
The last thing you want on Christmas Day is for your kids to be unable to play the game console they’ve waited so long to enjoy. Read on as we highlight why you need to pre-game your console gift giving experience.

在圣诞节那天,您最后想要做的就是让孩子们无法玩他们已经等了很长时间才能享受的游戏机。 继续阅读,我们将重点介绍为什么需要预先进行游戏机礼物赠送体验。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

If you’re not a gamer yourself, you might be curious as to why we’d recommend unpacking your child’s game console and setting it up just to turn right back around and repack it for them to open on Christmas Day.


Unlike the game consoles of today the consoles of yesteryear, ranging from the early first-generation game consoles like the Magnavox Odyssey right up to fifth-generation consoles like the Sony PlayStation, had hard-coded firmware that rarely (if ever) received any update.

与当今的游戏机不同,过去的游戏机从早期的第一代游戏机(如Magnavox Odyssey)到第五代游戏机(如Sony PlayStation),都具有硬编码的固件,很少(如果有)进行任何更新。 。

The Super Nintendo Entertainment System you bought back in the 1990s is still running the same operating code that it shipped with (and most likely still plugging along just fine despite 20 years of no updates). Game consoles were simply designed differently back then because there was no easy mechanism by which they could be updated.

您在1990年代购回的Super Nintendo Entertainment System仍运行与出厂时相同的操作代码(尽管20年没有更新,但很可能仍然可以正常运行)。 当时的游戏机只是简单地进行了不同的设计,因为没有简单的机制可以更新游戏机。

Starting with the sixth-generation of game consoles and the introduction of over-the-network updates for the original Xbox game console suddenly updating your game console became a thing. That thing has proved to be persistent element of modern gaming and the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii, and Switch all feature over-the-network updates as do many handheld gaming platforms like newer versions of the Nintendo DS product line (so, in fact, the tips in this PSA also apply to portable game devices too).

从第六代游戏机开始,并为原始Xbox游戏机引入网络更新,突然更新您的游戏机就变得很重要。 事实证明,这是现代游戏的持久元素,Xbox 360,Xbox One,PlayStation 3,PlayStation 4,Wii和Switch都具有网络更新功能,许多掌上游戏平台(如Nintendo DS的较新版本)都具有网络更新功能。产品系列(因此,实际上,此PSA中的技巧也适用于便携式游戏设备)。

Not only do the game consoles themselves need updates but the games we play on them need updates (and often need to be downloaded in the first place before we can even begin to update and play them).


Why does it matter, in relation to your gift giving, that modern consoles all have over-the-network updates? It matters because these updates are large, fairly frequent, and even on a good day can take a bit of time to download and apply. A good day for console updating would be a random weekday in the middle of the year when network traffic is at a low point.

为什么相对于您的礼物送达,现代的游戏机都具有网络更新功能? 这很重要,因为这些更新很大,相当频繁,甚至在美好的一天也需要花费一些时间来下载和应用。 控制台更新的好日子将是网络流量处于低点的一年中的一个随机工作日。

A bad day for updates? Christmas Day, when millions of people around the globe open up their Christmas presents, plug them in, and slam the game maker’s networks with requests for updates. What might have been anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours worth of updating on a regular day might not even happen at all on Christmas Day because of the increased traffic. Compounding the problem is the fact that many game consoles are very insistent on applying updates and once the process is started you’re stuck waiting it out.

更新不好的一天? 圣诞节那天,全球数以百万计的人打开他们的圣诞礼物,将其插入电源,并向游戏制造商的网络发出要求更新的请求。 由于流量增加,通常一天30分钟到几个小时不等的更新可能甚至在圣诞节那天根本不会发生。 使问题更加复杂的是,许多游戏机都非常坚持应用更新,一旦启动该过程,您就不得不等待它。

To further compound the problem, in years past we’ve seen DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks launched against game networks right around the holiday. In 2014, for example, a large DDoS attack against both the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live brought both networks to their knees and made everything from updating your console to even playing online nearly impossible for players around the world.

为了使问题更加复杂,在过去的几年中,我们已经看到在假期前后针对游戏网络发起了DDoS(分布式拒绝服务)攻击。 例如,在2014年,对PlayStation网络和Xbox Live的大规模DDoS攻击使这两个网络to之以鼻,这使从更新控制台到甚至在线播放的所有事情几乎对于世界各地的玩家来说都是不可能的。

All these things (the necessity of console updating, the large download size of updates for both consoles and games, the Christmas Day server overloads, coupled with the possibility of another DDoS attack on the game networks) paint a pretty clear picture. If you want your kids to be able to sit down and spend a lazy Christmas Day afternoon playing video games then you’re going to need to update the game console ahead of time with any updates, download any games (and/or the game updates), and have the console ready to rock the minute it comes out of the box.

所有这些事情(需要控制台更新,需要较大的控制台和游戏更新下载量,圣诞节服务器过载,以及游戏网络上可能发生另一次DDoS攻击的可能性)都可以清楚地描绘出来。 如果您希望孩子们能够坐下来,度过一个懒惰的圣诞节下午玩视频游戏,那么您将需要通过任何更新提前更新游戏机,下载任何游戏(和/或游戏更新) ),并准备好在开箱即用的那一刻使控制台震撼。

With that in mind let’s take a look at how you can best accomplish the task.


隐藏更新过程 (Hide the Update Process)

“Hide the update process?” you say, “Of course I won’t let the kids see me updating the console!”; don’t worry, we’re not doubting your ability to hide the physical act of unpacking and updating the console. We’re encouraging you to be stealthy in how you do it.

“隐藏更新过程吗?” 您说:“当然,我不会让孩子们看到我更新控制台!”; 不用担心,我们不会怀疑您是否有能力隐藏解压缩和更新控制台的实际行为。 我们鼓励你在你怎么做隐身。

If you know your kid’s game network login and password don’t use it to update the console. It’s very common for electronic devices to send automated messages (or, more specifically, for the networks they join to send automated messages) like “Hey Steve! Welcome to SuperFunGamingNetwork! Your new UltraConsole is online and ready to go! Check out these free games you can download today!” When your kid gets that email or message to their gaming account, then the gig is up. They’ll wonder why a brand new current generation console is now on their account.

如果您知道孩子的游戏网络登录名和密码, 请不要使用它来更新控制台。 电子设备通常会发送自动消息(或更具体地说,对于它们加入的网络以发送自动消息),例如“嗨,史蒂夫! 欢迎来到SuperFunGamingNetwork! 您的新UltraConsole已上线,随时可以使用! 看看您可以立即下载的这些免费游戏!” 当您的孩子将该电子邮件或消息发送到他们的游戏帐户时,演出就开始了。 他们会想知道为什么现在使用全新的新一代控制台。

To avoid that first see if the console will update without being logged into a given profile. If it doesn’t update without being logged into a given profile, create a profile for yourself. Although there are many pay-services on modern gaming networks all of them allow you to make a basic account (for updating the console and downloading games) for free. Use that profile to do all the updating and, hey, maybe after you gift the console you can use that profile to play with the kids.

为了避免这种情况,请先查看控制台是否将在不登录给定配置文件的情况下进行更新。 如果未登录到给定的配置文件而没有更新,请为您自己创建一个配置文件。 尽管现代游戏网络上有许多付费服务,但是所有这些服务都允许您免费注册一个基本帐户(用于更新控制台和下载游戏)。 使用该个人资料进行所有更新,嘿,也许在您赠送控制台礼物后,您可以使用该个人资料与孩子们玩耍。

下载和更新游戏 (Download and Update Games)

If you want to go all out, you can not only update the console but also download any games and apply any updates that are available. As we mentioned above just like the console needs updates the games often have updates too. We don’t get as much time to game these days as we used to and let us tell you, it’s annoying to boot up the old Xbox after months of it sitting idle only to have every game we want to play need to update and restart.

如果要全力以赴,不仅可以更新控制台,还可以下载任何游戏并应用任何可用的更新。 正如我们上面提到的,就像控制台需要更新一样,游戏通常也有更新。 这些天我们没有像以前那样有足够的时间来玩游戏,并且告诉我们,在闲置几个月之后,启动旧版Xbox实在很烦人,只是为了让我们要玩的每款游戏都需要更新并重新启动。

For games with physical media, you can pop the game in the console, launch the game, and it will generally download and apply any updates. You could also take this time to copy the game to the console’s internal hard drive if your console supports such a thing (this way the game will load and play faster).

对于具有物理媒体的游戏,您可以在控制台中弹出游戏,启动游戏,并且该游戏通常会下载并应用所有更新。 如果您的控制台支持这样的事情,您也可以花一些时间将游戏复制到控制台的内部硬盘驱动器上(这样游戏将更快地加载和播放)。

There is one part of this section that does conflict with the previous section. Many game consoles, especially when you buy holiday bundles, come with voucher codes for games. These vouchers are either for a specific game or offer the user the ability to pick one out of three available games or the like.

本节的一部分与上一节有冲突。 许多游戏机,尤其是在您购买假期捆绑包时,都附带游戏代金券代码。 这些优惠券或者用于特定游戏,或者向用户提供从三个可用游戏等中选择一个的能力。

On modern consoles the game purchases, even if they are voucher purchases, are linked to the specific user account of the user who submits the voucher code. In this instance, if you use the “stealth” profile you made in the previous step to download the game from the game maker’s network, then the game becomes linked to your account (and not your child’s). This only happens with digital downloads, however, and not physical media. None the less it brings us to a final consideration.

在现代游戏机上,游戏购买(即使它们是凭单购买)也链接到提交凭单代码的用户的特定用户帐户。 在这种情况下,如果您使用上一步中创建的“隐身”配置文件从游戏制造商的网络下载游戏,则该游戏将链接到您的帐户(而不是您孩子的帐户)。 但是,只有数字下载会发生这种情况,而物理媒体则不会。 尽管如此,它将带给我们最终的考虑。

考虑孩子的年龄和气质 (Consider Your Kid’s Age and Temperament)

For young kids setting up the console in advance is a sure win. They’re young, they’re super excited to play with their new game console, and they likely don’t care about or even consider the update process. They just want to play with their new toy (and there’s nothing wrong with that).

对于年幼的孩子来说,提前设置控制台无疑是一个成功。 他们还很年轻,对使用新的游戏机感到非常兴奋,他们可能根本不在乎甚至不考虑更新过程。 他们只想和他们的新玩具一起玩(这没什么错)。

For older kids, the whole process of setting up the console, seeing it update, and, of course, using the voucher codes to select and download the games, is a big part of the process in much the same way that building the gaming PC is a part of the process for many PC gamers.


With that in mind, you may consider a sort of compromise when dealing with older kids and the gift of a new game console. If you want your older child to have the experience of unpacking the game console and preparing it themselves (and certainly many gamers young and old would tell you that the unpack/update experience is fun in its own way) you might consider unpacking and updating it with them a few days/weeks in advance so it’s all ready to go but then putting it aside until Christmas. You lose the “Surprise!” factor on Christmas morning but you also get to have a bonding experience with them and the anticipation (and knowledge that console will be ready to go) will definitely keep them excited until Christmas.

考虑到这一点,在与年龄较大的孩子打交道时,或者在购买新游戏机时,您可能会考虑某种折衷办法。 如果您希望大孩子有拆开游戏机并自己准备游戏的经验(当然,许多新老玩家都会告诉您拆包/更新体验很有趣),您可以考虑拆包和更新它提前几天/几周与他们在一起,所以一切都准备就绪了,但是请放到圣诞节之前。 您失去了“惊喜!” 是圣诞节早晨的重要因素,但您也将与他们建立联系,而他们的期待(以及知道控制台已经准备就绪的知识)肯定会让他们兴奋直到圣诞节。

圣诞节那天通过USB更新 (Update via USB on Christmas Day)

If you just can’t bring yourself to break the seal on the box and do the updating or you want your child to have the experience of updating the console after opening it for the first time themselves, there is a workable-but-less-than-ideal solution.


Both the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One support USB-based updating. While over-the-network updates are preferred (and the documentation for the Xbox even discourages you from doing USB updates), you can download current updates to a USB drive and keep them on hand for Christmas day. This way you can preserve the magic of opening a fresh new console and still have a way to apply updates that isn’t network dependent.

PlayStation 4和Xbox One均支持基于USB的更新。 虽然首选通过网络进行更新(并且Xbox的文档甚至不鼓励您进行USB更新),但是您可以将当前更新下载到USB驱动器中,并在圣诞节期间使用。 这样,您可以保留打开全新控制台的魔力,并且仍然可以应用不依赖于网络的更新。

You can read more about how to set up a USB flash drive for updating and how to download the updates by checking out the respective help files for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

您可以通过签出Xbox OnePlayStation 4各自的帮助文件,了解有关如何设置USB闪存驱动器以进行更新以及如何下载更新的更多信息。

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at Have a very strong opinion about this whole pre-update-the-console business? Jump into the forum discussion via the link below.

有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至。 对整个控制台更新前的业务有非常强烈的意见吗? 通过下面的链接进入论坛讨论。


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