java 学到什么实习_我如何获得外展实习机会以及到目前为止所学到的知识

java 学到什么实习

by Nguedia Adele

由Nguedia Adele

我如何获得外展实习机会以及到目前为止所学到的知识 (How I got my Outreachy internship and what I’ve learned so far)

I recently got accepted for an Outreachy internship, working with LibreHealth.


到目前为止我一直在做什么 (What I’ve been doing so far)

I officially began my internship with LibreHealth on the 23rd May and it has been nothing short of awesome. During the period between being accepted and officially beginning work, I have been getting acquainted with the members of the team I’m now a part of. Being really shy and introverted, I thought this was going to be the hardest part for me. But everyone is just so nice and welcoming…they’re all amazing ? . Besides this, I’ve been translating some documents that were written by other candidates.

我于5月23日正式开始在LibreHealth实习,这真是棒极了。 在被接受和正式开始工作之间的这段时间里,我已经结识了我现在加入的团队中的成员。 真的很害羞和内向,我认为这将是我最难的部分。 但是每个人都很友好,热情……他们都很棒吗? 。 除此之外,我还翻译了其他候选人撰写的一些文档。

我怎么到这里了? (How did I get here?)

I heard about Outreachy a few years ago, when it was still known as Free and Open Source Software Outreach Program for Women. I was walking home from school with friends and we were talking about GSOC (Google Summer of Code). I remember saying I didn’t feel confident enough to try because everyone I know who had taken part in the program were gurus when it came to programming. This friend told me about a “GSOC for girls,” but despite the fact that he encouraged me to apply, I still didn’t think I had what it took. So I didn’t make any moves.

几年前,我听说过Outreachy,当时它仍被称为“针对妇女的自由和开源软件外展计划”。 我正和朋友一起从学校走回家,我们谈论的是GSOC(Google密码学之夏)。 我记得我说我没有足够的自信去尝试,因为我认识的参与编程的每个人都是专家。 这位朋友告诉我有关“女孩的GSOC”的信息,但是尽管他鼓励我申请,但我仍然不认为自己有什么用。 所以我没有采取任何行动。

During my final year in University, I got more interested in programming. I thought I’d get better by contributing to free and open-source software (FOSS). I remembered the talk about “GSOC for girls” and started searching online. Lo and behold every time I typed the words “Free and Open Source Software Outreach Program for Women” in my browser, all the results pointed me to Outreachy.

在大学的最后一年,我对编程产生了更多的兴趣。 我以为通过为自由和开源软件(FOSS)做贡献会变得更好。 我记得关于“女孩的GSOC”的讨论,并开始在线搜索。 瞧,每当我在浏览器中输入“妇女的自由和开源软件外展计划”时,所有结果都将我指向外展

I carried out my research to find out what Outreachy was, and found out that it was the new name of the program I had been looking for. At that time, the December 2017 round had not been launched yet, so I archived it hoping to return to it at a later date. But I got so caught up with school projects that I completely forgot.

我进行了研究,以找出什么是Outreachy,并发现这是我一直在寻找的程序的新名称。 当时,2017年12月这一轮还没有启动,所以我将其存档,希望以后再返回。 但是我对学校的项目如此着迷,以至于我完全忘记了。

After my graduation in December, I put Outreachy at the top of my priority list. The application period had passed for that round, so all I did was research. I talked to former “GSOCers” I knew and read the blogs of some of the candidates on the Outreachy alumni page. I set alarms and reminders so I wouldn’t miss the application period no matter what came up.

十二月毕业后,我将Outreachy列为优先事项列表的第一位。 该轮的申请期已经过去,所以我所做的只是研究。 我与前认识的“ GSOCers”进行了交谈,并在Outreachy校友页面上阅读了一些候选人的博客。 我设置了警报和提醒,因此无论发生什么事情我都不会错过申请时间。

When the application period came, I went through the list of projects available and LibreHealth caught my attention. Though I had been told that it was advisable to apply for at least 2 projects, I refused to do so. When I started working with the Libre community, I got so caught up that I didn’t want to stop. I kept telling myself “either I get accepted here or I’ll try again next time. Whatever the case, I’ll keep working.”

当申请期到来时,我浏览了可用的项目列表,LibreHealth引起了我的注意。 尽管有人告诉我建议至少申请两个项目,但我拒绝这样做。 当我开始与Libre社区合作时,我被赶上了以至于我不想停下来。 我一直对自己说:“要么我在这里被接受,要么下一次再试。 无论如何,我都会继续工作。”

After I’d submitted my final application (a few days before the closing date) I went through a few other listed projects and joined some project communication channels. But in the end I didn’t apply for any other projects. I volunteered to start translating some of the documents on LibreHealth EHR modules which been submitted while waiting for the results to be announced.

在提交最终申请后(截止日期前几天),我经历了其他列出的项目,并加入了一些项目沟通渠道。 但是最后我没有申请任何其他项目。 我自愿开始翻译有关LibreHealth EHR模块的一些文件,这些文件在等待结果宣布之前已经提交。

哦! 文献资料 (Oh! Documentation)

In school, many lecturers required that we write proper documentation for our projects. I have always loved reading and writing, but I particularly hated this task. I always thought “? this is so not fair, my code already has comments which explain what happens at every step. The user should be able to guess what the program does once the code is compiled and run so why should I write?!”

在学校里,许多讲师要求我们为项目编写适当的文档。 我一直很喜欢阅读和写作,但是我特别讨厌这个任务。 我一直以为“? 这太不公平了,我的代码已经有注释,解释了每个步骤会发生什么。 一旦代码被编译并运行,用户应该能够猜出程序会做什么,那我为什么要写?!”

Many programmers I know think this way too, but here’s an interesting fact I realized recently: not everyone can fully exploit the full functionalities of software without guidance. No matter how intuitive the design may seem, not everyone who comes across the software will be able to enjoy it to the fullest without help. I myself have had to look online for how to perform certain tasks/operations using a software (strangely I didn’t realize I was actually reading documentation other people had made).

我知道许多程序员也是这样想的,但是最近我意识到这是一个有趣的事实: 并非每个人都可以在没有指导的情况下充分利用软件的全部功能 。 无论设计看起来多么直观,并非所有使用该软件的人都能在没有帮助的情况下充分享受它。 我本人不得不在网上寻找如何使用软件执行某些任务/操作的方法(奇怪的是,我没有意识到我实际上正在阅读别人编写的文档)。

When I first began writing for LibreHealth, my work had so many flaws and I had to edit quite a number of times before finally getting it right. I’m so glad I had such patient mentors to help me. I met an amazing lady in the project chat forum, whose writing really inspires me ( ? I’ll ask her if I can share a link to her blog at some point).

当我刚开始为LibreHealth撰写文章时,我的工作有很多缺陷,我不得不进行很多次编辑才能最终正确。 我很高兴有这么多耐心的指导者来帮助我。 我在项目聊天论坛中遇到了一位了不起的女士,他的写作确实激发了我的灵感(?我会问她是否可以分享指向她博客的链接)。

到目前为止,一切都很好 (So far, so good)

I believe I have gotten much better at writing, I know I still have a lot to learn and I’m just so excited!


Check out this story and others on my blog. Thanks for reading!

我的博客上查看这个故事和其他故事。 谢谢阅读!


java 学到什么实习

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