


Plex Media Center has a handy (but often overlooked) feature that makes it dead simple to save a video you find on the web for later viewing from the comfort of your couch. Let’s look at how to easily send videos to your Watch Later queue.

Plex Media Center具有方便(但经常被忽略)的功能,使您可以轻松地将您在网络上找到的视频保存起来,以便以后在舒适的沙发上观看。 让我们看一下如何轻松地将视频发送到“稍后观看”队列。

If you’re anything like we are, you come across tons of interesting video clips throughout your week–but not at convenient times to watch them. Wouldn’t it be great if you could save those videos to watch at a better time and in a better place–like after work at home on your big screen TV? Thankfully with Plex Media Center’s “Watch Later” queue, you can easily shuttle video links off to Plex for later viewing.

如果您像我们一样,则一周中都会遇到大量有趣的视频片段,但是却不是在方便的时候观看。 如果您可以保存这些视频,以便在更好的时间和更好的位置观看,例如在大屏幕电视上在家下班后,这不是很好吗? 值得庆幸的是,有了Plex Media Center的“稍后观看”队列,您可以轻松地将视频链接穿梭到Plex以便以后观看。

Now when your friend posts a link to an interesting documentary that you just don’t have time at the moment to sit down and watch, you don’t have to worry about forgetting it. You can simply send it over to Plex and watch it at a later date.

现在,当您的朋友发布指向有趣的纪录片的链接时,您现在没有时间坐下来观看,您不必担心会忘记它。 您可以简单地将其发送到Plex并在以后观看。

Everything you need is built right into your Plex system, the only prerequisite to following along with the tutorial today is that you have Plex Media Center installed and configured, and that you have a web browser or email client (to take advantage of the two ways to send links to the Watch Later queue).

您需要的一切都直接构建在您的Plex系统中,按照今天的教程进行操作的唯一先决条件是,您已经安装并配置了Plex Media Center ,并且具有Web浏览器或电子邮件客户端(以利用这两种方式)将链接发送到“稍后观看”队列)。

Before we proceed there’s only one real caveat you should be aware of. The Watch Later queue works with dozens and dozens of video sites like YouTube, Vimeo, VEVO, and major news sites like NBC, PBS, and more, but it won’t work on sites that require you to log in with a subscription like Netflix, HBO GO, or Amazon Prime Video.

在继续之前,您只需要注意一个真正的警告。 “稍后观看”队列可用于YouTube,Vimeo,VEVO等数十个视频网站 ,以及NBC,PBS等主要新闻网站,但不适用于要求您订阅Netflix等内容的网站,HBO GO或Amazon Prime Video。

如何设置Plex的稍后观看功能 (How to Set Up Plex’s Watch Later Feature)

There’s a tiny amount of prep work involved to get your Watch Later queue up and running, but it shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes. Before we begin using the Watch Later queue, we need need to configure the two methods you can use to send files to the queue: the “Plex It!” bookmarklet and your personal Plex queue email address.

要使您的“稍后观看”队列启动并运行,需要进行少量准备工作,但这不会花费您几分钟的时间。 在开始使用“稍后观看”队列之前,我们需要配置可用于将文件发送到队列的两种方法:“ Plex It!”。 小书签和您的个人Plex队列电子邮件地址。

Bookmarklets, for the unfamiliar, are little tiny pieces of JavaScript code packed inside a web browser bookmark that allow you to do handy browser-extension like tricks without the bulk and overhead of a full browser extension–to learn more about them check out our guide here.

书签,对于不熟悉的人来说,是包装在网络浏览器书签中JavaScript代码的小片段,可让您无需复杂的浏览器扩展就可以进行方便的浏览器扩展(如技巧),如需了解更多信息, 请查看我们的指南在这里

First, connect your your Plex Media center through the web interface. Select “Watch Later” from the left-hand navigation bar, located under the “Online Content” subheader.

首先,通过Web界面连接您的Plex Media中心。 从左侧导航栏中的“在线内容”子标题下选择“稍后观看”。

Right now, the Watch Later queue is looking a little bare, as you haven’t started using it. Look for the faint question mark icon next to the “Watch Later” text at the top of the screen.

目前,“稍后观看”队列看起来有些空旷,因为您尚未开始使用它。 在屏幕顶部的“稍后观看”文本旁边寻找模糊的问号图标。

When you click on the icon you’ll see instructions on how to add video from your web browser at the top of the page. There will be a large orange button labeled “PLEX IT!”. Click and hold on this button and then drag the button to the toolbar of your web browser.

单击该图标时,页面顶部将显示有关如何从Web浏览器添加视频的说明。 将有一个标有“ PLEX IT!”的橙色大按钮。 单击并按住此按钮,然后将其拖动到Web浏览器的工具栏。

At this point, you should now have a bookmarklet on your toolbar, like so:


Before we leave the help page for the Watch Later queue, we have one more task. Scroll down the page until you see the “Add Videos By Email” section. There you will find a long email address, like the one seen below.

在我们将帮助页面留给“稍后观看”队列时,我们还有另外一项任务。 向下滚动页面,直到看到“通过电子邮件添加视频”部分。 您会在这里找到一个很长的电子邮件地址,如下图所示。

This address, composed of the word “queue” followed by a long string or random letters and numbers and the “” domain, is the unique email address for your Watch Later queue. We highly recommend making an address book entry in your email account for this address and assigning an easy-to-remember name to it, like “Plex Queue” or “Watch Later”.

该地址由单词“ queue”,长字符串或随机字母和数字以及“”域组成,是“稍后观看”队列的唯一电子邮件地址。 我们强烈建议您在电子邮件帐户中为此地址输入一个地址簿条目,并为其分配一个易于记忆的名称,例如“ Plex Queue”或“稍后观看”。

If you’re a stickler for completeness like we are, and want a Plex logo for your contact list, you can snag their logo here like we did.


如何将视频发送到队列 (How to Send a Video To Your Queue)

At this point, you’ve set everything up so your Plex Media Center Watch Later queue is up and running. You just need to start sending video over to populate it. Doing so is trivially easy, and we’re sure you’ll find yourself using the feature all the time now that it’s set up.

此时,您已经完成了所有设置,因此您的Plex Media Center稍后观看队列已启动并正在运行。 您只需要开始发送视频即可进行填充。 这样做非常容易,而且我们确信,自设置功能以来,您会一直使用它。

When you’re browsing the web, you can use the Plex It! bookmarklet to add video on the page you’re visiting to your queue. Let’s say, for example, a friend of yours posts this interesting video of linguist Marc Okrand talking about how he created the Klingon and Vulcan languages for the Star Trek universe, and you’d like to watch it later.

当您浏览网络时,可以使用Plex It! 小书签可将视频添加到您要访问的队列页面上。 举例来说,假设您的一个朋友发布了一段有趣的视频,视频是语言学家马克·奥克兰德(Marc Okrand)谈论的,他是如何为《 星际迷航》宇宙创建Klingon和Vulcan语言的 ,您以后想看一下。

To do so, you would simply click on the “Plex It!” bookmarklet. Immediately thereafter, the Plex bookmarklet sidebar will appear on the left hand side of the screen and begin searching for a video on the page. Upon finding it, will automatically add it to your Watch Later queue.

为此,您只需单击“ Plex It!”。 小书签。 之后,Plex小书签边栏将立即出现在屏幕的左侧,并开始在页面上搜索视频。 找到它后,它将自动添加到您的“稍后观看”队列中。

What if you’re not at your regular web browser, and you don’t have the bookmarklet handy? That’s where the email function proves particularly useful. If you’re on your phone, for example, you can easily click the share button and email the video link to your Plex Queue email address.

如果您不在常规的Web浏览器上,并且没有手拿的书签该怎么办? 这就是电子邮件功能特别有用的地方。 例如,如果您正在使用电话,则可以轻松单击“共享”按钮,并将视频链接通过电子邮件发送到您的Plex Queue电子邮件地址。

Let’s say you found this video about the history of the Alpha Quadrant in Star Trek using the mobile YouTube app, and you’d like to watch it later. You just need to tap on the share button and select your email client of choice, as seen below.

假设您使用移动YouTube应用找到了有关《 星际迷航》中“阿尔法象限”历史的视频 ,您想稍后再观看。 您只需要点击共享按钮并选择您选择的电子邮件客户端,如下所示。

Then it’s just a matter of typing in the nickname you made for your Plex contact (e.g. “Watch Later”) and you can send the clip right over to your queue.


The only way it could be easier is if you could send the clips by thought alone. (That, however, is a tutorial for a date much farther in the future.)

唯一容易的方法是,如果您仅凭思想就可以发送剪辑。 (但是,这是有关将来的日期的教程。)

如何在队列中观看视频 (How to Watch Videos in Your Queue)

Now that we’ve sent two videos over to the queue, let’s take a look at what the queue looks like.


Things are looking a little more lived-in now. We see the two videos, and the navigation tabs in the upper right corner have more information: the All tab has a “2” next to it, indicating how many total videos there are, the “Unwatched” tab also has a 2, and the “Watched” tab has no marker because we haven’t watched any of our videos.

现在情况看起来有些陈旧。 我们看到了这两个视频,并且右上角的导航选项卡提供了更多信息:“全部”选项卡旁边有一个“ 2”,表示有多少个视频,“未观看”选项卡上还有一个2,以及“观看”标签没有标记,因为我们还没有观看过任何视频。

From here you can click on the thumbnail of the video to get more information, like so:


Or, from the main queue, you can click the small play, marked watched, or delete buttons to immediately interact with the clip.


From here you can watch the videos directly from your browser, send it from your browser to a Chromecast, or browse the Watch It later queue directly from Plex clients like those found in various Smart TVs.


That’s all there is to it. With a little prep work you can set up your Plex Media Server to siphon up all those great video clips you find while wandering the web, and then sit back and enjoy them from the comfort of your couch.

这里的所有都是它的。 只需做一些准备工作,就可以设置Plex Media Server来虹吸漫步网络时发现的所有精彩视频片段,然后坐在沙发上舒适地欣赏它们。







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