


Google Slides Hero logo.

If you’re just getting started with Google Slides, its extensive features and add-ons can be a little overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you get going with this powerful alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint.

如果您刚刚开始使用Google幻灯片,则其丰富的功能和附加功能可能会让人有些不知所措。 这里有一些技巧,可以帮助您使用Microsoft PowerPoint的这一强大替代方法。

什么是Google幻灯片? (What Is Google Slides?)

If you’ve heard of Google Slides before, feel free to skip ahead; if you haven’t, here’s a crash course on what you need to know. We’ll go over the basics and get you brushed up on what Google Slides is and how you can get started right away.

如果您以前听说过Google幻灯片,请随时跳过; 如果您还没有,这里是您需要了解的速成课程。 我们将介绍基础知识,让您熟悉什么是Google幻灯片以及如何立即开始使用。

Slides is a free, web-based presentation program designed to compete with Microsoft Office PowerPoint. It’s part of G Suite—Google’s complete office suite (though some people refer to it all as Google Docs). The other main services included in the cloud-based suite are Sheets (Excel) and Docs (Word).

幻灯片是一个免费的基于Web的演示程序,旨在与Microsoft Office PowerPoint竞争。 它是G Suite(Google完整的办公套件)的一部分(尽管有些人将其称为Google Docs)。 基于云的套件中包括的其他主要服务是Sheets(Excel)和Docs(Word)。

Google Slides is available on all devices and platforms; all you need is an internet connection and a web browser (or, in the case of mobile, the Android and iOS apps ). Google does the rest and handles the brunt of the heavy lifting, while it runs the software in the cloud.

Google幻灯片可在所有设备和平台上使用; 您只需要一个Internet连接和一个Web浏览器(或者,对于移动设备,则是AndroidiOS应用程序)。 Google负责其余的工作,并在云中运行该软件时处理繁重的工作。

Slides supports several file types, including .ppt, .pptx, .odp, .jpg, .svg, and .pdf. This makes it easy to view or convert Microsoft Office files directly from Google Drive or insert images directly into a slide.

幻灯片支持多种文件类型,包括.ppt,.pptx ,.odp,.jpg,.svg和.pdf。 这使您可以轻松地直接从Google云端硬盘查看或转换Microsoft Office文件,或直接将图像插入幻灯片。

And since Slides is an online presentation program, you can share and collaborate with multiple people on the same file, and track revisions, changes, and suggestions, all in real-time.


Have you heard enough? Let’s get started.

你听够了吗? 让我们开始吧。

如何注册帐户 (How to Sign Up for an Account)

Before you can use Google Slides, you have to sign up for a Google account (an @gmail account). If you already have one, feel free to move on to the next section. If not, we’ll go over the simplest way to create a Google account and get you set up with Slides.

您必须先注册一个Google帐户(一个@gmail帐户),然后才能使用Google幻灯片。 如果您已经有一个,请继续进行下一部分。 如果没有,我们将介绍创建Google帐户的最简单方法,并帮助您设置幻灯片。

Head over to accounts.google.com, click “Create Account,” and then click “For Myself.”

转到accounts.google.com ,单击“创建帐户”,然后单击“针对我自己”。

Click "Create Account," and then click "For Myself."

On the next page, you provide some information—first and last name, username, and password—to create your account.


The Create your Google Account page, where you type your first and last name, username, and password.

Also, you have to verify your phone number, so Google can make sure you’re not a bot.


The "Verifying your phone number" screen to create a Google account.

After you verify your phone number, the subsequent pages require you to provide a recovery email address and your date of birth and gender. You must also agree to the privacy statement and terms of service. After that, you’re the proud new owner of a Google account.

验证电话号码后,随后的页面要求您提供辅助邮箱地址以及出生日期和性别。 您还必须同意隐私声明和服务条款。 之后,您便是Google帐户的新所有者。

如何创建空白演示文稿 (How to Create a Blank Presentation)

Now that you have a Google account, it’s time to create your first presentation. Head over to Google Slides and place the cursor on the multicolored “+” icon in the bottom-right corner.

现在您已经拥有一个Google帐户,是时候创建您的第一个演示文稿了。 转到Google幻灯片,然后将光标放在右下角的彩色“ +”图标上。

Hover over the multicolored plus sign in the bottom-right corner.

The + turns into a black pencil icon; click it.

+变成黑色铅笔图标; 点击它。

Click the black pencil icon.

Pro Tip: Type slides.new into the address bar from any browser and hit Enter to automatically create and open a new blank document.

专家提示:在任何浏览器的地址栏中键入slides.new ,然后按Enter键即可自动创建并打开一个新的空白文档。

如何导入Microsoft PowerPoint演示文稿 (How to Import a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation)

Drag and drop your PowerPoint file directly into Google Drive.

Even if you’re new to Google Slides, you might already have a collection of Microsoft PowerPoint files you’d like to be able to use. If that’s the case, then you have to upload all your presentations before you can view them. While it might not support some of the more advanced features and effects of some PowerPoint presentations, it works pretty well.

即使您不熟悉Google幻灯片,也可能已经有了一些想要使用的Microsoft PowerPoint文件。 如果是这种情况,那么您必须先上载所有演示文稿,然后才能查看它们。 尽管它可能不支持某些PowerPoint演示文稿的某些更高级的功能和效果,但它运行良好。

When you import a PowerPoint presentation, you can use either Google Slides or Drive to upload your files. Both methods let you drag and drop a file from your computer directly into the web browser for easy uploads. Your Drive houses all of your uploaded files, but—for the sake of convenience—when you go to the Slides homepage, it only shows you presentation-type files.

导入PowerPoint演示文稿时,您可以使用Google幻灯片或云端硬盘上传文件。 两种方法都可以将文件直接从计算机拖放到Web浏览器中,以方便上传。 云端硬盘会存储所有上传的文件,但是为了方便起见,当您转到幻灯片首页时,它只会显示演示文稿类型的文件。

Google Slides homepage.

From the Slides homepage, click the folder icon in the top right, and then click the “Upload” tab. Now, drag and drop any files you want to upload directly into this window.

在“幻灯片”主页上,单击右上角的文件夹图标,然后单击“上传”选项卡。 现在,将要直接上传的所有文件拖放到此窗口中。

Click the folder icon in the top corner, click the Upload tab, and then drag a file from your computer into the window.

Once the file uploads, Slides opens it automatically, and it’s ready for you to edit, share, or collaborate.


To open a PowerPoint presentation that you want to edit, click the filename with the “P” next to it from your Google Slides homepage.

要打开要编辑的PowerPoint演示文稿,请从Google幻灯片首页中单击文件名旁边的“ P”。

Click the filename with the "P" next to it.

Click to either view the PowerPoint file or edit it in Slides.


Click "View Only" or "Edit in Google Slides."

After you’ve finished editing your file, you can download and export your presentation back into a Microsoft PowerPoint format. Just go to File > Download As, and then click the “Microsoft PowerPoint” option.

编辑完文件后,您可以下载演示文稿并将其导出为Microsoft PowerPoint格式。 只需转到“文件”>“下载为”,然后单击“ Microsoft PowerPoint”选项。

Click "File," "Download As," and then click "Microsoft PowerPoint."

If you’d rather download your presentation as a PDF, ODP, JPEG, TXT, etc., you can do that here, as well.


The download format options window in Google Slides.

如何在Google幻灯片中检查拼写 (How to Check Your Spelling in Google Slides)

Now that you have a few presentations, it’s time to make sure your spelling and grammar are correct. Slides is equipped with a spellchecker. If you misspell something, it underlines the error with a squiggly line and prompts you to make a change.

现在您已经有了一些演示文稿,现在该确保您的拼写和语法正确 。 幻灯片配有拼写检查器。 如果您拼错了某些内容,则会以波浪线突出显示错误并提示您进行更改。

This should be on by default, but you can make sure in Tools > Spelling > Underline Errors.


Click "Tools," select "Spelling," and then click "Underline Errors."

To see spelling corrections and suggestions, right-click the word with the line underneath. Alternatively, press Ctrl+Alt+X (Windows) or Command+Alt+X (Mac) to open the Spell Check and Grammar tool.

要查看拼写更正和建议,请右键单击下面带有该行的单词。 或者,按Ctrl + Alt + X(Windows)或Command + Alt + X(Mac)打开“拼写检查和语法”工具。

Right-click the error to view the spellchecker's correction.

Along with a spellchecker, Google Slides comes loaded with a built-in dictionary and thesaurus. To use them, highlight a word, right-click it, and then click “Define [word].”

除拼写检查功能外,Google幻灯片还内置了词典和词库。 要使用它们,请突出显示一个单词,右键单击它,然后单击“定义[单词]”。

Click "Define [word]."

While this should get you started, we have a deeper dive into Google’s spelling and grammar checker if you want more info.


如何在演示上进行协作 (How to Collaborate on Presentations)

The "Share with Others" options in Google Slides.

One of the best features of Google Slides is its ability to generate a shareable link. Anyone you share the link with can view, suggest edits to, or directly edit the presentation. This eliminates the hassle of sending a file back and forth between collaborators. Each person has her own text entry cursor to use on her computer.

Google幻灯片的最佳功能之一就是它可以生成共享链接。 与您共享链接的任何人都可以查看,建议编辑或直接编辑演示文稿。 这消除了在协作者之间来回发送文件的麻烦。 每个人都有自己的文本输入光标,可在计算机上使用。

To do this, click the orange “Share” button in the file you want to share. Next, choose how and with whom you want to send a link to the file. You can type email addresses or click “Get Shareable Link” in the top corner to hand out the invitation yourself.

为此,请在您要共享的文件中单击橙色的“共享”按钮。 接下来,选择要将链接发送到文件的方式和对象。 您可以键入电子邮件地址或单击右上角的“获取共享链接”以自行发送邀请。

Type email addresses or click "Get Shareable Link."

From the drop-down menu, you can select one of these options for what other users can do:


  • Off: Sharing is disabled. If you’ve previously shared a link with others, it will no longer work and revokes any permissions they once had.

    关:禁用共享。 如果您以前与其他人共享链接,则该链接将不再起作用,并撤消他们曾经拥有的任何权限。

  • Anyone with the link can edit: Gives the shared users full read/write access. They still can’t delete it from your Drive, though—this is just for the contents of the file.

    知道链接的任何人都可以编辑:为共享用户提供完全的读/写访问权限。 但是,他们仍然无法将其从您的云端硬盘中删除-这仅用于文件内容。

  • Anyone with the link can comment: Allows shared users to leave comments which is handy for team projects.


  • Anyone with the link can view: Shared users can view the file, but can’t edit it in any way. This is the default action when you share a file, and it’s the best option if you’re trying to share a file for download.

    知道链接的任何人都可以查看 :共享用户可以查看文件,但不能以任何方式对其进行编辑。 这是共享文件时的默认操作,如果您尝试共享文件进行下载,这是最佳选择。

You can do a lot more with these shareable links, as they also work with other Drive files and on mobile. For a deeper look at how links work and how to generate them, check out our post.

您可以通过这些共享链接做更多的事情,因为它们也可以与其他云端硬盘文件一起使用,也可以在移动设备上使用。 要深入了解链接如何工作以及如何生成链接, 请查看我们的文章

如何查看演示文稿的所有最近更改 (How to See All Recent Changes to a Presentation)

The Version history of a presentation in Google Slides.

When you share documents with others, it’s difficult to keep track of all the small changes that happen if you’re not present. For that, there’s revision history. Google keeps track of all the changes that occur in a document and groups them into periods to reduce clutter. You can even revert a file to any of the previous versions listed in the history with a click of your mouse.

当您与他人共享文档时,如果您不在场,则很难跟踪所有发生的细微变化。 为此,有修订历史记录 。 Google会跟踪文档中发生的所有更改,并将它们分为多个周期以减少混乱。 您甚至可以通过单击鼠标将文件还原为历史记录中列出的任何先前版本。

You can view a list of all recent changes by clicking File > Version History > See Version History. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H (Command+Option+Shift+H on Mac).

您可以通过单击文件>版本历史记录>请参阅版本历史记录来查看所有最近更改的列表。 或者,您可以按Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H(在Mac上为Command + Option + Shift + H)。

Click "File," select "Version History," and then click "See Version History."

如何链接到特定的幻灯片 (How to Link to a Specific Slide)

You can also share a link to a specific slide in your presentation with a friend or coworker, without having to mention which one you’re referencing. When someone clicks the link and the presentation loads, it jumps directly to the slide you’re referencing. You do have to enable file sharing before you can link to a specific slide in your presentation, though.

您也可以与朋友或同事共享演示文稿中特定幻灯片的链接,而不必提及您要引用的幻灯片。 当有人单击链接并加载演示文稿时,它会直接跳到您要引用的幻灯片。 但是,您必须先启用文件共享,然后才能链接到演示文稿中的特定幻灯片。

Because each slide has a unique URL, all you have to do to link to one is click it in the left pane, and then copy the URL from the address bar.


Click the slide, and then copy the URL from the address bar.

如何在幻灯片中插入特殊字符 (How to Insert Special Characters into a Slide)

Google Slides also has a character insertion tool. This allows you to insert special characters into your presentation without having to remember any Alt-codes. There are tons of symbols, characters, languages, and so much more. So, whether you want an arrow, different language scripts, or if you just want a few silly emojis to spruce up your presentation, Google Slides makes it easy to include them.

Google幻灯片还具有一个字符插入工具。 这使您可以在演示文稿中插入特殊字符,而不必记住任何Alt码。 有大量的符号,字符,语言等等。 因此,无论您是想要箭头,不同的语言脚本,还是只想添加一些愚蠢的表情符号来修饰演示文稿,都可以通过Google幻灯片轻松添加它们。

To open the character insertion tool, click “Insert,” and then click “Special Characters.”


Click "Insert," and then click "Special Characters."

From here, you can manually search for specific characters with the drop-down menus.


The "Insert Special Characters" drop-down menu in Google Slides.

Use the search bar to find a specific character or emoji.


The "Insert Special Characters" search bar with "smiling" typed in and the resulting emojis.

You can also use your drawing skills to search.


The "Draw " search feature with a sad face drawn in and the resulting emojis.

如何离线使用Google幻灯片 (How to Use Google Slides Offline)

What happens if you need to access Google Slides but don’t have an internet connection? Although Slides is a web-based product, that doesn’t mean you can’t use it offline. Any changes you make to the file offline will update the next time you connect to the internet. First, download the extension for Chrome.

如果您需要访问Google幻灯片但没有互联网连接怎么办? 尽管Slides是基于Web的产品,但这并不意味着您不能离线使用它 。 您对离线文件所做的任何更改都会在您下次连接到互联网时更新。 首先, 下载 Chrome 扩展程序。

To enable a presentation for offline use, go to the Google Slides’ homepage and, in the top-left corner, click the Hamburger menu > Settings. Once here, toggle “Offline” to the On position, and then click “OK.”

要使演示文稿可以脱机使用,请转到Google幻灯片的主页 ,然后在左上角单击“汉堡包”菜单>“设置”。 在此处后,将“脱机”切换到“开”位置,然后单击“确定”。

Click the toggle next to "Offline" to the On position, and then click "OK."

To save storage space on your local machine, Google only downloads and makes the most recently accessed files available offline. To manually enable a file, click the three dots icon, and then toggle “Available Offline” to On.

为了节省本地计算机上的存储空间,Google仅下载并提供最新访问的文件以供离线使用。 要手动启用文件,请单击三个点图标,然后将“可用脱机”切换为“开”。

Click the three dots icon, and then toggle-on "Available Offline."

Google Slides is a powerful, feature-rich alternative to Microsoft Office’s PowerPoint. It’s also completely free to use with an internet connection and a Google Account, making it a legitimate competitor for Microsoft.

Google幻灯片是Microsoft Office PowerPoint的功能强大且功能丰富的替代方案。 它也完全免费提供互联网连接和Google帐户,使其成为Microsoft的合法竞争对手。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/428140/the-beginners-guide-to-google-slides/






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