如何在Nintendo Switch上禁用截图按钮

本文介绍了如何在Nintendo Switch上禁用截图按钮,以防止在游戏中意外触发或儿童误操作占用大量系统内存。步骤包括更新系统固件至10.0.0或更高版本,进入系统设置,选择控制器和传感器,更改按钮映射,然后禁用捕获按钮。此外,还提供了如何保存自定义映射到快速配置文件以及如何重新启用捕获按钮的方法。
Nintendo Switch Hero - Version 2

The Nintendo Switch’s screenshot capture button is a handy feature to have. Still, many players accidentally hit it while in a heated game—or children press it repeatedly, unaware that they are filling up the system memory with 10,000 screenshots. Here’s how to disable it.

Nintendo Switch的屏幕截图捕获按钮是一个方便的功能。 不过,在激烈的游戏中,许多玩家还是不小心将其击中,或者孩子们反复按下它,而没有意识到他们正在用10,000张屏幕截图填充系统内存。 禁用它的方法如下。

With firmware version 10.0.0 or later, Nintendo allows you to remap controller buttons on a system-wide basis in the Switch’s System Settings. With the update, you can even disable specific buttons, such as the capture button, which is a square button with a circle inside, located on the left Joy-Con, the Switch Pro Controller, or on various third-party controllers.

使用固件版本10.0.0或更高版本,Nintendo允许您在交换机的系统设置中在系统范围内重新映射控制器按钮。 使用此更新,您甚至可以禁用特定的按钮,例如捕获按钮(捕获按钮是一个带圆圈的方形按钮),位于左侧Joy-Con,Switch Pro Controller或各种第三方控制器上。

如何禁用捕获按钮 (How to Disable the Capture Button)

To disable the Capture button, first, make sure the controller with the capture button you want to disable is connected to the Switch. From there, launch System Settings by tapping on the Gear icon on the Switch’s home screen.

要禁用捕获按钮,首先,确保要禁用捕获按钮的控制器已连接到交换机 。 在此处,通过点击交换机主屏幕上的Gear图标启动系统设置。

Nintend Switch: Select System Settings on Home Screen

In System Settings, navigate to “Controllers And Sensors” and then select the “Change Button Mapping” option.


Select Change Button Mapping on Nintendo Switch

On the “Button Mapping” screen, you will see a list of attached controllers on the left.


Choose the controller you’d like to modify and then select the “Change” button. This technique works for the left Joy-Con, the Pro Controller, and other controllers with the Capture button.

选择您要修改的控制器,然后选择“更改”按钮。 此技术适用于左侧的Joy-Con,Pro控制器和其他具有“捕获”按钮的控制器。

Select Controller to change mapping on Nintendo Switch

You will now see a visual diagram of the controller you selected. Using the thumbstick, navigate until the Capture button is highlighted and then press the physical “A” button.

现在,您将看到所选控制器的直观图。 使用指尖导航直至“捕获”按钮突出显示,然后按物理的“ A”按钮。

Select Capture Button to Disable it on Nintendo Switch

System Settings will ask you to select a new mapping for the Capture button. Choose the “Disable” option and press the physical “A” button to confirm the selection.

系统设置将要求您为“捕获”按钮选择新的映射。 选择“禁用”选项,然后按物理的“ A”按钮确认选择。

Select Disable from menu on Nintendo Switch

You will return to the “Change Button Mapping” screen with the controller diagram, where you should see that the Capture button has been disabled. Select the “Done” button to confirm the change.

您将返回带有控制器图的“更改按钮映射”屏幕,您应该在其中看到“捕获”按钮已被禁用。 选择“完成”按钮以确认更改。

Select Done on Nintendo Switch

A pop-up will tell you that the button mapping has been updated. Select the “OK” button to proceed.

弹出窗口将告诉您按钮映射已更新。 选择“确定”按钮继续。

Confirmation of button remapping on Nintendo Switch

After confirming the button change, the Capture button on the controller you selected will now be disabled. (Note that you can still capture screenshots using a different controller whose Capture button has not been disabled.)

确认按钮更改后,所选控制器上的“捕获”按钮现在将被禁用。 (请注意,您仍可以使用尚未禁用“捕获”按钮的其他控制器来捕获屏幕截图。)

You can now exit the System Settings and play games as usual.


如何将自定义按钮映射保存到快速配置文件 (How to Save Your Custom Button Mapping to a Quick Profile)

If you’d like, you can save your custom button mapping for the controller you modified to a profile so that you can quickly toggle between enabling and disabling the Capture button.


Open System Settings (by selecting the Gear icon from the home screen) and then navigate to Controllers And Sensors > Change Button Mapping. Select the controller with the Capture button mapping that you’d like to save and choose “Save Mapping.”

打开系统设置(通过从主屏幕选择Gear图标),然后导航到Controllers and Sensors>更改按钮映射。 选择要保存的具有“捕获”按钮映射的控制器,然后选择“保存映射”。

Select Save Mapping on Nintendo Switch

You will be asked to select a numbered save slot. Pick the one you’d like and then hit the physical “A” button.

系统将要求您选择一个编号的保存插槽。 选择您想要的那个,然后点击物理“ A”按钮。

Select custom button mapping slot on Nintendo Switch

Your custom mapping will be saved. You can load it again at any time in System Settings from Controllers And Sensors > Change Button Mapping > Button Mapping > Load Mapping.

您的自定义映射将被保存。 您可以随时在“系统设置”中的“控制器和传感器”>“更改按钮映射”>“按钮映射”>“加载映射”中再次加载它。

如何重新启用Nintendo Switch Capture按钮 (How to Re-Enable the Nintendo Switch Capture Button)

If you want to revert to the default controller mapping, open System Settings (by selecting the Gear icon found on the home screen) and then navigate to Controllers And Sensors > Change Button Mapping. Select the controller with the Capture button that you’d like to restore and choose the “Reset” option.

如果要还原为默认的控制器映射,请打开“系统设置”(通过选择主屏幕上的Gear图标),然后导航至“控制器和传感器”>“更改按钮映射”。 使用您要还原的捕获按钮选择控制器,然后选择“重置”选项。

Select Reset to reset button mapping on Nintendo Switch

On the confirmation dialog that follows, select “Reset.” The custom mapping will be completely reset and the Capture button will behave as usual again. Happy gaming!

在随后的确认对话框中,选择“重置”。 自定义映射将完全重置,并且“捕获”按钮将再次照常运行。 祝您游戏愉快!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/668160/how-to-disable-the-screenshot-button-on-the-nintendo-switch/





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