


Server-side rules run on the server rather than in the Outlook client, so they let you apply rules before messages ever hit your system. Here’s how they work and what you can do with them.

服务器端规则在服务器而不是Outlook客户端上运行,因此它们使您可以在邮件到达系统之前应用规则。 这是它们的工作方式以及您可以如何使用它们。

什么是服务器端规则? (What Are Server-Side Rules?)

When you set up normal rules in Outlook, they only work when the Outlook app is open on your system. These are called client-side rules because they work in the Outlook client app. They’re great for things like filtering email into different folders because the rules fire off when you open Outlook or when any messages hit your inbox.

在Outlook中设置常规规则时,它们仅在系统上打开Outlook应用程序时有效。 这些被称为客户端规则,因为它们在Outlook客户端应用程序中起作用。 它们非常适合将电子邮件过滤到不同的文件夹之类的事情,因为当您打开Outlook或任何邮件到达您的收件箱时,规则会触发。

But what if you want rules that fire off when Outlook is closed, such as forwarding messages to a colleague while you’re on vacation? For that, you need server-side rules, which work on the server that handles your mail regardless of whether you have Outlook open on your computer. Outlook lets you create those as well, so let’s step through the process.

但是,如果您希望在Outlook关闭时触发规则,例如在休假时将消息转发给同事,该怎么办? 为此,您需要服务器端规则 ,该规则可在处理邮件的服务器上运行,无论您的计算机上是否打开了Outlook。 Outlook还允许您创建这些内容,因此让我们逐步完成该过程。

Caveat: Server-side rules work if you are using Microsoft Exchange for your email server (either cloud-based O365 or an on-premises Exchange server), but not if you’re using Outlook to process mail from a provider like Gmail or Yahoo!.  You can still set up an out-of-office reply and rules for a non-Microsoft account, but you’ll have to leave Outlook on and running.  If that’s what you need, we’ve got instructions for you.

注意事项:如果您在电子邮件服务器(基于云的O365或本地Exchange服务器)上使用Microsoft Exchange,则服务器端规则有效,但在使用Outlook处理来自Gmail或Yahoo等提供商的邮件时,服务器端规则有效! 您仍然可以为非Microsoft帐户设置外出答复和规则,但是必须使Outlook保持运行状态。 如果那是您的需要, 我们将为您提供说明

如何设置服务器端规则 (How to Set Up Server-Side Rules)

You create normal (client-side) rules in the Rules Manager by going to Home > Rules, but we’re not using those. Instead, go to File > Options and click the “Automatic Replies” button.

您可以通过“主页”>“规则”在“规则管理器”中创建普通(客户端)规则,但是我们没有使用这些规则。 而是转到“文件”>“选项”,然后单击“自动答复”按钮。

To start crafting a server-side rule, click the “Rules” button.


This brings up the Automatic Reply Rules panel, and as you can see, there’s not a lot you can do except click the “Add Rule” button.


The Edit Rule window that opens is where you can form your new server-side rule.


You’ll see that the options for these rules are much simpler than in the Rules Manager. This is because you are limited to actions that can be performed by the server. If you want Outlook to play a specific sound when a mail from your boss arrives, you can only do that with a client-side rule.

您会发现这些规则的选项比“规则管理器”中的简单得多。 这是因为您仅限于服务器可以执行的操作。 如果您希望Outlook在老板发来的邮件到达时播放特定的声音,则只能使用客户端规则来做到这一点。

Let’s say one of the team is away, and they want any mail about How-To-Geek to be moved to a specific folder and forwarded to a specific person. First, they’d select the “Sent directly to me” option. Next, they’d enter “How-To-Geek” in the subject line. They’d then select the “Copy to” option and choose a folder. And finally, they’d check the “Forward” option, select the recipient from the address book, and then click “OK.”

假设有一个团队不在,他们希望将任何有关How-To-Geek的邮件移到特定的文件夹并转发给特定的人。 首先,他们将选择“直接发送给我”选项。 接下来,他们将在主题行中输入“ How-To-Geek”。 然后,他们将选择“复制到”选项并选择一个文件夹。 最后,他们将选中“转发”选项,从通讯簿中选择收件人,然后单击“确定”。

The rule is added to the list of server-side rules and then will be run regardless of whether Outlook is open.


You can add as many of these rules as you like. And obviously, you can do more with them than the simple example we’ve shown here. You could use them to change the importance of messages from specific contacts or that contain certain words in the subject. Or you could have a server-side rule delete certain types of messages before they ever reach your inbox.

您可以根据需要添加任意多个规则。 显然,与我们在此处显示的简单示例相比,您可以对它们做更多的事情。 您可以使用它们来更改来自特定联系人或主题中包含某些单词的消息的重要性。 或者,您可以让服务器端规则在某些类型的邮件到达收件箱之前将其删除。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/367955/how-to-create-server-side-rules-in-outlook/






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