哥本哈根经度_团结哥本哈根就在眼前。 标记您的日历。


Real-time 3D is changing everything for games, film, automotive, architecture and more. From genre-bending apps and Emmy-winning animations to mind-blowing XR experiences, creators around the world are redefining digital storytelling. On September 23-26, join us in Copenhagen or online to celebrate their achievements and learn how Unity can fuel your own creativity.

实时3D改变了游戏,电影,汽车,建筑等等的一切。 从流派弯曲的应用程序和赢得艾美奖的动画到令人赞叹的XR体验,世界各地的创作者都在重新定义数字故事。 9月23日至26日, 在哥本哈根在线 加入我们,庆祝他们的成就,并了解Unity如何激发您自己的创造力。

We kick things off on Monday, September 23, and we’re thrilled to share the many ways you can make the most of your Unite experience.


Heading to Copenhagen? Download the Unite app.

前往哥本哈根? 下载Unite应用程序

随时随地观看主题演讲 (Watch the keynote from anywhere)

Our keynote is always a highlight of every Unite, so you won’t want to miss it. You’ll hear major announcements and see cool demos on the Data-Oriented Tech Stack (DOTS), our first-ever cloud-based simulation solution, and cutting-edge capabilities for graphics like 2D tools, the Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP), ray tracing, and much more.

我们的主题演讲始终是每个Unite的亮点,因此您将不会错过它。 您会听到重要的公告,并在面向数据的技术堆栈(DOTS),我们有史以来第一个基于云的模拟解决方案以及诸如2D工具,可脚本化渲染管线(SRP),光线追踪等等。

When: September 23, 6:00 pm CEST (the Pre-show begins at 5:40 pm)

时间 :CEST 9月23日下午6:00(预演在下午5:40开始)

Where: Tune in on Unity3d.com, YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Twitter (Periscope), Mixer (Xbox)

哪里 :可以在Unity3d.comYouTubeTwitchFacebookTwitter ( Periscope ), Mixer (Xbox)上收听

Set up a reminder now on YouTube.



如此多的会话可供选择 (So many sessions to choose from)

What are your interests? What do you want to learn? We have over 150 informative sessions scheduled, ranging from high-level tech talks to hands-on tutorials. There’s something for every Unity user, interest and skill level. Here’s a small selection to whet your appetite.

你的兴趣是什么? 你想学些什么? 我们安排150多次信息丰富的会议 ,从高级技术讲座到动手教程。 每个Unity用户,兴趣和技能水平都有所不同。 这里有一些选择可以激发您的胃口。

  • What to expect in 2020: Unity Roadmap. Will Goldstone will present Unity’s roadmap for 2020 and give you an overview of our 3-year vision. He’ll dive into specific improvements that we’re working on for graphics, artist tooling, connected games and much more.

    2020年的期望:Unity路线图威尔·戈德斯通(Will Goldstone)将介绍Unity的2020年路线图,并向您概述我们的3年愿景。 他将深入探讨我们正在为图形,艺术家工具,联网游戏等进行的具体改进。

  • Converting Scene Data to DOTS. Join this session if you’re considering converting a project to the new Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS). Standard Unity Engine components are converted from GameObjects to Entities in the Editor, but this session explains how you can create conversion code for your own components.

    将场景数据转换为DOTS。 如果您正在考虑将项目转换为新的面向数据的技术堆栈(DOTS),请加入本课程。 标准Unity Engine组件在编辑器中已从GameObjects转换为Entities,但是此会话介绍了如何为自己的组件创建转换代码。

  • Get moving: An overview of Physics in DOTS. We’re working on two new physics solutions for DOTS-based projects: Unity Physics and Havok Physics. This talk will give you an overview of both Unity and Havok physics systems, content authoring workflows for Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS) physics, as well as the basics of the DOTS physics architecture and game code layer.

    前进:DOTS中的物理学概述 。 我们正在为基于DOTS的项目开发两个新的物理解决方案 :Unity Physics和Havok Physics。 本讲座将概述Unity和Havok物理系统,面向数据的技术栈(DOTS)物理的内容创作工作流,以及DOTS物理体系结构和游戏代码层的基础。

  • Accelerating communication in AEC with Unity Reflect. See what customers like award-winning New York City-based SHoP Architects are building with Unity Reflect, our new product for the architecture, engineering, and construction industry, coming this fall. They’re using Unity Reflect to transform BIM data into custom AR/VR applications.

    使用Unity Reflect加速AEC中的通信。 看看像屡获殊荣的纽约SHoP Architects这样的客户正在用Unity Reflect建造产品,Unity Reflect是我们针对建筑,工程和建筑行业的新产品,将于今年秋天面世。 他们正在使用Unity Reflect将BIM数据转换为自定义AR / VR应用程序。

  • Lexus & Unity: Capturing the creative experience through a virtual lens. See how Lexus and its agency partner Team One are using Unity to drive creative virtual production at the speed of conception.

    雷克萨斯和Unity:通过虚拟镜头捕捉创意体验。 了解雷克萨斯及其代理合作伙伴Team One如何使用Unity以构思的速度推动创意虚拟制作。

  • How the High-Definition Render Pipeline unlocks graphics. Gives you high-fidelity graphics for high-end platforms. With HDRP, you have the tools to create anything from games to technical demos at the highest resolution.

    高清渲染管线如何解锁图形。 为您提供适用于高端平台的高保真图形。 使用HDRP,您可以使用各种工具以最高分辨率创建从游戏到技术演示的所有内容。

  • Getting started with real-time ray tracing in Unity 2019.3. This session will explore how to jump-start real-time ray tracing projects. Attendees will learn how to develop effects using ray tracing technology and get a behind-the-scenes look at Unity’s new ray tracing demo.

    Unity 2019.3中的实时光线跟踪入门。 本课程将探讨如何快速启动实时光线跟踪项目。 与会者将学习如何使用光线跟踪技术开发效果,并了解Unity新的光线跟踪演示的幕后花絮。

  • Introducing Animation Rigging for Unity 2019.3. The Animation Rigging package provides a library of rig constraints that can be used to procedurally control skeletal animation at runtime, and Unity 2019.3 lets you keyframe the rig constraints in Timeline to author new animation clips right in the Editor.

    介绍Unity 30.3的动画索具。 动画索具包提供了绑定约束库,可用于在运行时以程序方式控制骨骼动画,而Unity 2019.3允许您在时间轴中对绑定约束进行关键帧设置,以在编辑器中直接创作新的动画剪辑。

认识你的同龄人,结交新朋友 (Meet your peers, make new friends)

Unite Copenhagen is a great opportunity to meet your peers, make new friends, and share ideas with Unity developers, artists, industry leaders, and others from around the world. Here are just some of the great networking opportunities we’ve got planned.

哥本哈根的Unite是一个与您的同行会面,结交新朋友并与Unity开发人员,艺术家,行业领导者以及来自世界各地的其他人分享想法的绝佳机会。 这只是我们已计划的一些绝佳的人脉机会。

咨询专家 (Ask the Experts)

Looking for advice on how to optimize your Unity project? Have a specific question about things like the Asset Pipeline, Animation or WebGL? Join us in the Ask the Experts area – and bring your project on a laptop. Our experts will take a look and help!

是否在寻找有关如何优化Unity项目的建议? 对资产管道,动画或WebGL之类的东西有特定疑问吗? 加入我们的“咨询专家”区域-将您的项目带到笔记本电脑上。 我们的专家将为您提供帮助!

For example, Aras Pranckevičius will be there to talk about Version Control, Steve Ewart from Havok will answer your questions about Havok Physics, Mike Acton and Lucas Meijer can analyze your DOTS code, and Ralph Hauwert will be on point for all things related to our multiplatform support.

例如, ArasPranckevičius将在这里谈论版本控制,Havok的Steve Ewart将回答您有关Havok Physics的问题, Mike ActonLucas Meijer可以分析您的DOTS代码, Ralph Hauwert将就与我们多平台支持。

Need more speed? The Profiling team is setting up an Optimization Station in the Ask the Experts area, so if you suspect your project could use a bit more velocity, definitely come along! They’ll help you identify potential performance issues.

需要更多速度? 概要分析团队正在“询问专家”区域中设置一个优化站,因此,如果您怀疑您的项目可以使用更多的速度,那么一定要来! 它们将帮助您确定潜在的性能问题。

晚上团结 (Unite at Night)

Unity’s leaders and founders will host you at seven of our favorite hot spots in downtown Copenhagen on Wednesday, September 25, 6:00–9:00 pm. Two drink tickets per person for everyone with a Unite badge.

Unity的领导人和创始人将于9月25日(星期三)下午6:00至9:00下午在哥本哈根市中心的七个最受欢迎的地点接待您。 每个人都有两张统一Unity徽章的饮料票。

Locations and special guests


  • SKAAL – John Riccitiello (CEO), David Helgason (Founder)

    SKAAL – John Riccitiello(首席执行官),David Helgason(创始人)

  • Cafe Guldhornene – Andrew Bowell (VP, Product), Timoni West (Director of XR)

    Cafe Guldhornene – Andrew Bowell(产品副总裁),Timoni West(XR主任)

  • The Drunken Flamingo – Joachim Ante (CTO, Founder), Mike Acton (Principal Programmer)

    The Drunken Flamingo – Joachim Ante(CTO,创始人),Mike Acton(首席程序员)

  • The Happy Pig – Luc Barthelet (VP/GM, Cloud Services), Ralph Hauwert (VP, Platforms)

    快乐的猪 – Luc Barthelet(云服务副总裁/总经理),Ralph Hauwert(平台副总裁)

  • Heidi’s Bier Bar – Lucas Meijer (Technical Director), Kat Strafford (VP, Marketing)

    海蒂(Heidi)的Bier Bar –卢卡斯·迈耶(Lucas Meijer)(技术总监),凯特·斯特拉福德(Kat Strafford)(市场营销副总裁)

  • Butchers – Brett Bibby (VP, Engineering), Ingrid Lestiyo (GM, Monetization), Sylvio Drouin (VP, Research Labs)

    屠夫 – Brett Bibby(工程副总裁),Ingrid Lestiyo(货币化总经理),Sylvio Drouin(研究实验室副总裁)

  • The Australian Bar – Ulas Karademir (VP, Core), Felix Thé (VP, Monetization)

    澳大利亚律师协会 –乌拉斯·卡拉米(Ulas Karademir)(核心副总裁),费利克斯(FelixThé)(货币化副总裁)

统一欢乐时光 (Unity for all Happy Hour)

We’d love for you to join us on Tuesday, September 24 at 17:00 as we explore the connection between self-care and building a more inclusive community in gaming. Get to know other creators, build lasting connections, and discuss ways we can support and mentor each other on career challenges.

我们希望您在9月24日(星期二)17:00加入我们,探索我们的自我保健与建立更具包容性的游戏社区之间的联系。 结识其他创作者,建立持久的联系,并讨论在职业挑战方面我们可以相互支持和相互指导的方法。

RSVP today.


在Unite分享您的反馈意见 (Share your feedback at Unite)

We want to get feedback on your experience with Unity! We are hosting a variety of feedback sessions, as well as 1:1 interviews, and we’d love to use this unique opportunity to hear your feedback. Types of feedback sessions will include 1:1 chats with Unity product managers and our customer insights team, quick conversations at the Unity booth, and group roundtables covering a variety of topics ranging from our new input system, our ECS workflow, Unity Reflect, and many others.

我们希望获得有关您使用Unity的经验的反馈! 我们将举办各种反馈会议以及1:1访谈,我们很乐意利用这个独特的机会来听听您的反馈。 反馈会议的类型包括与Unity产品经理和客户见解团队的1:1聊天,在Unity展位上的快速对话以及小组圆桌会议,涉及从新输入系统,ECS工作流程,Unity Reflect和很多其他的。

Sign up to participate in a feedback session during Unite.



Whether it’s in person, on social media, or in the keynote livestream chat, we look forward to seeing you all soon!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/09/13/unite-copenhagen-is-just-around-the-corner-mark-your-calendars/






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