
RetouchMe is a popular app in which professional designers can edit your photos in 10-15 minutes. RetouchMe是一种流行的应用程序,专业设计师可以在其中10-15分钟内编辑您的照片。

In the US it ranks between 100th and 150th on the top chart for App Store applications (in the «Photo and Video» category).

在美国,它在App Store应用程序的最高排行榜中排名第100至150(在“照片和视频”类别中)。

  • 17 million installs in 150 countries

  • Localization into 35 languages

  • 10-15 minutes average photo editing time

  • An army of designers and moderators in various countries

  • Available in the App Store and Google Play, as well as the Amazon AppStore and the Samsung Galaxy Store

    在App Store和Google Play以及Amazon AppStore和Samsung Galaxy Store中可用

RetouchMe turns to Alconost for their localization needs, and translates updates using our Nitro online service.


The RetouchMe team shared with Nitro how localization helped them reach top rankings in many countries, whether localization into 35 languages paid off, and how to add new features in just 24-48 hours without the need for a new release.


RetouchMe的想法从何而来? (Where did the idea for RetouchMe come from?)

Ukrainian businessman Alexander Lozitsky, CEO and co-founder of RetouchMe:

乌克兰商人Alexander Lozitsky,RetouchMe首席执行官兼联合创始人:

My team and I love photography, but we couldn't find a single app that offered professional retouching. So we made one ourselves.
我和我的团队都喜欢摄影,但找不到一个可以提供专业修饰的应用程序。 所以我们自己做了。

The app debuted in 2014. In 2013-2014, nothing like RetouchMe existed. The market only offered apps for automatic photo processing. Today, many «copycat» apps also offer retouching by professional designers, but all lag behind RetouchMe: their feature sets are more limited, and they also have weaker localization, being translated into the bare minimum of popular languages.

该应用程序于2014年首次亮相。在2013-2014年间,没有像RetouchMe这样的公司存在。 市场仅提供用于自动照片处理的应用程序。 如今,许多“模仿”应用程序还提供了由专业设计师提供的润饰功能,但都落后于RetouchMe:它们的功能集更加有限,而且本地化能力也较弱,只能翻译成很少的流行语言。

Initially RetouchMe had 30 options, offering only face and body processing. Today there are over 100 options, including makeup, photo processing, pet editing, and accessorizing.

最初,RetouchMe有30种选择,仅提供脸部和身体处理。 如今,有超过100种选择,包括化妆,照片处理,宠物编辑和装饰。

谁使用RetouchMe? (Who uses RetouchMe?)

Although the target audience is primarily female, in 2018 we launched RetouchMen, a separate app for men. It is also being translated using Nitro.

尽管目标受众主要是女性,但我们在2018年推出了RetouchMen ,这是一款针对男性的独立应用程序。 它也正在使用Nitro进行翻译。

English-speaking users comprise 50% of the target audience for both RetouchMe and RetouchMen. The most common orders are for photo processing for posting to social networks. Sometimes people come to us with their wedding photographs, wanting us to make them look nicer. Our customers include anyone who isn't happy with the photos on their smartphone or tablet and wants to change them.

讲英语的用户占RetouchMe和RetouchMen的目标受众的50%。 最常见的订单是照片处理,以便发布到社交网络。 有时人们带着他们的结婚照来找我们,希望我们让它们看起来更好。 我们的客户包括对智能手机或平板电脑上的照片不满意并想要更改的任何人。

We have a ton of options for changing your photographs — from the obvious, such as «make my stomach flat» or «eliminate my wrinkles,» to photo restoration, adding makeup, and editing your pet.


从什么时候开始将RetouchMe本地化为其他语言? 首先是什么语言,为什么? (At what point did you begin localizing RetouchMe into other languages? What languages were first, and why?)

The first release of the app in 2014 included localization into English and Russian.


Later, in 2016, we localized the app into Spanish and simplified Chinese. This was natural, as these two languages are the most widespread in the world.

后来,在2016年,我们将该应用程序本地化为西班牙语和简体中文。 这是很自然的,因为这两种语言是世界上最广泛的。

Only in 2017 did we decide to localize the app into all the languages then supported by the App Store (another 19+ languages).

仅在2017年,我们才决定将应用程序本地化为App Store支持的所有语言(其他19种以上的语言)。

These charts show the fluctuation of our ranking on countries' top charts on the App Store after localization of the app and its metadata (for Germany, France, Brazil, Italy, and Turkey):

这些图表显示了本地化应用程序和元数据(针对德国,法国,巴西,意大利和土耳其)后,我们在App Store上国家/地区排名榜上的排名波动:

Data for Germany, January 1, 2017—August 31, 2017. 2017年1月1日至2017年8月31日德国的数据。
Data for France, January 1, 2017—August 31, 2017. 2017年1月1日至2017年8月31日法国的数据。
Fluctuation of ranking on the top charts for Brazil, Italy, and Turkey in the «Photo and Video» category, January 1, 2017—August 31, 2017. 2017年1月1日至2017年8月31日,在“照片和视频”类别中,巴西,意大利和土耳其的排行榜上的排名波动。

您的应用逐渐流行的转折点是什么? (What was the turning point in your app's rise to popularity?)

It was in October of 2015, when we began giving particular attention to ASO (App Store Optimization). We translated the app name, keywords, description, and screenshots into other languages.

2015年10月,我们开始特别关注ASO(应用商店优化)。 我们已将应用名称,关键字,描述和屏幕截图翻译成其他语言。

After we saw the success ASO was having in English-speaking countries, we decided to begin localization of the app and its metadata into all the languages in the App Store.

在看到ASO在英语国家/地区获得成功之后,我们决定开始将该应用程序及其元数据本地化为App Store中的所有语言。

为什么要麻烦本地化元数据? (Why bother localizing metadata? )

Localization of the app itself is needed to make it convenient and user-friendly. Localization of metadata is so that the user can easily find the app in their native language.

需要对应用程序本身进行本地化,以使其变得方便和用户友好。 元数据的本地化是为了使用户可以轻松地以其本地语言找到该应用程序。

The chart below shows a sharp rise in the app's rankings on the top charts (in the «Photos and Video» category) immediately after metadata localization:


October, 2015. Countries charted: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Great Britain, USA. 2015年10月。绘制图表的国家:澳大利亚,加拿大,法国,德国,意大利,俄罗斯,西班牙,瑞士,英国,美国。

哪种本地化语言最成功? (What localization languages were the most successful?)

The success of localization can be judged by the number of downloads and by profits. A high download rate does not always mean significant profits. For example, we saw a sharp spike on Google Play in India, but the country doesn’t generate many paying users. There were many downloads, but very few paying users. On the other hand, large numbers of downloads help to boost rankings, which in turn generates additional organic traffic.

本地化的成功可以通过下载次数和利润来判断。 高下载率并不总是意味着可观的利润。 例如,我们看到印度的Google Play激增,但该国的付费用户并不多。 下载次数很多,但付费用户却很少。 另一方面,大量下载有助于提升排名,进而产生额外的自然流量。

Rankings on Google Play in India for June 1—August 1, 2017. 2017年6月1日至2017年8月1日在印度Google Play上的排名。

In this chart you can see the app's rise on the top charts for Vietnam after ASO in that locale:


The opposite also occurs, where downloads are few but profits are high. This means that the given locale has a high ARPU (Average Revenue Per User).

反之亦然,下载量少但利润高。 这意味着给定的语言环境具有较高的ARPU(每用户平均收入)。

RetouchMe评分中用户付费最高的国家: (Countries with the most paying users in the RetouchMe ratings:)

USA, Great Britain, Russia, Germany, Canada, Italy, France, Spain, Brazil, Australia, Switzerland, Turkey, Mexico, Netherlands, and Israel. This list is approximately the same both for the App Store and for Google Play.

美国,英国,俄罗斯,德国,加拿大,意大利,法国,西班牙,巴西,澳大利亚,瑞士,土耳其,墨西哥,荷兰和以色列。 对于App Store和Google Play,此列表大致相同。

Statistics for paying users in different countries 不同国家/地区付费用户的统计信息

本地化成这么多种不同的语言是否有回报? (Has localization into so many different languages paid off?)

As for as indicators such as ARPU, these are naturally going to be far higher in the USA and Great Britain than in India, Vietnam, and similar countries. But we came to this conclusion:

至于ARPU之类的指标,美国和英国的这些指标自然会远远高于印度,越南和类似国家。 但是我们得出了这样的结论:

如果您有一个好的产品,并且对所有语言都关注ASO,那么本地化实际上总是有回报的! (if you have a good product, and you give attention to ASO in all languages, localization practically always pays off!)

App Store和Google Play的比较如何? (How do the App Store and Google Play compare? )

The App Store has the most paying users, but recently we have started growing rapidly on the top charts of Google Play countries, in terms of profit among other things.

App Store的用户付费最高,但是最近,在利润等方面,我们已经开始在Google Play国家/地区的排行榜上快速增长。

Although RetouchMe does offer free photo editing, our app is a paid product, so the number of paying users is important. This makes for an interesting situation: on Google Play we rank 20th in terms of profit (in the USA). On the App Store our rating is lower than on Google Play, but our Apple users are considerably more profitable.

尽管RetouchMe确实提供免费的照片编辑,但我们的应用程序是付费产品,因此付费用户的数量很重要。 这造成了一个有趣的情况:在Google Play上,我们的利润排名(在美国排名第20)。 在App Store上,我们的评分低于Google Play,但我们的Apple用户的利润要高得多。

Ratio of profit from the App Store vs. Google Play — approximately 88% and 12%. App Store与Google Play的利润率分别约为88%和12%。

您在本地化过程中遇到了哪些挑战? (What challenges have you encountered during localization?)

Our only challenges have been with the UI in Arabic and Hebrew (which are written from right to left). These languages required considerably more time for testing and UI debugging.

我们唯一的挑战是使用阿拉伯语和希伯来语的UI(从右到左书写)。 这些语言需要大量时间进行测试和UI调试。

One localization headache is caused by the long words in languages such as German, French, Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian. So how do we deal with this? We ask the translators at Nitro (using the «comments for the translator» feature) to use «not more than 13-15 characters, please.» Sometimes this can be a challenge, but the translators do an excellent job of selecting a translation that meets our requirements.

一种本地化头痛是由德语,法语,丹麦语,瑞典语和挪威语等语言中的长单词引起的。 那么我们如何处理呢? 我们要求Nitro的翻译人员(使用“翻译人员的注释”功能)使用“不超过13-15个字符。” 有时这可能是一个挑战,但是翻译人员在选择符合我们要求的翻译方面做得非常出色。

Likewise, to avoid errors and difficulties in localization of string resources we order linguistic testing from Alconost, which is a tremendous help.

同样,为了避免字符串资源本地化中的错误和困难,我们从Alconost订购语言测试 ,这是极大的帮助。

有计划继续扩展语言列表吗? (Are there plans to continue expanding the list of languages?)

The chief factor in our choice of localization is the languages available in the App Store. Only recently iOS 13 gained support for two new languages: Hebrew and Arabic. We immediately contacted Alconost, and these languages have now been implemented in our apps.

我们选择本地化的主要因素是App Store中可用的语言。 直到最近,iOS 13才支持两种新语言:希伯来语和阿拉伯语。 我们立即联系了Alconost,这些语言现已在我们的应用程序中实现。

Of course, we also localize the app on other stores: Google Play, the Amazon App Store, the Samsung Galaxy Store.

当然,我们也将应用程序本地化到其他商店:Google Play,Amazon App Store,Samsung Galaxy Store。

In the future we plan to expand our feature set and create a web-based version of the app. At that point we will begin localization of our web site, which at present is a promotional site.

将来,我们计划扩展功能集并创建基于Web的应用程序版本。 届时,我们将开始对我们的网站进行本地化,该网站目前是一个促销网站。

RetouchMe有哪些不寻常的功能? (What are some unusual RetouchMe features?)

Sometimes clients ask us to add new editing options, and we immediately set about doing so.


Here are a few features that our customers requested, and we promptly delivered:


  • Options for processing pets (eye color, fur color, enlarge/reduce the animal, lengthen/shorten the tail, etc.)

  • Humor (replacing faces using templates)

  • Smoothing out wrinkles in clothing

  • Restoration of old photographs (turning black-and-white photos into color photos, filling in torn photos)


将新功能添加到应用程序需要多少时间? (How much time is required to add a new feature to the app?)

Sometimes less than a day. We add an option, order an icon from the designers, and create examples of the option in use. Then we translate the option name in Nitro.

有时不到一天。 我们添加了一个选项,向设计者订购了一个图标,并创建了使用中的选项的示例。 然后,我们在Nitro中翻译选项名称。

If the option is somewhat complex, requiring several additional screens, it can take a little longer.


Here it is very convenient that we receive all translations within 24 hours: a new option can be added in just a couple of days, since we do not need to publish a new release.


The Nitro team tried out several RetouchMe features on themselves (and their cat). Here we see a rather thin Maine Coon made fluffier, with bigger eyes:

Nitro团队在自己(和他们的猫)上试用了多个RetouchMe功能。 在这里,我们看到了一个相当薄的缅因浣熊,蓬松起来,眼睛更大:

If you long to travel, but vacation is still a long ways off, you can indulge in adding a picturesque backdrop to your photo. In RetouchMe you can upload any picture you like, or choose from the app's impressive collection of backgrounds:

如果您想长途旅行,但距离度假仍有很长的路要走,那么可以在照片中添加风景如画的背景。 在RetouchMe中,您可以上传喜欢的任何图片,或从应用程序令人印象深刻的背景中进行选择:

为什么您选择通过Nitro而不是Alconost管理器通过Nitro进行RetouchMe更新? (Why did you choose translations through Nitro for RetouchMe updates, instead of an Alconost manager?)

When localizing the app into a new language we use Alconost's service, with subsequent linguistic testing. But in the course of constantly developing and improving our product the need arises for

在将应用本地化为新语言时,我们将使用Alconost的服务以及随后的语言测试。 但是在不断开发和改进我们的产品的过程中,需要

小翻译 (small translations)

. These may be marketing texts, ASO optimizations, or new editing options, and we want these to be ready as soon as possible.

。 这些可能是营销文本,ASO优化或新的编辑选项,我们希望这些尽快准备就绪。

Sometimes at the start of the work day we send Nitro a text for translation into 32 languages, and by the end of the day all the translations are complete, leaving us ready to add the option to the app with no need for a new release.


We also appreciate that you have no minimum order: we can submit even a single word for translation.


If problems arise, support from a manager is just a click away via online chat.


Sometimes there have been slight delays due to Chinese holidays, but in general our experience with Nitro has been nothing but positive. Your service has been a life-saver!

有时由于中国的假期会有一些延误,但是总的来说,我们在Nitro的经历只是积极的。 您的服务可以挽救生命!

Even a year ago the Nitro interface was completely different. Today it has become much more user-friendly, with a «copy translation» button, arrows for viewing translations, and the ability to leave comments for the translator. Recently options were added for uploading pictures and adding terms to the glossary. We will definitely be putting them to use.

即使在一年前,Nitro界面也完全不同。 如今,它变得更加用户友好,带有“复制翻译”按钮,用于查看翻译的箭头以及为翻译者留下评论的功能。 最近添加了用于上传图片和向词汇表添加术语的选项。 我们一定会使用它们。

Button for copying translation text 复制翻译文本的按钮

We are grateful to the RetouchMe team for sharing their experience and for vividly demonstrating how localization can affect store visibility, download numbers, and app profitability. You guys are awesome! :)

我们感谢RetouchMe团队分享他们的经验,并生动地演示了本地化如何影响商店的知名度,下载数量和应用获利能力。 你们真棒! :)

该文章由Alconost提供。 (The article was contributed by Alconost.)

Nitro is the professional online translation service by Alconost. Nitro是Alconost提供的专业在线翻译服务。 Alconost is a global provider of product localization services for Alconost是产品本地化服务的全球提供商,该产品为70多种语言的 applications, 应用程序games, videos, and 游戏 ,视频和 websites into 70+ languages. 网站提供本地化服务。

We offer translations by native-speaking linguists, linguistic testing, cloud-based workflow, continuous localization, project management 24/7, and work with any format of string resources.


We also make advertising and educational videos and images, teasers, explainers, and trailers for Google Play and the App Store.

我们还为Google Play和App Store制作广告和教育视频和图像,预告片,解释器和预告片。


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