

In this post we're going to take a look at how 2019 was for me (mostly professionally) and we're also going to set some goals for 2020! 🤩

在这篇文章中,我们将了解2019年对我来说(主要是职业)如何,我们还将为2020年设定一些目标! 🤩

I really love numbers, so I'm also going to show you how 2019 was in numbers. I'm also going to share some of the earnings that I made blogging, creating content, and freelancing.

我真的很喜欢数字,因此我还将向您展示2019年的数字。 我还将分享一些我通过写博客,创建内容和自由职业获得的收入。

Hopefully this will inspire you to start working on the things that you love (as I am doing now 😃).


Note: the first part of the article is my 2019 story. So if you are only interested in the numbers and earnings part, jump down to the end of the article. 👍

注意:本文的第一部分是我的2019年故事。 因此,如果您仅对数字和收入部分感兴趣,请跳至文章末尾。 👍

2019年回顾 (2019 In Review)

概述-故事 (General Overview - The story)

I started blogging again in February 2019 after taking a break for 1.5 years. At the same time I was working as a Remote ReactJS developer for a company and spent my evenings and mornings writing articles. I always liked the idea of sharing the things that I'm building so I decided to start blogging again, determined to make it work this time. 🔥

休息1.5年后,我于2019年2月再次开始写博客。 同时,我作为一家公司的Remote ReactJS开发人员,晚上和早上都在写文章。 我一直很喜欢分享自己正在构建的内容的想法,因此我决定再次开始写博客,并决定这次可以正常工作。 🔥

I also started being active on Twitter. I had around 300 followers back in February 2019. I quickly found out that the Twitter community is amazing, so it was a joy to share the little things that I was doing with the community - and the feedback was great!

我也开始在Twitter上活跃。 2019年2月,我大约有300个关注者 。我很快发现Twitter社区很棒,因此很高兴与社区分享我所做的小事-反馈很棒!

Soon after that (somewhere around April or May) I noticed that people really enjoyed the things that I was doing (and saying 😆). So I decided that, starting with January 2020, I was going to go full-time as a blogger.

在那之后不久(大约四月或五月),我注意到人们真的很喜欢我正在做的事情(并说😆)。 因此,我决定从2020年1月开始,我将全职担任博客作者。

But...considering that I'm not the most patient guy in the world 😅, in June I told my wife that I wanted to quit my job sooner. Like 6 months sooner. 🙀

但是...考虑到我不是世界上最有耐心的人,六月,我告诉妻子我想早点辞职。 像早6个月。 🙀

At first she wasn't 100% on-board (I can't blame her as I was the only one providing for the family - she was still in school). But after doing some calculations we saw that I could give it a try because we had enough money saved to live off for the next 6 months. So she agreed (and I can't thank her enough, not only for accepting, but for supporting me throughout this journey 🥰).

刚开始时,她并不是100%随便上车的(我不能怪她,因为我是唯一为家庭提供食物的人-她还在上学)。 但是经过一些计算后,我们发现我可以尝试一下,因为我们有足够的积蓄来维持下一个6个月的生活。 所以她同意了(我不能对她表示足够的感谢,不仅是接受她,而且在整个旅程中都支持我)。

成为全职博客作者和“半抑郁症” (Become a full-time blogger + the "semi-depression")

So I did it. 5th July was my last day as an employee.

所以我做到了。 7月5日是我作为员工的最后一天。

My journey as a full-time blogger & content creator began! 🤩

我作为专职博客作者和内容创建者的旅程开始了! 🤩

Note that I also had some deals with publications which involved me writing tech articles for them - so at least I had the prospect of making a little bit of money. 😃

请注意 ,我还与出版物达成了一些交易,涉及我为他们撰写技术文章-因此至少我有赚点钱的前景。 😃

I ended up only writing one or two paid articles (shame, shame!) and I soon got into a "semi-depression" (at least that's what I call it). It mostly came from the fact that after 1-2 months of being a full-time blogger, I didn't achieved my expectations of writing X articles, making Y amount of money, etc... all the things that I'd been planning.

我最终只写了一篇或两篇付费文章(丢脸,丢脸!),不久我就陷入了“半沮丧”状态(至少我称之为“半沮丧”)。 这主要是因为成为专职博客作者1-2个月后,我没有达到写X篇文章,赚Y钱等的期望……我一直在做的所有事情规划。

By this time I was making around $150 a month from Ads and Patreon - which obviously wasn't the amount I was expecting. And it was all my fault.

到这个时候,我每月从Ads和Patreon赚到150美元左右-显然这不是我期望的数量。 这都是我的错。

I had the opportunity to write paid articles, but for some reason I couldn't do it. I believe it was because of the pressure I put on myself for writing PERFECT articles because they were paid.

我有机会撰写付费文章,但由于某种原因,我做不到。 我认为这是因为我付钱给自己写完美文章所承受的压力。

We took a 2 week break and visited the Black Sea. It did wonders for my mental health. I stopped putting so much pressure on myself and I started enjoying the process.

我们休息了两个星期,参观了黑海。 它为我的心理健康创造了奇迹。 我不再对自己施加太大压力,开始享受这个过程。

After we came home I took on the $200 in 4 days Challenge and I proved to myself that I was able to make money if I had to. This boosted my morale and my productivity increased!

回到家后,我参加了为期4天$ 200挑战赛 ,并向自己证明了自己能够赚钱。 这提高了我的士气,提高了我的生产力!

Soon after that I started the #100Days100Projects Challenge - creating one project every day for 100 days in a row.

此后不久,我开始了#100Days100Projects挑战 -连续100天每天创建一个项目。

This challenged ended up getting me one of the biggest deals ever which covered us in terms of the income for the rest of 2019.


开始了YouTube频道 (Started a YouTube channel)

Fast-forward to November. After struggling a lot and thinking that my accent was bad (more or less in my mind), I decided to start a YouTube channel.

快进到11月。 经过艰苦的努力并以为我的口音不好(在我的脑海中或多或少),我决定开设一个YouTube频道

It exploded quickly thanks to my wonderful followers on Twitter, reaching 1,000 subscribers in less than a month! 😱

多亏了我在Twitter上的出色追随者,它Swift爆炸,在不到一个月的时间内吸引了1,000名订阅者! 😱

终于赚了些钱💰 (Finally made some cash 💰)

I've read many books and watched probably thousands of hours of YouTube videos and courses on how to monetize your passions (blog, YouTube channel, etc). So I finally ended up actually doing something in that regard. 😆

我读过很多书,并观看了数千小时的YouTube视频和课程,以了解如何利用自己的热情(博客,YouTube频道等)获利。 因此,我最终实际上在这方面做了一些事情。 😆

I did 3 things to earn some extra money:


  • Added ads on my blog

  • Created a Patreon page to be able to accept donations


  • Became an affiliate and started promoting web development courses


Below you can see how much I made.


数字-2019 (The Numbers - 2019)

我的博客 (My blog)

  • wrote 53 articles on my blog


  • had 124k visitors for a total of 309k page views

    拥有124k的访问者 ,总计309k的页面浏览量

  • got 1200 email subscribers (although I haven't promoted it very much. In 2020 I have to do a better job)

    拥有1200个电子邮件订阅者 (尽管我没有对其进行很大的提升。在2020年,我必须做得更好)

Here are my Google Analytics stats:

Google Analytics

这是我的Google Analytics(分析)统计信息:

的YouTube (YouTube)

  • created 11 videos and made 2 live streams


  • got 1,779 subscribers




  • 414 watch hours


Subscribe here if you want to follow my YouTube journey. I'm planning a lot of interesting things for 2020 and you don't want to miss it! 😃

如果您想跟随我的YouTube旅程,请在此处订阅 。 我正在为2020年计划很多有趣的事情,您不想错过它! 😃

其他成就 (Other achievements)

  • got roughly 400k page views on my articles on Medium, freeCodeCamp and Dev.to combined


  • got 11k followers on Twitter - the best community ever! 🤩

    在Twitter上11000个关注者 -有史以来最好的社区! 🤩

  • wrote 8.5k+ tweets - had to put in some work to get people to notice me 😊

    写了8.5k条以上的推文 -必须进行一些工作才能使人们注意到我😊

  • created the app-ideas repository which got 8k stars on GitHub


  • created and finished the #100Days100Projects Challenge


  • won the Top 7 award on dev.to - twice


  • Top 100 Contributor for FreeCodeCamp in 2019


  • Top 500 Contributor for Dev.to in 2019


  • Top 12 most hearted pen on CodePen in 2019


  • had 25 1-on-1 meetings


  • gifted 11 Udemy Courses as Giveaways (more of these coming in 2020!)


收益: (Earnings:)

  • $491.15 from donations on Patreon (pre-tax, since May/June)

    从Patreon捐款中获得491.15美元(税前,自5月/ 6月起)

  • $359.11 from Ads (since May)

    从Ads获得359.11美元 (自5月开始)

  • and $1,046.97 as an affiliate promoting web development courses (since November)

    $ 1,046.97作为促进网站开发课程的会员 (自11月以来)

2020年的计划和目标 (Plans and goals for 2020)

My main focus in 2020 will be my YouTube channel.


This is why I started the year with another challenge: #31Days31Videos where I'm planning to post one video every day at 4PM (UTC+2) for the entire month of January. Hopefully this will help me acheive my goals (see below).

这就是为什么我今年开始要面对另一个挑战的原因: #31Days31Videos我计划在一月份的整个月中每天下午4点(UTC + 2)发布一个视频。 希望这可以帮助我实现目标(见下文)。

YouTube channel goals:


  • upload 150 videos


  • have at least 30 live streams


  • 100,000 Subscribers by the end of the year 😱 - this is probably the biggest goal that I've ever set!

    到年底将有100,000个订户 😱-这可能是我设定的最大目标!

  • 4k watch hours by the end of March - this is needed in order to get monetized on YouTube (it would be great to get some extra money, right?)

    到3月底, 观看时间要达到4k-为了在YouTube上获利,这是必须的(获得一些额外的钱,对吗?

  • 1M views for the entire year


Blog goals:


  • write 100 articles


  • get to 100k monthly views by the end of 2020

    到2020年底, 每月观看次数达到10万

  • or a total of 1M views


  • get to make $200 / month from ads by the end of 2020

    到2020年底, 每月从广告中赚取200美元

  • 10k email subscribers


Social Media goals:


Money / earning goals:


  • $2k / month average from January to June (or $12k)

    1月至6 平均每月$ 2k (或$ 12k )

  • $4k / month average from July to December (or $24k)

    7月至12 平均每月$ 4k (或$ 24k )

  • $36k in total

    总计$ 36k

Other goals:


  • create 3 digital products


  • create an online course


  • write an ebook


  • build a SAAS (or something with MRR / monthly recurring revenue)

    建立SAAS (或具有MRR /每月经常性收入的产品)

  • mentor 4 people directly


  • read 26 books


结论 (Conclusion)

I hope you found this article useful and that it inspires you to start going after your own goals! Make sure you write your goals down (either on a piece of paper or in a word document as I have it). It's important!

希望本文对您有所帮助,并能激发您开始追求自己的目标! 确保写下您的目标(按照我的意愿,写在纸上或Word文档中)。 这一点很重要!

Come back later if you want to see my progress.


I wish you an amazing 2020! 😃

祝您有个美好的2020年! 😃

This article was originally posted on my blog


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/2019-in-review-and-2020-goals-with-numbers-and-earnings/


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