playmaker_轻松进行游戏开发:GameAnalytics PlayMaker集成概览


The integration of the GameAnalytics Unity SDK with PlayMaker has just undergone its latest update. Simon Millard sat down with Magnus I. Møller from Tumblehead to find out how these two star plug-ins on the Asset Store helped them in their transition from an award winning animation studio to game development. 

GameAnalytics Unity SDKPlayMaker的集成刚刚经过了最新更新。 西蒙·米拉德(Simon Millard)与Tumblehead的Magnus I.Møller坐下来,了解Asset Store上的这两个明星插件如何帮助他们从获奖的动画工作室过渡到游戏开发。

Simon Millard is responsible for designing and implementing the GameAnalytics SDK for Unity. He’s also a passionate independent game developer. 

Simon Millard负责为Unity设计和实现GameAnalytics SDK。 他还是一位充满激情的独立游戏开发商。

Tumblehead is an award winning animation studio from Viborg, Denmark. After having worked on successful games such as The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, they decided to start making games of their own. Now they are on the brink of releasing their first title.

Tumblehead是来自丹麦维堡的屡获殊荣的动画工作室。 在开发了《行尸走肉》和《我们之中的狼》等成功的游戏之后,他们决定开始制作自己的游戏。 现在,他们即将发布自己的第一个冠军。

How did you make the transition from animation to game development?


Well, as we’re all graphical artists we needed to start from scratch in terms of programming. So, we found ourselves faced with having to learn Unity… At this point we found the PlayMaker plugin, which allows you to visually script game logic using nodes, transition events, and gives you access to almost the entire Unity API in a finite state machine. Having worked with 3D animation, it came very natural to me to connect the nodes in PlayMaker. It’s very similar to Maya. Also, Jean Fabre from PlayMaker helped me a lot, so over the course of six months I got to learn the plugin really well.

好吧,因为我们都是图形美工,所以我们需要从头开始进行编程。 因此,我们发现自己不得不学习Unity…至此,我们找到了PlayMaker插件,该插件可让您使用节点,过渡事件直观地编写游戏逻辑脚本,并允许您在有限状态机中访问几乎整个Unity API 。 使用3D动画后,在PlayMaker中连接节点对我来说很自然。 它与Maya非常相似。 另外,PlayMaker的Jean Fabre帮了我很大的忙,所以在六个月的过程中,我非常了解了插件。

Moving into making our own games was a challenge, especially when it came to getting started with development and structuring the process. But Unity and PlayMaker together provided a solution for that problem. It’s all there, if you want to start making a game now you can, the barrier has lowered considerably, nowadays.

着手开发自己的游戏是一个挑战,尤其是在开始进行开发和构建流程方面。 但是Unity和PlayMaker共同为该问题提供了解决方案。 一切就在这里,如果您现在想开始制作游戏,如今的障碍已经大大降低。

What is your upcoming iOS and Android puzzle game Bottleneck about?


It’s a physics based puzzle game, the likes of Cut the Rope, in which you’re helping Buddy to get all his diamonds back in his bottle. For that you need to solve some puzzles, and collect stars in the process.

这是一个基于物理的益智游戏,例如《割绳子》(Cut the Rope),您正在其中帮助Buddy将他所有的钻石重新装回瓶子。 为此,您需要解决一些难题,并在此过程中收集星星。


Where are you now in your development process?


We’re very close to finishing a vertical slice, as we’re going to the Nordic Game Conference, looking for publishers. It’ll be the first time doing that – it’s a big deal, and the pressure is showing. The vertical slice needs to be pitch perfect. It’s very important for us right now to be able to track how players are experiencing the different levels. A few weeks ago we reached the stage where we felt confident to bring in more testers. As we needed to collect gameplay data from all devices it was going to be tested for, we enabled GameAnalytics in Playmaker.

我们将要完成垂直切面,因为我们要去北欧游戏大会,寻找发行商。 这将是第一次,这很重要,而且压力正在显现。 垂直切片必须是完美的间距。 现在对我们来说,能够追踪玩家如何经历不同水平非常重要。 几周前,我们到达了一个充满信心的阶段,可以引进更多测试人员。 由于我们需要从所有要测试的设备上收集游戏数据,因此我们在Playmaker中启用了GameAnalytics。

Why did you choose GameAnalytics?


We knew it had a slick and straightforward interface, plus since it’s integrated in PlayMaker, it was extremely easy to setup, and the two plugins work great together. And if that weren’t enough, it’s free.

我们知道它具有一个简洁明了的界面,而且由于它已集成到PlayMaker中,因此非常易于设置,并且两个插件可以很好地协同工作。 如果那还不够,那就是免费的。

What metrics are you tracking?


At this point it’s all about balancing the experience, and getting to the point where it’s challenging, but not frustrating enough for players to drop off. So, we’re tracking if and where players get stuck, how many times they hit retry, how much time they spent on each level, how much stars they get on the second and the third attempt, etc.

在这一点上,所有的事情都是平衡体验,到达挑战性的地步,但还不足以让玩家放弃。 因此,我们要跟踪玩家是否卡在哪里以及卡在哪里,重试多少次,在每个级别花费多少时间,在第二次和第三次尝试中获得多少明星等等。

What is the most surprising thing you discovered when using GameAnalytics to track playtesting?


I designed the levels myself and it was surprising to see that the ones I thought were going to be hard are not by far the most difficult; whereas the ones that were supposed to be really easy they are in fact the ones that are hard, and problematic. And we got that by looking at the graphs – the conclusion was strikingly obvious then.

我自己设计了关卡,令人惊讶的是,我认为要困难的关卡并不是最困难的。 而那些本来应该很容易的东西实际上却是那些困难且有问题的东西。 通过查看图表,我们得出了这一结论–当时的结论非常明显。

What would you say is most useful about analytics to a game designer?


At least at the stage where I’m at now, I feel I can’t trust myself anymore. I’m in too deep, since I’ve been working on this for so long. Seeing all the people playing as a clear graph, or a bar, helps to have a good overview on the whole game without getting stressed out about keeping track of everything, because it’s all there. You can always look it up. So, at least at this stage in production, that’s what I find most valuable.

至少在我现在的阶段,我觉得我已经不能再相信自己了。 因为我已经为此工作了很长时间,所以我太深了。 将所有人都看成一个清晰的图形或条形,有助于对整个游戏有一个良好的概览,而不必担心跟踪所有事情,因为它就在那里。 您可以随时查找。 因此,至少在生产的现阶段,这是我最有价值的。

Do you have any advice for developers who are new to game analytics?


A common pitfall when playtesting is to track too many metrics. You should try thinking about what are the most important ones for what you want to achieve with that data. Also, I find it very useful to cross-reference two metrics to see if there’s consistency between them.

进行游戏测试时常见的陷阱是跟踪太多指标。 您应该尝试考虑对于要使用该数据实现的最重要的事项。 另外,我发现交叉引用两个指标以查看它们之间是否一致非常有用。

What are the advantages of using Playmaker & GameAnalytics together?


Playmaker allows anyone to make a game. GameAnalytics is providing a way of having a great overview on it, both in terms of game design, and monetisation, later on. For me at least, a selling point is the fact that they are both so easy to setup, use and debug. It allows me to spend time on tweaking the things that matter, like creating an engaging experience for the player.

Playmaker允许任何人制作游戏。 GameAnalytics稍后将提供一种在游戏设计和获利方面进行全面概述的方法。 至少对我而言,一个卖点是它们易于安装,使用和调试的事实。 它使我可以花时间调整重要的事情,例如为玩家创造引人入胜的体验。

What are your plans for the future? Will you continue making games?

你未来的计划是什么? 您会继续制作游戏吗?

Of course! We love it! We’re gonna look for a publisher for Bottleneck, and we’ve also set up a pitch session for a board of different investors. We hope to get funding to finalise production and polish the game. Otherwise, we have two other games lined up – so yes, we’re hooked.

当然! 我们喜欢它! 我们将为Bottleneck寻找发行商,并且还为不同投资者的董事会设立了推介会议。 我们希望获得资金以完成制作并完善游戏。 否则,我们还有其他两款游戏会排在一起–是的,我们很着迷。

There you have it: the killer combo that allows anyone to create games and concentrate on tweaking the important things that make up the gaming experience. Unity and the Asset Store have been amazing in facilitating development. This drives innovation, and plug-ins like PlayMaker give a new meaning to lowering entry barriers and giving way to all sorts of creative minds to participate in the industry. While data cannot replace creativity, it can provide the perspective, the overview one needs to keep the balance in check and figure out what doesn’t work. GameAnalytics closes the loop, providing developers with all the metrics they need to improve gameplay and ease game design, profitably tweak monetisation and increase retention and engagement rate.

一切就在这里:杀手comb,任何人都可以创建游戏并专注于调整构成游戏体验的重要内容。 Unity和Asset Store在促进开发方面令人赞叹。 这推动了创新,PlayMaker之类的插件赋予了降低进入门槛的新含义,并让各种创造力参与了该行业。 尽管数据不能替代创造力,但它可以提供视角,但总览需要保持平衡,并找出不可行的方法。 GameAnalytics结束了这一循环,为开发人员提供了改善游戏玩法和简化游戏设计所需的所有指标,以盈利方式调整货币化并提高保留率和参与率。

You can find out all about what is new (and old, for that matter) with the PlayMaker GameAnalytics integration on the GameAnalytics support page. Make sure you check out the Breakout game example the newest GameAnalytics package comes with, which is also available as a complete PlayMaker solution exemplifying both the GameAnalytics and Playmaker integration. You can see for yourself how easy it is, on the Playmaker website.

您可以在GameAnalytics 支持页面上找到有关PlayMaker GameAnalytics集成的新功能(旧的)的所有信息。 确保您查看了最新的GameAnalytics软件包随附的Breakout游戏示例,该示例也可作为完整的PlayMaker解决方案提供,以举例说明GameAnalytics和Playmaker的集成。 您可以在Playmaker网站上亲眼看到它有多么容易。



Twitter: @GameAnalytics @HutongGames @TumbleheadAnim

推特: @GameAnalytics @HutongGames @TumbleheadAnim



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