

by Toni Shortsleeve

通过托尼·肖特里夫(Toni Shortsleeve)

我如何战胜困境并成为外展实习生 (How I beat the odds and became an Outreachy intern)

At 9:00 pm on April 22nd, I was crying in my husband’s arms. I was so certain that I would not be chosen, even after all of my hard work, because there were so many other qualified candidates. Also, I thought I knew who would probably be accepted instead.

4月22日晚上9:00,我在丈夫的怀里哭泣。 我非常确定,即使经过全部辛苦工作,我也不会被选中,因为还有很多其他合格的候选人。 另外,我以为我知道谁会被代替。

Twelve hours later, I received the email from Outreachy saying that I was the new Outreachy May 2018 to August 2018 intern at LibreHealth!

十二个小时后,我收到Outreachy的电子邮件,说我是LibreHealth的新Outreachy 2018年5月至2018年8月实习生!

Shortly after that, I received a congratulatory email from the person that I expected they would choose as the intern. It had been great to work with her, and I am hoping we will stay in touch in the future.

在那之后不久,我收到了那个人发来的祝贺邮件,我希望他们会选择作为实习生。 和她一起工作真是太好了,我希望我们将来能保持联系。

This article is about the journey that I took to become an Outreachy Intern.


它以freeCodeCamp开头 (It started with freeCodeCamp)

I am proud to be a Camper at freeCodeCamp. We have a very active community. Our forums have some of the best mediators, and other campers often step in to help when we’re stuck on our challenges. I am in many of the chat rooms and have learned a lot from each of them.

我很荣幸成为freeCodeCamp的露营 。 我们有一个非常活跃的社区。 我们的论坛拥有一些最好的调解人,当我们面对挑战时,其他营员经常会介入以提供帮助。 我在许多聊天室中,并且从每个聊天室中学到了很多东西。

One room is dedicated solely to women. Late last year, one of the ladies in that room shared the link to Outreachy, which sponsors paid internships for women and gender-biased individuals in the tech industry.

一间房间专门供女性使用。 去年下半年,那个房间里的一位女士分享了与Outreachy的链接, Outreachy的赞助商为科技行业中的女性和性别偏见的个人提供了实习机会。

I was too late, as the latest round had just closed. So I signed up to receive announcements from Outreachy in the future. Then I continued with my struggles on my last two front-end projects and forgot about it.

我来不及了,因为最新一轮比赛刚刚结束。 因此,我报名参加了以后收到Outreachy的公告。 然后,我在最后两个前端项目中继续奋斗,忘了它。

申请流程 (The application process)

On February 12th, I received the announcement that Outreachy had opened the new internship candidacy round. I had to commit to 40 hours per week for the entire project. I couldn’t be committed to anything else for more than 10 hours per week during that time. My work on the freeCodeCamp Medium publication is voluntary, and so I thought I could handle it.

2月12日,我收到了Outreachy已宣布新的实习候选人回合的公告。 对于整个项目,我每周必须投入40个小时。 在这段时间内,我每周不能超过10个小时致力于其他事情。 我在freeCodeCamp Medium出版物上的工作是自愿的,因此我认为我可以处理。

But then I reached the education portion of the application. It forced me to choose GPA, credits, and course hours. It would not let me choose zero. Based on the fact that I plan to have my Data Visualization and Back-End certificates by end of this year, I was not qualified. Working towards my certifications would take too much time away from the internship project. Wow — I was devastated.

但是后来我到达了应用程序的教育部分。 它迫使我选择GPA,学分和课程时间。 它不会让我选择零。 基于我计划在今年年底之前获得数据可视化和后端证书的事实,我没有资格。 争取我的认证将使实习项目花费太多时间。 哇-我被毁了。

I immediately sent an email to the organizer of Outreachy and explained that the application would not let me apply honestly. freeCodeCamp is a recognized educational institution on LinkedIn, and it has an online and self-paced curriculum. So I could delay working on my projects during the time of my internship, and follow the rules. As a female in the United States attempting to enter the tech industry — and a student of the freeCodeCamp curriculum who has already received the first certificate — I do believe that I qualify for the internship candidacy.

我立即向Outreachy的组织者发送了一封电子邮件,并解释说该申请不会让我诚实地申请。 freeCodeCamp是LinkedIn上公认的教育机构,并且具有在线和自定进度的课程。 因此,在实习期间,我可能会延迟工作,并遵守规则。 作为在美国尝试进入科技行业的女性,以及已经获得第一份证书的freeCodeCamp课程的学生,我确实相信我有资格参加实习。

Imagine my amazement when I received an email stating that they had updated their process to include questions about online courses. I got to be a tester for their open source site. This time I was accepted!

想象一下,当我收到一封电子邮件,指出他们已更新其流程以包含有关在线课程的问题时,我感到惊讶。 我必须成为他们的开源网站的测试人员。 这次我被录取了!

作为实习生 (As an Internship Candidate)

The Outreachy site has a lot of organizations with projects to choose from. Some of them were very daunting. You can see the various projects that were available here.

Outreachy站点有许多组织,可供您选择项目。 其中一些人非常艰巨。 您可以在此处查看可用的各种项目。

I’m not ready to work on Android yet, my back-end skills are barely beyond the tutorials phase, and I don’t know a few of the languages they were asking for. Then I found the one I needed — and that needed me: help with documentation for LibreHealth.

我还没有准备好在Android上工作,我的后端技能还远远超出了教程阶段,而且我不知道他们要求的几种语言。 然后,我找到了我需要的那个-那个需要我:帮助LibreHealth的文档。

I would need to host my work on GitLab, contribute to the documentations in a markdown format, and I would need to understand the actual workflow process so my contributions would be accurate.


My editing experience with Medium would come in handy for this. I am comfortable with GitHub, but now I would also learn to work with GitLab. I was familiar with the README.md files, but that was as far as it went.

我对Medium的编辑经验将对此非常有用。 我对GitHub感到满意,但现在我还将学习与GitLab合作。 我对README.md文件很熟悉,但这已经足够了。

I would be learning about an open source software system, using GitLab and creating markdown files while contributing to the project.


Between February 12th and March 22nd, I needed to provide links to Outreachy for the work I wanted to present as a contribution, and complete the final application once I had a game plan from the mentors.


I was guided to the LibreHealth forums and the LibreHealth — Outreachy chat room.

我被引导到LibreHealth 论坛和LibreHealth-外联聊天室。

I forked (copied) the materials from GitLab and checked out the Demo for the electronic health records (EHR) system.


Then I viewed the YouTube videos to see how the process worked while I checked out the EHR Demo for comparison.


I began working on a couple of documents in the repository that I saw could use some help with typos. This would be my first contribution.

我开始处理存储库中的一些文档,这些文档可以帮助您解决错别字。 这将是我的第一个贡献。

大中型文章 (Great Medium Articles)

From the forums, I knew that Dr. Judy Gichoya was on the steering committee of LibreHealth. I saw the submission for her article, Mentorship and Networking — My strategy based on open source involvement come through to freeCodeCamp’s Medium publication during the first week of the application process. I got to edit it, and I think it helped me to have a better understanding of what she was looking for.

从论坛上,我知道Judy Gichoya博士是LibreHealth指导委员会的成员。 我在她的文章《 导师制和网络》中看到了提交的内容-在申请过程的第一周, 我基于开放源代码参与的策略出现在freeCodeCamp的Medium出版物中。 我必须对其进行编辑,并且我认为它有助于我更好地了解她的需求。

A few days later, Joannah Nanjekye submitted the article Get the most out of your Outreachy Intern application process. She offered some good advice based on her internship a year ago, and I was glad to have the opportunity to edit it as well. It helped me to have a better grasp on what I wanted to accomplish.

几天后,Joannah Nanjekye提交了文章“ 充分利用Outreachy Intern申请流程” 。 根据一年前的实习经验,她提供了一些很好的建议,我很高兴也有机会进行编辑。 它帮助我更好地掌握了想要完成的工作。

Carmen Chung wrote What I learned during my software engineering internship which has great suggestions for the internship itself. I have bookmarked that article, and I will return to it during my internship for specific reminders.

Carmen Chung撰写了我在软件工程实习期间学到的知识 ,对实习本身提出了很好的建议。 我已将该文章加为书签,在实习期间我将再次针对该文章进行提醒。

LibreHealth导师 (LibreHealth Mentors)

I spent a lot of time in LibreHealth’s Outreachy chat room. During the first three weeks of the application process, over 45 potential candidates had entered the room. I knew it would take everything I had to stay the course and become noticed. So there was only one thing I could do — give it my best.

我在LibreHealth的Outreachy聊天室中度过了很多时间。 在申请过程的前三周中,超过45位潜在候选人进入了会议室。 我知道一切都需要我坚持下去并受到关注。 因此,我只能做一件事-尽我所能。

It took a couple of weeks for the steering committee to get the mentors and candidates on the same page. I liked the fact that they tried to keep us informed on what was wanted and needed, and make us aware of any changes in the process.

指导委员会花了几周的时间才能将导师和候选人放在同一页面上。 我喜欢这样一个事实,他们试图使我们了解所需的信息,并使我们知道流程中的任何更改。

They decided to put our work into the mediawiki format. This was something else that was new for me to learn. I felt that I had just become familiar with markdown. It was a little scary, but I looked forward to the challenge.

他们决定将我们的工作放入mediawiki格式。 这是我学习新的东西。 我觉得我刚刚熟悉降价。 有点吓人,但我期待挑战。

制作文件 (Making the Documents)

I used Google Docs for my writing, and Snagit with Photoshop for my images. Then I was able to turn the document into text for markdown, code it for the mediawiki, and create the .pdf format of the document.

我使用Google Docs撰写文章,并使用Snagit和Photoshop进行图片撰写。 然后,我能够将文档转换为降价文本,为mediawiki编码,并创建文档的.pdf格式。

My main mentor on this project was Harley Tuck. He created the YouTube Video that I referred to for my project, and was awesome with me. He guided me in the right direction without holding my hand, encouraged me when I was on track, and gently reminded me when I wasn’t. I totally enjoyed working with him.

我在这个项目上的主要导师是哈雷·塔克(Harley Tuck)。 他制作了我在自己的项目中引用的YouTube 视频 ,这对我来说真是太棒了。 他不牵着我的手向我指引正确的方向,在我走上正轨时鼓励我,在不走时轻轻地提醒我。 我非常喜欢和他一起工作。

Google Summer of Code (Google Summer of Code)

By the time Mid-March came around, the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) candidacy had begun.

到3月中旬出现时, Google Summer of Code (GSoC)候选资格已经开始。

Dr. Judy Gichoya submitted another article to freeCodeCamp, Hacking #GSoC : How to gain real life experience and support open source. Again I was able to be the editor.

Judy Gichoya博士向freeCodeCamp提交了另一篇文章,《 黑客#GSoC:如何获得现实生活经验并支持开源》 。 再一次,我成为了编辑。

This was an interesting article for me to edit, because she shared her experience as a GSoC candidate and the role it played in her becoming a mentor.


She also shared her advice on how to be chosen as an intern. I tried to use that information wisely.

她还分享了关于如何被选为实习生的建议。 我试图明智地使用该信息。

Now that the LibreHealth GSoC had begun, we began to see fewer candidates in the LibreHealth Outreachy chat room. I think many of the candidates switched over to GSoC. In fact, Outreachy strongly suggests applying for both.

现在,LibreHealth GSoC已经开始,我们开始在LibreHealth Outreachy聊天室中看到更少的候选人。 我认为许多候选人都转用了GSoC。 实际上,Outreachy强烈建议同时申请。

One of my mentors suggested that I also try for the GSoC. But only university students — and not online self-paced students — are acceptable for them. So I didn’t qualify for GSoC, and Outreachy remained my best opportunity.

我的一位导师建议我也尝试使用GSoC。 但是,只有大学生可以接受,而不接受在线自学的学生。 因此我没有资格获得GSoC,Outreachy仍然是我最好的机会。

Besides, I was too excited about this project already and didn’t want to let it go.


最后一轮 (The Final Round)

During the last two weeks of the candidacy, a few of us candidates began sharing tips and answering each other’s questions. It felt good to be a part of that small group.

在竞选的最后两周,我们中的一些候选人开始分享技巧并回答彼此的问题。 成为这个小组的一员感觉很好。

Our mentor asked us to place our documents on the mediawiki sandbox, and from there he would upload them to the LibreHealth wiki. We found out so much about how the wiki community worked.

我们的导师要求我们将文档放置在mediawiki沙箱上,然后他将从那里将其上传到LibreHealth Wiki。 我们对Wiki社区的工作方式了解很多。

We could see each other’s work if we made the mistake of clicking on “Publish Page” instead of “Show Preview.” A lot of chatting happened among us before we realized what we were doing wrong.

如果我们错误地单击了“发布页面”而不是“显示预览”,则可以看到彼此的工作。 在我们意识到自己做错了什么之前,我们之间发生了很多聊天。

Also, loading images was difficult if someone had chosen the same name for a previously loaded image. For example, the image for “login-1” and “calendar-1” had already been taken, and so it would not accept my images.

另外,如果有人为先前加载的图像选择了相同的名称,则加载图像非常困难。 例如,已经拍摄了“ login-1”和“ calendar-1”的图像,因此它将不接受我的图像。

My mentor made a suggestion and I tried to follow it. But then I was blocked by wiki! It seems I was in the wrong room and the subject was improper for that room. I told the mediator where I was supposed to be and what I was supposed to be doing, but I didn’t get a response. I’m still not too sure what exactly happened, but they eventually unblocked me.

我的导师提出了一个建议,然后我尝试了。 但是后来我被维基封锁了! 看来我在错误的房间里,那个房间不适用于那个对象。 我告诉调解员我应该去的地方以及应该做的事情,但没有得到回应。 我仍然不太确定到底发生了什么,但是他们最终阻止了我。

Meanwhile, I was in a panic. My document was the User’s Guide, and I was proud of it. I finally had it formatted to the mediawiki codes and my images were looking good. But I couldn’t get it uploaded!

同时,我感到恐慌。 我的文档是《用户指南》,对此我感到很自豪。 我终于将其格式化为mediawiki代码,并且图像看起来不错。 但是我无法上传!

Harley Tuck and I used TeamViewer to download my document and images. He then placed them in the LibreHealth wiki for me. I am so thankful that I wasn’t penalized.

Harley Tuck和我使用TeamViewer下载我的文档和图像。 然后,他为我将它们放置在LibreHealth Wiki中。 我非常感谢我没有受到处罚。

真正的截止日期 (The Real Deadline)

The candidate must submit at least one contribution — even if it has not been approved by the mentors yet. And the candidate must complete the application before the deadline.

候选人必须提交至少一份文稿,即使该文稿尚未得到导师的批准。 候选人必须在截止日期之前完成申请。

The deadline was March 22nd at 4:00 pm UTC. This meant that for me at Pacific Standard Time, it was due before 9:00 am.

截止日期为世界标准时间3月22日下午4:00。 对我而言,这意味着我应该在太平洋标准时间上午9:00之前到期。

I had to have everything in place and online by midnight on March 21st. Why? Because I knew there was no way that I could do it first thing in the morning — especially if I had any last minute issues to resolve. I was able to turn off my computer thirty minutes before my self-imposed deadline!

我必须在3月21日午夜之前准备好一切并在线上进行操作。 为什么? 因为我知道我无法在早上做第一件事,尤其是当我有最后一刻需要解决的问题时。 我可以在自己设定的最后期限前三十分钟关闭计算机!

最后期限 (The Final Deadline)

If we met the March 22nd deadline, we could continue to update our contributions until March 29th.


Harley Tuck sent the final link for the LibreHealth wiki document to me on March 28th. I updated the link to my contribution, and touched up my last thoughts on the application.

哈雷·塔克(Harley Tuck)于3月28日向我发送了LibreHealth Wiki文档的最终链接。 我更新了我的文稿的链接,并修改了对应用程序的最后想法。

Now all I could do was wait…


So I went back to doing some light editing on Medium, and trying to decipher the mysteries of d3.js and React.


… until April 22nd.


现在,乐趣开始了! (Now the Fun Begins!)

I was so surprised and thankful to be chosen as one of the two interns. I will be creating the documents in American English.

我很惊讶也很高兴被选为两名实习生之一。 我将以美式英语创建文档。

I was also pleased that one of my favorite chat roommates was chosen for the second internship. Adele will be translating the documents from American English into French. We’re going to have fun together!

我也很高兴,我最喜欢的聊天室友之一被选为第二实习生。 阿黛尔将把这些文件从美国英语翻译成法语。 我们将一起开心!

The mentors have been very welcoming. Each of them will be guiding me in their specific areas on this journey. I’m excited to be working with all of them.

导师们非常热情。 他们每个人都将在此旅程中指导我在其特定领域。 我很高兴与他们一起工作。

They can all be found on the LibreHealth Forums.

它们都可以在LibreHealth 论坛上找到。

Harley Tuck is my EHR and Documentation mentor. He worked with me the most through the candidacy process and helped with the mediawiki issues. He will continue to monitor my documentation. His forum handle is _htuck.

Harley Tuck是我的EHR和文档导师。 在整个候选人竞选过程中,他与我合作最多,并帮助了mediawiki。 他将继续监视我的文档。 他的论坛句柄是_htuck。

Robby O’Connor is my Tech mentor. He is the one I turn to when I have any technical questions or issues. His forum handle is r0bby.

Robby O'Connor是我的技术指导。 当我遇到任何技术问题时,我将向他求助。 他的论坛句柄是r0bby。

Dr. Judy Gichoya is my Radiology mentor. She will be working closely with me to understand the workflow, authorizations, and actions that occur in the Radiology Information System. With her help, I should be a able to create an easy to understand User Guide for the Radiology module. Her handle in the forums is judywawira.

朱迪·吉乔亚(Judy Gichoya)博士是我的放射学导师。 她将与我紧密合作,以了解放射学信息系统中发生的工作流程,授权和操作。 在她的帮助下,我应该能够为放射学模块创建一个易于理解的用户指南。 她在论坛中的主持人是judywawira。

Saptarshi Purkayastha maintains the project for the software which Radiology depends on. His guidance will be invaluable while I try to understand the backbone of the entire LibreHealth system. His handle in the forums is sunbiz.

Saptarshi Purkayastha为Radiology依赖的软件维护项目。 当我尝试了解整个LibreHealth系统的基础时,他的指导将非常宝贵。 他在论坛上的主持人是sunbiz。

We are currently working on our strategy for the next step of the project. I’ll be doing a little more research on the Radiology workflow and how it aligns with EHR. I’m excited to see how they will work together.

我们目前正在为下一步的项目制定策略。 我将对放射学工作流程及其与EHR的一致性进行更多研究。 我很高兴看到他们将如何一起工作。

一些建议 (A Few Suggestions)

注册以获取高级通知 (Sign Up for Advanced Notices)

If you feel you qualify and would like to be an Outreachy Internship Candidate, sign up for the email notices. There’s no spam, and they only contact you when something is happening. And you’ll be among the first to know.

如果您认为自己有资格并希望成为外展实习生候选人,请注册以获取电子邮件通知。 没有垃圾邮件,只有在发生问题时他们才会与您联系。 您将成为第一个知道的人。

立即开始 (Start Immediately)

Once you’re notified that the process has begun, start on the application right away. You need to assure eligibility so that you can begin the search for the internship that’s right for you.

收到流程开始的通知后,请立即在应用程序上启动。 您需要确保资格,以便可以开始搜索适合您的实习机会。

现实点 (Be Realistic)

This is a great opportunity to enhance your skills. But it is not the time to learn something from scratch. If you have never used the language that the company is requesting, then you probably will not be chosen unless you bring something stronger to the table.

这是提高您的技能的绝好机会。 但是现在不是从头开始学习一些东西的时候。 如果您从未使用过公司所要求的语言,那么除非您提出更强有力的建议,否则您可能不会被选中。

The internship should work both ways. You will provide skills to help complete the project, and the project will help enhance the skills you are using.

实习应该双向进行。 您将提供帮助完成项目的技能,并且该项目将帮助您提高正在使用的技能。

Go for building on what you already know.


阅读一切 (Read Everything)

Outreachy has a specific format that needs to be followed. The organizations have their quirks, too. So make certain that you know exactly what is expected from the both groups.

外联有特定的格式,需要遵循。 这些组织也有自己的怪癖。 因此,请确保您确切地知道两组人的期望。

Any documentation and videos about the project will be very helpful as well. The more you understand going in, the better chance you will have of showcasing your skills quickly.

有关该项目的任何文档和视频也将非常有帮助。 您了解的越多,就越有机会快速展示自己的技能。

标记您的日历 (Mark Your Calendar)

There should actually be three main events on your calendar:


· Outreachy deadlines· Project and Mentor deadlines· Your personal goal dates and times to meet each deadline


Also, you may need to check the local time for those deadlines. As I mentioned earlier, the difference between UTC and PST was like night and day. Don’t forget to figure in Daylight Saving Time if it applies.

另外,您可能需要检查这些截止日期的当地时间。 正如我之前提到的,UTC和PST之间的区别就像白天和黑夜。 如果适用,请不要忘记计算夏令时。

So when you set up your calendar, visit here to make sure you are on time.


And give yourself enough room to fix any final issues before any deadline.


玩得开心! (Have Fun!)

This may seem trite, but it’s not worth it if you can’t enjoy it.


Yes, it is a competition. A lot of other candidates want to be chosen. But it’s also an opportunity to meet others who share a similar interest and may become good friends no matter what the outcome.

是的,这是一场比赛。 许多其他候选人希望被选中。 但这也是结识其他志趣相投的人的良机,无论结果如何,他们都可以成为好朋友。

Also, you probably chose this project because you liked what you will be creating as well as learning. So for the next six weeks meet the mentors, share and talk about the story with the other candidates, and have fun in making something wonderful.

另外,您可能选择了这个项目是因为您喜欢自己将要创建和学习的内容。 因此,在接下来的六个星期里,与导师会面,与其他应聘者分享并谈论这个故事,并乐于做一些很棒的事情。

怎么办? (Now What?)

If you missed the opportunity — or were not chosen this time but learned that you enjoy the candidacy process and want to try again — sign up for the notifications.


As for me, after May 23 I will need to write about my experience every two weeks. I hope that you will follow along as I continue my journey as an Outreachy Intern with LibreHealth.

至于我,5月23日之后,我需要每两周写一次我的经历。 我希望您能继续我作为LibreHealth的外展实习生的旅程。

You can see my winning mediawiki document here.


You can catch me on GitHub or join me on Twitter. You can also visit my website.

您可以在GitHub找到我,也可以在Twitter 加入我。 您也可以访问我的网站

It’s going to be an awesome and busy summer!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-beat-the-odds-and-became-an-outreachy-intern-9a92f47cb44e/


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