版权cd 翻录_英国居民很快将能够合法翻录CD

版权cd 翻录

You probably don’t think twice about ripping your CDs to your iTunes collection, indeed it is a feature that has been included from the start and provides users with an easy way of digitising their music collections so that they can free up space and sell CDs. However, whilst you’ve been ripping your CDs all this time, have you considered that it could actually be illegal? Well, under the 1988 Copyright, Designs and Patents Acts, it isn’t legal to copyright the contents of one storage medium to another, meaning that until now transferring the contents of a CD to a hard drive has been illegal – but with the authorities and record labels turning a blind eye to what’s gone on here, no-one has ever been prosecuted for transferring a CD to their computer, phone or music player. The UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has announced plans to update the 1998 Act in order to bring it in line with changes in technology.

您可能不会三思而后行地将CD复制到iTunes收藏夹中,实际上,它是一开始就包含的功能,它为用户提供了一种数字化其音乐收藏夹的简便方法,以便他们腾出空间并出售CD 。 但是,尽管您一直都在翻录CD,但您是否认为它实际上可能是非法的? 好吧,根据1988年的《版权,外观设计和专利法》,将一种存储介质的内容版权保护到另一种版权是非法的,这意味着直到现在,将CD的内容转移到硬盘驱动器都是非法的-但在当局的授权下而且唱片公司对这里发生的事情视而不见,从未有人因将CD转移到他们的计算机,电话或音乐播放器而受到起诉。 英国知识产权局(IPO)已宣布计划更新1998年文本,以使其与技术变化保持一致。

Making copies for others Even though the changes will make it legal for you to have a backup copy of media that you own, it will still be illegal for you to make copies of media your friends or family. Further to this, the guidance only applies to CDs meaning that if you are looking to digitise the mass of DVDs that you’ve collected then this is something that might have to wait. Similarly this also means that if you borrow CDs or DVDs from friends or family to copy, then the law won’t look this upon favourably. If you cease to own any CDs that you have digital copies of then the law still stipulates that you will have to delete any other copies that you have because you are no longer the barer of the original form of media. I would think that as technology moves forward and governments accept that physical forms of media are no longer sustainable or favoured by consumers, we should see more changes to allow people to make digital copies of their DVD and Bluray collections.

为他人制作副本即使更改使您拥有自己拥有的媒体备份副本合法,但将其复制为朋友或家人仍然是非法的。 此外,该指南仅适用于CD,这意味着,如果您希望数字化收集的DVD数量,则可能需要等待。 同样,这也意味着,如果您从朋友或家人那里借来CD或DVD进行复制,那么法律就不会对此给予有利的考虑。 如果您不再拥有拥有其数字副本的CD,那么法律仍然规定您将必须删除拥有的其他任何副本,因为您不再是原始媒体形式的障碍。 我认为,随着技术的进步以及政府接受的物理形式的媒体已不再可持续或不受消费者青睐,我们应该看到更多的变化,使人们能够制作其DVD和Bluray收藏的数字副本。

EU taking a positive stance The European Union had taken a positive stance on the matter a while back, sanctioning what it refers to as ‘format shifting’; however, the UK government has been rather lax in updating the 20 year old legislation to reflect the huge changes in technology we have seen since the inception of the law in 1988. Some are of the opinion that the current legislation has prevented the establishment of online start-ups in the music sector, but it is hoped that with the IPO updating its guidance to reflect modern technology that we could potentially see new music start-ups flourishing.

欧盟采取积极立场不久前 ,欧盟就此事采取了积极立场,认可了所谓的“格式转换”。 但是,英国政府在更新已有20年历史的立法中相当松懈,以反映自1988年法律颁布以来我们所看到的技术的巨大变化。有些人认为当前的立法阻止了在线法律的建立。音乐界的初创企业,但希望随着IPO更新其指导以反映现代技术,我们有可能看到新的音乐初创企业蓬勃发展。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/uk-residents-will-soon-be-able-to-rip-cds-legally/

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