

I've read some amazing stories about people's coding journeys here, and I was interested to share my own as well. Before starting out with anything about my journey, let me introduce myself quickly here, and then we'll go into flashback mode.

我在这里阅读了一些有关人们编码之旅的精彩故事,并且我也有兴趣分享自己的故事。 在开始我的旅程之前,让我在这里快速介绍一下自己,然后进入闪回模式。

My name is Mehul Mohan, and I was born and bred in New Delhi, India. Currently, I'm completing my CSE Bachelors' degree from BITS Pilani, Goa, but don't let that fact fool you: college has played little role in my journey, as we'll explore in this long long brag guide about myself 😂.

我的名字叫Mehul Mohan,我在印度新德里出生并长大。 目前,我正在果阿的BITS Pilani完成我的CSE学士学位,但不要让这个事实愚弄您: 大学在我的旅程中起着很小的作用 ,因为我们将在这份冗长的自夸指南中探讨我自己myself 。

These days amid lockdown, I spend most of my time working on my YouTube channel, and on a very ambitious developer platform called codedamn. But more about that in chronological order below.

这些天,在封锁期间,我将大部分时间都花在YouTube频道和一个雄心勃勃的开发者平台Codedamn上。 但是,以下按时间顺序详细说明了这一点。

One of the reasons I'm writing this article is because it enabled me to go down memory lane and archive it on the internet forever.


2010年-起点 (2010 - The Beginning)

I sincerely believe that I got into programming purely by accident. I was a happy kid and was just promoted to class 6th. In my school, our school buildings change after class 5, so we were in a completely new environment. New buildings, new teachers, new seniors, everything new, so it was kinda exciting and sad for me at the same time.

我真诚地相信我纯粹是偶然地进行编程。 我是一个快乐的孩子,刚刚升入6年级。 在我的学校中,我们的教学楼在5年级后发生变化,因此我们处于全新的环境中。 新的建筑,新的老师,新的上级,新的事物,所以同时让我感到既激动又悲伤。

That was the same time I got my first computer with the internet back at home. My mom was very careful about me using the computer for a long time, as I was already wearing spectacles in class 6th. So, I used to get these 30-minute slots per day, with my sister, and we usually only played games.

那是我同时有了第一台可以上网的计算机的时候。 我妈妈很长时间以来一直对我使用计算机非常小心,因为我已经在6年级时戴眼镜了。 因此,我以前经常和姐姐一起每天获得30分钟的时间,而我们通常只玩游戏。

But I was fascinated with software and how these little things worked – clicking something on-screen opens a popup, but why? Why does Windows XP take so much time to start? Can I change that Windows XP logo from the starting (boot) screen? Can I change the "Start" text written in the status bar below? What would happen if I deleted Recycle Bin?

但是我迷上了软件以及这些小事情是如何工作的-单击屏幕上的某个东西会弹出一个弹出窗口,但是为什么呢? 为什么Windows XP需要那么多时间启动? 我可以从启动(引导)屏幕更改Windows XP徽标吗? 我可以更改下面状态栏中写的“开始”文本吗? 如果删除回收站会怎样?

These questions used to bug me all the time, and I had no answers.


Blogger的兴起 (The Rise with Blogger)

2011 onwards was roughly the time when I started my first blog on blogger.com. I didn't even know what I was doing, I had just seen these sites distributing cracked software and tricks to download files without waiting from the regular file-hosting sites back in the day. And I was just curious how I could put out this information too.

从2011年开始,大约是我在blogger.com上开始我的第一个博客的时候。 我什至不知道我在做什么,我刚刚看到这些站点分发了破解的软件和技巧来下载文件,而没有回到常规的文件托管站点。 我只是很好奇我也该如何发布这些信息。

I found that blogger.com was just the place! Slowly I started learning about analytics, visits, and AdSense to make money with ads. At the same time I would spend hours and hours searching for the best "Subscribe to us" widget code and sites to display the countries of my visitors and how many visitors I got on site.

我发现blogger.com只是这个地方! 慢慢地,我开始学习有关分析,访问和AdSense的知识,以通过广告赚钱。 同时,我将花费数小时来寻找最佳的“订阅我们”小部件代码和网站,以显示访问者所在的国家/地区以及站点上有多少访问者。

I would guest post on various sites about certain tricks and tips I knew at that point, and I used to go by the alias Techno Tweaks. This is because my first blog's name was called technotweaker. I still use the email address associated with it (technotweaksteam@gmail.com)!

我会在各个站点上发表有关当时知道的某些技巧和窍门的帖子,而我以前常常使用别名Techno Tweaks。 这是因为我的第一个博客的名字叫technotweaker。 我仍然使用与其关联的电子邮件地址(technotweaksteam@gmail.com)!

Later on, I bought a custom domain for myself. I learned how to configure it with a free blogger domain by asking for help here and there (and by asking, I mean asking a lot!).

后来,我为自己购买了一个自定义域。 我通过在本地和那里寻求帮助来学习如何使用免费的博客域来配置它(问的意思是要问很多!)。

Please ignore the cringey parts of the emails 😂, I still have no idea why I used to write like that.


Fast forward one year, and I was doing well on blogger. I learned a trick or two and was getting decent traffic on my shared stuff. I had started posting educational stuff too - like guides on how to speed up websites, tricks to download files faster, etc. Then came the day of horror, February 8, 2013

快进一年了,我在Blogger上做得很好。 我学到了一两个技巧,并在共享的内容上获得了可观的流量。 我也已经开始发布教育性资料,例如有关如何加快网站速度的指南,更快地下载文件的技巧等。然后是恐怖的一天,2013年2月8日

And boom! Just like that, blogger nuked by blog off their platform for spam. To be honest, by 2013, I had removed most of the warez content and was not posting it either on the blog too.

和繁荣! 就像那样,博客作者将博客从其垃圾邮件平台中挪开了。 老实说,到2013年,我删除了大部分warez内容,也没有将其发布在博客上。

But here we were, and I tried everything I could in my power to restore my blog - contacted other successful bloggers, opened issues in google discussion forums, even contacted people working for Blogger.


But nothing could be done, so I realized something important at this point - the lack of freedom over my content when using a platform like Blogger. And blogger didn't even provide me with any significant advantage, apart from hosting the site for me.

但是什么也做不了,所以我意识到这一点很重要-使用Blogger这样的平台时,我的内容缺乏自由。 除了为我托管网站之外,博客作者甚至没有为我提供任何重大优势。

So I decided to move on. I tried to research other options, and I decided to take it on a self-hosted WordPress site. This decision was a bold one - because now I had to purchase a hosting plan, set up a blog, configure it with WordPress, do all the stuff correctly. And mind you, I was 14 at that time and I had no way to make payments.

所以我决定继续前进。 我尝试研究其他选项,因此决定将其放在自托管的WordPress网站上。 这个决定是一个大胆的决定-因为现在我必须购买一个托管计划,建立一个博客,使用WordPress配置它,正确地完成所有工作。 请注意,当时我14岁,我无法付款。

Part of my effort went into convincing my parents to pay for the hosting costs. Now, in India, it is very uncommon for kids to ask for such things, but my dad used to pay for my hosting anyway. And I made sure I went with the cheapest plans. (I still remember I used to use Hostgator and then moved to GoDaddy hosting for $100 for 2 years.)

我的部分努力是说服我的父母支付托管费用。 现在,在印度,孩子们索要这类东西已经很不常见了,但我父亲还是曾经为我的房东付钱。 而且我确定我选择了最便宜的计划。 (我仍然记得我曾经使用Hostgator,然后以100美元的价格搬到GoDaddy托管了2年。)

启蒙状态 (The State of Enlightenment)

Now I had real costs for running my things! And I always wanted to pay for things myself, hold myself accountable. With a new blog on the way, I had no way to make income from ads because all my traffic was gone. I was burning roughly $60-70 per year including all the hosting packaging and domain costs.

现在,我已经为运行我的设备带来了实际成本! 我一直想自己付钱,追究责任。 有了新博客,我无法从广告中赚钱,因为我的所有流量都消失了。 我每年大约要烧掉60-70美元,包括所有主机包装和域名费用。

I needed to find some ways to make money, and I had spent enough time on the internet to learn that there were both good and bad ways to make money online. I chose to go down the good road, because, well, I didn't want to be punished by my parents.

我需要找到一些赚钱的方法,而且我已经在互联网上花费了足够的时间来了解在线赚钱的好坏方法。 我选择走这条路,因为好吧,我不想受到父母的惩罚。

Now again, I used to search for hours and hours for ways to make money online. Everything that came up I was pretty much familiar with: SEO, Affiliate marketing, guest posting, paid reviews, etc.

再说一次,我过去常常搜索几个小时来寻找在线赚钱的方法。 我非常熟悉所有出现的内容:SEO,会员营销,来宾发布,付费评论等。

But it wasn't what I wanted. Bills were due and I wanted to make money fast! There was this one thing I discovered next - freelancing. This was another turning point in my life. I joined Fiverr - a freelancing platform, in 2013.

但这不是我想要的。 账单到期了,我想快点赚钱! 接下来我发现了这件事-自由职业。 这是我生活中的另一个转折点。 我于2013年加入Fiverr-自由职业者平台。

I knew absolutely nothing about programming (HTML/CSS/JS) - I just knew I wanted to learn it. Why? Because that was the one thing I could sell on Fiverr, and it would be useful to me too for customizing my little projects.

我对编程(HTML / CSS / JS)一无所知-我只知道我想学习它。 为什么? 因为那是我可以在Fiverr上出售的一件事,这对我自定义我的小项目也很有用。

Let's see if I can dig up a conversation for the first order I picked on Fiverr.


第一个订单: (First order:)

You see the part where I said "A fatal error occurred.." - that's my first production screw up. I screwed up the person's WordPress installation by messing around somewhere in the functions.php WordPress file. And now I couldn't fix anything from WordPress itself, we needed cPanel access.

您会看到我说“发生致命错误。”的部分-这是我的第一个生产问题。 我搞砸了该人的WordPress安装,方法是在functions.php WordPress文件中的某个地方弄乱。 现在我无法从WordPress本身修复任何问题,我们需要cPanel访问。

A day later, he did not respond to me, the site was up, and I was unregistered from WordPress. The order was canceled.

一天后,他没有回应我,网站开通了,我没有从WordPress注册。 订单已取消。

A bunch of orders was successful after this, till my next order cancellation:


Well, these things happen. But guess what, I knew that I was doing something way over my capacity and it was okay to make mistakes. I took it all in, and never considered anything to be personal, especially from these unknown internet folks.

好吧,这些事情发生了。 但是你猜怎么着,我知道我做的事情超出了我的能力范围,可以犯错误。 我全神贯注,从未考虑过任何私人的东西,尤其是来自这些陌生的互联网人士的东西。

As more and more orders rolled in, I started to learn concepts very quickly from a ton of sites and YouTube channels (shoutout to my guy Bucky Roberts from thenewbston, the real OG) and worked on the projects. Slowly but steadily, I started making sense of what I was doing - I was programming!

随着越来越多的订单涌入,我开始从大量的网站和YouTube频道(真正的OG向newbston向我的家伙Bucky Roberts喊叫)很快地学习概念,并从事这些项目。 慢慢但稳定地,我开始了解自己在做什么-我正在编程!

I was super active on Fiverr for a couple of years, which indirectly helped me to lay down the foundation for what I would be in the future.


By the end of 2 years, I was deploying PHP projects on shared hosting, had learned a little bash scripting, was coding in HTML/CSS/JS like it was my job and was enjoying every bit of it!

到2年末,我将PHP项目部署到共享主机上,学到了一些bash脚本,正在用HTML / CSS / JS进行编码,这就像我的工作,并且享受其中的每一点!

So much power, so much control over the finest of things on any website - once I had seen it, there was no coming back. You simply cannot go back when you realize you can program something which could be used by millions, if not billions of people - and would be super useful.

如此强大的功能,对任何网站上最好的事物的如此控制-一旦我看到它,就再也没有回来。 当您意识到自己可以编写可以被数百万甚至数十亿人使用的东西,并且将非常有用时,您根本无法退缩。

With programming, I was always also interested in "breaking" things. I used to follow popular hacker blogs of the time, all the time. I used to read about vulnerabilities, and bug bounty programs offered by various companies and used to wonder how difficult it would be to get a correct bug bounty report.

通过编程,我一直对“破坏”事物也很感兴趣。 我过去一直一直关注着流行的黑客博客。 我曾经读过各种公司提供的漏洞和漏洞赏金计划,并且曾经想知道获取正确的漏洞赏金报告会有多困难。

Remember how I used to run a warez and cracked software blog? That's where I got it from.

还记得我以前如何运行warez和破解的软件博客吗? 那是我从那里得到的。

I started a blogger template selling websites with a bunch of my friends - we used to create and sell blogger templates for $10 and split the revenue.


One fine morning while creating a blogger template, I discovered that Blogger - a company owned by Google – had a critical flaw known as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). I discovered it through a very sophisticated payload I came up with when creating a custom feature inside the XML of the blogger template.

在创建博客模板的一个早晨,我发现Google旗下的Blogger公司存在一个名为Cross-Site Scripting(XSS)的严重缺陷。 我是通过在Blogger模板的XML中创建自定义功能时想到的非常复杂的有效负载发现的。

OH BOY did I dance for an hour that day! That was huge for me. I immediately reported it under Google's responsible disclosure program, and BANG:

噢,那天我跳舞了一个小时! 对我来说那是巨大的。 我立即根据Google负责任的披露计划对其进行了举报,BANG:

A reward of 3,000+ USD plus my name in Google's hall of fame as a 16-year-old? Phew! That was one hell of blast news to me, and especially to my family - for whom I used to just work with computers for fun.

奖励我3,000+美元,加上我16岁在Google名人堂的名字吗? ! 这对我,特别是对我的家人来说,是个爆炸性的新闻,我以前只是和他们一起玩电脑而已。

That suddenly spiked my interest in web security 10x. I learned more and more about vulnerabilities of the web, and the associated technology, which helps me to date design software which is at least unbreakable by me.

这突然激起了我对Web安全10倍的兴趣。 我越来越了解有关网络的漏洞以及相关技术,这有助于我确定至少对我来说牢不可破的设计软件。

Later down the road, I was listed as a security researcher for various companies like Microsoft, Sony, eSet, Invision, etc.


创建代码诅咒 (Creating codedamn)

It was March 2015, my class 10th exams were just over, and I was about to enter a 2-year window all Indians with a Physics-Chemistry-Maths field will experience - the race to IITs, the "elite" colleges of India.


My parents, although supportive of my interests with computers, were still Indian anyway, and just like other Indian parents, they too wanted to see their son getting in a prestigious college, possibly IIT, by cracking JEE mains and JEE advanced - two of the most difficult exams in India for 12th-grade graduate students.


To be fair, I didn't want to run in that rat race. I wanted to work with computers, create a business around it, probably get a job or something. But at the same time, I realized that the society I live in isn't all fun and games. You have to fight your way to the top.

公平地说,我不想参加那场比赛。 我想与计算机一起工作,围绕它创建业务,可能找到一份工作或其他东西。 但是与此同时,我意识到我所生活的社会并不全都是娱乐和游戏。 您必须为达到最高目标而奋斗。

Now I don't know who said this, and it doesn't matter anyway. I cannot relate more with this quote - "if you don't like the rule, just follow the rule, reach to the top, and change it". This is the absolute truth in current society, especially with the education system in India.

现在我不知道是谁说的,也没关系。 我不能再把这句话与它联系起来:“如果您不喜欢该规则,请遵循该规则,到达顶部并进行更改”。 这是当今社会的绝对真理,尤其是印度的教育体系。

When I was in class 11th, I had two choices:


  1. I could either give up studies/take them lightly and double down on my skills of working with computers and programming in general (this is what I wanted), or

  2. I could work hard on my studies - physics, chemistry, maths - totally unrelated to programming (at least that's what I thought at that time), and leave computers for two years.


Now when I look back at the time, I realize that often, in life, decisions are not so black and white at all. There's always that grey part, that part where you can do both. But it comes with a compromise, a cost.

现在,当我回头看时,我意识到生活中的决定常常并没有那么黑与白。 总是有灰色的部分,您可以同时做这两个部分。 但这带来了折衷,需要付出代价。

I knew I could not freelance anymore, and that was my only source of learning new things - through new projects. I needed to be challenged, at the same time I needed to learn on my own terms and time - because the next 2 years were uncertain.

我知道我不能再自由职业了,那是我通过新项目学习新事物的唯一来源。 我需要挑战,同时我需要按照自己的条件和时间学习-因为接下来的两年是不确定的。

And so, codedamn was born. May 17, 2015 - a YouTube channel, heavily inspired by Bucky, was created. Initially, I started creating videos about whatever I knew and had learned in the past 2 years about web development, and started dumping my content there.

因此, Codedamn诞生了。 2015年5月17日-受Bucky启发的YouTube频道创建了。 最初,我开始创建视频,介绍过去两年来我所学的有关Web开发的知识,并开始将我的内容转储到那里。

I closed my eyes and never looked at my YouTube numbers, never focused on SEO, never focused on thumbnails, video optimization, "beating" the algorithm for ranking, sponsorships, partnerships, nothing. I wanted nothing but to put out content.

我闭着眼睛,从来没有看过我的YouTube号码,从不关注SEO,从不关注缩略图,视频优化,“击败”排名算法,赞助,合作关系等。 我只想要发布内容。

Why? Because I had so much inside me that I was starting to forget things - I wanted to create a sort of "proof" to my future-self that I have learned this, and maybe this might help someone else, just like other YouTubers help other people.

为什么? 因为我内心如此之多,以至于我开始忘记事情-我想为自己的未来自我创建一种“证明”,以使我了解到这一点,也许这可能对其他人有所帮助,就像其他YouTube员工可以帮助其他人一样人。

I kept putting out content, more and more, and more and more. For two years, I did nothing but study for JEE and put out content. I gained very few subscribers and very few comments. I knew I was playing the long game - collecting slow nickels over fast dimes, and I was okay with that, I had lots of time on my hands.

我不断推出越来越多的内容。 两年来,我除了学习JEE并发布内容外什么也没做。 我获得的订阅者很少,评论也很少。 我知道我在玩漫长的比赛-用快速的硬币收集慢速的镍,我对此还可以,我手上有很多时间。

I was able to get a 3700 rank in JEE Advanced and could've gone to IITs. But I chose not to go because I wasn't getting a Computer Science Engineering branch there. By the time these 2 years came to an end, I promised myself that I would only burn these 2 years of my life and then I would do whatever I wanted to, for the rest of my life. Sweet deal, huh?

我能够在JEE Advanced中获得3700的排名,并且可以去IIT。 但是我选择不参加,因为我在那里没有计算机科学工程分支。 到这两年结束时,我向自己保证,我只会烧掉这两年的时间,然后我会做我想做的一切,直到我的余生。 甜蜜的交易,对吧?

My initial videos were crap, but I'm grateful to every single person who commented on those videos, even hateful comments - as they gave me enough motivation to prove them wrong, and to get people to subscribe to me and supporte my work.


Whenever I wanted to learn a new skill, I used to create a web series about it and learn it inside and out through online blog articles, videos, documentation, and creating sample working projects. Then I would show it to my subscribers with my video content - it was crazy how many people wanted to see it.

每当我想学习一项新技能时,我都会创建一个关于它的网络系列,并通过在线博客文章,视频,文档以及创建示例工作项目来从内而外学习它。 然后,我将其与我的视频内容一起显示给我的订阅者-如此多的人想要观看它真是疯狂。

People see now that codedamn has over 100K subscribers and over 15 million views, but my growth with codedamn has mostly been linear over 5 years. Almost all YouTubers either hit an exponential curve to reach high numbers or quit long before that.

人们现在看到codedamn拥有超过10万的订户和超过1500万的观看次数,但是我对codedamn的增长在过去5年中大部分都是线性的。 几乎所有YouTubers要么达到指数曲线就达到高数字,要么就在此之前就退出了。

But I never quit. I've kept learning, and I still make videos today. You know why? Because I'm not playing for numbers, and I'm not afraid of other players in the market.

但是我从不辞职。 我一直在学习,今天仍在制作视频。 你知道为什么? 因为我不是在玩数字游戏,所以我不怕市场上的其他玩家。

I'm a big-time GaryVee follower, and by the tone of this article, you might have realized it already. But very few people know that the reason I resonate so much with GaryVee is that although he says a ton of things about work ethic and passion, I was already following and believed in a lot of those things long before I discovered him.

我是GaryVee的主要追随者,按照本文的语气,您可能已经意识到这一点。 但是很少有人知道我之所以会与GaryVee产生共鸣,是因为尽管他说了很多有关职业道德和热情的事情,但在我发现他之前,我已经跟随并相信了很多事情。

These quotes seem so obvious yet so beautiful. With codedamn too, over the years my goals have changed. From being a medium for myself to learn new technologies, I have the attention of over 100K people and the responsibility to teach them something useful!

这些报价看起来如此明显却又如此美丽。 多年来,我也对代码破烂的目标有所改变。 从成为自己学习新技术的媒介开始,我吸引了超过10万人的关注,并有责任教给他们一些有用的东西!

Last year, I started codedamn - the web platform to change the way people learn programming. I did it the hard way - taking up actual projects and then getting beaten by real people when I couldn't work according to their expectations.

去年,我启动了Codedamn-网络平台,以改变人们学习编程的方式。 我很难做到–承担实际项目,然后在我无法按照他们的期望工作时遭到真正的人的殴打。

It's good to have a thick skin, but it's usually better to move into the industry when you're a bit more prepared. The codedamn platform allows you to not only learn through video content and articles but simultaneously practice for these languages too. It's like freeCodeCamp, and has the benefits of supporting many more languages (thanks to the cloud evaluation architecture) and a promise for continued support and feature addition.

皮肤厚实是一件好事,但是,当您准备得更多时,通常最好进入该行业。 借助该死的平台,您不仅可以学习视频内容和文章,还可以同时练习这些语言。 就像freeCodeCamp一样,它的好处是支持更多的语言(由于云评估架构),并有望继续提供支持和功能添加。

我学到了什么 (What I've Learned)

I would like to quickly summarize my learnings in a bunch of lines here:


您将失败很多,没关系。 (You're going to fail, a lot, and that's okay. )

You might have gotten a wrong impression from the article above that I'm always kickin' ass. I failed my first Fiverr order, I failed Apple's WWDC'18 submission, I failed to get into IITs, I failed to clear an on-campus Google interview for internships, I've failed GSoC, I've failed a billion times in secret while coding, and I've failed so many times in personal life.

您可能从上面的文章中得到了一个错误的印象,即我总是踢屁股。 我未完成我的第一笔Fiverr订单,我未通过Apple的WWDC'18提交,我未参加IIT,我未通过Google在校实习面试,我未通过GSoC,我已经秘密失败了十亿次在编码时,我在个人生活中失败了很多次。

But guess what? You fail too, and everybody fails. There's nothing to be ashamed about it. Embrace it, and move on.

但猜猜怎么了? 你也失败了,每个人都失败了。 没有什么可羞愧的。 拥抱它,继续前进。

您要成功,保证,请不要放弃 (You're going to succeed, GUARANTEED, just don't give up)

The way Math and probability works, it's just insane. You just cannot fail too many times consecutively. Failed at some task? Get up, do it again. Failed again? Keep doing it. And again, and again.

数学和概率的工作原理很疯狂。 您不能连续失败太多次。 无法完成某些任务? 起床,再做一次。 再次失败? 继续做。 一遍又一遍。

The hardest part is getting up after you fail - and you only truly fail when you don't try again.


停止玩数字 (Stop playing for numbers)

Just starting? Please, please, please stop worshipping numbers. It does not matter how many views you have, how many subscribers, followers, fans you get. Nobody cares, and you shouldn't either.

刚开始? 拜托,拜托,请停止崇拜数字。 无论您拥有多少观看次数,获得多少订阅者,关注者,粉丝都无所谓。 没人在乎,您也不应该。

The fastest way to not get a lot of followers is to always think about getting a lot of followers.


做你爱做的 (Do what you love)

This is a programming related blog, but I do not recommend that everyone code. I have shared my story because I happen to like programming. You may not. Stop pushing for that "Google" technical lead, stop going after that "AWS" engineering role, stop this "FAANG" craze. STOP.

这是一个与编程相关的博客,但我不建议所有人都进行编码。 我分享了我的故事,因为我碰巧喜欢编程。 你不可以。 停止争取“ Google”技术领先者,停止追求“ AWS”工程职位,停止这种“ FAANG”热潮。 停。

All of that doesn't matter if you end up hating your life 5 years down the road, and ultimately wished you'd done something else.


Find out what you resonate with. Monetize that, and do that, please. Because at the end of your life, you don't want the regret of living a life which wasn't yours.

找出您的共鸣。 货币化,请这样做。 因为在生命的尽头,您不希望过上不属于您的生活的遗憾。

I have done many other crazy things over the years. I've written 2 books on programming, and I was selected as one of the 14 Indian students to win Apple's WWDC'19 scholarship. I've gotten dumped, and dumped again. I hacked my school's website, lived the hostel life, and had crazy times with friends. I'm just getting started, and so are you, and so is everybody.

这些年来,我还做了很多其他疯狂的事情。 我已经写了两本有关编程的书,并且被选为14位获得Apple WWDC'19奖学金的印度学生之一。 我已经丢了,又丢了。 我入侵了我学校的网站,过着招待所,并与朋友度过了疯狂的时光。 我才刚刚起步,你也一样,大家也一样。



Note: If you want to connect with me, here's my Instagram and Twitter handle. Would love to hear a word or two about what you think. Hopefully, I was able to inspire you with my story. Let's connect on social!

注意: 如果您想与我联系,这是我的 Instagram Twitter 句柄。 很想听听您所想的一两个字。 希望我能以我的故事启发您。 让我们联系社交吧!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/7-year-journey-of-a-21-year-old-developer/






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