eUKhost would like to thank you all for being with us on this successful journey, without you it would not be possible to raise a toast. We have always focused on deploying industry leading server hardware combined with an unrivalled customer service 24x7x365. As a result, the company has grown to become a leading provider not only in the UK, but has developed a customer base that totals 35,000, with customers hailing from all corners of the globe.
eUKhost非常感谢大家与我们一起在这个成功的旅程中与您在一起,没有您,您将无法举杯敬酒。 我们始终专注于部署行业领先的服务器硬件以及无与伦比的 24x7x365客户服务。 结果,该公司不仅已成为英国的领先供应商,而且已发展了35,000个客户群,客户遍及全球。
“We are very thrilled to celebrate 13 years in the web hosting industry,” says Robert King, CEO at eUKhost. “From the first day we have had the mission to give importance to customer needs and to solve any technical issues in time by delivering unrivalled customer support. The vision has helped us to expand fast and we have quickly learned to what it takes to serve successful web hosting services.”
“庆祝Web托管行业成立13周年,我们感到非常高兴,” eUKhost首席执行官Robert King说。 “从第一天起,我们就一直致力于通过提供无与伦比的客户支持来重视客户需求并及时解决任何技术问题。 该愿景帮助我们快速扩展,我们Swift了解了成功服务虚拟主机服务所需的条件。”
In 2001 we started with just a few servers. In the years that have followed, the research and dedication of eUKhost have resulted in a portfolio that boasts a wide range of web hosting services and we have established a reputation as one of the most reliable service providers in the UK.
在2001年,我们开始时只有几台服务器。 在随后的几年中, eUKhost的研究和奉献产生了拥有广泛网络托管服务的产品组合,并且我们已成为英国最可靠的服务提供商之一。