

Once a week we round up some of the great tips that flow into the HTG tips box and share them with the greater readership. This week we’re talking about downloading your Facebook data for easy wall searching, packing lots of apps into iOS folders, and keeping tabs on web apps that can access your private data.

每周一次,我们收集一些流入HTG提示框的重要提示,并与更多的读者分享。 本周,我们讨论的是下载您的Facebook数据以便于在墙上进行轻松搜索,将许多应用打包到iOS文件夹中以及在可访问您的私人数据的Web应用上保留标签。

轻松下载所有Facebook数据 (Download All Your Facebook Data The Easy Way)


Michelle writes in with a simple way to search your Facebook wall:


Even with the advent of the Facebook Timeline, it’s still a huge pain to effectively search your own Facebook history. Unbeknownst to most Facebook users… you can ask Facebook to bundle up all your user data and share it with you as a file dump. It’s super easy! Go to your Account Settings page, click Download Data, and then wait for an email. In an hour or two you’ll get an email from Facebook. Click the link and verify the download with your Facebook password… ta-dah! You get a .ZIP file with all the data you’ve ever shared with Facebook. In that .ZIP file is wall.html. Load that file up in your web browser and you can instantly search every single wall post you’ve ever made. No more clicking around from page to page or year to year (if you’re using the Timeline). Everything is in one extremely long HTML document!

即使随着Facebook时间轴的到来,有效地搜索自己的Facebook历史记录仍然是一个巨大的痛苦。 大多数Facebook用户都不知道……您可以要求Facebook捆绑所有用户数据,并以文件转储的形式与您共享。 超级简单! 转到“帐户设置”页面,单击“下载数据”,然后等待电子邮件。 一两个小时后,您会收到来自Facebook的电子邮件。 单击链接,并使用您的Facebook密码验证下载结果。 您将获得一个.ZIP文件,其中包含您与Facebook共享的所有数据。 该.ZIP文件中的是wall.html。 将该文件加载到您的网络浏览器中,您就可以立即搜索您所制作的每个墙贴。 不再需要逐页或逐年点击(如果您使用的是时间轴)。 一切都在一个非常长HTML文档中!

We tried it out, Michelle. Pretty neat—the downloaded version lacks the flourishes and clean formatting of your actual Facebook wall, but it does, as you promised, display nearly a decades worth of Facebook status updates. Nice find!

我们尝试过了,米歇尔。 十分简洁-下载的版本缺乏您实际Facebook墙的繁荣和干净格式,但确实如您所愿,它显示了将近数十年的Facebook状态更新。 好发现!

在iOS设备上启用无限文件夹 (Enable Infinite Folders on Your iOS Device)

Brad writes in with the following tip for iOS users:


I have an iPad and an iPhone, and I really love the folder features Apple introduced in iOS 4.2. The only problem is that the folder sizes are limited! It’s so stupid. I like putting apps into folders (like all my RPG games in one folder, all my board games in another, all my utility apps I use for network testing in a third, etc.) The 12 (on the iPhone/iPod Touch) and 20 (on the iPad) item folder limit is ridiculous. I don’t want folders like Board Games I, Board Games II, etc. I want all the shortcuts in one place!

我有iPad和iPhone,我真的很喜欢iOS 4.2中引入的Apple文件夹功能。 唯一的问题是文件夹大小有限! 太傻了 我喜欢将应用程序放入文件夹中(例如,将所有RPG游戏放在一个文件夹中,将所有棋盘游戏放在另一个文件夹中,将我用于网络测试的所有实用程序应用程序放在三分之一中,等等)。12(在iPhone / iPod Touch上)和20(在iPad上)项目文件夹的限制非常荒谬。 我不需要像棋盘游戏I,棋盘游戏II等文件夹。我希望所有快捷方式都在一个地方!

The solution is a jailbreak app by the name of Infinifolders. It’s a simple tweak, all it does is extend the limit of the folders. I can now put as many apps as I want in a single folder without any practical limitations. The app costs $1.99 and it’s worth every penny. Search for it in the Cydia store.

解决方案是一个名为Infinifolders的越狱应用程序。 这是一个简单的调整,它所做的只是扩展文件夹的限制。 现在,我可以将任意数量的应用程序放在一个文件夹中,而没有任何实际限制。 该应用程序的价格为1.99美元,值得每一分钱。 在Cydia商店中搜索。

We’re off to do a little tidying on our iPad!


检查基于Web的应用程序的文件权限 (Check The File Permissions for Your Web-Based Applications)


Nate writes in with a tip about keeping an eye on your virtual privacy:


I saw your coverage of NotificationControl last week and wanted to give a shout out to a similar service, MyPermissions. Like NotificationControl helps you quickly check the email notifications for services, MyPermissions helps you quickly check permissions for web-apps. If you try out a lot of add-on services for Facebook, Flickr, and Dropbox, for example, its real easy to lose track of which companies you’ve given access to your accounts. Visit MyPermissions and just work your way through the relevant services to double check and make sure you’re not sharing your Facebook profile with some shady game company.

上周,我看到了您对NotificationControl的报道,并想大声疾呼类似的服务MyPermissions 。 就像NotificationControl可以帮助您快速检查服务的电子邮件通知一样,MyPermissions可以帮助您快速检查Web应用程序的权限。 例如,如果您尝试了许多针对Facebook,Flickr和Dropbox的附加服务,那么它的确很容易失去对您授予帐户访问权的公司的跟踪。 访问MyPermissions并通过相关服务仔细检查以确保没有与一些阴暗的游戏公司共享您的Facebook个人资料。

Great find, Brad—thanks for sending in the link and explanation of the service.


Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek.com and look for your tip on the front page.

有提示或技巧可以分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件, 网址tips@howtogeek.com,并在首页上找到您的提示。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/104163/from-the-tips-box-download-all-your-facebook-data-inifinite-apps-in-ios-folders-and-checking-web-app-permissions/

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