



The Ring Doorbell ($200) looks just like any other doorbell for the most part, but it comes with an integrated video camera so that you can see who’s at the door–from your smartphone–even when you’re not home. Here’s how to install and set up the Ring Doorbell quickly and easily.

环形门铃 (200美元)在大多数情况下看起来都与其他门铃一样,但是它带有集成摄像头,即使您不在家时,也可以通过智能手机查看谁在门口。 这是快速,轻松地安装和设置环形门铃的方法。

The Ring Doorbell isn’t like a normal doorbell–it doesn’t need to be wired to your existing system (though it can be). Instead, it’s a battery-powered device that can operate independently and wirelessly, and you can even get a handful of Wi-Fi-connected chimes (sold separately) to plug in all around your house. If you aren’t wiring it into your existing system, you’ll want to get the doorbell and the $30 Chime to ensure you hear the doorbell when it’s rung.

环形门铃不像普通的门铃,它不需要连接到您现有的系统(尽管可以)。 取而代之的是,它是一种电池供电的设备,可以独立和无线地运行,您甚至可以得到少数几个Wi-Fi连接的钟声(单独出售),以将其插入房屋中的所有位置。 如果您不将其连接到现有系统中,则需要购买门铃和30美元的Chime,以确保在敲响门铃时能听到。

It’s fairly easy to install, too, as it just involves screwing in a bracket to the exterior wall of your house. Let’s get started.

它也很容易安装,因为它只需将一个支架拧入房屋的外墙即可。 让我们开始吧。

第一步:使用应用程序设置环形门铃 (Step One: Set Up the Ring Doorbell Using the App)

Unlike most other devices that require an install first and then the app setup last, the Ring Doorbell is the other way around. You’ll first need to set up the Ring Doorbell using the app, which is available for iOS and Android.

与大多数其他需要先安装然后再设置应用程序的设备不同,Ring Doorbell则相反。 您首先需要使用适用于iOSAndroid的应用程序来设置Ring Doorbell。


Once the app is installed, open it up and tap on “Set Up a Device”.



From there, you’ll begin the process for creating a Ring account. Start by entering in your first and last name and hit “Continue”.

从那里开始,您将开始创建Ring帐户的过程。 首先输入您的名字和姓氏,然后单击“继续”。


On the next screen, enter in your email address and create a password for your account. Hit “Continue” when you’re done.

在下一个屏幕上,输入您的电子邮件地址并为您的帐户创建一个密码。 完成后点击“继续”。


After that, select the Ring device that you’re setting up. We’re setting up the Ring Video Doorbell, so we’ll be selecting “Video Doorbell” from the list.

之后,选择要设置的铃声设备。 我们正在设置环形视频门铃,因此我们将从列表中选择“视频门铃”。


Give your Ring Doorbell a name by selecting a pre-made one or tapping on “Custom” to type in your own name.

选择一个预制的门铃,或点击“自定义”输入您的名字,为您的Ring Doorbell命名。


Next, the Ring will need your location. This is required in order to get an accurate timestamp for the videos it captures whenever motion is detected or the doorbell is rung. Confirm your location and hit “Continue”.

接下来,戒指将需要您的位置。 这是必需的,以便在检测到运动或门铃响动时获得捕获的视频的准确时间戳。 确认您的位置并点击“继续”。

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Grab your Ring Doorbell unit and press the orange button on the back of the device. Then tap on “Continue” in the app. The light around the doorbell will begin spinning.

抓住环形门铃装置,然后按设备背面的橙色按钮。 然后在应用程序中点击“继续”。 门铃周围的灯光将开始旋转。


Next, if you’re on iPhone, you’ll need to open up the Settings app, tap on “Wi-Fi”, and connect to “Ring-xxxxxx”. (If you’re on Android, you can skip this step.)

接下来,如果您使用的是iPhone,则需要打开“设置”应用,点击“ Wi-Fi”,然后连接到“ Ring-xxxxxx”。 (如果您使用的是Android,则可以跳过此步骤。)

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Once you’re connected, go back to the Ring app. Select your home’s Wi-Fi network from the list and enter in the password.

建立连接后,请返回“铃声”应用程序。 从列表中选择您家的Wi-Fi网络,然后输入密码。

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Your Ring Doorbell will take a few moments to connect to your home’s Wi-Fi network.



After it’s complete, hit “Continue”.



On the next screen, you can add other family members and share access with them by entering in their email address to send them an invite to join. Otherwise, tap on “Skip This Step”.

在下一个屏幕上,您可以添加其他家庭成员并通过输入他们的电子邮件地址与他们共享访问权限,向他们发送加入邀请。 否则,请点击“跳过此步骤”。


You’ll receive a free 30-day trial of Ring’s cloud recording service, which saves any recordings for up to six months. After the free trial, it only costs $3 per month or $30 per year. Otherwise, the Ring Doorbell will only allow a live view of the camera.

您将获得Ring的云记录服务的30天免费试用期,该服务可以保存长达6个月的所有记录。 免费试用后,每月只需$ 3或每年$ 30。 否则,环形门铃将仅允许实时查看摄像机。

Either tap on “Learn More” at the bottom or “Close” in the top-right corner to continue.



After that, your Ring Doorbell will be all set up and you’ll be taken to the main screen where all of your recordings will appear. You can filter them by only showing recorded events when someone pushed the doorbell button, or when motion was detected.

在那之后,您的Ring Doorbell将全部设置好,您将被带到出现所有录音的主屏幕。 您可以通过仅在有人按下门铃按钮或检测到运动时显示记录的事件来过滤它们。


Tapping on your Ring Doorbell unit at the top will display different settings and options that you can play around with to customize your Ring Doorbell, including customizing alerts, adding shared users, and changing the motion settings.

轻按顶部的Ring Doorbell单元将显示不同的设置和选项,您可以使用这些设置和选项来自定义Ring Doorbell,包括自定义警报,添加共享用户以及更改动作设置。


第二步:安装环形门铃 (Step Two: Install the Ring Doorbell)

After the Ring Doorbell is all set up, you can start using it to receive alerts and record video. However, it still needs mounted outside next to your front door. Luckily, this process is pretty easy and doesn’t require any wiring (unless you want it to).

设置完门铃之后,您就可以开始使用它来接收警报和录制视频。 但是,它仍需要安装在前门旁边的外部。 幸运的是,此过程非常简单,不需要任何接线(除非您希望这样做)。

Start by removing the orange stickers covering the mounting plate.



Then, take the mounting plate and hold it on the wall where you want your Ring Doorbell to go. Use the included leveler to make it level.

然后,拿起安装板,将其固定在您想要让Ring Doorbell穿过的墙上。 使用随附的矫平机将其调平。


From there, drill four pilot holes with a power drill where the four screws will go. Be sure to hold the mounting plate steady and try not to move it around while you do this. If you have a concrete or brick wall, use the included drill bit to make your pilot holes and hammer in the included wall anchors before you drive in the screws. If you just a have a wood or vinyl exterior, just use a simple small drill bit if you have one.

从那里,用电钻在四个螺钉将要拧入的地方钻四个导向Kong。 确保稳固固定安装板,并在执行此操作时尽量不要将其移动。 如果您有混凝土或砖墙,则在拧入螺钉之前,请使用随附的钻头在固定的墙锚中打Kong并锤打导向Kong。 如果您只有木质或乙烯基外观,则只要使用一个简单的小钻头即可。


Attach the plate to the wall using the provided screws using your power drill. Be sure to remove the orange leveler from the mounting plate.

使用电钻,使用提供的螺钉将板固定在墙上。 确保从安装板上卸下橙色矫直机。


Next, take your Ring Doorbell unit and line it up with the mounting plate. The small hooks on the plate (pictured below) are what the unit latches to, so place the Ring Doorbell device on the mounting plate and press down to clip the unit in place.

接下来,拿起Ring Doorbell装置,并将其与安装板对齐。 板卡上的小钩(如下​​图所示)是设备锁定的地方,因此请将环形门铃设备放在安装板上,然后向下按以将其固定到位。


After that, take the included Torx screwdriver bit and drive in the two security screws on the bottom of the device. This prevents people from just taking off the Ring Doorbell unit willy nilly. Granted, all they need is a Torx screwdriver, but luckily Ring will replace any stolen Ring Doorbell for free.

之后,拿起附带的梅花螺丝刀,然后拧入设备底部的两个安全螺钉。 这样可以防止人们仅仅轻易地摘下Ring Doorbell装置。 诚然,他们只需要一把Torx螺丝刀,但幸运的是Ring可以免费更换任何被盗的Ring Doorbell


After that, it’s good to go and you can now begin to use your Ring Doorbell.

在那之后,最好走了,您现在可以开始使用Ring Doorbell。


Alternatively, you can install the Ring Doorbell by taking the wiring from your traditional doorbell and hooking it up to the Ring so that your existing doorbell chime will sound whenever the button is pressed. The instructions guide you through this process, but more likely than not, you would probably have to re-route those wires in order to hook them up to the Ring Doorbell, which isn’t exactly easy, but it’s at least an option.

另外,您也可以安装环形门铃,方法是从传统门铃上取下电线,然后将其挂接到环形门上,这样,只要按下按钮,现有的门铃就会发出声音。 这些说明将指导您完成此过程,但很有可能,您可能必须重新布线这些电线,才能将它们连接到Ring Doorbell,这虽然并不容易,但至少是一种选择。

第三步:安装和设置铃声(可选) (Step Three: Install and Setup the Ring Chime (Optional))


If you choose not to take your existing doorbell wires and connect them to the Ring Doorbell, you can buy Ring’s $30 Chime that plugs into any outlet and emits a ding-dong noise whenever the Ring Doorbell is pressed. Without it, you’d just get notifications on your phone–so you’ll probably want the Chime.

如果您不选择现有的门铃电线并将其连接到Ring Doorbell,则可以购买Ring售价30美元的Chime ,只要按一下Ring Doorbell, 它就可以插入任何插座并发出叮当声。 没有它,您只会在手机上收到通知-因此您可能需要Chime。

To set it up, the process is very similar to the Ring Doorbell itself. Start by opening up the Ring app on your phone and tapping on the “Add Device” button at the top.

要进行设置,此过程与“环形门铃”本身非常相似。 首先打开手机上的Ring应用程序,然后点击顶部的“添加设备”按钮。


Select “Chime” from the list.

从列表中选择“ Chime”。


If you haven’t already, plug in the Chime into any outlet and then tap “Continue”.



Give the Chime a name by selecting a pre-made one or tapping on “Custom” to type in your own name.



Next, the Ring will need your location. Confirm your location and hit “Continue”.

接下来,戒指将需要您的位置。 确认您的位置并点击“继续”。

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After that, wait for the Chime’s LED light to blink slowly. When it does that, it’s ready to be set up. Tap “Continue” in the app.

之后,等待Chime的LED灯缓慢闪烁。 完成后,就可以开始设置了。 在应用程序中点击“继续”。


Next, if you’re on iPhone, you’ll need to close out of the Ring app temporarily and open up the Settings app, tap on “Wi-Fi”, and connect to “Chime-xxxxxx”. (If you’re on Android, you can skip this step.)

接下来,如果您使用的是iPhone,则需要暂时​​关闭“铃声”应用程序并打开“设置”应用程序,点击“ Wi-Fi”,然后连接到“ Chime-xxxxxx”。 (如果您使用的是Android,则可以跳过此步骤。)


Once you do that, go back into the Ring app and it will begin searching for Wi-Fi networks for the Chime to connect to.



Tap on your home’s Wi-Fi network and enter in the password. Hit “Continue”.

点击家中的Wi-Fi网络,然后输入密码。 点击“继续”。

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The Chime will take a few moments to connect to your Wi-Fi network.



On the next screen, you’ll set up when you want the Chime to go off. “Call Alerts” are when the doorbell is pressed, and “Motion Alerts” are when the Ring Doorbell detects motion, even when the doorbell isn’t pressed. Once you select one or both, hit “Done” in the top-right corner.

在下一个屏幕上,您将在想要关闭Chime时进行设置。 即使门铃没有按下,“呼叫警报”是指按下门铃时的情况,“运动警报”是指环门铃检测到动作时的情况。 选择一个或两个选项后,请单击右上角的“完成”。


Tap “Continue” at the bottom.



The Chime will be all set up and will appear at the top of the main screen in the Ring app. Tapping on it will reveal settings for the device.

铃声将全部设置好,并出现在“铃声”应用程序的主屏幕顶部。 轻按它会显示设备的设置。


From here, you can adjust the Chime’s volume and hit “Test Sound” to see how loud it will be. Tapping on “Linked Doorbells” will let you change alert settings.

在这里,您可以调节Chime的音量,然后单击“测试声音”以查看声音大小。 轻按“链接的门铃”将使您更改警报设置。


Once that’s set up, you’re ready to rock–welcome to the future of doorbells.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/262814/how-to-install-and-set-up-the-ring-doorbell/


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