

As stated on our public roadmap, we are shipping MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9 with Unity 5.3 in December. MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9 is at the time of writing the latest stable version of MonoDevelop and includes many improvements and fixes over MonoDevelop 4.0.1.

如我们的公开路线图所述 ,我们将在12月发布带有Unity 5.3的MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9。 MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9是在编写MonoDevelop的最新稳定版本时,其中包括对MonoDevelop 4.0.1的许多改进和修复。


We have added a new workflow improvement to MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9. The target selection list is now populated with Unity targets, highlighted with an orange outline in the screenshot. MonoDevelop-Unity will now attach to the selected target with a single click on the “Run” button so you can avoid multiple clicks in the “Attach to Process” dialog when starting a debug session.

我们在MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9中增加了新的工作流程改进。 现在,目标选择列表将填充Unity目标,并在屏幕快照中以橙色轮廓突出显示。 现在,通过单击“运行”按钮,MonoDevelop-Unity将连接到所选目标,因此在启动调试会话时,可以避免在“附加到进程”对话框中多次单击。

You can try MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9 today by downloading the MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9 preview builds from the forum. Feedback on the forum is more than welcome! MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9 is a drop-in replacement for MonoDevelop 4.0.1 and can be with used with Unity 4.6 and Unity 5, see minimum requirements in the forum thread.

您可以立即从论坛上下载MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9预览版,立即试用MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9 。 欢迎论坛提供反馈! MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9是MonoDevelop 4.0.1的直接替代,可以与Unity 4.6和Unity 5一起使用,请参阅论坛主题中的最低要求。

脚本调试修复 (Script Debugging Fixes)

Besides upgrading MonoDevelop-Unity we have also been working on fixing script debugging defects in Unity that affect both MonoDevelop-Unity and Visual Studio Tools for Unity.

除了升级MonoDevelop-Unity之外,我们还致力于解决影响Unity的MonoDevelop-Unity和Visual Studio Tools for Unity的脚本调试缺陷。

Notable script debugging defects fixed in Unity 5.3 and Unity 5.2.2:

Unity 5.3和Unity 5.2.2中修复的重要脚本调试缺陷:

  • Fixed issue with stepping in switch statements.


  • Fixed occasional Unity crash when stepping many times in a row and then hitting a breakpoint.


  • Fixed Unity crash when trying to step after pause.


  • Fixed stepping over Resources.Load and other Unity API methods that use serialization.

    修复了逐步超过Resources.Load和其他使用序列化的Unity API方法的问题。

  • Fixed Unity crash when trying to evaluate generic methods that return an array of the generic type. Such as GameObject.GetComponents<Component>().

    修复了当尝试评估返回通用类型数组的通用方法时Unity崩溃的问题。 如GameObject.GetComponents <Component>()。

We’ve also fixed script debugging defects that are specific to MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9.

我们还修复了特定于MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9的脚本调试缺陷。

Notable debugging defects fixed that are specific to MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9

修复了特定于MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9的显着调试缺陷

  • Fixed “The requested item has been unloaded” when enabling/disabling breakpoints.


  • Fixed “The requested item has been unloaded” when evaluating enums.   


  • Fixed “Debugger operation failed. Argument cannot be null” error.

    修复了“调试器操作失败。 参数不能为空”错误。

Download MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9 preview builds from the forum.

从论坛 下载 MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9预览版

MonoDevelop和Unity REST集成 (MonoDevelop and Unity REST Integration)

Today the integration between MonoDevelop-Unity and Unity happens through the solution (.sln) and project (.csproj) files.


This setup is less than ideal since Unity needs to update the solution and project files each time you add, remove, move or rename script files in your project. Once the updated solution and project files have been written to disk, MonoDevelop then needs reload them. A better approach would be to have Unity communicate directly with MonoDevelop on each change to the file structure of your Assets folder and have MonoDevelop update accordingly.

这种设置不太理想,因为每次您在项目中添加,删除,移动或重命名脚本文件时,Unity都需要更新解决方案和项目文件。 将更新的解决方案和项目文件写入磁盘后,MonoDevelop然后需要重新加载它们。 更好的方法是让Unity对Assets文件夹的文件结构的每次更改直接与MonoDevelop通信,并相应地更新MonoDevelop。

Another issue with using solution files is that we are not using the same C# compiler when compiling your scripts in Unity and in MonoDevelop. This can lead to different compile errors and warnings in MonoDevelop compared to Unity, and in some cases scripts will compile in Unity but not in MonoDevelop and vice versa.

使用解决方案文件的另一个问题是,在Unity和MonoDevelop中编译脚本时,我们没有使用相同的C#编译器。 与Unity相比,这可能会在MonoDevelop中导致不同的编译错误和警告,并且在某些情况下,脚本将在Unity中进行编译,而在MonoDevelop中则不会,反之亦然。

To address these issues and allow for a tighter integration between Unity and MonoDevelop, we are working on a new feature that makes MonoDevelop and Unity talk to each other using REST. What this means in practice is that MonoDevelop and Unity communicate directly with each other using a network socket and generation of solution and project files is no longer necessary.

为了解决这些问题并允许Unity和MonoDevelop之间更紧密的集成,我们正在研究一项新功能,该功能使MonoDevelop和Unity使用 REST相互通信 。 实际上,这意味着MonoDevelop和Unity使用 网络套接字 直接相互通信 ,并且不再需要生成解决方案和项目文件。

Instead, MonoDevelop will display a hierarchy view of your Assets folder sent from Unity as a REST message. The Assets folder view in MonoDevelop will be updated on each change to your Unity Assets folder file structure. It will also be possible to add, remove, move and rename files in the MonoDevelop Assets view and the actions will be sent via to Unity to be performed. Once the file action have been performed in Unity, Unity will notify MonoDevelop of the changes to the Assets folder file structure and the Assets folder view in MonoDevelop will be be updated accordingly.

相反,MonoDevelop将显示从Unity作为REST消息发送的Assets文件夹的层次结构视图。 每次对Unity Assets文件夹文件结构进行更改时,MonoDevelop中的Assets文件夹视图都会更新。 还可以在MonoDevelop资产视图中添加,删除,移动和重命名文件,并且操作将通过发送到Unity来执行。 在Unity中执行了文件操作后,Unity将通知MonoDevelop Assets文件夹文件结构的更改,MonoDevelop中的Assets文件夹视图将相应更新。

The screenshot below shows how the Unity Assets Folder view in MonoDevelop looks currently and is likely to change before release.

下面的屏幕截图显示了MonoDevelop中的Unity Assets文件夹视图当前的外观,并可能在发布前进行更改。


MonoDevelop will also use the REST service to compile your scripts in Unity and then Unity will send the build results back to MonoDevelop. The build results in the screenshot above were delivered to MonoDevelop from Unity.

MonoDevelop还将使用REST服务在Unity中编译脚本,然后Unity会将构建结果发送回MonoDevelop。 上面截图中的构建结果已从Unity交付给MonoDevelop。

The REST service is not limited to file operations and compiling your scripts. It can be used for any feature that is exposed as a REST endpoint in Unity.

REST服务不仅限于文件操作和编译脚本。 它可以用于在Unity中作为REST端点公开的任何功能。

Here are some of the features we have planned for the MonoDevelop and Unity REST Integration:

以下是我们为MonoDevelop和Unity REST集成计划的一些功能:

  • File-less project/solution synchronization between MonoDevelop and Unity.


  • Instant synchronization of file add/remove/rename/move operations in the assets folder, both ways.


  • Consistent build behavior. Always build your scripts in Unity and show build results in MonoDevelop.

    一致的构建行为。 始终在Unity中构建脚本并在MonoDevelop中显示构建结果。

  • Entering play mode and/or attaching the debugger when hitting the play button in MonoDevelop.


We are currently working towards releasing the Unity and MonoDevelop REST integration in Unity 5.5. Keep an eye on this blog as we will be sharing more details in the coming months.

我们目前正在努力发布Unity 5.5中的Unity和MonoDevelop REST集成。 请密切关注此博客,因为在接下来的几个月中我们将分享更多详细信息。







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