


got geek?

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve probably noticed loads of changes around the site lately, so today we’re going to give you all the details and clear up some confusion.


认识极客作家 (Meet the Geek Writers)

Over the last few years, there’s been plenty of confusion about who the articles are written by, and who the personalities behind the site actually are. We’ll settle it once and for all with some fun comic drawings of the Two of us… that’s right, there are two writers that come up with the articles you read each day:

在过去的几年中,人们对文章的撰写者以及该网站背后的实际人物有很多困惑。 我们将通过一些有趣的漫画为我们两个人一劳永逸地解决它……是的,有两位作家提出了您每天阅读的文章:

The Geek Writers

Mysticgeek handles writing the vast majority of software reviews, and he’s the guy behind all those great Friday Fun articles you read each week. He’s a great guy, and he’s now been promoted to associate editor for the site… congrats!

Mysticgeek负责撰写绝大多数软件评论,他是您每周阅读的所有精彩的Friday Fun文章的幕后黑手。 他是个好人,现在已经升任该网站的副编辑了……恭喜!

This doesn’t mean that anything will change around here – in fact things will continue to get better! Having Mystic helping out with editing tasks frees me up to work on some truly great new things for How-To Geek. Keep reading to see just a few of the many things we’re working on…

这并不意味着这里的一切都会改变-实际上情况会继续变得更好! 借助Mystic帮助完成编辑任务,可以使我腾出更多精力来处理How-To Geek的一些真正伟大的新事物。 继续阅读以了解我们正在做的许多事情中的一些…

This promotion means that we’ll probably be bringing on some more part-time writers, and it will be his job to make sure those articles meet our rigid geek standards. If you are familiar with our article style and might be interested in helping out, drop me a line at geek@howtogeek.com and explain why your geek article writing mojo is a good choice for us.

这项晋升意味着我们可能会招募更多兼职作家,确保这些文章符合严格的极客标准将是他的工作。 如果您熟悉我们的文章风格并且可能想提供帮助,请给我发送邮件geek@howtogeek.com,并解释为什么您写的mojo极客文章对我们来说是一个不错的选择。

每个假期的自定义徽标! (Custom Logos for Each Holiday!)

If you’ve visited the site on a holiday, you’ve probably noticed that we started swapping out the site logo with a fun drawing for the day. For instance, this was the one for Easter just a few days ago:

如果您是在假期度假时访问过该网站,则可能已经注意到我们当天开始将网站徽标换成有趣的图纸。 例如,这是几天前的复活节:

Geek Easter

Or the one for Valentine’s day:


Geek Valentines

If you don’t have time to visit the site on a holiday, we’ve archived all of them for you over on the wiki. Either way, it’s something we plan to keep up with because it’s a lot of fun, and I enjoy drawing them.

如果您没有时间休假访问该网站,我们已将所有内容都保存在Wiki上。 无论哪种方式,我们都计划跟上它,因为这很有趣,我喜欢画它们。

极客风格软件的使用方法评论 (How-To Geek Style Software Reviews)

But I’m confused, don’t you guys already do reviews?


Since we don’t want to clutter up the main section of the site with non-free stuff or necessarily imply recommendations for commercial software, we’ve decided to create an entirely new non-free software reviews section with full screenshot tours in the easy-to-understand Geek Style, so you can really get a look at a software package before you spend your money on it.

由于我们不想在网站的主要部分中摆满非免费的内容,也不一定暗示对商用软件的建议,因此,我们决定创建一个全新的非免费软件评论部分,并在其中提供完整的屏幕快照之旅-了解Geek Style,因此在花钱购买软件包之前,您可以真正了解一下。

We’re trying to avoid the cluttered, awful, nonsense that most other review sites seem to offer, and actually give you a great review of what the software really does. Since the paint is barely dry on this new section, we haven’t yet enabled user reviews – but soon you’ll be able to offer your own feedback alongside ours.

我们正在努力避免大多数其他评论网站似乎提供的混乱,糟糕,无稽之谈,并实际上为您提供了该软件真正功能的绝佳回顾。 由于此新部分的涂料几乎没有干,因此我们尚未启用用户评论-但很快您将能够与我们一起提供您自己的反馈。

The goal is to have the best review site anywhere… here’s a sample of the ones we’ve already done:


Registry Mechanic 8Acronis True Image Home 2009McAfee Security Suite 2009
注册技工8 Acronis True Image Home 2009 McAfee安全套件2009

….so check out the new software reviews section, or you can always get there by clicking the Reviews link in the site menu. If you have any feedback, feel free to email in and let us know.

….so请查看“新软件评论”部分,或者您随时可以通过单击站点菜单中的“评论”链接到达那里。 如果您有任何反馈意见,请随时发送电子邮件告知我们。

极客街机有Flash游戏! (The How-To Geek Arcade has Flash Games!)

One of the more popular series around here lately has been our Friday Fun, where we feature all sorts of games that are much better than working for the pointy-haired bosses. Since there’s nothing better than a geeky fun flash game, we decided to start our own games section featuring only the geekiest and most entertaining games we can find (and legally embed).

最近在此附近最受欢迎的系列之一是我们的“星期五趣味游戏”,我们在其中推出了各种游戏,这些游戏要比为尖顶老板工作要好得多。 由于没有比怪胎有趣的Flash游戏更好的了,因此我们决定开始自己的游戏板块,仅提供我们可以找到(并合法嵌入)的怪胎最有趣的游戏。

These are my two favorites… many an hour has been lost on them.


GemCraft - Tower Defense


Light Bot




See the rest of the games on the How-To Geek Arcade, or you can simply click the new “Games” link in the site menu. We’ll be adding a lot more games here in the near future, so keep tuned.

How-To Geek Arcade上查看其他游戏,或者您只需在站点菜单中单击新的“ Games”链接。 我们将在不久的将来在这里添加更多游戏,请继续关注。

How-To Geek Gear有有趣的Geek Stuff! (How-To Geek Gear has Fun Geek Stuff!)

Over the last few years, we’ve repeatedly had requests from readers to put the geek logo on a shirt… so we created a new web store to sell shirts and other gear with a fun geek logo on them. But here’s the important part:

在过去的几年中,我们反复收到读者的要求,在衬衫上贴上怪胎徽标……因此,我们创建了一个新的网上商店,出售带有趣味怪胎徽标的衬衫和其他装备。 但这是重要的部分:

100% of all profits generated from sales of How-To Geek logo gear will be donated to the Red Cross.

销售“ How-To Geek”徽标齿轮产生的全部利润的100%将捐赠给红十字会。

That’s right, we’re not trying to make money off these at all. In fact, we’re losing money because we have to pay a fee for the store. But that’s alright as long as the money is going to a good cause, and with all the natural disasters that have happened over the last few years, it’s a great way to give back a little to the organization that helps people… while wearing a fun got geek? t-shirt:

没错,我们根本不打算从中赚钱。 实际上,我们在亏钱,因为我们必须为商店付费。 但这没关系,只要这笔钱可以用于良好的事业,并且考虑到过去几年中发生的所有自然灾害,这是一种在帮助人们的同时回馈社会的好方法……有怪胎吗? T恤:

got geek? shirt
got geek? shirt

Or you can drink your coffee from a got geek? mug… like I am doing right now.

还是可以从极客那里喝咖啡? 杯子……就像我现在正在做的那样。

got geek? mug

Visit the How-To Geek Gear section to get your own geek stuff, or just click the Gear link in the site menu anytime.

访问“ How-To Geek Gear”部分以获取您自己的geek东西,或随时单击站点菜单中的Gear链接。

下一步是什么? (What’s Next?)

We’ve got huge plans for the future, and we’re thrilled to finally be picking up serious momentum towards them. As always, stay tuned for updates… and now you can stay tuned with Twitter if you’d like.

我们为未来制定了宏伟的计划,我们很高兴终于为之迈出了坚实的一步。 与往常一样,请随时关注更新…现在,如果您愿意,可以继续关注Twitter

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/the-geek-blog/state-of-the-geek-2009-behind-the-scenes-and-other-geekery/






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