Unity 4.x的最终版本

Update: Unity 4.7.2 is now available  http://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive

更新:Unity 4.7.2现在可用 http://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive

我们很高兴发布4.6的最终版本,现在称为 4.7.0 。 这是所有以前的补丁4.6.9p1至4.6.9p4的汇总,因此没有任何新功能。 如先前关于 Unity Patch发行计划的 文章所述,这将是4.x的最后也是最终的正式发行 。 唯一的区别是,我们现在将其称为 4.7.0, 而不是我们最初编写的4.6.10。 (We are happy to ship the final version of 4.6, which is now called 4.7.0. This is the rollup of all previous patches 4.6.9p1 to 4.6.9p4 and therefore doesn’t have any new features. This is going to be the last and final official release for 4.x as mentioned in the previous post about Unity Patch Release Plan. The only difference is that we now call it 4.7.0 instead of 4.6.10 as we originally wrote.)

We would like to explain the reasons for going with 4.7.0 and would like to emphasize the fact that this should not be considered as an indication of continuation of 4.x series. The following are the main reasons, among others, why we decided to call it 4.7.0.

我们想解释使用 4.7.0 的原因, 并强调这样一个事实,即不应将其视为继续4.x系列的指示。 以下是主要的原因,尤其是我们决定将其命名为 4.7.0的原因

  1. As you are all aware, the Unity webplayer plugin uses the version number to determine which web player runtime to download to play back content and the old plugins will not recognize the new version number (x.x.10). As it’s not possible to update both the browser plugin part and the Unity runtime part at the same time, we have to stick to the version format that the webplayer plugin is able to understand.

    众所周知,Unity Webplayer插件使用版本号来确定要下载哪个Web Player运行时以播放内容,而旧插件将无法识别新版本号(xx10)。 由于不可能同时更新浏览器插件部分和Unity运行时部分,因此我们必须坚持webplayer插件能够理解的版本格式。

  2. The other problem in going with 4.6.10 is that the version is exposed to the scripting API (Application.unityVersion). We cannot guarantee that all the existing and 3rd party code  would handle the “x.x.10” format properly.

    使用4.6.10时的另一个问题是该版本已公开给脚本API(Application.unityVersion)。 我们不能保证所有现有代码和第三方代码都能正确处理“ xx10”格式。

In summary, switching to a new version string format that is different from all the previous versions before (4.6.10) as literally the last release in Unity 4.x series is an avoidable risk for all and hence we are using the version number 4.7.0.

总而言之,切换到不同于(4.6.10)之前所有以前版本的新版本字符串格式,实际上是 Unity 4.x系列 的 最后一个 发行版,这对于所有人来说都是可以避免的风险,因此我们使用的版本号是4.7 .0。

This marks the end of a three year cycle of 4.x and a full year of 4.6.x releases. We take this opportunity to thank everyone for being a part of this journey! It has been quite intense with 10 public and 36 patch releases for 4.6 in the last year. We now want to focus our energy on maintaining and developing Unity 5.

这标志着4.x三年周期和4.6.x全年发行的结束。 我们借此机会感谢大家参与这次旅程! 去年,它的发行量非常之大,有10个公开发行版本和36个补丁发行版本,分别为4.6。 现在,我们要集中精力维护和开发Unity 5。

To find out what’s in the latest Unity 5 release (Unity 5.3) check out the release blog post. You can read about Facepunch Studio’s experience of porting Rust to Unity 5 here, and if you are planning to move to Unity 5, you’ll find these porting guidelines useful.

要了解最新的Unity 5发行版(Unity 5.3)中的内容, 请查看发行博客文章 。 你可以阅读有关锈移植到Unity 5 Facepunch Studio的经验 在这里 ,如果你打算迁移到统一5,你会发现 这些移植的指导方针 是有用的。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/12/17/final-release-for-unity-4-x/





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