使用Unity Icon Collective的高端艺术品创建标志性的世界

Whether a beginning solo creator or a small team of industry veterans, we’ve heard a growing need from the community for high-quality art content on the Unity Asset Store to help them fulfill their AAA aspirations. For many smaller developers creating high-end art content is difficult, which is why we decided to partner with leading artists in the industry to create the Icon Packs, premium modular art assets designed to enable creators to build and expand new worlds.

无论是最初的独奏创作者还是经验丰富的小型团队,我们都已经听到社区对Unity Asset Store上的高质量艺术内容的日益增长的需求,以帮助他们实现AAA的愿望。 对于许多较小的开发商而言,创建高端艺术作品是困难的,这就是为什么我们决定与业内领先的艺术家合作创建Icon Packs的原因,Icon Packs是旨在使创作者能够建立和扩展新世界的优质模块化艺术资产。

介绍Unity Icon集体 (Introducing the Unity Icon Collective)

Column 1: Callum Tweedie Walker – Environment Artist, Muzifal Mokhtar – Character Artist, Glen Gathard & Steve Whetman/Pinewood Studios – Sound Design; Column 2: Johnson Ting – Icon; Column 3: Nathan Cleary – Music, Cyrus Lam – Animator, Matteo Grossi – Cinematic Artist

专栏1:Callum Tweedie Walker –环境艺术家,Muzifal Mokhtar –角色艺术家,Glen Gathard和Steve Whetman / Pinewood Studios –声音设计; 第2栏:丁震-图标; 专栏3:内森·克雷里(Nathan Cleary)–音乐,林熙蕾(Cyrus Lam)–动画师,Matteo Grossi –电影艺术家

We’re excited to announce the launch of the Unity Icon Collective, a collaborative partnership with leading game-industry veterans, Asset Store publishers, partners and Unity, formed to create AAA-quality, game-ready assets for you – the Unity community.

我们很高兴宣布推出Unity Icon Collective,这是与领先的游戏行业资深人士,Asset Store发行商,合作伙伴和Unity的合作伙伴关系,旨在为您创建具有AAA质量,可用于游戏的资产– Unity社区。

The Unity Icon Collective consists of artists and publishers from the Unity community who have been hand-picked to produce high-quality assets ranging from characters and environments to art and animation.

Unity Icon Collective由来自Unity社区的艺术家和出版商组成,他们都是经过手工挑选的,以生产从人物和环境到艺术和动画的高质量资产。

Icon Packs are flexible, modular, and they have everything you need to create AAA-quality projects. These packs are professionally produced by industry artists with experience working on AAA games such as Assassin’s Creed and Gears of War.

Icon Pack是灵活的,模块化的,并且具有创建AAA质量项目所需的一切。 这些包装是由行业艺术家专业制作的,具有在诸如刺客信条和战争机器等AAA游戏上工作的经验。

Learn more about Yggdrasil – Icon Pack

了解有关Yggdrasil –图标包的更多信息

埋葬记忆简介第1卷:Yggdrasil –图标包 (Introducing Buried Memories Volume 1: Yggdrasil – Icon Pack)

Based on the work of concept artist Johnson Ting, the Collective’s first release will be an asset package set in a sci-fi universe called Buried Memories, which is home to a machine civilization that emerged from a significant earth-altering event. The Buried Memories Volume 1: Yggdrasil – Icon Pack is available for pre-order today.

根据概念艺术家丁俊强的作品,该集体的首个发行版将是一个名为Buried Memories的科幻宇宙中的资产套件,该宇宙是发生重大地球变迁事件而诞生的机器文明的故乡。 《埋藏的回忆》第1卷:Yggdrasil – Icon Pack现已开始接受预订

Buried Memories is an episodic series built around an IP which sets the stage for a unique narrative and lore. Volume 1: Yggdrasil is the first volume in the series. We will continue to add new content to expand the universe of possibilities within the narrative and theme of the Buried Memories series.

《埋葬的回忆》是围绕IP构建的情节系列,为独特的叙事和知识打下基础。 第1卷:Yggdrasil是该系列的第一卷。 我们将继续添加新内容,以在“埋藏的回忆”系列的叙事和主题中扩展可能性的范围。

This first pack contains a complete environment, a professionally rigged and animated character, shaders, textures, lighting, audio, and source files. In addition to the Icon Collective team, we also collaborated with several Asset Store partners, including Quixel, Pinewood Studios, Substance, and Rokoko, to incorporate professionally produced materials, textures, animations and sound.

第一个软件包包含一个完整的环境,一个经过专业装配和动画处理的角色,着色器,纹理,照明,音频和源文件。 除了Icon Collective团队之外,我们还与Asset Store的多个合作伙伴(包括Quixel,Pinewood Studios,Substance和Rokoko)合作,整合了专业制作的材料,纹理,动画和声音。

Check out the page linked below to learn more about the team, the project, and to pre-order Yggdrasil – Icon Pack. A limited-time offer of bonus animations and skins will be provided to all pre-order purchasers.

查看下面链接的页面,以了解有关团队,项目的更多信息,并预订Yggdrasil – Icon Pack。 将向所有预购者提供限时提供的额外动画和皮肤。

高端模块化艺术内容创造令人惊叹的游戏世界 (Create stunning game worlds with high-end modular art content)

Our vision with the launch of the Unity Icon Collective is to continue to democratize development for Unity developers by providing access to flexible, high-quality art assets, which often cost studios tens of thousands of dollars to produce. We want to ensure creators from across the world have access to high-end, AAA content while giving new opportunities for publishers to advance their skills and grow their income.

我们推出Unity Icon Collective的愿景是通过提供灵活,高质量的艺术资产的访问权,继续使Unity开发人员的发展民主化,这常常使工作室花费数万美元来制作。 我们希望确保世界各地的创作者都可以使用高端AAA内容,同时为发布者提供新的机会来提高其技能并增加收入。

Image of photogrammetry scanned environment assets from Quixel’s Lava field biome used in Vol 1: Yggdrasil.


For this project we collaborated closely with Quixel Megascans, the world’s largest library of scan content, who provided us access to beautiful photogrammetry scanned environment assets from their Lava Field biome to integrate within the scene. Alongside our custom models, this pack provides a wide array of high-quality art content for you to use in any of your projects.

在此项目中,我们与全球最大的扫描内容库Quixel Megascans紧密合作,后者使我们能够从其Lava Field生物群落中获得美丽的摄影测量扫描环境资产,以整合到场景中。 除我们的自定义模型外,此包还提供了广泛的高质量艺术内容,供您在任何项目中使用。

社区驱动的内容 (Community-driven content)

Example of the environment design for Yggdrasil – Icon Pack.

Yggdrasil –图标包的环境设计示例。

With the Unity Icon Collective, we’re committed to building a team of talented artists, animators, and designers from across the globe and providing them an opportunity to flex their creative muscles while also earning supplemental income.

借助Unity Icon Collective,我们致力于组建一支由来自世界各地的才华横溢的艺术家,动画师和设计师组成的团队,并为他们提供机会展示自己的创造力,同时获得额外的收入。

These aren’t simply worlds we’re creating in a silo; they are entirely new IP’s we’re inviting the community to help us build. In December, we will release the first Icon pack and our team will publish a list of guidelines and specifications for building Icon-compatible art, so publishers and creators in the community can contribute their ideas to expand these worlds.

这些不仅仅是我们在筒仓中创建的世界。 它们是全新的IP,我们邀请社区来帮助我们建立。 12月,我们将发布第一个Icon Pack,我们的团队将发布有关构建与Icon兼容的艺术品的指南和规范列表,以便社区中的发行商和创作者可以贡献自己的想法,以扩展这些世界。

We’re excited to announce that we’re also providing existing and future Icon Packs for free to high-quality Asset Store publishers who are interested in building compatible content or want to showcase their tools or plugins. If you are an Asset Store publisher, you can apply to receive Icon content below.

我们很高兴地宣布,我们还将向有兴趣构建兼容内容或想要展示其工具或插件的高品质Asset Store发布者免费提供现有和将来的Icon Pack。 如果您是资产商店的发布者,则可以申请接收以下图标内容。

Learn more about Icon for publishers


创建图标就绪的艺术内容 (Creating Icon-ready art content)

We’ll be inviting publishers and artists from the community to produce Icon-ready content that matches the quality and style of these packs. We’ll also be publishing content, webinars, and additional material to help educate publishers on how they can build this content. Our goal is to create a rich library of stylistically consistent and high-quality AAA art content for creators to use in their projects.

我们将邀请社区中的发行商和艺术家制作与这些包装的质量和风格相匹配的Icon就绪内容。 我们还将发布内容,网络研讨会和其他材料,以帮助教育发布者如何构建此内容。 我们的目标是创建一个内容丰富且风格一致且高质量的AAA艺术作品库,供创作者在其项目中使用。

Publishers who create Icon-ready content will be promoted across our existing channels, will receive a badge for qualifying assets, and will have an opportunity to join the Unity Icon Collective to continue working on exciting new content we plan to release periodically in the upcoming year. We’ll be releasing more information soon about how to submit content and join the Collective.

创建支持图标的内容的发布者将通过我们现有的渠道进行推广,将获得合格资产的徽章,并将有机会加入Unity Icon Collective,继续致力于计划在下一年定期发布的令人兴奋的新内容。 。 我们将很快发布更多有关如何提交内容和加入集体的信息。

一起庆祝吧! (Let’s celebrate!)

We’re celebrating the launch of the Unity Icon Collective and Buried Memories Volume 1: Yggdrasil. As part of the celebration, we’re making Volume 1 available for free to eligible Unity Pro subscribers.

我们正在庆祝Unity图标集体和埋葬的回忆第1卷:Yggdrasil的发布。 作为庆祝活动的一部分,我们将向符合条件的Unity Pro订阅者免费提供第1卷。

We hope you enjoy using these assets in your projects and we can’t wait to see the amazing experiences you create.


埋葬的回忆仅仅是个开始 (Buried Memories is just the beginning)

We’re partnering with other iconic industry artists to create new episodic series covering a range of genres and styles. Each new IP will include a unique narrative and backstory to help you easily build and expand on these worlds.

我们正在与其他标志性行业艺术家合作,创作涵盖各种风格和风格的新情节系列。 每个新IP都将包含独特的叙述和背景故事,以帮助您轻松地在这些世界中构建和扩展。

Take a look at the Buried Memories Volume 1: Yggdrasil web page to get a taste of what’s coming and to pre-order the first Icon Pack today.

看看“埋藏的记忆第1卷:Yggdrasil”网页,了解即将发生的事情,并预购今天的第一个Icon Pack。

Pre-Order Vol. 1 Yggdrasil – Icon Pack

预购卷 1个Yggdrasil –图标包

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/11/15/create-iconic-worlds-with-high-end-art-content-from-the-unity-icon-collective/





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