


In the past, if you wanted to add your Gmail to macOS Mail and your Google Calendar to macOS Calendar, you’d enter your Google credentials separately into both applications. It didn’t make sense: it’s the same account, so why do you need to sign in separately?

过去,如果要将Gmail添加到macOS Mail,将Google日历添加到macOS Calendar,则需要在两个应用程序中分别输入Google凭据。 这没有意义:它是同一帐户,那么为什么需要分别登录?

Apple fixed that a few years ago by adding Internet Accounts to the System Preferences panel. There, you can log into several of your online accounts, giving the operating system and Apple-provided applications access to them. Log into your Google account once, and then decide if Mail, Calendar and Contacts will sync up with that account. You can even add Messenger, and then chat with your Hangouts friends in the macOS IM application.

苹果几年前通过在“系统偏好设置”面板中添加“ Internet帐户”来解决此问题。 在那里,您可以登录几个在线帐户,从而使操作系统和Apple提供的应用程序可以访问它们。 登录一次您的Google帐户,然后确定Mail,Calendar和Contacts是否将与该帐户同步。 您甚至可以添加Messenger,然后在macOS IM应用程序中与您的环聊朋友聊天。

And this goes well beyond Google: Microsoft Exchange, Yahoo, and AOL are supported for email, contacts, and calendars, as well. You even can add social networks for real-time notifications and integration with the macOS share menu.

这远远超出了Google:电子邮件,联系人和日历也支持Microsoft Exchange,Yahoo和AOL。 您甚至可以添加社交网络以进行实时通知并与macOS共享菜单集成。

如何添加新帐户 (How to Add New Accounts)

To add an account, head to System Preferences > Internet Accounts.

要添加帐户,请转到系统偏好设置> Internet帐户。

In the Internet Accounts panel, your current accounts are listed on the left, and a list of compatible accounts you can add show up on the right.

在“ Internet帐户”面板中,当前帐户显示在左侧,而您可以添加的兼容帐户列表显示在右侧。

Scroll through the list, find what you want to add, and then click it. You will be asked to log in.

在列表中滚动,找到要添加的内容,然后单击它。 系统将要求您登录。

This works just like it does in your browser—and two-factor authentication is fully supported—so you shouldn’t have any trouble logging in. Once you’re logged in, you can choose which services will and will not sync to your Mac.

就像在浏览器中一样工作,并且完全支持两因素身份验证 ,因此登录时不会有任何麻烦。登录后,您可以选择将哪些服务同步到或将不同步到Mac。 。

For Google, macOS supports syncing of Mail, Contacts, Calendars, Messages, and Notes. Just choose whichever services you want. When you’ve got syncing working for an app, just pop it open and see how it works. Below, for example, are my How-To Geek Calendars showing up in Calendar.

对于Google,macOS支持同步邮件,联系人,日历,消息和便笺。 只需选择所需的服务即可。 同步到某个应用程序后,只需将其打开并查看其工作方式即可。 例如,下面是日历中显示的我的极客日历。

Most of the time, the syncing process is pretty much instant. Sometimes—depending on what you’re syncing and how much data is there—it can take a while, so be patient if you don’t see everything right away.

在大多数情况下,同步过程几乎是即时的。 有时-取决于您要同步的内容和其中有多少数据-可能需要一段时间,因此请耐心等待,如果您没有立即看到所有内容。

您可以添加的不同类型的帐户 (The Different Kinds of Accounts You Can Add)

You might be wondering: what services are offered, and what are they compatible with? Here’s a complete list:

您可能想知道:提供了哪些服务,它们与什么兼容? 这是完整列表:

  • iCloud: Enables iCloud Drive and the rest of the iCloud service, which syncs Contacts, Reminders, and more.

    iCloud :启用iCloud Drive和其余的iCloud服务,该服务同步联系人,提醒等

  • Exchange: Syncs email, calendar and contacts.

    Exchange :同步电子邮件,日历和联系人。

  • Google: Syncs email, contacts, calendars, and notes. Also use Hangouts in Messages.

    Google :同步电子邮件,联系人,日历和便笺。 还可以在消息中使用环聊。

  • Twitter: Gets real-time notifications, and adds Twitter to the Share Menu.

    Twitter :获取实时通知,并将Twitter添加到“共享”菜单。

  • Facebook: Gets real-time notifications, and adds Facebook to the Share Menu.

    Facebook :获取实时通知,并将Facebook添加到“共享”菜单。

  • LinkedIn: Gets real-time notifications, and adds LinkedIn to the Share Menu

    LinkedIn :获取实时通知,并将LinkedIn添加到“共享”菜单

  • Yahoo: Syncs email, calendar, and contacts.

    Yahoo :同步电子邮件,日历和联系人。

  • Aol: Syncs email, calendar and contacts. Adds chat with AIM users in Messages.

    Aol :同步电子邮件,日历和联系人。 在“消息”中添加与AIM用户的聊天。

  • Vimeo: Adds Vimeo to the Share Menu.

    Vimeo :将Vimeo添加到“共享”菜单。

  • Flickr: Add Flicker to the Share Menu.

    Flickr :将“闪烁”添加到“共享”菜单。

At the bottom of this list, you also will find the option to “Add Other Account.” If you use a provider not listed above, you can still add things like email or calendar accounts, provided they’re based on a compatible standard.

在此列表的底部,您还将找到“添加其他帐户”的选项。 如果您使用上面未列出的提供商,则仍然可以添加诸如电子邮件或日历帐户之类的内容,前提是它们基于兼容标准。

Here’s a list of the standards supported by Internet Accounts”


  • Mail: Supports IMAP and POP accounts.

    邮件 :支持IMAP和POP帐户。

  • Messages: Logs into any AIM or Jabber account.

    消息 :登录到任何AIM或Jabber帐户。

  • CalDAV: Uses the open format for sharing calendars, used by many providers.

    CalDAV :使用开放格式共享日历,许多提供商都在使用该日历。

  • CardDAV: Uses the open format for sharing contacts, used by many providers.

    CardDAV :使用开放格式来共享联系人,许多提供商都在使用该格式。

  • LDAP: Supports the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, which is used on many company intranets.

    LDAP :支持许多公司Intranet上使用的轻型目录访问协议。

  • macOS Server: Supports a macOS Server, so this is where you log in to sync everything up.

    macOS服务器 :支持macOS服务器,因此您可以在此处登录以同步所有内容。

Most of these standards are related to email, calendar, and contacts. Compatibility with open formats makes it possible for the Mac to connect to basically any service that uses those standards.

这些标准大多数与电子邮件,日历和联系人有关。 与开放格式的兼容性使Mac基本上可以连接到使用这些标准的任何服务。



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