
The Unity Icon Collective brings together top industry talent to produce high-quality content straight to the Unity Asset Store. Today we dive into the unsung heroes who help build atmosphere, tension, and narrative to any project with the art that is sound design and music.

Unity Icon Collective汇集了业内顶尖人才,可以直接向Unity Asset Store生成高质量的内容。 今天,我们潜入那些无名英雄,他们利用声音设计和音乐艺术,为任何项目营造气氛,张力和叙事。

音效设计 (Sound Design)

The Sound Design and Foley has been done by the team here at Pinewood Studios who work in both games and film.  We wanted to take the mechanical, robot elements of the Seeker and combine those with organic layers for the materials and accessories they have acquired in their search to become more human.  Servos, motors, and metallic foley elements were recorded in the theater along with leathers, cloth, and cables.

声音设计和Foley由Pinewood Studios的团队完成,他们从事游戏和电影工作。 我们希望采用Seeker的机械,机器人元素,并将它们与有机层结合起来,以获取他们在搜索中获得的材料和配件,从而变得更加人性化。 在剧院中记录了伺服,马达和金属foley元素以及皮革,布料和电缆。

For the environmental assets, we used material from Steve’s recording trips to Iceland and Sweden for the wind, trees, and birds, accentuated with foley for leaves and foliage.  Other elements included contact microphones placed on radio tower’s supporting cables (from the Hellissandur tower 412m tall). The recordings from these capture the otherwise unheard sounds of giant metal cables flexing in the wind and have an alien, otherworldly quality we used for the Seedbank.

对于环境资产,我们使用了史蒂夫(Steve)录制的冰岛和瑞典旅行中的风,树和鸟的素材,并用foley突出了树叶和树叶。 其他元素还包括放置在无线电塔支撑电缆上的接触式麦克风(来自412m高的Hellissandur塔)。 这些录音中的声音捕捉到了巨大的金属电缆在风中弯曲前所未闻的声音,并具有我们用于种子库的异乎寻常的超凡脱俗的品质。

To create an additional drone layer to these assets, we investigated the old folk songs associated with the Yggdrasil tales and processed and blended some of these eerie chants with the more realistic environmental assets. There is a hidden message among the ambience that tells your story as it plays.

为了为这些资产创建一个额外的无人机层,我们调查了与Yggdrasil故事相关的古老民歌,并将其中一些令人毛骨悚然的圣歌与更现实的环境资产进行了处理和混合。 在氛围中有一个隐藏的信息可以讲述您的故事。

Being able to share a variety of material from all of us here in Creative Audio at Pinewood with the Unity community is really exciting, we can’t wait to see the amazing projects that they get used for!

能够与Unity社区在Pinewood的Creative Audio中分享我们所有人的各种材料真是令人兴奋,我们迫不及待想看到他们习惯的惊人项目!

音乐 (Music)


The music includes a blend of European instruments, such as live violin performed by Patti Rudisill and live cello by Andrew Dunn, cinematic elements and a storytelling structure to support the scene including three distinct sections which convey the story of the native people of Yggdrasil – their creation, uncertainty, and eventual demise.

音乐包括欧洲乐器的融合,例如帕蒂·鲁迪西尔(Patti Rudisill)演奏的现场小提琴和安德鲁·邓恩(Andrew Dunn)的现场大提琴,电影元素和讲故事的结构以支持场景,其中包括三个截然不同的部分,传达了伊格德拉西尔土著人民的故事–创造,不确定性和最终消亡。

The track has been carefully written by composer Nathan Cleary to be able to function not only as a standalone piece, but also to be able to be remixed within your Unity project with the use of the individual audio stem files.

该曲目由作曲家Nathan Cleary精心编写,不仅可以作为独立作品使用,而且还可以使用单独的音频主干文件在您的Unity项目中进行混音。


In addition to the full track/mix, you can create sub-mixes for a variety of uses and gameplay scenarios from subtle musical ambiences for exploring scenes to the fully fleshed track. All files are exported in WAV, 44.1Khz at 16 Bit.

除了完整的曲目/混音,您还可以创建子混音,以用于各种用途和游戏场景,从用于探索场景的细微音乐氛围到完整的曲目。 所有文件都以16位的WAV(44.1Khz)格式导出。

If you’d like to hear more from Nathan, Patti & Andrew, follow the links below


Nathan Cleary | Patti Rudisill |Andrew Dunn

内森·克雷里 | Patti Rudisill | 安德鲁·邓恩

第2卷偷看! (Sneak peek of Volume 2!)

NEURATEK: Location Unknown – In the middle of a quiet, life-less misty swamp, lies an abandoned facility where a group of genetic scientists and researchers used to conduct experiments of genetic manipulation through biotechnologies and recombination of DNA techniques to resurrect an ancient life form.


All in the pursuit of eternal life.



翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/04/04/sound-design-and-music-buried-memories-volume-1-yggdrasil-icon-pack/





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