10 DoFollow点可确保您的照片在互联网上的安全

The technology has two faces like a coin; it helps human beings to improve the performance and can be dangerous to harm anyone. If we look at the current issue of Jennifer Lawrence, You must know about her, she could not stop her bare photos from running wild across the internet and FBI is investigating and confused about an Apple icloud database hack or her own fault for the cause.

该技术有两个像硬币一样的面Kong。 它可以帮助人类提高性能,并且可能伤害他人。 如果我们看今期的詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence),您必须了解她,她无法阻止裸露的照片在互联网上狂奔,联邦调查局(FBI)正在调查并感到困惑,原因是苹果icloud数据库被黑客入侵或她自己的原因造成的。

You will be surprised to know that bare photos of Oscar-winning actress Lawrence, Kate Upton and other celebrities were posted and sold to potential viewers a few weeks back by users of the online forum. Apple was also investigating on the same issue and said “Hollywood celebrity accounts were compromised by a very targeted attack on Login names, poor passwords and recently ask security questions.”

您会惊讶地发现,在线论坛的用户在几周前就将奥斯卡影后劳伦斯,凯特·厄普顿(Kate Upton)和其他名人的裸照发布并出售给了潜在的观众。 苹果公司也在调查同一问题,并说:“好莱坞名人帐户受到针对登录名,不良密码和最近询问安全性问题的针对性攻击。”

Apple concludes that it must be a security flaw in its Find My iPhone app that lets hacker gets hold of passwords for iCloud and Apple’s online data storage and backup service because of a brute force attack. But after they found there are different ways in which your private photos can escape onto the internet without your authorization and without the help of hackers.

苹果得出结论认为,这必须是其“查找我的iPhone”应用程序中的一个安全漏洞,该漏洞使黑客能够通过暴力攻击获取iCloud和苹果在线数据存储和备份服务的密码。 但是,在他们找到后,您可以通过不同的方式未经您的授权也无需黑客的帮助即可将您的私人照片泄露到互联网上。

10遵循要点,以防止照片在网络上泛滥。 (10 Do Follow Points to Keep Your Photos Safe from running wild on the web.)

1.为什么您认为自己的数据在线安全? (1. Why do you believe that your data is secure online?)

Because you are uploading your personal data on the bigger brand services like iCloud, Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive, Dropbox and other cloud services on the Internet. It’s simple you are storing them on a server which is connected to the internet and belong to the company which has beyond control over your personal data online.

因为您要在更大的品牌服务(例如 Internet上的iCloud ,Google Drive,Microsoft One Drive,Dropbox和其他云服务。 您很容易将它们存储在连接到互联网的服务器上,该服务器属于该公司,该公司无法在线控制您的个人数据。

So you may suffer from a question like, Which is the most secure place to store data: HDD or Online? It is important to understand which things are you sharing online. Uploading a website on the paid Web hosting provider is secure and safer rather than the free hosting server. The online free storage you are calling is a storage of someone else’s computer and they have complete rights to make changes to any data at ay point of time.

因此,您可能会遇到这样的问题,例如,哪个数据存储最安全:HDD或在线? 了解您在线共享的内容很重要。 与免费的托管服务器相比,在付费的Web托管提供商上上传网站更安全, 更安全 。 您正在调用的在线免费存储是他人计算机的存储,他们拥有在任何时间对任何数据进行更改的完整权利。

2.请使用安全性强的密码,请勿将其用于其他帐户。 (2. Please use a strong password and don’t reuse them for other accounts.)

Avoid including name, phone numbers, addresses, pets name and information which is easily available online. According to Apple’s investigation the certain celebrity account hacks due to user names, passwords and security questions. Common passwords such as these ones are very risky can be predictable. So avoid using the same password for multiple accounts or services or they will all be vulnerable if just one becomes compromised.

避免包括姓名,电话号码,地址,宠物的名字和易于在线获取的信息。 根据苹果公司的调查,某些名人帐户因用户名,密码和安全性问题而被黑客入侵。 诸如此类的通用密码具有很高的风险,可以预见。 因此,请避免对多个帐户或服务使用相同的密码,否则,即使只有一个帐户或服务受到威胁,它们都将很容易受到攻击。

Use special characters in your password with a long string of words (eight characters or more) that mix different types of characters. Special letters, few numbers and symbols are the most secure.

请在密码中使用特殊字符, 并使用一串混合了不同类型字符的长字词(八个字符或更多)。 特殊字母,少量数字和符号是最安全的。

3.不要对安全性问题诚实。 (3. Don’t be honest with security questions.)

You don’t need to follow the 10 commandments of the bible and protocols to answer the security questions asked online. Don’t create a loop hole with your own hand, these are just security questions and be casual to answer it. According to few Internet security firms, you should reconsider whether those questions are really secure or not. Don’t be so kind with your own information.

您无需遵循圣经和协议的10条诫命来回答在线提出的安全问题。 不要自己动手做一个漏洞 ,这些只是安全性问题,请随意回答。 根据少数互联网安全公司的说法,您应该重新考虑这些问题是否真的安全。 对您自己的信息不要那么客气。

4.必须打开两因素身份验证。 (4. Necessary to turn on two-factor authentication.)

Gmail and many other services ask their users to answer one more security question along with their password. And if you turn on two-factor authentication or two-step verification, you need  to enter a hidden code that is sent to your phone or email which makes processing more strong and advanced for your own safety online.

Gmail和许多其他服务要求其用户回答一个安全性问题以及密码。 而且,如果您启用了两因素验证或两步验证,则需要输入一个隐藏代码,该代码将发送到您的电话或电子邮件中,这将使处理过程变得更加强大和安全,从而确保您的在线安全。

5.认真思考–是否需要在线备份? (5. Think hard – Do you require an online backup or not?)

This is must think about because many services provide automatic online backup which stores all your personal data on their own server. For example, services like Apple, Google Plus, Microsoft One Drive and DropBox have options that allow users to automatically backup or sync their photos or other data to the cloud. Remember, it is the default setting when you first configure an account for such services. Disable all this kind of settings, which force you to upload, automatic data online without your permission. Please do not comfortable with automatic backups, turn them off to run secure online status.

这是必须考虑的,因为许多服务都提供自动在线备份,该备份将您的所有个人数据存储在自己的服务器上。 例如,Apple,Google Plus,Microsoft One Drive和DropBox之类的服务具有允许用户自动将其照片或其他数据备份或同步到云的选项。 请记住,这是您首次为此类服务配置帐户时的默认设置。 禁用所有此类设置,这将迫使您未经许可就在线上传自动数据。 请不要对自动备份感到满意,请将其关闭以运行安全的在线状态。

6.在上传任何内容之前检查 (6. Check before you upload anything)

You should be very much careful with your own online presence and must review the photos before any upload.


7.不要将敏感照片发送给未知身份 (7. Don’t send sensitive photos to unknown identity)

Don’t send sensitive images of yourself to other people it will definitely help you to run wild online for your mistake.


8.删除所有额外的在线备份帐户。 (8. Delete all extra online backup accounts.)

If any intruder can gain access to one of your accounts, he may be able to use your other online backup account as well.


9.加密是安全运行的关键。 (9. Encryption is the key to run safe.)

Prefer to use services which automatically encrypts all files in a certain folder.


10.不要拍爆炸性的自拍照和裸露的自己的照片。 (10. Don’t take blasting selfies and bare photos of yourself.)

Use common sense, your image is in your hand. Avoid clicks which will destroy you online and you also don’t want the whole world to see.

使用常识,您的图像就在您手中。 避免点击会在网上破坏您的点击,并且您也不希望全世界看到。

So think before you upload something online and in your social networking accounts. Please share any other tips to save one from this kind of disasters.

因此,在在线上和在社交网络帐户中上传内容之前,请考虑一下。 请分享其他任何技巧,以免发生此类灾难。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/10-dofollow-points-to-keep-your-photos-safe-on-the-internet/

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