

What we learned at the Women in Gaming Workshop San Francisco


As you might know, today marks National Women in Engineering Day, a moment to raise the profile of women in engineering and focus attention on the amazing career opportunities available to girls. At Unity we’re proud to do our small part to help develop women and girls as they pursue their careers: our women in gaming series, focused on skill-building for women in technology, has taken us from Amsterdam to San Francisco for a second session. This week 75 attendees gathered for a fun and informative discussion with UC Berkeley Haas School of Business Professor Dana Carney. An affiliate of the psychology department, Professor Carney studies ordinary, non-verbal behaviors and social situations. And what’s more social than the workplace? With a focus on skill-building and developing women in their careers, Professor Carney discussed how to improve the ability to lead and influence by understanding and leveraging inherent bias.

如您所知,今天是“ 全国工程界女性日” ,这一时刻提高了工程女性的知名度,并将注意力集中在为女孩提供的惊人职业机会上。 在Unity,我们很荣幸能在发展职业方面尽自己的一份力量来帮助女性发展:我们的游戏女性系列专注于技术女性的技能培养,这使我们从阿姆斯特丹搬到了旧金山会议。 本周有75名与会者与加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院教授达娜卡尼进行了有趣而有益的讨论。 卡尼教授是心理学系的附属机构,研究普通的,非语言的行为和社会情况。 还有什么比工作场所更社交的? 卡尼教授着重于技能建设和职业发展中的女性,讨论了如何通过理解和利用内在偏见来提高领导和影响力的能力。

While it was a wide-ranging talk, I wanted to share some takeaways that I hope will shed a little light on how you can use natural tendencies to hone your influential leadership skills, especially in group decision-making scenarios. She also reminded the audience several times that we are in fact “all just animals.” :)

尽管讨论的内容广泛,但我想分享一些要点,希望对如何利用自然倾向磨练​​您的有影响力的领导技能(特别是在团体决策场景中)的启示。 她还多次提醒观众,我们实际上是“全都是动物”。 :)

Every day we make decisions, from a new hire to a timeline for deployment or the tools on which we’ll build our next invention. We are judged on our conviction and the ability to sway and influence others in order to make decisions collectively. In the process we often demonstrate bias, which a) isn’t always valid and b) is “evidence” that’s tough to double-down on, especially when you are asked to defend your position or convince others to follow.

每天我们都会做出决定,从新员工到部署时间表或我们将在其上进行下一个发明的工具。 我们将以自己的信念以及是否能够摇摆和影响他人以做出集体决策而受到评判。 在此过程中,我们经常表现出偏见,这是a)并不总是正确的,b)是很难证明的“证据”,特别是当您被要求捍卫自己的立场或说服他人效仿时。

Professor Carney explained that intuition is simply the brain acting on pattern recognition. By getting to the root of what factors shape and influence these patterns, we can move beyond intuition to rational thought, to foster more productive communication. In turn, you’re better positioned as an influential leader who can tap into individual strengths and draw forth critical information which adds up to — you guessed it — faster, more logical collective decision-making.

卡尼教授解释说,直觉只是大脑在模式识别上起作用。 通过了解影响和影响这些模式的因素的根源,我们可以从直觉转向理性思考,以促进更富有成效的交流。 反过来,您将更有能力成为有影响力的领导者,他可以发挥个人优势并提供关键信息,这些信息加在一起(您猜对了),可以更快,更合乎逻辑地进行集体决策。

To boost your team’s collective strength and productivity (meaning…being a better leader!), keep these things in mind:


  • Acknowledge bias: we all have them, and they can often carry undue influence. Rather than sweep them under the rug, put them on the table and give them a hard look. By acknowledging our potential biases, we limit their power to influence decisions.

    承认偏见:我们都有他们,他们经常会产生不适当的影响。 与其将它们扫在地毯下,不如将它们放在桌子上并给它们一个硬的外观。 通过承认我们的潜在偏见,我们限制了他们影响决策的力量。

  • Diversity has real impact: diverse thinking comes from diverse bodies and experiences. It’s a no-brainer, but different opinions should be considered a strength. Seek conflict, and drive thorough discussion. Your business will be better for it: research shows businesses with more women see greater rates of innovation, rational decision-making, and increased sales and revenue.

    多元化具有真正的影响:多元化的思维来自多元化的机构和经验。 这很容易,但是不同的观点应该被认为是一种优势。 寻求冲突,进行深入讨论。 您的企业将对此更好:研究表明,拥有更多女性的企业将看到更高的创新率,理性的决策以及增加的销售和收入。

  • Beware premature consensus: Don’t feel the need to agree right off the bat. Healthy debate is more beneficial, as long as teammates trust each other. Conflict should be about the information presented, not personal relationships. As a leader, keep the team focused on a goal — getting shared information to drive a decision — we can unlock the minds of everyone present and the true benefits of group think.

    提防过早达成共识:不要马上就达成共识。 只要队友彼此信任,进行健康的辩论会更加有益。 冲突应该与所提供的信息有关,而不是与人际关系有关。 作为领导者,让团队专注于目标-获取共享信息以制定决策-我们可以释放在场的每个人的思想和集体思维的真正益处。

Huge thanks to Professor Carney for her time, and everyone who joined us. Our next event will take place in Shanghai, and we’re back in San Francisco in September (register now). Keep an eye on the blog for updates, and we hope to see you soon!

非常感谢卡尼教授的时间以及所有加入我们的人们。 我们的下一个活动将在上海举行 ,我们将于9月回到旧金山( 现在注册 )。 请随时关注博客以获取最新消息,我们希望很快见到您!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/06/23/overcoming-bias-to-become-better-leaders/


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