

Benefits of having a website

There are many reasons why you should have a website for your company or business. Today the internet is a tool used worldwide, allowing us to access multiple resources and learn about other companies with ease. Many companies grow exponentially thanks to their websites. It’s time for you to make this communication tool to promote your company. A website can reached to millions of desks and can help an entrepreneur to become successful with its product and services.

有许多原因可以为您的公司或企业提供网站。 今天,互联网已成为全球使用的工具,使我们能够访问多种资源并轻松了解其他公司。 许多公司的网站成倍增长。 现在是时候使用此交流工具来促进您的公司了。 一个网站可以访问数百万个服务台,并且可以帮助企业家通过其产品和服务获得成功。

Another interesting fact is that the growth of Internet users from 2000 to 2013 is by 900% across the Europe continent. Making a connection with their local market, imagine what percentage of these users would be interested in their products and services to deploy it online.

另一个有趣的事实是,从2000年到2013年,整个欧洲大陆的互联网用户增长了900%。 与他们的本地市场建立联系,想象一下这些用户中有多少百分比会对他们的产品和服务感兴趣,以便将其在线部署。

A website can help you to earn following benefits:


1) Yes, you are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year


Website works like your brand image. Information about your company, products and services are available to any visitor at any time of day and can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Without a website, you should have opened your office or company, and attend a telephone, to provide information to potential customers. But with a website, prospective customers can learn of its products and services at any time, from anywhere with an Internet connection, and in the comfort of their homes or offices.

网站的运作就像您的品牌形象。 有关公司,产品和服务的信息可在一天的任何时间向任何访问者提供,并且可以从世界任何地方访问。 没有网站,您应该已经开设了办公室或公司,并打了电话,以向潜在客户提供信息。 但是通过网站,潜在客户可以随时随地通过Internet连接在舒适的家中或办公室中了解其产品和服务。

Moreover, without a website, you can not market your business without incurring costs in advertising and media. Another disadvantage of not having a website is that you do not have the opportunity to present your company in other cities or countries. With a website, your company is constantly promoting, in the most accessible medium: the Internet. Imagine being able to extend its business to other countries, offering their services and products online.

此外,如果没有网站,就无法在不增加广告和媒体成本的情况下营销您的业务。 没有网站的另一个缺点是您没有机会在其他城市或国家介绍您的公司。 有了网站,您的公司便会以最易访问的媒体不断推广互联网。 想象一下能够将业务扩展到其他国家/地区,在线提供其服务和产品。

Moreover, website not only promotes your company but also receive information from your visitors via a contact form. Thus, visitors can express their interest, questions or comments through its website. Thus, the website becomes a powerful tool for business communication with potential customers.

此外,网站不仅可以促进您的公司发展,还可以通过联系表接收访问者的信息。 因此,访问者可以通过其网站表达自己的兴趣,问题或评论。 因此,该网站成为与潜在客户进行业务交流的强大工具。

2) To create services as a Brand To develop your service as a brand among competitors website works in a right manner. You just need to develop a SEO friendly website with interactive images and product information. Having a presence on the Internet reinforces and updates the corporate image of your company. Lets get to know your potential customers that your company is always at the forefront of technology and information. It also allows visitors to your website gives a more complete picture of the services and products your company offers, and be able to easily refer them to other people.

2)创建服务作为品牌在竞争对手的网站上发展作为品牌的服务的工作方式正确。 您只需要开发一个包含交互式图像和产品信息的SEO友好网站。 在Internet上的存在可以加强和更新您公司的企业形象。 让您了解潜在客户,您的公司始终处于技术和信息的最前沿。 它还可以使您网站的访问者更全面地了解贵公司提供的服务和产品,并能够轻松地将其推荐给其他人。

3) You are in every corner of the world Depending on the nature of your business, you may be interested in forming business relationships with users only local, national or worldwide. Regardless of this factor, a website will allow more potential customers aware of your company, and with great agility and ease.

3)您身处世界的每个角落根据您的业务性质,您可能有兴趣与仅本地,国家或全球用户建立业务关系。 无论考虑什么因素,网站都将使更多的潜在客户非常敏捷和轻松地了解您的公司。

For example, If you have a business related to basket ball bats and a website related to your product can be reached to many people’s desk without making a single call or spending money on transportation.


4) Save Money and time The saved amount because of website can help you to send product information, catalogs, brochures, etc.. to your local users. In this way, you can send printed information to potential customers. Because of a website customers can learn about your products and services before contacting via telephone. With this, you should only clear a few doubts and close a deal or sale, and not have to spend a long time to present their products to the customer and analyzed by means of your website.

4)节省金钱和时间由于网站而节省的金额可以帮助您将产品信息,目录,小册子等发送给本地用户。 这样,您可以将打印的信息发送给潜在客户。 由于有一个网站,客户可以在通过电话联系之前了解您的产品和服务。 这样,您只需清除一些疑问并完成交易或销售,而不必花费很长时间将产品展示给客户并通过您的网站进行分析。

5) Targeted customer growth It is really good to create SEO friendly website because if you are able to get targeted visitors to your site then your chances of being a brand get increases with the time and website allows you to reach a larger number of potential customers. If your website has been developed by SEO professionals, you will definitely have a good impression on search engine for visitors and they will buy your products or hire your services.

5)有针对性的客户增长创建SEO友好的网站真的很好,因为如果您能够吸引有针对性的网站访问者,那么您成为品牌的机会就会随着时间而增加,并且网站可以使您吸引更多的潜在客户。 如果您的网站是由SEO专业人员开发的,则对访问者的搜索引擎肯定会给他们留下很好的印象,他们会购买您的产品或租用您的服务。

6) Enables new suppliers Your website can help you to earn many chances to collaborate with other service providers and increase your business online. Through a website, you can find skilled employees and new suppliers who are interested in providing better service and reduced costs. This creates a clear benefit to your company and you can reduce costs and maintain higher profits.

6)启用新的供应商您的网站可以帮助您赢得许多与其他服务提供商合作并增加在线业务的机会。 通过网站,您可以找到对提供更好的服务和降低成本感兴趣的熟练员工和新供应商。 这给您的公司带来了明显的好处,您可以降低成本并保持更高的利润。

7)  Security Security of your website is must because there are many malicious attacks which can make your site disable from your targeted visitors and a reliable and secure web hosting provider can help you to run successful online. eUkhost the leading web hosting provider from Uk has 30,000 positive customer feedback about hosting services. A service called build a website is developed by eUk to help users to create niche related websites with interactive web page in just 3 clicks.

7)安全网站的安全是必须的,因为存在许多恶意攻击,这些攻击可能使您的网站被目标访问者禁用,并且可靠,安全的网络托管提供商可以帮助您成功运行在线。 来自英国的领先的网络托管提供商eUkhost对托管服务有30,000个积极的客户反馈。 eUk开发了一项名为“ 构建网站 ”的服务,以帮助用户只需单击3次即可创建具有交互式网页的利基相关网站。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-are-the-benefits-and-advantages-of-having-a-website/






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