
We’re excited to bring you Buried Memories Volume 2: Serekh. Concept artist Edvige Faini transports you to a laboratory of unknown location and nefarious purpose.

很高兴为您带来《 埋葬的回忆》第2卷:Serekh 。 概念艺术家 Edvige Faini会将您带到地点不明且危害很大的实验室。

The Unity Icon Collective strives to democratize high-end asset production. With Buried Memories, starting with Volume 1: Yggdrasil, we hope to inspire creators to extend their own universe but especially to guide aspiring artists and others to observe, analyze and learn from the techniques of industry veterans.

Unity Icon Collective致力于使高端资产生产民主化。 从 第1卷:Yggdrasil开始 , 我们希望 通过《埋藏的回忆》 来激发创作者扩展自己的宇宙,尤其是指导有抱负的艺术家和其他人 观察,分析和学习行业资深技术 。


包装里有什么 (What’s in the pack)

The pack contains a fully lit environment consisting of two sections: the Service Area and the Main Chamber. It’s a modular sci-fi lab built from walls, floors, trims, scaffolding, other structural elements, and a multitude of props – more than 100 assets in total. The star element – the Arm – is fully rigged and comes with animation.

包装中包含一个完全照明的环境,包括两个部分:服务区和主腔室。 这是一个模块化的科幻实验室,由墙壁,地板,装饰,脚手架,其他结构元素和多种道具组成,总共拥有100多种资产。 星形元素– Arm –已完全装配并带有动画。

The character is sculpted and integrated into Unity using the highest standards. It’s fully rigged, with more than 100 animations integrated into a character controller.

使用最高标准雕刻角色并将其集成到Unity中。 它已完全装配,将100多个动画集成到角色控制器中。

The pack includes two music tracks that you can remix within any Unity project. You can use the individual audio stem files to create a subtle ambiance or full soundtracks. All files are exported in WAV, 44.1Khz at 16 Bit.

该包包含两个音乐曲目,您可以在任何Unity项目中对其进行混音。 您可以使用单个音频主干文件 来创建微妙的氛围或完整的音轨。 所有文件都以16位的WAV(44.1Khz)格式导出。

故事 (The story)

Deep in a remote swamp lies an abandoned installation: Neuratek. Here scientists once conducted biotechnology experiments.

一个遥远的沼泽深处是一个废弃的装置:Neratetek。 在这里,科学家曾经进行过生物技术实验。

Researchers examined an artifact constructed from an unidentifiable material. The sealed container enclosed biological material not immediately attributable to any known species. Upon examination of the receptacle and its inscriptions, Minamoto and his team concluded that the organic contents are the scales of the Kirin.

研究人员检查了由无法识别的材料制成的文物。 密封的容器中没有立即将生物材料归因于任何已知物种。 通过检查容器及其铭文,Minamoto和他的团队得出结论,有机成分是麒麟的鳞片。

Minamoto tried to replicate the Kirin’s genetic structure in one failed attempt after another.


His obsession led him to bind his DNA with that of the Kirin. Minamoto appeared to be on the verge of a breakthrough when the Event arrived.

他的痴迷使他将自己的DNA与麒麟的DNA结合在一起。 当赛事到来时,Minamoto似乎正处于突破的边缘。

The facility was abandoned, Minamoto vanished, and the beast awoke.


这个概念 (The concept)

Volume 2: Serekh is an asset pack geared toward an action-adventure game. It gives you the chance to experience being a humanoid creature with legendary strength and powerful technological weapons.

第2卷:Serekh 是面向动作冒险游戏的资产包。 它使您有机会体验成为具有传奇力量和强大技术武器的类人生物。

“The package will be enjoyable for players passionate about the sci-fi genre and curious to try on the role of the monster beast troublemaker.” – Edvige Faini, Concept Artist

“对于喜欢科幻游戏类型并且好奇地尝试使用怪物野兽制造者的角色的玩家,该软件包将非常有趣。” –概念艺术家Edvige Faini

Serekh invites a discussion about humanity’s vulnerability in the face of technology and science and the extent to which we can push boundaries through enhancement interventions, especially genetic manipulation. What does it mean to be human in the future?

塞雷克(Serekh)邀请人们就技术和科学面前人类的脆弱性以及我们在多大程度上可以通过加强干预措施,尤其是基因操纵来突破界限进行讨论。 未来成为人类意味着什么?

生物 (The creature)

“It was challenging to think of how the character can be customized on a low-poly level. We ended up making a solid main body with replaceable features, such as horns, ears, tail, spikes, etc.” – Maria Panfilova, Character Artist

“考虑如何在低聚水平上自定义角色非常具有挑战性。 我们最终制成了具有可替换特征的坚固主体,例如喇叭,耳朵,尾巴,长钉等。” –角色艺术家Maria Panfilova

The Kirin is a creature that combines human and animal traits. The design of the body model allows you to replace or customize features. It can also wear the armor and use the weapons included in the pack.

麒麟是一种结合了人类和动物特征的生物。 人体模型的设计允许您替换或自定义功能。 它还可以穿着盔甲并使用背包中包含的武器。

“For shading, we worked with Unity HDRP mode. I used a Layered/Lit shader to tweak the color of the character using the mask texture.” – Maria Panfilova, Character Artist

“对于阴影,我们使用Unity HDRP模式。 我使用了分层/浅色着色器通过蒙版纹理来调整角色的颜色。” – 角色艺术家 Maria Panfilova

环境 (The environment)

“With modularity users can manipulate these Lego-style pieces according to their own vision. Similarly, with textures, we used as many tiling and trim textures as possible, so that users can create variations based on these basic elements.” – Liu Tianyu, Lead Environment Artist, Arts United

“通过模块化,用户可以根据自己的愿景来操纵这些乐高风格的作品。 同样,对于纹理,我们使用了尽可能多的平铺和修剪纹理,以便用户可以基于这些基本元素创建变化。” –艺术联合会首席环境艺术家刘天宇

The pack includes decals for the environment that are convenient for adjusting the color and other details of the environment. For the transparent materials, the team used Unity High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) to achieve the final look, with features that allowed us to generate refraction and reflection.

包装中包含适合环境的贴花,可方便地调整环境的颜色和其他细节。 对于透明材料,该团队使用Unity高清晰度渲染管线(HDRP)来获得最终外观,其功能使我们能够生成折射和反射。

“The idea was to create more detailed low-poly versions as an accompanying Snaps Prototype pack.” – Johaness Reuben, Level Designer

“这个想法是作为随附的Snaps Prototype 创建更详细的低聚版本 。” 关卡设计师Johaness Reuben


动画和索具 (Animation and rigging)

The Kirin has more than 300 bones, and the skinweight max influence was set to 4 to create a smoother process for animators. The creature has an auto movement function for the armor in MotionBuilder, which to avoid armor overlap with the body. To animate it more efficiently, the custom IK system has been set up for the beard too. Other models, such as the embryo arm, mechanical crane, pods, and weapons, are also rigged and animated.

麒麟具有300多个骨骼,并且将skinweight max的影响设置为4,以使动画制作者更加顺畅。 该生物具有MotionBuilder中盔甲的自动移动功能,可以避免盔甲与身体重叠。 为了更有效地进行动画处理,还为胡须设置了自定义IK系统。 其他模型,例如 胚 臂,机械吊车,吊舱和武器,也进行了装配和动画制作。

“There is a setup of custom constraint for transfer the bones animation to Controllers and have the custom mirror constraint to mirror the whole animation.” – Ng Boon Wei, Rigger

“有一套自定义约束条件,可将骨骼动画传输到控制器,并具有自定义镜像约束条件,以镜像整个动画。” – 吴文伟(Rigger)

“Enjoy the set of 33 hand-crafted (not motion capture), lightly stylized movement realistic animations for the Kirin locomotion and some appealing animation. The animation pack consists of Pod, Mechanical Arm, and three kinds of Embryo animations. We’ve included the raw FBX file with high-end HIK rig so you can create your own custom animation.” – Myles Yeo, Animator

“为Kirin运动和一组吸引人的动画,享受33套手工制作的(非运动捕捉),风格轻巧的运动逼真的动画。 动画包包括Pod,机械臂和三种Embryo动画。 我们已将原始FBX文件包含在高端HIK装备中,因此您可以创建自己的自定义动画。” – 动画师杨紫琼


电影配乐 (The soundtrack)

Volume 2 comes with two main music tracks, including a remix of one of them, created at Pinewood studios in 5.1 and 7.1 surround sound alongside the stereo mix to give you even more options. We’ve included a live mixer script so you can create custom mixes, and you have all the original audio files so you can mangle the sounds and tracks to your liking.

第2卷附带两个主要音乐曲目,包括其中一个的混音,它们在Pinewood录音棚中以5.1和7.1环绕声以及立体声混音创建,为您提供更多选择。 我们提供了一个现场混音器脚本,因此您可以创建自定义混音,并且拥有所有原始音频文件,因此可以按自己的喜好来处理声音和音轨。

“This track and mix not only stands on its own but can be remixed and used in a wide variety of scenarios. Some of my favorite mixes are actually the minimal ones with, say, just the drones and minimal melody lines!” Nathan Cleary, Music Composer

“这种音轨和混音不仅可以独立运行,还可以重新混音并用于各种场景。 我最喜欢的一些混音实际上是最小的混音,例如,只有无人机和最小的旋律线!” 音乐作曲家 Nathan Cleary

FX声音 (The FX Sounds)

This series has pushed the team to record new and unusual sounds that lend themselves to customization for your unique creations.


“In a cool little jeweler’s workshop that uses a lot of traditional machinery, I captured a range of unique effects – from small slick machine sounds to big mechanical noises – with different types of microphones for layering and depth.” – Sophia Leader, Sound Designer, Pinewood

“在一个使用许多传统机械的凉爽的小珠宝商工作室中,我捕捉了一系列独特的效果-从光滑的机器声音到巨大的机械噪音-使用不同类型的麦克风进行分层和深度处理。” Pinewood声音设计师Sophia主管

We are offering different layering and lengths of the foley assets, so you can use ready-made assets fitted to the animations or insert separate sounds for more flexibility. The sounds integrated into the pack will allow you to create your sci-fi/ fantasy game or project easily.

我们提供不同的foley资产分层和长度,因此您可以使用适合动画的现成资产或插入单独的声音以提高灵活性。 包装中集成的声音使您可以轻松创建科幻/幻想游戏或项目。


原型资产包 (Prototyping asset packs)

Snaps Prototype packs are sets of themed 3D models built with ProBuilder focused on making prototyping 3D levels faster and easier for both beginners and experienced developers. Snaps prefabs are built to real-world scale but are designed to “snap” together when used with ProGrids.

Snaps原型包 是使用ProBuilder构建的主题3D模型集,致力于使初学者和有经验的开发人员都能更快,更轻松地制作3D原型原型。 Snaps预制件是按实际规模构建的,但设计为与ProGrids一起“捕捉”在一起。

You can start prototyping your sci-fi/fantasy game and customize, add your own fidelity, or swap the Snaps Prototype assets for the high-end models included in Buried Memories Volume 2: Serekh.

您可以开始制作科幻/幻想游戏的原型并进行自定义,添加自己的保真度或将Snaps Prototype资产交换为 Buried Memories Volume 2:Serekh中 包含的高端模型 。



旅程继续 (The journey continues)

Our tools are designed to make it easy for anyone to create a project. We want to share the art and work of the industry masters to inspire your creative journey. AAA quality is in your reach. You can look to the work of the Unity Icon Collective as an instructional resource to guide you in realizing your vision.

我们的工具旨在使任何人都可以轻松创建项目。 我们希望与业界大师分享艺术和作品,以激发您的创意之旅。 AAA质量触手可及。 您可以将Unity Icon Collective的工作作为指导资源,以指导您实现愿景。

Stay tuned for future blog posts revealing more about the creative process and the production behind Buried Memories Volume 2: Serekh.

请继续关注未来的博客文章,这些文章将揭示有关Buried Memories Volume 2:Serekh背后的创作过程和作品的更多信息。

Download Volume 2: Serekh now to start creating!

立即下载 第2卷:Serekh ,开始创建!

Technical requirements: 2018.3 or 2018.4 LTS and HDRP. The pack will be updated to support future Long Term Support (LTS) versions of Unity and 2019 in Q3.

技术要求:2018.3或2018.4 LTS和HDRP。 该软件包将在第三季度更新以支持Unity和2019年的将来长期支持(LTS)版本。

Contents of the pack:


  1. High-fidelity character model with easy-to-customize body parts, armor, and a weapon; more than 100 animations to mix and match in the animation controller to create unique animations

    高保真角色模型,带有易于定制的身体部位,装甲和武器; 超过100种动画 在动画控制器中进行混合和匹配以创建独特的动画

  2. More than 100 3D models of environment and props built in a modular way, with some animations, to allow creative freedom and scalability

    以模块化方式构建的 100 多种环境和道具 3D模型 ,并带有一些动画,以实现创作自由和可扩展性

  3. VFX for mood and tone (atmospherics) of sample scene


  4. SFX for character animations, select props, and ambiance of the environment


  5. Custom composed music that is crafted in audio layers to allow the creation of multiple alternate mixes within the editor

    在音频层中制作的 自定义组合音乐 ,可在编辑器中创建多个替代混音

  6. Low-res prototyping version


  7. Hi-res concept art


Download Buried Memories Volume 2: Serekh now to start creating your own projects. Let us know if you have any questions. We’re here to help and to listen, and we would love to see your creations!

d ownload 尘封的记忆第2卷:Serekh 没有 w至开始创建自己的项目 。 如果你有任何疑问,请告诉我们。 我们在这里为您提供帮助和聆听,我们很乐意看到您的作品!


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