pixel2pixel_Pixel 2的视觉核心是什么?



The Google Pixel 2 has one of the best cameras you can get in a smartphone right now. But generally speaking, these “best camera” sort of ratings only apply to the stock camera app. Google is changing that thanks to the “Pixel Visual Core”—a custom image processing chip. But what does this chip do?

Google Pixel 2拥有您现在可以在智能手机中获得的最好的相机之一 。 但总的来说,这些“最佳相机”评级仅适用于常规相机应用。 Google借助自定义图像处理芯片“ Pixel Visual Core”改变了这一状况。 但是,该芯片有什么作用?

首先,让我们谈谈HDR (First, Let’s Talk About HDR)

To fully understand why the Visual Core is important, you need to understand a bit about High Dynamic Range photography (HDR for short). Basically, HDR helps balance the lighting of a photograph and make it appear more natural—darks aren’t too dark, and lights aren’t too light.

要完全理解Visual Core为什么如此重要,您需要对高动态范围摄影(简称HDR)有所了解。 基本上, HDR有助于平衡照片的光线并使它看起来更自然-深色不是太暗,光线也不是太亮。

This is mostly a problem in a couple of situations: when the background is bright and the foreground is dark—like a family photo with bright sunshine—or in situations with low light. HDR (or as Google brands it on the phone, “HDR+”) has been available on Google phones as far back as the Nexus 5 to help combat this, so it’s been a part of the Google Camera for a while now.

在以下几种情况下,这主要是一个问题:当背景明亮而前景黑暗时(如阳光明媚的全家福)或在光线不足的情况下。 早在Nexus 5上,HDR(或Google在手机上将其命名为“ HDR +”)就已经可以在Nexus 5上使用,以帮助解决这一问题,因此它已经成为Google相机的一部分了。

This is important to note, because while HDR isn’t a new feature to the Pixel 2, its availability is no longer limited to the built-in camera app. That’s the whole reason the Visual Core exists: to allow third-party app developers easily tap into the power of HDR in their applications simply by using the Android Camera API.

请务必注意这一点,因为尽管HDR并不是Pixel 2的新功能,但其可用性不再局限于内置摄像头应用程序。 这就是Visual Core存在的全部原因:允许第三方应用程序开发人员仅通过使用Android Camera API,即可轻松地在其应用程序中利用HDR的强大功能。

好吧,那么什么是视觉核心? (Okay, So What Is the Visual Core?)

In short, the Visual Core is a custom-designed processor found exclusively in both the Pixel 2 and the Pixel 2 XL. It was designed by Google in collaboration with Intel, with the goal of handling the image processing work in the phones for camera applications other than the default.

简而言之,Visual Core是在Pixel 2和Pixel 2 XL中独有的定制设计处理器。 它是由Google与英特尔合作设计的,目的是处理手机中用于默认应用程序以外的相机应用程序的图像处理工作。

To put that in even simpler terms, it allows third-party apps—like Instagram and Facebook—to take advantage of the same HDR feature that has been available in the built-in Google Camera app for a few years. Assuming an app developer uses the Android Camera API, those third party apps can now get the same quality pictures as the stock app. It’s awesome.

简而言之,它允许第三方应用程序(如Instagram和Facebook)利用内置Google Camera应用程序中已有的相同HDR功能。 假设应用程序开发人员使用Android Camera API,则这些第三方应用程序现在可以获得与常规应用程序相同质量的图片。 这很棒。

The reason this is important to note now is because the Pixel Visual Core was disabled with the launch of the Pixel 2—Google just enabled in the Android 8.1 update, which is currently rolling out to Pixel 2 devices. If you don’t have it on your device, don’t worry—you will. Alternatively, you can flash it yourself using either the factory images or ADB sideload.

现在要注意的重要原因是因为Pixel Visual Core在启动Pixel 2时被禁用了-Google刚刚在Android 8.1更新中启用了该功能,目前正在向Pixel 2设备推广。 如果您的设备上没有它,请放心,您会的。 或者,您可以使用出厂映像ADB sideload自己刷新它。

The Pixel Visual Core also increases the speed of HDR processing significantly—up to five times faster than using the imaging processing on the Pixel 2’s Snapdragon 835 processor. At the same time, it’s also more efficient, using only one-tenth the normal energy of the standard image processor. So not only does it expand functionality, it does so more efficiently and quickly.

Pixel Visual Core还显着提高了HDR处理的速度,其速度是在Pixel 2的Snapdragon 835处理器上使用成像处理速度的五倍。 同时,它的效率也更高,仅使用标准图像处理器正常能量的十分之一。 因此,它不仅可以扩展功能,而且可以更有效,更快速地完成功能。

And it even goes beyond that—or at least it will. While currently limited to third-party camera apps, the Visual Core is a programmable chip, so there really isn’t anything holding it back from being used for other tasks. That, of course, is by design. Google wanted this chip to be future-proof so it can grow with the Android ecosystem. Not just for Google, but for Android developers in general. In fact, Google says it’s already working on the “next set of applications” that will use the Visual Core.

而且它甚至超出了它,或者至少会达到 。 虽然目前仅限于第三方相机应用程序,但Visual Core是一种可编程芯片,因此实际上没有任何阻碍它用于其他任务的功能。 当然,这是设计使然。 Google希望该芯片能够适应未来的发展,以便与Android生态系统一起成长。 不仅适用于Google,而且适用于一般的Android开发人员。 实际上,谷歌表示已经在开发将使用Visual Core的“下一组应用程序”。

For now, though, this is a step in the right direction. Opening up HDR for third-party apps on the Pixel’s already-great camera is a win all around. If you’re looking for some good examples of the Visual Core at work, Google has some excellent ones in this blog post.

不过,到目前为止,这是朝正确方向迈出的一步。 在Pixel本身已经很棒的相机上为第三方应用程序打开HDR就是一个大赢家。 如果您正在寻找一些有用的Visual Core实例,那么Google 在此博客文章中提供了一些出色的实例。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/336369/what-is-the-google-pixel-2s-visual-core/






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