进化:从孤胆极客到高效团队_极客学校:学习Windows 7 –管理Internet Explorer



Internet Explorer is a complex piece of software and hasn’t always been the browser choice of us geeks, but the truth is that it has gotten a lot better over the years so come and see what it has to offer.

Internet Explorer是一个复杂的软件,并不总是我们极客的浏览器选择,但事实是,多年来,它已经变得越来越好,因此请看看它提供了什么。

Be sure to check out the previous articles in this Geek School series on Windows 7:

请务必查看Windows 7上此Geek School系列中的先前文章:

And stay tuned for the rest of the series all week long.


兼容性视图 (Compatibility View)

Internet Explorer is notorious  for not being able to render pages that worked perfectly in previous generations of the browser. To remedy the situation Microsoft added a feature to IE called Compatibility View. In a nutshell, it allows you to view webpages using the rendering engines of past Internet Explorer versions. To use compatibility view all you have to do its click on the little icon that looks like a page that has been torn in half, which is located in the URL Bar.

Internet Explorer因无法呈现在上一代浏览器中完美运行的页面而臭名昭著。 为了解决这种情况,Microsoft向IE添加了一个名为“兼容性视图”的功能。 简而言之,它允许您使用Internet Explorer以前版本的呈现引擎来查看网页。 要使用兼容性视图,只需单击看起来像已被撕成两半的页面的小图标,该图标位于URL栏中。


RSS订阅 (RSS Feeds)

If you don’t already know what they are, RSS feeds provide a great way for you to stay up to date with your favorite websites by allowing you to subscribe to them. When one of the websites you are subscribed to adds new content, for example when How-To Geek releases a new article, you will automatically be notified. In Internet Explorer, if the RSS button turns orange it means that the website you are viewing supports RSS feeds.

如果您还不知道它们是什么,则RSS提要允许您订阅它们,从而为您提供了与您喜欢的网站保持同步的绝佳方式。 当您订阅的网站之一添加新内容时,例如How-To Geek发布新文章时,系统会自动通知您。 在Internet Explorer中,如果RSS按钮变为橙色,则表示您正在查看的网站支持RSS feed。


Once you have subscribed to the feed, you can quickly check if any new content has been added.



安全区 (Security Zones)

Internet Explorer assigns all websites to one of four security zones: Internet, Local intranet, Trusted sites, or  Restricted sites. The zone to which a website is assigned specifies the security settings that are used for that site. Let’s take a closer look at what type of websites each of the four zones should contain:

Internet Explorer将所有网站分配到四个安全区域之一:Internet,本地Intranet,受信任的站点或受限制的站点。 网站分配到的区域指定用于该网站的安全设置。 让我们仔细看一下四个区域中的每个区域应该包含什么类型的网站:

  • Local intranet – This zone should contain sites that reside inside your company’s firewall.

    本地Intranet –此区域应包含位于公司防火墙内的站点。

  • Trusted – This zone contains all sites that you know are trusted, for example the site of a business partner.

    受信任 –此区域包含您知道的所有受信任的站点,例如业务合作伙伴的站点。

  • Internet – This zone contains all sites on the internet that are not in the Trusted, Local intranet or Restricted zones.

    Internet –此区域包含Internet上不在Trusted,Local Intranet或Restricted区域中的所有站点。

  • Restricted – This zone contains sites that you do not trust.

    受限 –此区域包含您不信任的站点。

If you want to you can also change the security settings that are applied to any particular zone. To do this, click on Tools and then choose the Internet Options menu item.

如果需要,还可以更改应用于任何特定区域的安全设置。 为此,请单击“工具”,然后选择“ Internet选项”菜单项。


Then switch over to the Security tab.



You can either choose one of the pre-defined security levels by moving the slider, or you can click on the Custom level button.



配置受信任的站点 (Configuring a Trusted Site)

To add a site to the Trusted Sites security zone, select the zone and then click on the Sites button.



Now enter the URLs of any sites that you know for sure are not a threat.  Then click add.

现在,输入您肯定不会构成威胁的任何站点的URL。 然后单击添加。


You can do the same for the other zones, just be careful about what you add to each zone.


管理加载项 (Managing Add-Ons)

Internet Explorer has add-ons which are the equivalent of plug-ins in Chrome and Firefox, and serve to extend the functionality of the browser. One of the more infamous types of add-on is a toolbar. These are those pesky search bars that often get added to Internet Explorer when you install some kind of application.  To manage toolbars, click on the Tools menu and then choose the Manage Add-ons menu item.

Internet Explorer具有与Chrome和Firefox中的插件等效的加载项,用于扩展浏览器的功能。 工具栏是最臭名昭著的加载项类型之一。 这些是讨厌的搜索栏,当您安装某种应用程序时,这些搜索栏通常会添加到Internet Explorer中。 要管理工具栏,请单击“工具”菜单上的,然后选择“管理加载项”菜单项。


From here you can right click on any toolbar and disable it. If you wish to uninstall the toolbar, you must use the Control Panel to uninstall it just as you would any other application.

在这里,您可以右键单击任何工具栏并将其禁用。 如果要卸载工具栏,则必须像使用其他任何应用程序一样, 使用“控制面板”将其卸载


搜索提供者 (Search Providers)

Another type of add-on is a Search Provider, which allows you add additional search engines to Internet Explorer. To add a Search Provider, switch over to the Search Providers section.

另一种加载项是搜索提供程序,它允许您将其他搜索引擎添加到Internet Explorer。 要添加搜索提供程序,请切换到“搜索提供程序”部分。


In the bottom left hand corner of the Window you will see a Find more search providers… hyperlink. Click on it.

在窗口的左下角,您将看到“查找更多搜索提供程序…”超链接。 点击它。


From here you can choose from thousands of providers.



Once added, you can search that site directly from the search bar.



私人模式 (InPrivate Mode)

InPrivate Mode is the Internet Explorer equivalent of Chrome’s Incognito mode. For those who have never used either before, it’s simply a way to privately browse the web without leaving a trace on your PC. It does this by only keeping browsing data within your session. When you close an InPrivate session its deletes:

InPrivate模式是Internet Explorer的Chrome隐身模式的等效项。 对于以前从未使用过的用户,这只是一种私密浏览Web的方式,而不会在您的PC上留下任何痕迹。 它仅通过在会话中浏览数据来做到这一点。 当您关闭InPrivate会话时,它会删除:

  • All cookies from that session

  • Your browsing history

  • Any objects that may have been in your browser cache


To open InPrivate browsing session, click on Safety and then choose InPrivate browsing.

要打开InPrivate浏览会话,请单击“安全”,然后选择“ InPrivate浏览”。


You can tell when you are in InPrivate mode by looking at the URL bar.



安全功能 (Security Features)

Internet Explorer has a few other security features that you need to know about for the exam. However, you just need to know what they are and that they are built-in features, so let’s take a look.

Internet Explorer还有一些其他安全功能,您需要在考试中了解这些功能。 但是,您只需要了解它们是什么以及它们是内置功能,就让我们看一下。

弹出窗口阻止程序 (Popup Blocker)

Internet Explorer comes with its own Popup blocker to stop those pesky adverts from opening. The popup blocker works on a whitelist system where by default all popups are blocked and you can allow popups on certain websites by whitelisting the URL. To whitelist a URL, click on Tools, select Pop-up Blocker and then Pop-up Blocker Settings.

Internet Explorer带有自己的弹出窗口阻止程序,以阻止那些讨厌的广告打开。 弹出窗口阻止程序在白名单系统上工作,默认情况下,所有弹出窗口均被阻止,您可以通过将URL列入白名单来允许某些网站上的弹出窗口。 要将URL列入白名单,请单击“工具”,选择“弹出窗口阻止程序”,然后选择“弹出窗口阻止程序设置”。


Then type in the URL of the site and click add.



私人过滤 (InPrivate Filtering)

Many websites generate income from adverts that originate from a third party advertising company, that means that the content you see on a webpage doesn’t originate from the website that you think you are on. While that isn’t uncommon in practice, over the years advertising companies have caught on and started using these adverts to build a profile of the websites you visit so that they can show you targeted adverts. InPrivate Filtering sets out to stop this and does so by blocking any content that originates from any site other than the one you are on.

许多网站都是通过来自第三方广告公司的广告产生收入的,这意味着您在网页上看到的内容并非来自您认为自己所在的网站。 尽管这在实践中并不罕见,但多年来,广告公司已开始流行并开始使用这些广告来构建您访问的网站的资料,以便它们可以向您展示目标广告。 InPrivate筛选开始阻止此操作,并通过阻止源自您所不在的任何站点的任何内容来阻止此行为。

保护模式 (Protected Mode)

Protected Mode takes advantage of three Windows components, UAC (User Account Control), MIC (Mandatory Integrity Control) and UIPI (User Interface Privilege Isolation). Together they allow you to run Internet Explorer with a low integrity level, even if you are logged in as an administrator. The idea is that even if an attacker somehow gets access to the IE process they will be very limited in what they can do.

保护模式利用了三个Windows组件:UAC(用户帐户控制),MIC(强制性完整性控制)和UIPI(用户界面特权隔离)。 它们一起使您能够以较低的完整性级别运行Internet Explorer,即使您以管理员身份登录也是如此。 这个想法是,即使攻击者以某种方式获得了IE进程的访问权限,他们的工作也将受到很大的限制。

SmartScreen筛选器 (SmartScreen Filter)

The SmartScreen filter consists of three components. Firstly, its has a heuristics engine that analyses webpages for suspicious behavior as you browse the web and will warn you to proceed with caution. Secondly, it helps against phishing attacks by checking the URL of websites you visit against a list of known phishing websites and blocks them if necessary. Finally, it checks any files you download against a list of programs that are known to be unsafe.

SmartScreen过滤器由三个组件组成。 首先,它具有启发式引擎,可以在您浏览网页时分析网页中的可疑行为,并会警告您谨慎操作。 其次,它通过对照已知的仿冒网站列表来检查您访问的网站的URL,并在必要时将其阻止,从而有助于防止仿冒攻击。 最后,它会根据已知不安全的程序列表来检查您下载的所有文件。

证明书 (Certificates)

Imagine you own a bank and open an online banking portal, but the problem is your customers are hesitant to use it because they don’t know if they are in fact connecting to your bank. This is an issue of identity verification and is what certificates were designed for.

想象一下,您拥有一家银行并打开了一个在线银行门户,但是问题在于您的客户不愿使用它,因为他们不知道实际上是否与您的银行建立了联系。 这是身份验证的问题,也是证书设计的目的。

It all starts with a few select companies called Public Certification Authorities, who we automatically trust. The reason we trust them is because we have a small file for each company, called a certificate, which lives in our Trusted Root Certification Store. When you want to verify your identity you can go to one of these companies, for example Thawte or VeriSign, who will in turn do background checks and then issue you a certificate which you can put on your web server.

这一切都始于一些被称为公共认证机构的精选公司,我们会自动信任这些公司。 我们之所以信任他们,是因为每个公司都有一个小文件(称为证书),该文件位于我们的受信任的根证书存储中。 当您想验证自己的身份时,可以去这些公司之一,例如Thawte或VeriSign,他们将依次进行背景检查,然后向您颁发证书,您可以将其放在Web服务器上。

Now, when your users connect to your bank’s online portal, their browser will see that the certificate for your bank was created by a company that we already trust. Therefore we can be certain that your bank owns this website. In addition to being able to verify that they are connected to your web servers, the certificates will also be used to encrypt their browsing traffic.

现在,当您的用户连接到银行的在线门户时,他们的浏览器将看到您的银行证书是由我们已经信任的公司创建的。 因此,我们可以确定您的银行拥有此网站。 除了能够验证它们是否已连接到您的Web服务器之外,证书还将用于加密其浏览流量。

You can see who verified a website by clicking on the lock in the URL bar.



家庭作业 (Homework)

Today we went through nearly every feature the browser has to offer, so feel free to take the day off.


If you have any questions you can tweet me @taybgibb, or just leave a comment.

如果您有任何疑问,可以发给@taybgibb ,或发表评论。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/133881/geek-school-learning-windows-7-managing-internet-explorer/


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以下是一个简单的使用Tkinter实现的孤胆枪影游戏代码: ```python import tkinter as tk import random # 游戏常量 WIDTH = 600 HEIGHT = 400 PLAYER_SPEED = 5 BULLET_SPEED = 7 ENEMY_SPEED = 3 ENEMY_FREQ = 100 # 敌人出现的频率(每100帧出现一个敌人) ENEMY_SCORE = 10 # 击败敌人得到的分数 # 游戏状态 score = 0 player_alive = True bullets = [] enemies = [] # 创建主窗口 root = tk.Tk() root.title("孤胆枪影") root.geometry(f"{WIDTH}x{HEIGHT}") # 创建画布 canvas = tk.Canvas(root, bg="white") canvas.pack(expand=True, fill=tk.BOTH) # 创建玩家角色 player = canvas.create_rectangle(WIDTH//2-20, HEIGHT-50, WIDTH//2+20, HEIGHT-10, fill="blue") # 创建分数标签 score_label = tk.Label(root, text=f"得分:{score}") score_label.pack(side=tk.TOP) # 处理按键事件 def on_key_press(event): global player_alive, bullets if player_alive: x, y = canvas.coords(player) if event.keysym == "Left": if x > 0: canvas.move(player, -PLAYER_SPEED, 0) elif event.keysym == "Right": if x < WIDTH-40: canvas.move(player, PLAYER_SPEED, 0) elif event.keysym == "space": # 创建新的子弹对象 bullet = canvas.create_rectangle(x+18, y-10, x+22, y, fill="red") bullets.append(bullet) canvas.move(bullet, 0, -BULLET_SPEED) elif event.keysym == "Escape": player_alive = False # 处理游戏循环 def loop(): global score, player_alive, bullets, enemies if player_alive: # 创建新的敌人对象 if random.randint(0, ENEMY_FREQ) == 0: enemy_x = random.randint(0, WIDTH-30) enemy = canvas.create_rectangle(enemy_x, 0, enemy_x+30, 30, fill="red") enemies.append(enemy) # 移动子弹 for bullet in bullets: canvas.move(bullet, 0, -BULLET_SPEED) # 检测子弹是否击中敌人 for enemy in enemies: if canvas.coords(bullet)[1] < canvas.coords(enemy)[3] and \ canvas.coords(bullet)[0] > canvas.coords(enemy)[0] and \ canvas.coords(bullet)[2] < canvas.coords(enemy)[2]: score += ENEMY_SCORE score_label.config(text=f"得分:{score}") canvas.delete(bullet) bullets.remove(bullet) canvas.delete(enemy) enemies.remove(enemy) break # 检测子弹是否超出画布 if canvas.coords(bullet)[1] < 0: canvas.delete(bullet) bullets.remove(bullet) # 移动敌人 for enemy in enemies: canvas.move(enemy, 0, ENEMY_SPEED) # 检测敌人是否撞到玩家 if canvas.coords(enemy)[3] > canvas.coords(player)[1] and \ canvas.coords(enemy)[0] < canvas.coords(player)[2] and \ canvas.coords(enemy)[2] > canvas.coords(player)[0]: player_alive = False canvas.create_text(WIDTH//2, HEIGHT//2, text="游戏结束", font=("Arial", 30), fill="red") break # 检测敌人是否超出画布 if canvas.coords(enemy)[3] > HEIGHT: canvas.delete(enemy) enemies.remove(enemy) # 继续游戏循环 root.after(10, loop) else: # 游戏结束 canvas.create_text(WIDTH//2, HEIGHT//2, text="游戏结束", font=("Arial", 30), fill="red") # 绑定按键事件 root.bind("<KeyPress>", on_key_press) # 启动游戏循环 loop() # 进入主事件循环 root.mainloop() ``` 注意,这个代码只是一个简单的示例,并没有考虑到很多细节问题,如:子弹和敌人的数量限制、敌人的移动方式、玩家的生命值等等。如果想要实现更完整的孤胆枪影游戏,需要进行更多的开发工作。


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