

The Asset Store and Unity tools like ProBuilder are great time savers that allow you to speed up prototyping, but we want to streamline the workflow even more. Find out how Snaps can help you fast-track your game creation process and even help newcomers get started in 3D games.

诸如ProBuilder之类的Asset Store和Unity工具可节省大量时间,可帮助您加快原型开发速度 ,但我们希望进一步简化工作流程。 了解Snaps如何帮助您快速跟踪游戏创建过程,甚至帮助新手入门3D游戏。

Art creation is one of the most important aspects of making a great game. According to the Unity 2018 Game Studios Report, artists are the second most in-demand roles behind programmers. Speaking to the leads of 1,445 independent game studios, it was clear that production budgets are tight and leads look for every opportunity to save time and money.

艺术创作是制作出色游戏的最重要方面之一。 根据《 Unity 2018 Game Studios报告》 ,艺术家是仅次于程序员的第二大需求角色。 在与1,445个独立游戏工作室的负责人交谈时,很明显,生产预算很紧张,并且负责人正在寻找一切节省时间和金钱的机会。

Snaps packs simplify the production workflow for art assets by providing art assets to fit a variety of projects and budgets.

Snaps Pack通过提供适合各种项目和预算的艺术品来简化艺术品的生产流程。


It can be challenging to find quality collections of assets that are visually consistent and compatible with your project specifications. So we designed Snaps asset packs to simplify your game development workflow – from prototype to production.

找到视觉上一致且与项目规格兼容的优质资产集合可能是一项挑战。 因此,我们设计了Snaps资产包,以简化从原型到生产的游戏开发工作流程。

Get Snaps


创作各个阶段的资产包 (Asset packs for every stage of creation)

No matter what stage your project is in, the Snaps asset library can speed up the process. Use Snaps assets for prototyping or swap prototype assets with art assets to save time moving from prototype to production. You can even take your game to another level with AAA-quality assets that target high-performance platforms. All Snaps packs are designed to work with Unity 2018.4 today and will support newer versions.

无论您处于项目的哪个阶段,Snaps资产库都可以加快该过程。 使用Snaps资产进行原型制作或将原型资产与艺术品资产互换,以节省从原型到生产的时间。 您甚至可以使用针对高性能平台的AAA级资产将您的游戏提升到另一个层次。 所有Snaps软件包现在都设计为可与Unity 2018.4一起使用,并将支持较新的版本。


To build these asset packs, we defined Snaps modularity guidelines and used Unity tools and technology, so you can expect perfect compatibility with Unity. Designed to “snap” together, you can put the assets to work right away without having to make any adjustments. But they’re fully customizable allowing you to adapt them for any style of project.

为了构建这些资产包,我们定义了 Snaps模块化准则 并使用了Unity工具和技术,因此您可以期望与Unity完美兼容。 旨在“捕捉”在一起,您可以立即使资产工作,而无需进行任何调整。 但是它们是完全可定制的,使您可以将它们适应任何风格的项目。

捕捉原型:快速验证您的游戏概念 (Snaps Prototype: Validate your game concept fast)

Snaps Prototype packs aim to help you prototype and iterate fast. They’re a great way to start sketching your game levels. Beginners can create 3D worlds with ProBuilder and Snaps, without having to use additional 3D modeling tools. These assets easily snap together with ProGrids.

Snaps原型包旨在帮助您快速原型化和迭代。 它们是开始绘制游戏关卡的好方法。 初学者可以使用ProBuilder和Snaps创建3D世界,而无需使用其他3D建模工具。 这些资产很容易与ProGrids结合在一起。

Snaps Prototype packs feature modular real-world scale assets that are untextured and lightweight, making them useful in the blocking out phase and without distracting from core gameplay mechanics.

Snaps Prototype包具有模块化的现实世界规模的资产,这些资产没有纹理且重量轻,使其在封锁阶段非常有用,并且不会分散核心游戏机制。


Designing a Sci-Fi level using Snaps Prototype | Buried Memories Volume 2: Serekh

使用捕捉原型设计科幻级| 埋葬的记忆第2卷:Serekh

You can round-trip the models into Maya or other digital content creation (DCC) tools to add fidelity and re-import the assets to your project or modify them directly with ProBuilder using the ProBuilderize tool. The UV is mapped and unwrapped, ready for textures and lightmapping.

您 可以往返模型到Maya或其他数字内容创作(DCC)工具,以忠诚和重新导入资产添加到您的项目或直接修改它们 ProBuilder 使用ProBuilderize工具。 UV被映射并展开,准备进行纹理和光照贴图。


How to use ProBuilder to customize prototyping assets and make the game-ready


捕捉艺术:可用于游戏的模块化资产 (Snaps Art: Game-ready modular assets)

When you’re ready to implement textures, you can give your world a consistent look and feel with Snaps Art packs. The assets are 3D models, tileable out of the box so that you can create variations easily.

当您准备实现纹理时,可以使用Snaps Art pack为您的世界提供一致的外观。 资产是3D模型,可立即使用图块进行拼接,以便您轻松创建变体。

They include physically based rendering (PBR) Unity standard materials, so you can use them to enrich your greyboxing prototypes. Alternatively, use them for production – these assets are light but with plenty of detail, suitable for any target platform.

它们包括基于物理的渲染(PBR)Unity标准材料,因此您可以使用它们来丰富灰盒原型。 另外,也可以将它们用于生产–这些资产轻巧但细节丰富,适用于任何目标平台。

Snaps assets are designed in a realistic art style, but you can adjust them to suit your project. They are fully customizable enabling you to create anything from faceted low-poly settings to highly stylized fantasy worlds. 

Snaps资产以逼真的艺术风格设计,但是您可以对其进行调整以适合您的项目。 它们是完全可定制的,使您能够创建从多面的低多边形设置到高度风格化的幻想世界的任何内容。

Snaps Prototype | Sci-fi / Industrial assets and the Snaps Art version by Manufactura K4

捕捉原型| 科幻/工业资产和 Manufactura K4 的快照艺术版本

捕捉Art HD:图形边缘 (Snaps Art HD: A graphic edge)

Snaps Art HD assets bring your project to life with high-fidelity detail. These 3D assets are made by veteran game artists, giving everyone access to AAA-quality production.

Snaps Art HD资产通过高保真细节使您的项目栩栩如生。 这些3D资产是由 资深游戏艺术家制作的 ,使每个人都可以使用AAA质量的作品。

The materials, textures and additional content in the pack’s leverage Unity’s High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP).  Creators can get valuable insight into how high-end visuals are produced and learn how to customize assets to take their games to the next level.

包装中的材料,纹理和其他内容充分利用了 Unity的高清渲染管道(HDRP )。 创作者可以深入了解如何制作高端视觉效果,并了解如何自定义资产以将其游戏带入新的高度。

Overview of some of the existing Snaps Art HD packs

某些现有的Snaps Art HD包概述

These assets follow Snaps modularity guidelines making it easy for you to swap assets in your project to go from prototype to production.

这些资产遵循 Snaps模块化准则, 使您可以轻松地交换项目中的资产,从原型到生产。

每个人都在成长的图书馆 (A growing library for everyone)

The Asset Store team is committed to making the Snaps library a comprehensive gaming resource during the next coming year. We want assets to be accessible to everyone – beginners, hobbyists, and professional studios.

资产商店团队致力于在接下来的一年中使Snaps库成为全面的游戏资源。 我们希望所有人,初学者,业余爱好者和专业工作室都能使用资产。

If Snaps assets don’t work within your project, we’ll be happy to help you make them work or give you a refund.


We plan to release Snaps packs covering the most popular game themes and genres spanning the development workflow. This allows you to use Snaps from prototyping through production. Note that asset packs previously labeled Asset Store Originals and Unity Icon Collective (like the Buried Memories worlds) are now part of the Snaps ecosystem.

我们计划发布涵盖开发流程中最受欢迎的游戏主题和类型的Snaps包。 这使您可以从原型制作到生产使用Snap。 请注意,以前标记为Asset Store Originals和Unity Icon Collective的资产包(例如 Buried Memories 世界)现在已成为Snaps生态系统的一部分。

Convert the proxy assets in your prototype to production-ready art assets for any platform, or to HDRP assets if you’re targeting high-end platforms with AAA assets.


Stay tuned for information on how you can contribute art assets to our Snaps library.


Get Started


Learn more about the various Snaps packs and their specifications. You can get started on the Asset Store today.

了解 有关各种Snaps包装及其规格的 更多 信息。 您可以立即开始在 Asset Store 上。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/08/16/snaps-asset-packs-make-it-easy-to-bring-your-projects-to-life/


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