


The Google Drive Logo

With Google Drive, you can share any Google file (from Docs, Sheets, or Slides) online as a web page for anyone to see. You can even share simple HTML files to act as your site’s landing page. Here’s how to do it.

使用Google云端硬盘,您可以在线共享任何Google文件(来自DocsSheetsSlides )作为网页供任何人查看。 您甚至可以共享简单HTML文件,以充当您网站的登录页面。 这是操作方法。

Sharing a Google file as a web page is a great way to publish information to the Internet for a large audience. Anything you share is entirely public, and—if you use the right search string—it can be found via any search engine as a lightweight page on the web.

将Google文件作为网页共享是一种将信息发布到互联网上以吸引大量受众的好方法。 您共享的任何内容都是完全公开的,并且-如果您使用正确的搜索字符串-可以通过任何搜索引擎将其作为网络上的轻量级页面进行查找。

When you share a file to the web, Drive creates a copy of it with a unique URL. This allows you to make edits and publish changes when you want to, and it also prevents viewers from seeing any source material.

当您将文件共享到网络上时,云端硬盘会创建一个具有唯一URL的副本。 这使您可以在需要时进行编辑和发布更改,还可以防止查看者看到任何源材料。

Remember: anything you publish to the web is available for anyone to see, so you should never include sensitive or private information in your files.


如何共享Google文档文件 (How to Share a Google Docs File)

Fire up your browser, head to Google Docs, and then open the file you want to share. Click File > Publish to the Web.

启动浏览器,前往Google Docs ,然后打开要共享的文件。 单击文件>发布到Web。

Click "File," and then select "Publish to the Web."

Next, click “Publish” to make your file visible on the Internet.


Click "Publish."

Click “OK” to confirm you want to publish the file to the web.


Click "OK."

You can now copy the link (Ctrl+C on Windows/Chrome OS or Cmd+C on macOS), embed it on your website, or share it via Gmail, Facebook, or Twitter.

现在,您可以复制链接(在Windows / Chrome操作系统上为Ctrl + C,在macOS上为Cmd + C),将其嵌入您的网站,或通过Gmail,Facebook或Twitter分享。

A link highlighted and ready to be copied in Google Drive.

If you don’t want the page to update automatically whenever you make changes to it, click the arrow next to “Published Content and Settings.” Then, click the box next to “Automatically Republish When Changes Are Made” to uncheck it.

如果您不希望页面在更改后自动更新,请单击“发布的内容和设置”旁边的箭头。 然后,单击“进行更改后自动重新发布”旁边的框,以取消选中它。

Click the arrow next to "Published Content and Settings," and then uncheck the box next to "Automatically Republish When Changes Are Made."

When you want to remove the file from the web, head back to File > Publish to the Web. Expand “Published Content and Settings,” and then click “Stop Publishing.”

当您要从网络上删除文件时,请回到“文件”>“发布到网络”。 展开“发布的内容和设置”,然后单击“停止发布”。

Click "Stop Publishing."

如何共享Google表格文件 (How to Share a Google Sheets File)

Head to the Google Sheets website, open the file you want to share, and then click File > Publish to the Web.

转到Google表格网站 ,打开要共享的文件,然后单击文件>发布到Web。

Click "File," and then click "Publish to the Web."

If you don’t want to share the entire document, you can choose a single sheet to publish online. To do this, click “Entire Document,” and then select the sheet from the drop-down menu.

如果您不想共享整个文档,则可以选择一个表格进行在线发布。 为此,请单击“整个文档”,然后从下拉菜单中选择工作表。

Click "Entire Document," and then choose the sheet you want to publish from the drop-down menu.

Click “Publish.”


Click "Publish."

Click “OK” to confirm you want to publish the file to the web.


Click "OK."

Again, you can copy the link (Ctrl+C on Windows/Chrome OS or Cmd+C on macOS), embed it on your website, or share it via Gmail, Facebook, or Twitter.

同样,您可以复制链接(在Windows / Chrome操作系统上为Ctrl + C,在macOS上为Cmd + C),将其嵌入您的网站,或通过Gmail,Facebook或Twitter分享。

A link highlighted and ready to be copied.

If you don’t want the page to update automatically whenever you make changes to it, click “Published Content and Settings,” and then uncheck the box next to “Automatically Republish When Changes Are Made.”


Click "Published Content and Settings," and then uncheck the box next to "Automatically Republish When Changes Are Made."

To stop publishing the page altogether, head back to File > Publish to the Web, and then click “Stop Publishing.”


Click "Stop Publishing."

如何共享Google幻灯片文件 (How to Share a Google Slides File)

When you share a Slides file to the web, Google Drive acts as a player and allows visitors to view your presentation on your page. You can set slides to auto-advance at 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, or 60 seconds.

当您将幻灯片文件共享到网络上时,Google云端硬盘会充当播放器,并允许访问者在您的页面上查看您的演示文稿。 您可以将幻灯片设置为每1、2、3、5、10、15、30或60秒自动前进。

To share your Slides file on the web, head to your Google Slides homepage, open a presentation, and then click File > Publish to the Web.

要在网络上共享幻灯片文件,请转到Google幻灯片首页 ,打开演示文稿,然后单击文件>发布到网络。

Click "File," and then click "Publish to the Web."

Click the drop-down menu in the “Auto-Advance Slides:” section and select the interval at which you want the slides to advance. Click the checkboxes if you want your presentation to start as soon as the player loads and if you want it to restart after the last slide. Click “Publish” after you make your selections.

单击“自动前进幻灯片:”部分中的下拉菜单,然后选择希望幻灯片前进的间隔。 如果您希望演示文稿在播放器加载后立即开始,并且希望在上一张幻灯片后重新开始播放,请单击复选框。 选择后,单击“发布”。

Click "Publish."

Click “OK” to confirm you want to publish the file to the web.


Click "OK."

You can then copy the link (Ctrl+C on Windows/Chrome OS or Cmd+C on macOS), embed it on your website, or share it via Gmail, Facebook, or Twitter.

然后,您可以复制链接(在Windows / Chrome操作系统上为Ctrl + C,在macOS上为Cmd + C),将其嵌入您的网站,或通过Gmail,Facebook或Twitter分享。

A link highlighted and ready to be copied.

When you want to remove the file from the web, head back to File > Publish to the Web, expand the “Published Content and Settings” menu, and then click “Stop Publishing.”


Click "Stop Publishing."

如何共享HTML文件 (How to Share an HTML File)

This section is similar to the Google Docs method. You share from a Docs file, but you can use HTML and some basic CSS to style everything. This enables you to create a pseudo-website without having to buy a domain or hosting.

本部分类似于Google Docs方法。 您可以从Docs文件进行共享,但是可以使用HTML和一些基本CSS来设置所有样式。 这样一来,您无需购买域名或托管即可创建伪网站。

First, create an HTML file with the code for your website’s homepage and save it to your computer.


Next, head to your Google Drive, and then upload the HTML file. You can also drag and drop it directly from your computer into Drive’s webpage to upload.

接下来,转到您的Google云端硬盘 ,然后上传HTML文件。 您也可以将其直接从计算机拖放到云端硬盘的网页中进行上传。

Drag your file from your computer into your Google Drive to upload it.

Right-click the file, and then click Open with > Google Docs.

右键单击文件,然后单击“打开方式”>“ Google文档”。

Click "Open with" and select "Google Docs."

Google Docs opens the file and formats your HTML inside the Docs file. Click File > Publish to the Web, just as you did before.

Google文档会打开该文件,并在Docs文件中设置HTML格式。 像以前一样,单击文件>发布到Web。

Click "File," and then select "Publish to the Web."

Next, click “Publish” to make your file visible on the Internet.


Click "Publish."

When you’re asked if you’re sure you want to publish the file to the web, click “OK.”


Click "OK."

Once again, you can copy the link (Ctrl+C on Windows/Chrome OS or Cmd+C on macOS), embed it on your website, or share it via Gmail, Facebook, or Twitter.

再一次,您可以复制链接(在Windows / Chrome操作系统上为Ctrl + C,在macOS上为Cmd + C),将其嵌入到您的网站中,或通过Gmail,Facebook或Twitter共享。

A link highlighted and ready to be copied.

Note that any changes you make to the Docs file appear immediately on the web page. However, if you want to add more HTML code, you have to edit the original file, and then redo the upload and sharing process.

请注意,您对Docs文件所做的任何更改都会立即显示在网页上。 但是,如果要添加更多HTML代码,则必须编辑原始文件,然后重做上载和共享过程。

Additionally, Docs sees any tags as literal text and won’t format them correctly.


If you don’t want the page to update automatically whenever you make changes, click “Published Content and Settings,” and then uncheck the “Automatically Republish When Changes Are Made” box.


Click "Published Content and Settings," and then uncheck the "Automatically Republish When Changes Are Made" box.

When you want to remove the file from the web, head back to File > Publish to the Web. Expand “Published Content and Settings,” and then click “Stop Publishing.”

当您要从网络上删除文件时,请回到“文件”>“发布到网络”。 展开“发布的内容和设置”,然后单击“停止发布”。

Expand "Published Content and Settings," and then click "Stop Publishing."

While sharing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations from Google Drive works wonderfully, there are a few hang-ups when it comes to publishing HTML files as a web page.


If you use Google Drive to host your website, the amount of functionality and formatting features available are drastically limited when compared to conventional web hosting. It’s probably better to use Google Drive only as a basic landing page for personal use.

如果您使用Google云端硬盘托管网站,则与传统的虚拟主机托管相比,可用功能和格式化功能的数量将受到极大限制。 最好只将Google云端硬盘用作个人使用的基本目标网页。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/442426/how-to-share-a-google-docs-sheets-or-slides-file-as-a-web-page/






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