

Opting For Video Ads:


Making a great game is just the start as they say.  Understanding the best way for your game to make revenue is vital if you want to be able to make games professionally. In this post we will look at how you can use advertising in your game to generate advertising revenue without annoying players.  In fact we aim to show that by treating advertisements as part of the overall player experience design, users may even come to love ads.

正如他们所说,制作出色的游戏只是开始。 如果您希望能够专业地制作游戏,那么了解游戏创收的最佳方式至关重要。 在本文中,我们将探讨如何在游戏中使用广告来产生广告收入而又不会打扰玩家。 实际上,我们旨在表明,通过将广告视为整体玩家体验设计的一部分,用户甚至可能会喜欢上广告。

What Not To Do:


It’s very easy for ads to get in the way of the player. Banners, for example, take up space on the screen, sometimes obscuring vital information or being placed in a way where they can be triggered accidentally. What’s worse is that the players quickly learn to ignore those areas of the display. The only way banners get noticed once that has happened is when they become visually distracting – something that typically breaks the user experience.

广告很容易挡住播放器。 例如,横幅占据了屏幕上的空间,有时掩盖了重要信息或被放置在可能被意外触发的位置。 更糟糕的是,玩家很快学会了忽略显示器的那些区域。 横幅广告一旦被注意到,唯一的方式就是它们在视觉上分散注意力,这通常会破坏用户体验。

Interstitial ads are much more effective at grabbing players’ attention, but we have to be careful with their frequency and position.  If we show them too often, we risk irritating players and that makes them much more likely to churn. We don’t want that!

插页式广告在吸引玩家注意力方面更为有效,但我们必须谨慎对待其频率和位置。 如果我们经常向他们展示,我们就有可能激怒玩家,这会使他们流失的可能性更大。 我们不想要那个!

Now I’m not suggesting that Interstitials have no place in the mix. We do, however, need to understand their limitations and where in the flow of the player experience that it would be least damaging. Better yet, where in the game’s design it might actually be beneficial for players to have a break. In games which have a series of intense periods of play, users can’t indefinitely sustain the demanded high level of concentration or energy needed, especially on a mobile or tablet device. Players will eventually just give up, and worse, if there is no opportunity for a break they will may associate the game with that fatigue and may choose a less intensive game next time.  Over the long term players need a natural down time.  In design terms we need to think of this like a pendulum with players’ engagement gaining intensity on the downswing, leading to increasing fatigue as they reach the top of the tick, and then relaxing followed by a building desire to act which is at its peak as the pendulum returns with the tock.  A great example of this is a game like Dumb Ways To Die 2.

现在,我不建议插页式广告在混合广告中没有位置。 但是,我们确实需要了解它们的局限性以及玩家体验中损害最小的地方。 更好的是,在游戏的设计中,休息对玩家可能实际上是有益的。 在具有一系列紧张状态的游戏中,用户无法无限期地维持所需的高水平专注力或能量,尤其是在移动或平板设备上。 玩家最终只会放弃,更糟糕的是,如果没有休息的机会,他们可能会将游戏与那种疲劳感联系在一起,并且下次可能会选择强度较低的游戏。 从长远来看,玩家需要自然的休息时间。 在设计方面,我们需要把它想像成一个钟摆,使玩家的参与度在下降时逐渐增强,导致他们到达跳动点的顶部时疲劳加剧,然后放松,随后建筑欲望达到顶峰随着钟摆的回落。 这方面的一个很好的例子是《 Dumb Ways To Die 2》这类游戏。

Video Interstitial:



In Dumb Ways To Die 2 we have an intense and escalating game play with players being asked to comprehend a short form mechanic – perform it successfully and then do the next, only faster each time.  Once you die you can easily replay, but when you return to the map (a menu for collections of mini-games) the game shows you an interstitial. This is the point of least resistance where players have already decided on a change of pace.

在《 笨拙的死亡方法2》中,我们进行了激烈且不断升级的游戏,要求玩家理解简写形式的技工-成功执行此操作,然后再执行下一个,每次都更快。 一旦死亡,您就可以轻松地重播,但是当您返回地图(迷你游戏集合的菜单)时,游戏会向您显示插页式广告。 这是玩家已经决定改变步伐的最小阻力点。

It’s essential that mandatory video advertisements such as interstitials can be skipped and that the players can see how much time is remaining so that we don’t build up resentment.  These kind of ads usually don’t have any rewards associated with them, unlike most of the other uses we will discuss here. But, this also means that they can be useful for games which don’t have a natural currency or suitable In App Purchases.  However, there are consequences. This approach inherently requires us to intercept the player experience and not only limits the frequency we can show such ads it also affects the nature of their engagement with them. Our motivation for watching an ad is dramatically changed when we opt to do so.

至关重要的是,必须跳过诸如插页式广告之类的强制性视频广告,并且让播放器能够看到还剩下多少时间,以免引起我们的不满。 与我们将在此处讨论的大多数其他用途不同,此类广告通常没有任何奖励。 但是,这也意味着它们对于没有自然货币或没有合适的应用内购买功能的游戏很有用。 但是,有后果。 这种方法固有地要求我们拦截玩家的体验,不仅限制了我们展示此类广告的频率,还影响了他们与他们互动的性质。 当我们选择观看广告时,我们观看广告的动机会发生巨大变化。

Choosing To Watch an Ad:


Angry Birds Go

There are a couple of factors which affect players’ willingness to actively choose ads. The ad content itself must be relevant, i.e. showing a game player an ad for another game, and they should also be short – somewhere between 15-30 seconds. However, there usually has to be something in it for the player. That might be a number of things from coins or resources in the game, to extra lives. Yet these rewards also have to be relevant to the player and repeatable – there must always be a reason for the player to watch another ad. If I unlock a major item or a new level by watching one video, that’s a great value but unlikely to create the scale of views needed to drive enough revenue to make that worthwhile. Equally, if watching videos unlocks enough power-ups to imbalance the game then you have broken the reason to play.

有几个因素会影响玩家主动选择广告的意愿。 广告内容本身必须具有相关性,即向玩家展示另一款游戏的广告,并且内容也应简短(介于15到30秒之间)。 但是,对于播放器,通常必须包含一些内容。 从游戏中的硬币或资源到额外的生命,这可能是很多事情。 然而,这些奖励也必须与玩家相关且可重复-玩家必须始终有理由观看另一则广告。 如果我通过观看一个视频来解锁一个主要项目或一个新的水平,那是很有价值的,但是不太可能创造出足够的观看次数来推动足够的收入来赚钱。 同样,如果观看视频可以释放足够的能量来平衡游戏,那么您已经打破了玩游戏的理由。

Angry Birds Go uses video ads to allow players to obtain a free boost, but only at the start of the race.  This doesn’t overpower the experience but it does require a player to switch their attention from the game strategy to the video playback.  The motivation is clear: If I want a boost in my next race then I will get it by exchanging my time watching this advertisement.

《愤怒的小鸟去》使用视频广告让玩家免费获得助力,但仅限比赛开始时。 这并不能克服体验,但确实需要玩家将注意力从游戏策略转移到视频播放上。 动机很明显:如果我想在下一场比赛中获得加分,那么我将通过交换观看此广告的时间来获得动力。

Other games choose to do this at the end of the game. For example in Sonic Dash, players have a chance to continue their existing run after ‘dying’ by either using a ‘Revive’ token or by watching a video ad.  The ad allows the player to break from the intensity for a brief moment before restarting play, which can help their performance (at least it does for me).

其他游戏选择在游戏结束时执行此操作。 例如,在Sonic Dash中 ,玩家可以通过使用“复兴”令牌或观看视频广告,在“死亡”后继续他们现有的比赛。 广告可以让玩家在重新开始游戏之前短暂休息一下,这可以改善他们的表现(至少对我有帮助)。

What’s important is that the payoff for watching the video is intrinsically part of the game itself.  There is no separate incentive to download the advertised game, but if they choose to then it’s because they liked the look of the game. That’s what at the end of the day provides the revenue and at the same time reinforces their engagement with your game.

重要的是,观看视频的收益本质上是游戏本身的一部分。 没有下载广告游戏的单独动机,但是如果他们选择下载,则是因为他们喜欢游戏的外观。 最终,这就是收入的来源,同时也增强了他们对游戏的参与度。

Added Incentives:



This leads us to another realization – that we have to make the rewards for watching video compelling and something which players want. In Angry Birds Transformers, after a successful run they have a section where you are showed your score and offered the chance to double your score if you watch a video at that time. For this kind of ongoing action game it’s the perfect way to reward players for their engagement not only in the gameplay but also in the ads themselves.

这使我们获得另一种认识-我们必须在观看视频引人入胜以及玩家想要的东西时获得回报。 在《 愤怒的小鸟变形金刚》中 ,成功运行后会在其中显示一个部分,让您看到自己的得分,并且有机会在此时观看视频,使您的得分翻倍。 对于这种进行中的动作游戏,这是奖励玩家不仅参与游戏性,而且参与广告本身的参与的最佳方式。

Meaningful Benefit:



Sometimes the reward can be tied to a significant action within the game.  In the case of wickedly replayable Retry, the player can choose to unlock the next save point with either a coin or by watching a video replay. This reward has a meaningful benefit for players.  It comes at a point of success and frustration and can help you to avoid the pain of having to repeat your multiple attempts to gain that landing point in the first place.  They key to this technique is to understand what players value and to help them obtain that value in a way which they will happily repeat such as unlocking a new save point or perhaps replenishing your fuel for a racing game. Watching the video in the Retry example gives the player what they seek directly; but it’s not suitable for all games and can often be hard to scale.  Instead other games seek to use video replays to speed up the acquisition of some form of currency or resource which are usually a more indirect means of obtaining that item of value.

有时,奖励可以与游戏中的重大动作联系在一起。 对于重播的重试情况 ,玩家可以选择使用硬币或观看视频重播来解锁下一个保存点。 该奖励对玩家有有意义的好处。 它带来了成功和挫败感,可以帮助您避免因一再重复尝试多次获得该着陆点而带来的痛苦。 他们采用这项技术的关键是了解玩家的价值所在,并帮助他们以他们乐意重复的方式获得该价值,例如解锁新的保存点或为赛车游戏补充燃料。 观看“重试”示例中的视频可直接向播放器提供他们想要的内容。 但它并不适合所有游戏,而且通常很难扩展。 取而代之的是,其他游戏试图使用视频重播来加快某种形式的货币或资源的获取,这通常是获取该价值物品的更间接的手段。

Earning Free Coins:



Games like Hill Climb Racing show that there is genuine value to the player in terms of In-Game Currency. It helps acquire new vehicles, fuel, terrain, and other bonuses. It’s something which is naturally ephemeral and disposable which makes it a perfect option for monetization. But this is not always the case.  For some games, the currency works as a proxy for the players’ progress in the game. This makes using it as a reward for video problematic. In the case of Hill Climb Racing they chose to put an emphasis on the purchase of coins over the ‘Free Coins’ gained which means that they put it at the end of a long list of purchase options. This can be a problem for some games and instead it’s often better to be more upfront about communicating the option of watching video to gain those coins or resources.

诸如Hill Climb Racing之类的游戏表明,就游戏内货币而言,这对玩家来说是真正的价值。 它有助于获得新的车辆,燃料,地形和其他奖励。 这是一种自然的,短暂的,一次性的东西,使其成为货币化的理想选择。 但这并非总是如此。 对于某些游戏,货币可充当玩家游戏进度的代理。 这使得它可以用作奖励视频问题的奖励。 就Hill Climb Racing而言,他们选择将硬币的购买重点放在获得的“免费硬币”上,这意味着他们将其放在一长串购买选项的末尾。 对于某些游戏来说这可能是个问题,相反,通常最好是提前传达观看视频的选项,以获取这些硬币或资源。

As a designer remember we need to be offering something that players value, which means we have to be aware of the inflationary impact on our game’s economy if players can obtain new resources. There is a great deal of balancing necessary to support incentivized ads like this; just as when we add a new resource generator in the gameplay.

作为一名设计师,请记住,我们需要提供一些玩家珍视的东西,这意味着我们必须意识到如果玩家能够获得新资源,通货膨胀对我们游戏经济的影响。 支持这样的激励性广告需要进行大量的平衡; 就像我们在游戏中添加新的资源生成器一样。

Obvious Delight:



Looking at Hipster Whale’s excellent Crossy Road shows us that we don’t have to compromise the playing experience when using ads.  We can tell players up front what they will get if they choose to watch ads in a way which isn’t embarrassed and which clearly benefits the player. The offer is presented at the end of your run alongside your score and the ability to play again. It’s also not always available which means that we don’t learn to ignore it. We are also given an incentive to act now as we have “only 56 G to go” before we can have another go to gain a random character. Oh! And watching a video will earn us 20 G straight away.  Players don’t feel cheated by this approach, they feel empowered. Watching ads in Crossy Road becomes entertainment and a way for me to discover new content and I get to win another character with a pull of a lever. I just unlocked the Celebrity. Wow that’s funny… she drops money when she is hit by a car… let’s watch another video and get some more coins. That’s obvious delight.

通过查看行家鲸的出色Crossy Road ,我们可以了解到,使用广告时我们不必牺牲游戏体验。 我们可以提前告诉玩家,如果他们选择以不尴尬的方式观看广告,这显然会给玩家带来好处。 报价将在您的跑步结束时与您的得分和再次比赛的能力一起显示。 它也不总是可用,这意味着我们不会学会忽略它。 我们也有动力现在就采取行动,因为我们只有“ 56 G可用”,然后才能再获得一个随机的字符。 哦! 观看视频将立即为我们带来20 G的收入。 玩家不会被这种方法欺骗,而是会感到有力量。 在Crossy Road上观看广告成为一种娱乐活动,这是我发现新内容的一种方式,而我也可以用杠杆来赢得另一个角色。 我刚刚解锁了名人。 哇,这很有趣……当她被汽车撞到时,她会丢钱……让我们观看另一个视频并获得更多硬币。 显然很高兴。

In Short:


Making the most of video ads in your game is a design process like any other player facing feature. We have to consider:

与其他面向玩家的功能一样,在游戏中充分利用视频广告也是一个设计过程。 我们必须考虑:

    And for those of you want to see our recent webinar on this same topic, you can view it here:



    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/04/15/a-designers-guide-to-using-video-ads/


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