


Corsair MMO Mouse

MMO or MOBA mice are made for games that use a lot of buttons. These mice practically give you an extra keyboard. And you can rebind those keys to whatever you want, including hotkeys and macros.

MMO或MOBA鼠标专为使用大量按钮的游戏而设计。 这些鼠标实际上为您提供了额外的键盘。 您可以将这些键重新绑定到所需的任何键上,包括热键和宏。

We’ll be using the Corsair Scimitar as an example in this guide, as it’s inexpensive ($59.99) and has great software. We also love Razer’s NAGA Trinity ($74.92), naming it one of our best gaming mice. The same general instructions should work for any mouse as long as you can rebind its buttons.

在本指南中,我们将以Corsair Scimitar为例,因为它便宜(59.99美元)并且具有出色的软件。 我们还喜欢Razer的NAGA Trinity (74.92美元),将其命名为我们最好的游戏鼠标之一。 只要您可以重新绑定其按钮,相同的一般说明就应该适用于任何鼠标。

这些鼠标按钮如何提供帮助 (How Those Mouse Buttons Can Help)

Out of the box, there’s not much having extra buttons does for you right away; you have to bind the macros yourself to fit your needs. Try to think of anything that wastes your time, even small things. It doesn’t have to be huge—a second or two saved on something you do hundreds of times a day adds up over time and makes your work feel a lot snappier.

开箱即用,没有什么多余的按钮可以立即为您完成; 您必须自己绑定宏才能满足您的需求。 尝试思考会浪费您时间的任何事物,甚至是小事情。 它不必很大-每天花费数百次执行某项操作所节省的一到两秒会随着时间的推移而累积,使您的工作更加轻松。

For example, I work on a MacBook and prefer using a mouse in addition to the built-in trackpad. Switching between desktops on macOS is easy with the trackpad, but to do it while using a mouse I’d have to hold the Ctrl key and press an arrow key, which would use my right hand anyway. So I’ve bound switch desktop left and right to 4 and 5 on the mouse’s numpad, which saves me from moving my arm around so much. On a smaller scale, I do the same for switching back and forth between Chrome tabs (and any other app that has tabs) using 1 and 2 for left and right, rather than using hotkey combinations or clicking top bar with the mouse.

例如,我在MacBook上工作,除了内置触控板外,还更喜欢使用鼠标。 使用触控板可轻松在macOS上的台式机之间进行切换,但是要在使用鼠标的同时进行切换,我必须按住Ctrl键并按箭头键,但无论如何都将使用我的右手。 因此,我已将鼠标的数字键盘上的左右桌面切换为4和5,这使我免于将手臂移动太多。 在较小的范围内,我使用左键和右键1和2来在Chrome浏览器标签(以及带有标签的其他任何应用)之间来回切换,而不是使用热键组合或用鼠标单击顶部栏。

By the way, Windows has the same kind of virtual desktop switching as macOS does, but you might not have even noticed if you don’t know the hotkeys (Windows+Control+Arrow Keys). Binding these to mouse buttons makes Windows virtual desktops much easier to use, and will help clean up your cluttered mess of windows.

顺便说一句,Windows具有macOS相同的虚拟桌面切换功能,但是如果您不知道热键(Windows + Control +箭头键),您甚至可能没有注意到。 将这些绑定到鼠标按钮可以使Windows虚拟桌面更易于使用,并且有助于清理混乱的Windows。

Keyboard shortcut aficionados will still swear by their methods. For some apps, having both hands on the keyboard is much quicker than using a mouse in the first place, which is something every vim user can attest to. But, on a modern system, you’re going to use a mouse at some point. It’s best to make the most of it and not let it slow you down, especially if you have a mouse with loads of buttons anyway.

键盘快捷键爱好者仍然会按自己的方式发誓。 对于某些应用程序来说,双手握住键盘要比首先使用鼠标快得多,这是每个vim用户都可以证明的事情。 但是,在现代系统上,您有时会使用鼠标。 最好充分利用它,不要让它放慢速度,特别是如果您的鼠标无论如何都带有大量按钮。

配置鼠标 (Configuring Your Mouse)

Corsair Utility Engine

Setup will depend on the mouse you own and its software, but most mouse manufacturers’ utilities will let you do similar things. Corsair’s Utility Engine is very powerful, offering full macro support and multiple profiles. You can configure one button to press an array of key combinations, so the options you have are fairly limitless.

安装程序将取决于您拥有的鼠标及其软件,但是大多数鼠标制造商的实用程序都可以让您执行类似的操作。 海盗船的实用程序引擎非常强大,提供完整的宏支持和多个配置文件。 您可以配置一个按钮来按下一组键组合,因此您所拥有的选项是无限的。

Profile switching is an extremely useful feature, as it essentially allows you to nest macros behind other buttons. I have 10, 11, and 12 set to switch to different profiles, and then switch back after another button is pressed. This gives me 45 different slots to fit macros into, although I certainly haven’t filled them up yet. You can configure different profiles for different apps, and a separate one for gaming which will leave the number keys unaffected.

配置文件切换是一项非常有用的功能,因为它实际上使您可以将宏嵌套在其他按钮后面。 我将10、11和12设置为切换到不同的配置文件,然后在按下另一个按钮后再切换回去。 这给了我45个不同的插槽以适合宏,尽管我当然还没有填满它们。 您可以为不同的应用程序配置不同的配置文件,并为游戏配置单独的配置文件,这不会影响数字键。

Corsair’s iCUE saves the profile to the mouse so that the same button layout will persist across different computers—or different operating systems, which is useful for dual-boot systems.


While having a ton of macros is cool, even something as simple as using buttons 1 and 2 as left and right arrow keys will save you a ton of time day to day. Find what works for you and build your workflow around it.

虽然拥有大量的宏很酷,但是即使像使用按钮1和2以及向左和向右箭头键之类的简单操作也会每天为您节省大量时间。 查找适合您的内容并围绕它构建您的工作流程。

其他实用程序 (Additional Utilities)

You’ll very quickly hit a limit to how much you can do with just rebinding keyboard shortcuts. Luckily, installing a few extra utilities to pick up the slack can drastically improve your workflow.

只要重新绑定键盘快捷键,您将很快达到最大的限制。 幸运的是,安装一些额外的实用程序来解决问题,可以大大改善您的工作流程。

  • AutoHotkey (Windows) – If you thought 45 nested macros was overkill, try having your macros be Turing-complete. AutoHotkey is a wonderful scripting language centered around shortcuts and macros, but the language has been expanded over the years to be more like a full programming language. It has loops, control structures, the ability to read and write to files, move the mouse around, and the ability to launch executables. You can configure your mouse buttons to launch AHK scripts or actions directly, which makes it a huge upgrade over existing functionality.

    AutoHotkey (Windows)–如果您认为45个嵌套宏过大,请尝试使您的宏图灵完备。 AutoHotkey是一种出色的脚本语言,以快捷方式和宏为中心,但多年来,语言已得到扩展,使其更像是一种完整的编程语言。 它具有循环,控制结构,读取和写入文件,移动鼠标的能力以及启动可执行文件的能力。 您可以配置鼠标按钮以直接启动AHK脚本或操作,这是对现有功能的巨大升级。

  • BetterTouchTool (Mac) – Exclusive to macOS, BetterTouchTool tries to be AHK for Macs. It’s much easier to use though and offers support for rebinding multi-touch trackpad gestures, customizing the touch bar, and even the Siri Remote. While it’s not quite at AHK’s level of power, it does a very good job for macOS.

    BetterTouchTool (Mac)– macOS独有的BetterTouchTool尝试成为Mac的AHK。 不过,它更易于使用,并且支持重新绑定多点触摸触控板手势,自定义触摸栏甚至Siri Remote。 尽管它不完全符合AHK的功能水平,但对于macOS却表现出色。







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