

In most of the cities, our life relies on the functioning and availability of one or multiple data centers. It is not an overstatement. Most of the things in every segment of human activity such as energy, lighting, telecommunications, internet, transport, urban traffic, banks, security systems, public health, entertainment and even our physical integrity are controlled by data centers.

在大多数城市中,我们的生活取决于一个或多个数据中心的功能和可用性。 这不是夸大其词。 人类活动各个领域的大多数事物,例如能源,照明,电信,互联网,运输,城市交通,银行,安全系统,公共卫生,娱乐,甚至我们的身体完整性,都由数据中心控制。

In brief, the welfare and security of billions of human beings is passed on to these centers of control and supervision of data and information. Most common people may not worry too much about it. However, big corporations and public institutions, on the other hand, have a responsibility to act seriously against such matters.

简而言之,数十亿人的福利和安全被传递到这些数据和信息的控制和监督中心。 大多数普通人可能不会对此太担心。 但是,另一方面,大公司和公共机构有责任认真应对此类事件。

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A break of these data centers would prevent us completely from sending a simple query to Google, since this giant portal holds more than 700 trillion pages of information on thousands of data centers around the globe. Usually, people prefer to avoid thinking about the issue, as according to them, nothing can be done to change the situation.

这些数据中心的中断将使我们完全无法向Google发送简单查询,因为这个巨大的门户网站在全球数千个数据中心中拥有700万亿页信息。 通常,人们宁愿避免思考问题,因为根据他们的看法,无法采取任何措施来改变局势。

What is a Data Center?


Data center is a centralized location rendered with computing resources and crucial telecommunications – which includes servers, storage systems, databases, devices, access networks, software and applications. These things are controlled by highly trained personnel to use and to control industry, government and company services. A few years back, the data center was considered as one of the greatest villains of the environment, by its absurd power consumption and the skyrocketing costs of operating.

数据中心是一个集中的位置,包含计算资源和重要的电信-其中包括服务器,存储系统,数据库,设备,访问网络,软件和应用程序。 这些东西由训练有素的人员控制,以使用和控制行业,政府和公司的服务。 几年前,由于数据中心耗电量巨大且运营成本飞涨,因此它被认为是环境中最严重的恶棍之一。

However, today, the scenario is much different. The new age data centers are much smaller and modular. This is the big corporate trend, the modular growth. I believe they still have a long life cycle, but its expansion appears in a modular fashion. Same as corporations searched the modularity of the desktop to the mainframe, so does the data center.

但是,今天的情况大不相同。 新时代的数据中心更小且模块化。 这是公司的大趋势,模块化的增长。 我相信他们的生命周期仍然很长,但是它的扩展是以模块化的方式出现的。 与公司搜索台式机到大型机的模块性一样,数据中心也是如此。

The modern data centers consume much less power and occupy much less space. Their growth depends on the demand for services. They grow as the demand for services grows. Basically, they are born small and count on the energy consumption, carbon emissions and global warming. The sustainability and its effect on the environment is a real concern, though there are more positive results for the companies themselves, within the philosophy of “green technology”.

现代数据中心消耗的功率少得多,占用的空间也少得多。 它们的增长取决于对服务的需求。 它们随着对服务需求的增长而增长。 从根本上说,它们出生时很小,并且依赖于能源消耗,碳排放和全球变暖。 可持续发展及其对环境的影响是一个真正的问题,尽管在“绿色技术”的理念下,对于公司本身而言,还有更多积极的成果。

If compared with old data centers, these new modern data centers have four times higher processing capacity and occupy only 40% of the space. Strictly saying, it is not because of the reduction of components, but due to the ongoing research for the overall system efficiency, which consists of the concepts of virtualization and cloud computing.

如果与旧数据中心相比,这些新的现代数据中心的处理能力要高四倍,并且仅占据40%的空间。 严格地说,这不是因为减少了组件,而是由于正在进行的有关整体系统效率的研究,其中包括虚拟化和云计算的概念。

Also, compared to the old data centers, new data centers have larger capacity to store data and information in racks, as in old days it was too difficult to cool them down. Latest and advanced technologies not only enable increase in density, but also ensure better cooling due to which modern data centers occupy minimum space. The overall system efficiency can also be increased in other ways, as multi-zones are available with specializing in high, medium and low level of processing.

而且,与旧数据中心相比,新数据中心具有更大的容量将数据和信息存储在机架中,因为在过去,冷却它们太困难了。 最新的先进技术不仅可以提高密度,还可以确保更好的散热,因为现代数据中心占用的空间最小。 整体系统效率还可以通过其他方式提高,因为可以提供多区域,专门处理高,中和低级别的处理。

Another important and major trend in data centers is the inflexible chase of higher levels of security, especially, those that serve the fields of essential services and financial sectors. Large banks need to ensure that there is an absolute continuity of services and reduce the risk of disruption and blackouts to almost zero. Same applies to the telecommunications companies, especially after the arrival of the Internet.

数据中心的另一个重要的主要趋势是对更高级别的安全性(特别是那些服务于基本服务和金融部门的安全性)的僵化追求。 大型银行需要确保服务的绝对连续性,并将中断和停电的风险降低到几乎为零。 这同样适用于电信公司,尤其是在互联网到来之后。

Day by day, technologies are getting advanced and people are depending more on data centers as they offer the greater levels of security, flexibility and accessibility to data and information around the world.


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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/importance-of-data-centers-in-our-lives/






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