other. It was wonderful to witness so many new friendships being made, games played and advice being shared – exactly what we hoped the event would foster. That’s why we’re excited to announce our return next year on June 17 for Unity Developer Day Mexico 2017!

我们很高兴在2016年墨西哥开发者日看到社区的大力支持。成千上万的游戏开发者蜂拥而至,不仅为活动提供支持,而且互相支持。 见证这么多新的友谊,玩的游戏和分享的建议真是太好了,这正是我们希望本届赛事能够促进的。 这就是为什么我们很高兴宣布明年6月17日返回墨西哥2017年Unity开发人员日的原因!


Not in the area? Don’t worry – Unity Developer Day might be coming to a town near you. Our next Developer Day event is being held in New York City this August 27th and signups are now open!

不在该地区? 不用担心– Unity开发人员日可能即将来到您附近的小镇。 我们的下一个开发人员日活动将于 8月27日 纽约市 举行, 现在可以注册!

If you’d like to see a Unity Developer Day happen in your town, comment below and let us know. If a certain area gets a lot of interest, we’ll look into hosting one there too.

如果您想在自己的镇上举行Unity开发人员日,请在下面发表评论并告诉我们。 如果某个领域引起了很大的兴趣,我们也将考虑在那托管一个领域。

Thanks again to everyone who turned out to Unity Developer Day Mexico 2016, The team can’t wait to see you all again next year!








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