
A triple-A video game (AAA) is generally a title developed by a large studio, funded by a massive budget. A simple way to think about AAA video games is to compare them to movie blockbusters. It costs a fortune to make an AAA game, just as it costs a fortune to make a new Marvel movie—but the anticipated returns make the outlay worthwhile.

AAA游戏(AAA)通常是由大型工作室开发,由巨额预算资助的游戏。 思考AAA电子游戏的一种简单方法是将它们与电影大片进行比较。 制作AAA游戏要花很多钱,就像制作一部新的Marvel电影一样要花很多钱,但是预期的回报使这笔钱值得。

In order to recoup general development costs, publishers will generally produce the title for the major platforms (currently Microsoft's Xbox, Sony's PlayStation, and the PC) to maximize profits. The exception to this rule is a game produced as a console exclusive, in which case the console maker will pay for exclusivity to offset the loss of potential profit to the developer.

为了补偿一般的开发成本,发行商通常会为主要平台(当前为Microsoft的 Xbox,索尼的PlayStation和PC)制作标题,以使利润最大化。 此规则的例外情况是,游戏是作为游戏机专用游戏而生产的,在这种情况下,游戏机制造商将支付专有权,以抵消开发者的潜在利润损失。

AAA电子游戏的历史 ( History of AAA Video Games )

Early 'computer games' were simple, low-cost products that could be played by individuals or by multiple people in the same location. Graphics were simple or non-existent. The development of high-end, technically sophisticated consoles and the World Wide Web changed all that, turning 'computer games' into complex, multi-player productions incorporating high-end graphics, video, and music.

早期的“计算机游戏”是简单的低成本产品,可以由个人或同一地点的多个人玩。 图形是简单的还是不存在的。 高端,技术精湛的游戏机和万维网的发展改变了一切,将“计算机游戏”变成了包含高端图形,视频和音乐的复杂的多人游戏作品。

By the late 1990's, companies like EA and Sony were producing 'blockbuster' video games expected to reach a huge audience and rake in serious profits. It was at that point that game makers started using the term AAA at conventions. Their idea was to build buzz and anticipation, and it worked: interest in video games soared, as did profits.

到1990年代后期,EA和Sony等公司都在生产“重磅炸弹” 视频游戏 ,这些视频游戏有望吸引大量观众并获得可观的利润。 正是在这一点上,游戏制造商开始在惯例中使用AAA一词。 他们的想法是建立嗡嗡声和期待,并且成功了:对视频游戏的兴趣和利润都在飙升。

During the 2000's, video game series became popular AAA titles. Examples of AAA series include Halo, Zelda, Call of Duty, and Grand Theft Auto. Many of these games are quite violent, drawing criticism from citizen groups concerned with their impact on youth.

在2000年代,视频游戏系列成为了流行的AAA游戏。 AAA系列的示例包括Halo,Zelda,Call of Duty和Grand Theft Auto。 这些游戏中许多都是非常暴力的游戏,引起了有关其对青少年影响的公民团体的批评。

Triple I电子游戏 ( Triple I Video Games )

Not all popular video games are created by the makers of Play Station or XBox consoles. In fact, a significant and increasing number of popular games are created by independent companies. Independent (III or 'triple I') games are funded independently and the makers are thus freer to experiment with different types of games, themes, and technology.

并非所有流行的视频游戏都是由Play Station或XBox控制台的制造商创建的。 实际上,独立公司创造了越来越多的流行游戏。 独立(III或“三重I”)游戏由独立资助,因此制作者可以自由地尝试不同类型的游戏,主题和技术。

Independent video game makers have several other advantages:


  • They are not reliant on franchises and sequels, so they can often reach new audiences;

  • They are often able to build a high-end game with far lower costs than the big game makers;

  • They are more flexible in their response to user feedback and can make changes rapidly.


AAA电子游戏的未来 ( The Future of AAA Video Games )

Some reviewers note that the biggest AAA video game producers are running up against the same issues plaguing movie studios. When a project is built with a huge budget, the company can't afford a flop. As a result, games tend to be designed around what has worked in the past; this keeps the industry from reaching a wider range of users or exploring new themes or technologies. The result: some believe that a growing number of AAA video games will actually be produced by independent companies who have the vision and flexibility to innovate and reach new audiences. Nevertheless, games based on existing series and blockbuster movies will not be disappearing anytime soon.

一些评论者指出,最大的AAA电子游戏制作商都面临着困扰电影制片厂的同样问题。 当一个项目的预算很高时,该公司就无法承受失败。 结果,游戏倾向于围绕过去的作品进行设计。 这使该行业无法覆盖更广泛的用户或探索新的主题或技术。 结果:有人认为,越来越多的AAA电子游戏实际上将由独立的公司制作,这些公司具有创新和吸引新受众的远见和灵活性。 然而,基于现有系列和大片电影的游戏不会很快消失。

翻译自: https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-aaa-game-1393920





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