

During a recent symposium, leading figures from the IT world gave their opinions on the major technology trends they expected to affect enterprises over the next few years. Here, we’ll look at those potentially disruptive technologies which experts believe are already starting to have an impact on the business world.

在最近的一次座谈会上,IT界的主要人物对他们预计将在未来几年内影响企业的主要技术趋势发表了意见。 在这里,我们将研究专家认为已经开始对商业世界产生影响的那些潜在破坏性技术。

1.使专业知识民主化 (1. Democratising expertise)

Lack of expertise is a persistent limiting problem for many enterprises and can put them at a serious competitive disadvantage. At present companies face the dilemma of using expensive consultants who may lack sufficient knowledge of their business or take the slow route of training up existing staff. In the coming years, a third option, democratised expertise, will become increasingly available and is expected to become the preferred option.

对许多企业来说,缺乏专业知识是一个持续的限制问题,可能使他们处于严重的竞争劣势。 当前,公司面临使用昂贵的顾问的困境,他们可能缺乏足够的业务知识或缓慢地培训现有员工。 在未来几年中,第三种选择是民主化的专业知识,这种选择将越来越多,并且有望成为首选。

Essentially, democratised expertise provides employees with the knowledge and skills they lack without having to learn them. Whether the expertise needed is technical, such as with artificial intelligence or machine learning, or more business-related, such as with communications or marketing, this democratising will be delivered through the development of tools which remove the need for technical know-how. In the same way that CMS has democratised website building by stripping away the need to understand HTML and PHP, the next few years will see tools that remove the expertise needed to do things like designing applications or carrying out data analytics.

本质上,民主化的专业知识为员工提供了他们所缺少的知识和技能,而无需学习。 无论所需的专业知识是技术方面的,例如人工智能或机器学习方面的技术,还是更多与业务相关的方面,例如通信或市场营销方面的,这种民主化都将通过开发不需要技术知识的工具来实现。 就像CMS通过消除理解HTML和PHP的需要使网站建设民主化一样,在接下来的几年中,将出现一些工具,这些工具可以消除设计应用程序或执行数据分析之类的工作所需的专业知识。

2. 端到端自动化 (2. End-to-end automation)

The last decade saw automation become increasingly adopted by enterprises. During the 2020s we will see this use widen to deliver end-to-end solutions. By combining artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation applications, companies will be able to automate many more processes that are currently carried out by humans, such as analysing, designing, monitoring and evaluating. While many of these tools are being used discretely in various ways already, the trend will be to combine them so that they undertake work from start to finish.

在过去的十年中,自动化逐渐被企业所采用。 在2020年代,我们将看到这种用途不断扩大,以提供端到端解决方案。 通过将人工智能,机器学习和自动化应用相结合,公司将能够使当前由人类执行的更多流程自动化,例如分析,设计,监控和评估。 尽管许多工具已经以各种方式离散使用,但趋势是将它们组合在一起,以便它们从头到尾进行工作。

3. 自主设备团队 (3. Autonomous device teams)

Another automation advancement we can expect to see more of in the coming year is the linking up of various automated devices to work together as a team. One example of this, seen by millions on TV over the holiday season, was the New Year’s Eve drone displays in Shanghai and Singapore. With technology such as artificial intelligence enabling devices such as drones, robots and automated vehicles to interact with each other as well as with humans and their location, companies will be able to link them into teams to carry out a wide range of actions without the need for human control. This can include things like product assembly, traffic control and even product delivery.

我们可以期望在来年看到更多的自动化进步,那就是将各种自动化设备连接在一起,以团队的形式进行协作。 其中一个例子是在假日期间在电视上数以百万计的观众观看的,其中一个例子是在上海和新加坡展示了除夕无人机。 借助人工智能等技术,使无人机,机器人和自动车辆等设备能够相互交互以及与人类及其位置进行交互,公司将能够将它们链接到团队中,从而无需进行任何操作用于人为控制。 其中可能包括产品组装,流量控制甚至产品交付等内容。

4. 数字技术与用户体验 (4. Digital technology and the user experience )

Using digital technology to enhance the customer experience will be one of the major trends of the next few years. Companies are already using omnichannel communications to interact with consumers using their preferred platforms and we are seeing a growth in the number of organisations adopting mixed, augmented and virtual reality to enhance our perception of both the digital and real worlds. Together they are helping to make the user experience one which is more multisensory and which creates a more effective environment to deliver information.

使用数字技术来增强客户体验将是未来几年的主要趋势之一。 公司已经在使用全渠道通信来使用他们喜欢的平台与消费者进行交互,并且我们看到越来越多的组织采用混合,增强和虚拟现实来增强我们对数字世界和现实世界的认识。 它们共同帮助使用户体验到一种多感官体验,并创造一种更有效的信息传递环境。

5. 数据透明度 (5. Data transparency)

High profile cases like the Cambridge Analytica have given consumers far greater understanding not only of how their data is at risk but of its value to organisations. As a result, the public and indeed the government wants them to have greater control of their own data. Facing these demands as well as ever more stringent regulations, the early 2020s will see enterprises making data transparency a key objective in order to prove they are operating ethically and maintaining the necessary levels of privacy.

像Cambridge Analytica这样的备受关注的案例使消费者不仅对他们的数据有多么危险,而且对组织的价值有了更多的了解。 结果,公众甚至政府希望他们对自己的数据有更大的控制权。 面对这些需求以及越来越严格的法规,到2020年代初,企业将数据透明性作为关键目标,以证明其在道德上运作并保持必要的隐私级别。

6. 边缘计算的发展 (6. Development of edge computing )

At present, edge computing is mainly used by companies which have adopted IoT technology. Essentially it means ‘edge of network computing’ and it refers to where data is processed near to where it is created rather than sending it long distances to a datacentre. This helps increase speed and provides companies with disconnected or distributed capabilities.

目前,边缘计算主要由采用IoT技术的公司使用。 从本质上讲,它意味着“网络计算的边缘”,它是指在靠近数据创建位置处处理数据的位置,而不是将其长距离发送到数据中心。 这有助于提高速度,并为公司提供断开连接或分布式的功能。

In the coming year, however, it is predicted to become widely used across all sectors. The reason for this is down to its increasing sophistication, its specialised compute resources and its capacity to store more data. As a result, we will see a wider range of edge devices becoming available.

但是,在来年,预计它将在所有领域得到广泛使用。 造成这种情况的原因在于其复杂性的提高,其专用的计算资源以及其存储更多数据的能力。 结果,我们将看到越来越多的边缘设备可用。

7. 分布式云 (7. Distributed Cloud)

The common model of cloud hosting sees data stored and processed centrally; however, this will change over the next few years as the distribution of the public cloud is set to spread to different locations. While the cloud provider will maintain responsibility for its governance and operation, as well as carrying out updates and improvements, technological innovations such as fog networking and the aforementioned edge computing will see the cloud incorporate a wider range of devices spread out over far more locations. 

云托管的通用模型可查看集中存储和处理的数据。 但是,随着公共云的分布将扩展到不同的位置,这种情况将在未来几年内改变。 尽管云提供商将继续对其治理和运营以及进行更新和改进负责,但诸如雾网络和上述边缘计算之类的技术创新将使云集成更多种类的设备,分布在更多的位置。

结论 (Conclusion)

The sophisticated technologies available to enterprises are providing opportunities to develop in areas previously not foreseen. In the next few years we will see companies using automation in far more ways while they also adopt technologies that remove the need for in-house expertise. At the same time, we’ll see mixed, augmented and virtual reality used to improve the user experience while increased transparency is implemented to improve trust. There will also be a significant growth in edge computing and a distribution of the cloud to far more locations.    

企业可以使用的先进技术为以前未预见的领域提供了发展机会。 在未来几年中,我们将看到公司以更多方式使用自动化,同时他们也采用了消除内部专业知识需求的技术。 同时,我们将看到混合,增强和虚拟现实被用来改善用户体验,同时实现了增加透明度以提高信任度。 边缘计算以及云到更多位置的分布也将有显着增长。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/7-enterprise-it-trends-for-2020/






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