
WordPress is a free and open source content management system, usually used for managing a blog, but also used to power large publications (including HowToGeek). While the software itself is free, you’ll still need web hosting so your audience can visit the site. These hosting providers run WordPress on their servers and often manage most (if not all) of the technical work for you.

WordPress是一个免费和开放源代码的内容管理系统,通常用于管理博客,但也用于为大型出版物(包括HowToGeek)提供动力。 虽然该软件本身是免费的,但您仍然需要网络托管,以便您的受众可以访问该网站。 这些托管服务提供商在其服务器上运行WordPress,并经常为您管理大部分(如果不是全部)技术工作。

While you can set up a basic site at wordpress.com, the default one has ads, you can’t put your own ads on their regular plans, and they offer much less flexibility and freedom than a paid hosting provider. Most of them have plans for only a couple bucks a month, so if you’re serious about starting a website, it’s best to look for actual hosting.

虽然您可以在wordpress.com上建立一个基本网站,但默认网站上有广告,但是您不能将自己的广告列入其常规计划,并且它们所提供的灵活性和自由度要比付费托管服务提供商低得多。 他们中的大多数人每月的计划只有几块钱,因此,如果您认真地打算开设一个网站,最好寻找实际的托管服务。

要找什么 (What to Look For)

Web hosting generally falls into two categories:


Managed hosting is when the hosting provider sets up WordPress (or whatever service) for you and handles all the behind-the-scenes IT stuff. If you’re just getting started setting up a website, it’s best to look for managed hosting.

托管托管是指托管提供商为您设置WordPress(或其他服务)并处理所有幕后IT事务。 如果您刚刚开始建立网站,最好寻找托管主机。

Shared hosting is when the hosting provider runs your site on the same physical server as other sites and is generally much cheaper than having a dedicated server for your site. Unless you’re expecting millions of visitors to your site, shared hosting is often a cheaper and simple option.

共享托管是指托管服务提供商在与其他站点相同的物理服务器上运行您的站点时,通常比为站点安装专用服务器便宜得多。 除非您期望数以百万计的站点访问者,否则共享托管通常是一种更便宜,更简单的选择。

Hosting providers often separate their services into different tiers and offer different products for more money. Usually, they’ll limit how many different WordPress sites you can have, limit your storage space for pictures and videos, and sometimes limit how much traffic your site can get. Be realistic about how much you need, as you can always upgrade to a better plan if the need arises.

托管服务提供商通常将其服务分为不同的层次,并提供不同的产品以获取更多收益。 通常,它们会限制您可以拥有多少个不同的WordPress网站,限制图片和视频的存储空间,有时还会限制您的网站可以获得多少流量。 实际需要多少,因为如果需要,您可以随时升级到更好的计划。

哪些供应商要考虑 (What Providers to Consider)

There’s no shortage of hosting providers out there, and many of them look pretty similar (and all claim to offer the same services). We’ve put together a list of the industry-leading providers to help you choose the one right for you.

那里不乏托管服务提供商,其中许多看起来非常相似(并且所有人都声称提供相同的服务)。 我们汇总了一系列行业领先的提供商,以帮助您选择最适合自己的一种。

蓝主机 (Bluehost)

Recommended by WordPress themselves, Bluehost is the safest bet on this list. Their plans start at $4 a month, and they offer managed WordPress hosting in addition to the option of setting it up yourself. Their higher tier plans offer “unmetered” storage and bandwidth but be warned that this is not completely unlimited, as the top 0.05% will be forced to upgrade plans.

由WordPress自己推荐, Bluehost是此列表中最安全的选择。 他们的计划起价为每月4美元,除了提供自行设置的选项外,他们还提供托管的WordPress托管。 他们的更高级别的计划提供“无限制”的存储和带宽,但要警告这并不是完全无限的,因为前0.05%的前者将被迫升级计划。

Realistically though, you probably won’t be falling into this range unless you’re specifically trying to use up space, and you’ll probably want a better server anyway if you are.


HostGator (HostGator)

HostGator is another good option; They’re fast, cheap, and offer managed WordPress hosting. They do divide their plans into “visits per month,” so you’ll need to upgrade if you plan on having more traffic.

HostGator是另一个不错的选择。 它们速度快,价格便宜,并提供托管的WordPress托管。 他们确实将计划分为“每月访问”,因此,如果计划增加流量,则需要升级。

1&1 (1&1)

1&1 offers managed hosting in addition to having a site builder tool so that you can make a custom site fairly easily. Their basic plan starts at $1 a month, but the price will increase after the first year.

1&1除了提供站点构建器工具外,还提供托管托管,因此您可以相当轻松地创建自定义站点。 他们的基本计划起价为每月1美元,但第一年后价格将上涨。

激励 (Inmotion)

Inmotion offers complete web design packages, where they’ll work with you to build a custom website (including custom WordPress sites). They have managed hosting as well, and start at just $5 per month for the first year.

Inmotion提供了完整的Web设计软件包,它们将与您一起构建自定义网站(包括自定义WordPress网站)。 他们也管理托管服务,第一年每月仅需$ 5。

租用自己的服务器 (Renting Your Own Server)

If you’re running a large publication, are serious about page load times, or just don’t trust someone else to do your job, you can always rent a dedicated server and set everything up yourself. The options listed above all have dedicated servers for sale, but if you’re managing multiple servers in different locations, it’s best to go with a more flexible hosting provider. For that, we recommend Digital Ocean and Amazon Web Services.

如果您正在运行大型出版物,对页面加载时间很认真,或者只是不信任别人来完成您的工作,则可以随时租用专用服务器并自行设置所有内容。 上面列出的所有选项都有专用的服务器出售,但是如果要在不同位置管理多个服务器,则最好与更灵活的托管服务提供商一起使用。 为此,我们建议使用Digital OceanAmazon Web Services

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/392674/the-best-wordpress-website-hosting-for-most-people/





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