

Personalisation is not the latest trend in online business. In fact, it has been around for a while. It is, however, becoming the norm, with more and more companies adopting personalisation as a strategy. Those who haven’t yet begun to use personalisation not only fail to reap its benefits; they risk losing customers and sales to their competitors. Here’s why you should consider personalisation for your business.

个性化并不是在线业务的最新趋势。 实际上,它已经存在了一段时间。 但是,随着越来越多的公司采用个性化作为策略,这已成为一种规范。 那些尚未开始使用个性化的人不仅无法获得其好处; 他们冒着失去客户和销售给竞争对手的风险。 这就是为什么您应该考虑个性化业务的原因。

为什么个性化很重要 (Why personalisation is important)

Today we are bombarded by marketing messages. We find them on websites, social media, emails, television, radio, on the sides of vehicles, on street hoardings and tons of other places. There are so many fighting for our attention that, despite the millions that are spent on them, the majority go ignored. Personalisation has been proven to make customers take more notice and take more action, vastly increasing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

今天,我们受到营销信息的轰炸。 我们在网站,社交媒体,电子邮件,电视,广播,车辆侧面,街道围板和其他许多地方找到它们。 为了吸引我们的注意力,有太多争斗,尽管花费了数百万美元,但大多数人还是被忽略了。 事实证明,个性化可以使客户引起更多关注并采取更多行动,从而大大提高了营销活动的有效性。

To give some substance to that claim, a recent article from SmarterHQ showed that over 90% of consumers would be more likely to buy from a company that provides them with relevant offers and recommendations. What’s more, they also discovered that, in 2019, more than 70% of customers only engaged with marketing messages that met their individual interests.

为了使该主张更具体一些, SmarterHQ最近的一篇文章显示,超过90%的消费者更有可能从向他们提供相关优惠和建议的公司购买商品。 此外,他们还发现,在2019年,超过70%的客户只从事符合其个人兴趣的营销信息。

Since companies like eBay and Amazon started introducing personalisation, consumer expectations have increased. Indeed, if a website doesn’t offer relevant suggestions, almost half of its visitors will head to Amazon before making a decision. Overall, 70% of consumers feel marketing is too impersonal and 36% want even more personalisation than at present. Importantly, where personalisation makes buying less expensive or easier, 90% of consumers are willing to share their data to obtain those benefits – and it is that data which makes personalisation achievable.

自从eBay和Amazon这样的公司开始引入个性化以来,消费者的期望已经提高。 的确,如果网站不提供相关建议,则将有近一半的访问者在做出决定之前会前往亚马逊。 总体而言,有70%的消费者认为行销过于人性化,而36%的消费者希望获得比目前更多的个性化设置。 重要的是,在个性化使购买便宜或容易的地方,90%的消费者愿意共享他们的数据以获得这些好处–正是这些数据使个性化成为可实现的。

数据的价值 (The value of data)

Websites are able to obtain vast quantities of valuable data from their visitors. This gives marketing departments the ability to know when people shop, what and who they shop for, how much they spend and even why and how they shop. This, however, is just the tip of the data iceberg. Today, businesses go way beyond tracking website behaviour and create end to end journey maps that collect the data on every single interaction an individual has with the organisation, including customer service interactions, emails and responses, product ratings and reviews, social media interactions and so forth. This helps the company to know their customers better than ever before and thus provide them with a far better customer experience. 

网站能够从其访问者那里获取大量有价值的数据。 这使营销部门能够了解人们何时购物,购买什么,向谁购买,花费多少,甚至为什么以及如何购物。 但是,这只是数据冰山的一角。 如今,企业已经超越了跟踪网站行为的范围,并创建了端到端的旅程图,该图收集了个人与组织之间每一次交互的数据,包括客户服务交互,电子邮件和响应,产品评级和评论,社交媒体交互等等。向前。 这有助于公司比以往更好地了解他们的客户,从而为他们提供更好的客户体验。

The insights gained from analysing such data can help a company procure the products their customers want and market them in the most effective, personalised ways. It can even help them send out marketing communications via the customers’ preferred channel and do so at the time that will have the greatest chance of a call to action being followed. And, of course, when the consumer arrives at the website, they’ll be greeted personally and find all the products they are most likely to be interested in and be given offers which are both relevant and appealing.

通过分析此类数据获得的见解可以帮助公司采购客户所需的产品,并以最有效,个性化的方式进行营销。 它甚至可以帮助他们通过客户偏爱的渠道发出市场传播信息,并在有机会采取行动时最大程度地做到这一点。 而且,当然,当消费者到达网站时,将亲自向他们打招呼,并找到他们最可能感兴趣的所有产品,并提供相关且有吸引力的优惠。

如何向您的网站添加个性化功能 (How to add personalisation capabilities to your website )

The growing demand for personalisation means there are an increasing number of plugins, tools and third-party services you can use to help implement it. The key tool is a Customer Relationship Management application that will enable you to do the essential collecting, tracking and analysis of your customer data as well as providing you with the ability to personalise recommendations on the site and send personalised marketing communications. Chatbots are another popular AI tool that act as personal shopping assistants to recommend products based on customer data.

对个性化的需求不断增长,意味着可以用来帮助实现个性化的插件,工具和第三方服务越来越多。 关键工具是“客户关系管理”应用程序,它使您能够进行必要的客户数据收集,跟踪和分析,以及使您能够个性化网站上的建议并发送个性化的营销沟通。 聊天机器人是另一种流行的AI工具,可以充当个人购物助手来根据客户数据推荐产品。

Personalisation tools vary considerably in price. The WordPress Repository has several highly rated plugins with free and premium versions. More advanced tools dealing with bigger quantities of data can cost hundreds of pounds per month. A third-party provider will cost even more but will take the burden of managing the system off your hands and remove the need for in-house technical expertise.

个性化工具的价格差异很大。 WordPress信息库具有多个具有免费和高级版本的高度评价的插件。 处理更大量数据的更高级工具每月可能要花费数百英镑。 第三方供应商的成本更高,但将使您无需管理系统的负担,也无需内部技术专家。

不要忘记您的主机 (Don’t forget your hosting )

Do remember that if you choose to offer personalisation, you will need the capacity to store all the data you are collecting and the processing power to run the apps that will analyse it. This means you may have to consider a more powerful hosting solution for your website, such as VPS, dedicated server or cloud.

请记住,如果您选择提供个性化设置,则将需要具有存储所收集的所有数据的能力以及运行将对其进行分析的应用程序的处理能力。 这意味着您可能不得不考虑为您的网站提供功能更强大的托管解决方案,例如VPS,专用服务器或云。

At the same time, collecting large quantities of personal data means you will be obliged to ensure its safety and so you may need to enhance the security features that you use to protect your website and online storage.


结论 ( Conclusion )

Personalisation is becoming a necessity for competitive businesses, especially in the eCommerce sector. Offering personalised interactions improves the customer experience and makes marketing strategies far more effective. To do this, however, you need the right tools to collect and analyse the data and to generate the personalised content. You also need the hosting capabilities to deliver personalisation and maintain data security.

个性化已成为竞争性企业的必需品,尤其是在电子商务领域。 提供个性化的交互可以改善客户体验,并使营销策略更加有效。 为此,您需要正确的工具来收集和分析数据并生成个性化内容。 您还需要托管功能来提供个性化设置和维护数据安全性。

If you are considering offering personalisation and need to improve your hosting, visit our homepage to see our wide range of hosting solutions.         

如果您正在考虑提供个性化服务并需要改善托管, 请访问我们的主页以查看我们广泛的托管解决方案。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/why-personalisation-is-a-must-for-online-business/






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