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翻译 如何检查您附近(或任何地方)的空气质量

SvetlanaSF/Shutterstock.comSvetlanaSF / Shutterstock.com How unhealthy is the air outside right now? You don’t need your own sensor to find out. Here’s how to find out how bad the smoke and pollution ...

2020-09-27 07:54:37 1524

翻译 iphone日程添加照片_如何将照片添加到您的iPhone主屏幕

iphone日程添加照片Khamosh Pathak Khamosh Pathak There are some memories that you want to relive and remember forever. The best way to do that is by placing them right on your iPhone’s home screen. Here’s ho...

2020-09-27 07:03:49 4666

翻译 如何阻止iPhone小部件堆栈自动更改

Widget stacks are a great way to cycle through multiple widgets on your iPhone’s home screen. Annoyingly, iOS automatically changes widgets based on the time of day and your usage. Here’s how to stop ...

2020-09-27 06:06:45 1735

翻译 iphone 启动图_如何通过点击iPhone的背面来启动快捷方式

iphone 启动图If you have an iPhone 8 or later running iOS 14 or later, you can launch any shortcut created by the Shortcuts app with two or three taps on the back of your iPhone. A featured called Back T...

2020-09-27 05:46:49 619

翻译 mysql备份数据库文件_将MySQL数据库备份到文件

mysql备份数据库文件Backing up your database is a very important system administration task, and should generally be run from a cron job at scheduled intervals. We will use the mysqldump utility included with...

2020-09-27 05:07:29 630

翻译 如何停止关闭iPhone屏幕

Apple, Inc. 苹果公司。 Does your iPhone screen keep going dark or turning off while reading something, checking a shopping list, or any other time you don’t want it to? There’s an easy way to fix that in S...

2020-09-27 04:47:13 605

翻译 word中画网格立方体_如何在Microsoft Word中制作点网格纸模板

word中画网格立方体From bulleted journals for personal planning, to graph paper for designing complex mathematical charts, dot grid paper has many uses. If you don’t have any on hand, though, you can create a...

2020-09-27 04:26:55 1653

翻译 从命令行检查Ubuntu上的磁盘使用情况

Ubuntu Linux, like all unix varieties, includes the du command line utility. du stands for Disk Usage, as I’m sure you assumed. 与所有unix变种一样,Ubuntu Linux也包含du命令行实用程序。 我敢肯定,du代表“磁盘使用率”。 Go ahead, just...

2020-09-27 04:08:32 1251

翻译 如何在“动物杂交:新视野”中找到橡子和松果

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has rolled out yet another seasonal event, and this time players can craft various DIY fall-themed recipes using acorns and pine cones. Here’s how to join the fun, happen...

2020-09-27 03:58:41 755

翻译 如何在hdfs上将文件下载_如何在Windows 10上将文件复制到USB闪存驱动器

如何在hdfs上将文件下载If you’d like to copy files to a USB flash driveon Windows 10—perhaps to back them up or transfer them to another computer—it’s easy to do using File Explorer. Here’s how. 如果您想将文件复制到Win...

2020-09-27 03:28:54 752

翻译 如何在iPhone或iPad上查看本地空气质量指数

If you’re worried about local air quality from wildfires, pollen, or environmental pollution, you can check the current Air Quality Index (AQI) using your iPhone or iPad. Currently, Apple only support...

2020-09-27 02:39:25 1720

翻译 solaris 获取信息_在Solaris上获取系统正常运行时间信息

solaris 获取信息It’s really easy to figure out how long a system has been up and running on solaris. Absurdly easy. 弄清楚系统在Solaris上已启动并运行了多长时间确实很容易。 太容易了。 uptime 正常运行时间 The uptime command shows how lon...

2020-09-27 02:20:55 587

翻译 获取Ubuntu Linux上的前10个文件或目录

Ubuntu Linux has a rich set of commands for manipulating and accessing files. The du utility gives information on disk usage, and the sort utility can sort the results. Finally, we can run those resul...

2020-09-27 01:32:36 751

翻译 找出您的计算机是否可以运行Windows Vista

With the release of Windows Vista around the corner, I started wondering if my laptop will even run Vista. Thankfully Microsoft provides a utility to examine your system and let you know if you need t...

2020-09-27 01:22:08 138

翻译 什么是Android上的Google Play系统更新,这些更新重要吗?

Not only does Android get a big yearly firmware update, but there are smaller monthly updates, as well. Google Play Security Updates are one of these, but they’re different from the monthly security p...

2020-09-27 01:02:11 10495

翻译 如何在Twitch上与其他人一起串流

Twitch isn’t just a solo-streaming experience. If you want to stream with your friends, you can use Twitch’s new squad stream feature, where up to four streamers can combine their streams into one win...

2020-09-26 23:12:06 874

翻译 在SQL Server中重置标识列值

If you are using an identity column on your SQL Server tables, you can set the next insert value to whatever value you want. An example is if you wanted to start numbering your ID column at 1000 inste...

2020-09-26 21:42:35 324

翻译 ipad和iphone适配_如何在iPhone和iPad上的照片和视频中添加字幕

ipad和iphone适配Khamosh Pathak Khamosh Pathak An avid iPhone and iPad user ends up with thousands of photos in their library. If you don’t want toorganize images into albums, you can use the captions fe...

2020-09-26 21:33:21 1273

翻译 在Windows 7 / Vista和XP双启动设置中轻松设置默认操作系统

If you are running a dual-boot setup with more than one Windows operating system, It’s pretty easy toconfigure the defaultboot operating system with the GUI interface. Note that if you are using Win...

2020-09-26 21:12:48 314

翻译 谁可以看到我在Strava上的跑步和骑行?

oneinchpunch/Shutterstockoneinchpunch /快门 Strava is the biggest name in running and bike-ride tracking. However, it occasionally gets in trouble for revealing secret U.S. military bases or enabling do...

2020-09-26 20:44:39 667

翻译 iphone手机备忘录迁移_在iPhone或iPad上快速创建备忘的4种方法

iphone手机备忘录迁移Do you often need to quickly jot down a note on your iPhone or iPad? Using these four tips, it’s easy to add notes without needing to hunt for the Notes app on your Home screen. Here’s ho...

2020-09-26 19:56:08 1574

翻译 vista硬盘美化_在Windows 7或Vista中加速外部USB硬盘驱动器

vista硬盘美化If you have an external hard drive that is always plugged into your computer, you can enable write caching to speed up performance significantly when writing to the disk. 如果您的计算机始终插有外部硬盘驱动器...

2020-09-26 16:35:48 104

翻译 outlook自动添加签名_使用功能区在Outlook 2007中添加签名

outlook自动添加签名Adding your contact information as a Signature to your emails is very useful in a corporate environment, but also for personal emails as well. You can add a signature the same way as you...

2020-09-26 16:26:37 359

翻译 wordpress 插件_WordPress插件–极客的垃圾邮件过滤器

wordpress 插件As this site has gained popularity, the time required to keep the site running has also grown. For instance,even though Akismet blocksvirtually all of the spam comments, I still have to ...

2020-09-26 15:36:04 290

翻译 word如何添加行号_在Word 2007页边距中添加行号

word如何添加行号All geeks love line numbers… you can even add line numbers in your Word 2007 documents with just a few steps. 所有极客都喜欢行号……您甚至只需几个步骤,就可以在Word 2007文档中添加行号。 Open your Word 2007 document and cl...

2020-09-26 14:43:29 733

翻译 修复Windows Vista中复制大文件的问题

If you’ve been having problems copying large files over mapped drives, network disconnects, or having to reboot your router a lot more often than normal, then you can try out this fix to solve the pro...

2020-09-26 14:14:08 127

翻译 禁用脱机工作对话框_从XP的自动更新中暂时禁用“立即重新启动”对话框

禁用脱机工作对话框Automatic Updates is a great feature. Your computer stays protected from threats without worrying about it… but if it’s 3am and I’m trying to play a video game, the last thing I want is for t...

2020-09-26 13:04:25 244

翻译 outlook2007_使用Outlook 2007作为RSS阅读器

outlook2007For those of us that have to use Outlook 2007 at work, you should know that it not only handles mail and calendars, but also makes a very nice RSS reader as well. Of course, I don’t need to...

2020-09-26 12:14:58 167

翻译 在Windows Vista中禁用安全中心弹出通知

If you decide to turn off automatic updates, you’ll be annoyed to death with popup messages from the Security Center that tell you to “Check your computer security” or “Check your Firewall status” if ...

2020-09-26 12:05:45 276

翻译 xp快速启动栏的日显示桌面_从Windows XP启动中快速删除项目

xp快速启动栏的日显示桌面Do you sigh when it comes to starting up your computer because it takes what seems an eternity to boot up? Here is a quick tip which should make your computer start up faster by removing...

2020-09-26 11:54:52 194

翻译 在Windows 7或Vista的右键菜单上添加“复制到/移至”

Here at geek central, we’re in the business of making things as easy as possible. There’s a registry hack for Windows that will let you add a Copy To Folder or Move To Folder to the right-click menu, ...

2020-09-26 11:33:45 171

翻译 键盘忍者:在Windows中串联多个文本文件

You have a directory full of log files that you want to import into Excel or a database so you can do some processing on them… but there are hundreds of files… how do you make them into a single file?...

2020-09-26 11:13:45 138

翻译 隐藏safari地址栏_通过在Windows版Safari中隐藏书签工具栏来节省屏幕空间

隐藏safari地址栏I’m not a toolbar fan, especially ifthe bar takes up my viewing space, so I always try and find the most minimal setup possible. 我不是工具栏迷,特别是如果栏杆占用了我的查看空间时,所以我总是尝试找到尽可能最小的设置。 By default A...

2020-09-26 10:22:33 1425

翻译 如何通过SecureCRT和SSH保护Gaim Instant Messenger流量的安全

Most people realize by now that using instant messaging from work can be easily tracked and logged. If you have access to an SSH server anywhere (mine is at my house) then you can setup a quick SOCKS ...

2020-09-26 09:34:01 130

翻译 在Outlook 2007中配置自动存档

In a previous article weshowed you how to quickly clean out your inbox.Here we will show you how to have more control over what is kept and what is not. Let’s look at a way to archive the older it...

2020-09-26 08:53:11 384

翻译 java发送outlook_在Outlook 2007中发送民意调查

java发送outlookCollecting responses from a group of people is something very common in an office environment. Whether you are trying to ask what type of pizza to order for a meeting, or taking a vote on...

2020-09-26 08:44:00 245

翻译 快速帮助:在Windows Vista中还原Flip3D图标

After writing the article yesterday about how to restore the show desktop icon, I received a number of emails asking if I could post the shortcut for Flip3D as well, so I’ve zipped up a copy of that s...

2020-09-26 08:24:38 112

翻译 修复Windows Vista中的Windows资源管理器停止显示文件名的问题

If you’ve experienced a problem where Windows Explorer in Vista decides to suddenly stop showing the file names in certain folders, you are in luck, because it’s an easy fix. 如果您遇到问题,即Vista中的Windows...

2020-09-26 06:33:16 168

翻译 xp1204-xp1204_XP电动玩具

xp1204-xp1204For those of you still running XP you might be looking for ways to improve the XP experience. One of the better ways to add unique features to the OS is installing Power Toys. These are...

2020-09-26 06:22:37 10498

翻译 sp01事务码_修复了Server 2003 SP2上的“新事务无法在指定事务协调器中登记”

sp01事务码If you are running a webapplication using the original ASP technology on Windows Server 2003, you might get this error message once you upgrade to Service Pack 2: “New transaction cannot enlis...

2020-09-26 05:12:37 163



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