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翻译 JavaScript Promise教程:JS和ES6中的解析,拒绝和链接

Promises are one of the ways we can deal with asynchronous operations in JavaScript. Many people struggle with understanding how Promises work, so in this post I will try to explain them as simply as ...

2020-08-19 02:31:41 187

翻译 JavaScript数组排序–如何使用JS排序方法(带有代码示例)

In JavaScript, we can sort the elements of an array easily with a built-in method called the sort( ) function. 在JavaScript中,我们可以使用称为sort()函数的内置方法轻松地对数组的元素进行排序。 However, data types (string, number, a...

2020-08-19 02:12:24 386

翻译 嵌入storybook组件_什么是Storybook?如何在React中使用它创建组件库?

嵌入storybook组件Frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular all help developers create modular systems using components, but that doesn't usually include a good way to see them all from a higher point of vie...

2020-08-19 01:51:27 575

翻译 TypeScript实用指南-如何使用HTML,CSS和TypeScript构建Pokedex应用

TypeScript is a superset that needs to compile to plain JavaScript. It offers more control over your code since it uses type annotations, interfaces, classes, and static type checking to throw errors ...

2020-08-18 22:53:31 778

翻译 如何使用Bootstrap 5从jQuery切换到Vanilla JavaScript

Bootstrap 5 is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end web development. Bootstrap 5是一个免费的开源CSS框架,专门用于响应式,移动优先的前端Web开发。 In case you didn't know, Bootstrap 5...

2020-08-18 22:14:08 689

翻译 苗条的生成树_在5分钟内学习苗条

苗条的生成树This article gives you a lightning-speed overview of Svelte - a Javascript framework which lets you write less code, use no virtual DOM, and create truly reactive apps. 本文为您提供了Svelte的概述,它是一个Jav...

2020-08-18 22:05:03 239

翻译 react钩子_初学者React项目-如何使用React钩子构建基本表单

react钩子 我们正在建设 (What we're building)In this beginner React Project, we're going to learn how to build basic forms using React hooks. We'll learn how to manage form state, handle validation, and work ...

2020-08-18 20:24:31 270

翻译 ai人工智能开发_如何以及为什么将AI整合到Web开发中

ai人工智能开发Top tech industry giants are leveraging AI technology in multiple ways. Companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Google, and Apple have been aggressively acquiring this technology. 顶尖的科技行业巨...

2020-08-18 19:55:44 1059

翻译 使用最终方法最终类的必要性_如何加快您的网站-5个最终提示

使用最终方法最终类的必要性Site speed is important. It affects your users' experience directly, and a good user experience is extremely important to help drive sales and keep customers and visitors happy. Not only ...

2020-08-18 16:27:06 141

翻译 5 npm技巧和窍门可帮助您提高生产力

While this article will likely boost your productivity, at the very least it will also impress some of your colleagues with your new skills. People will now perceive you as smarter and potentially mor...

2020-08-18 15:56:28 254

翻译 热闹的聚会与尴尬的聚会_如何创建成功的聚会小组

热闹的聚会与尴尬的聚会Meetups are amazing! They are a great way to stay up to date on the latest technologies, dive deep into interesting subjects, ask questions, and network. 聚会很了不起! 它们是了解最新技术,深入研究有趣主题,提出问题和建立...

2020-08-18 14:35:04 1022

翻译 css链接样式_如何在CSS中设置链接样式

css链接样式 样式链接 (Styling Links)Links can be styled with any CSS property, such as color, font-family, font-size, and padding. Here is an easy example: 可以使用任何CSS属性设置链接的样式,例如color , font-family , font-siz...

2020-08-18 13:47:15 2265

翻译 飞机尊敬的客户,通知大家_尊敬的开发人员:请分享您的故事。 我们都可以从彼此的编码之旅中学习。...

飞机尊敬的客户,通知大家I was fortunate enough to share my story of transitioning from sales to web development on the freeCodeCamp publication: How I Went from Sales to Front End Developer in 16 Months. 我很幸运地在fr...

2020-08-18 10:09:12 308

翻译 计算机科学cs50_世界顶尖CS大学提供500门免费计算机科学课程

计算机科学cs50Every year, Class Central publishes rankings of the world’s highest rated and most popular online courses. 每年,Class Central都会发布世界上评分最高和最受欢迎的在线课程的排名。 These rankings are based on user ratings ...

2020-08-18 06:59:42 727

翻译 通过构建网络应用程序来学习PERN Stack-完整的视频课程

The PERN stack consists of PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node.js. These technologies can be combined to build a full-stack web application with CRUD operations. PERN堆栈由PostgreSQL,Express,React和Node....

2020-08-18 06:31:28 222

翻译 高质量c编程指南_软件质量保证指南

高质量c编程指南 质量保证 (Quality Assurance)Quality Assurance (commonly known as QA) is the means by which a product in development is checked to make sure it works as it’s supposed to. The actual methods used ...

2020-08-18 06:00:05 147

翻译 css网格_如何使用CSS网格创建简单的甘特图

css网格A Gantt chart is a handy type of bar chart that is used in project management for showcasing a schedule of tasks. This chart visualizes project activities as cascading horizontal bars, with width...

2020-08-18 05:49:24 543

翻译 自学成才翁_如何获得自学成才的第一份工作

自学成才翁About six months ago, I started a new position as a software engineer. 大约六个月前,我开始担任软件工程师的新职位。 It's my first full-time developer job ever. And landing it was the culmination of two intense years...

2020-08-18 05:39:43 286

翻译 打破冷漠僵局文章_保持冷静并打破僵局-北极

打破冷漠僵局文章Hack The Box (HTB) is an online platform allowing you to test your penetration testing skills. It contains several challenges that are constantly updated. Some of them simulating real world sc...

2020-08-18 05:08:17 489

翻译 推箱子2-向右推!_保持冷静,砍箱子-爷爷

推箱子2-向右推!Hack The Box (HTB) is an online platform allowing you to test your penetration testing skills. It contains several challenges that are constantly updated. Some of them are simulating real wor...

2020-08-18 03:18:23 328

翻译 虚幻3和虚幻4_如何成为虚幻的自动化专家

虚幻3和虚幻4 目录 (Table of contents)Automating Workflows with Blueprints, C++, and Python 使用蓝图,C ++和Python自动化工作流 Why use Blueprints for workflow and even game programming 为什么要使用蓝图进行工作流程甚至游戏编程 Why use C++ f...

2020-08-18 01:47:20 648

翻译 codecamp_介绍免费的CodeCamp Discord聊天室

codecampFor years people have asked freeCodeCamp to create a Discord chat. Well today, I'm excited to announce that we did it. We now have an official Discord chat room server. 多年来,人们一直在要求freeCodeCamp...

2020-08-18 00:47:14 619

翻译 Python While循环语句解释

While循环语句 (While Loop Statements)Python utilizes the while loop similarly to other popular languages. The while loop evaluates a condition then executes a block of code if the condition is true. The...

2020-08-18 00:06:30 279

翻译 python数据分析课程_学习使用Python进行数据分析– 4小时的免费课程

python数据分析课程Python, SQL, and other open source tools have made it easier than ever to get into data analysis. Python,SQL和其他开放源代码工具比以往任何时候都更容易进行数据分析。 You can learn how to use Python for data analysis ...

2020-08-17 23:26:51 327

翻译 freecodecamp_我打算如何攻克freeCodeCamp课程

freecodecampI Love Challenges! They keep me going. They motivate me. They help me become a better version of myself! 我喜欢挑战! 他们让我前进。 他们激励着我。 他们可以帮助我成为更好的自我! Over the past 2 years I've been doing multi...

2020-08-17 22:47:15 260

翻译 rails 添加外键_如何将JavaScript添加到Rails 6 App

rails 添加外键As a junior Full-Stack developer, my main focus was the backend. I wanted to learn how to program my backend server to serve my web application. 作为初级全栈开发人员,我的主要重点是后端。 我想学习如何对后端服务器进行编程以服务于We...

2020-08-17 19:58:53 168

翻译 ea如何创建程序流程图_免费流程图创建器和工作流程图应用程序–经理指南

ea如何创建程序流程图If you want to get more technical with your product management skills, being able to work with flowchart or diagram creator apps is surely on your list. 如果您想通过产品管理技能获得更多技术知识,那么一定可以使用流程图或图表创...

2020-08-17 17:36:45 1126

翻译 react.js状态管理_面向初学者的React.js —道具和状态说明

react.js状态管理React.js is one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries that every front-end developer should know. Understanding what props and state are and the differences between them is a big st...

2020-08-17 16:55:23 197

翻译 用户研究方法定性定量_用户体验测试:定性测试

用户研究方法定性定量 什么是定性测试? (What is Qualitative Testing?)Qualitative testing—which can take the form of interviews or other directly-observed usability tests—tends to be exploratory and with the goal of gai...

2020-08-17 16:45:32 1680

翻译 指数拟合算法 回归算法_搜索算法:指数搜索说明

指数拟合算法 回归算法 指数搜索 (Exponential Search)Exponential Search also known as finger search, searches for an element in a sorted array by jumping 2^i elements every iteration where i represents the value of ...

2020-08-17 15:16:23 942

翻译 全栈开发和web开发_如何在2020年成为一名全栈Web开发人员

全栈开发和web开发Full stack web developers are the Swiss Army knife of the code world. Having that designation means you can produce end to end solutions, which is a highly marketable and agile skillset. But...

2020-08-17 12:48:50 235

翻译 学习javascript_通过构建7个游戏来学习JavaScript

学习javascriptJavaScript is the one of the most popular programming languages. We have released a full video course where you can learn JavaScript by building 7 retro grid-based games. JavaScript是最流行的编...

2020-08-17 12:08:48 380

翻译 iis路径指向网络存储_如何将您的域指向S3网站存储桶

iis路径指向网络存储If you're hosting a static website in an S3 bucket and it's your first time buying a domain name, this simple guide is for you. 如果您要在S3存储桶中托管静态网站,并且这是您首次购买域名,那么此简单指南非常适合您。 摘要-您需要什么 (Summa...

2020-08-17 11:00:56 384

翻译 html css 内联样式_内联CSS指南–如何直接设置HTML标签的样式

html css 内联样式You’ve written some HTML and now need to style it with CSS. One way is to use inline styles, which is what this article is about. 您已经编写了一些HTML,现在需要使用CSS对其进行样式设置。 一种方法是使用内联样式,这就是本文的目的。 &l...

2020-08-17 10:50:10 9319

翻译 useradd创建用户_Linux:如何使用useradd添加用户和创建用户

useradd创建用户If more than one person is using your Linux machine at home, or you are managing a server that provides access to multiple users, the useradd command is essential for creating users. 如果有多个...

2020-08-17 08:09:06 1899

翻译 tableau 环状条形图_如何使用Tableau在5分钟内在COVID-19案例上构建条形图竞赛

tableau 环状条形图When you build a bar chart race, you're creating many discrete pages of bar charts and then stringing them together. This is just like how traditional cartoon animation works. 建立条形图竞赛时,要...

2020-08-17 04:28:38 614

翻译 git .git目录提交_Git入门指南—如何编写良好的提交信息

git .git目录提交Are you a developer who has recently started using Git? If you are wondering how to create a good commit message for your project, then this article is made for you. 您是最近开始使用Git的开发人员吗? 如果您...

2020-08-17 03:48:38 290

翻译 ruby推送示例_Ruby数字方法和数字运算(带有示例)

ruby推送示例 Ruby中的数字方法 (Number methods in Ruby)Ruby provides a variety of built-in methods you may use on numbers. The following is an incomplete list of integer and float methods. Ruby提供了多种可用于数字的内置方法。 ...

2020-08-17 03:20:06 177

翻译 cv::mat数据类型转换_角管介绍:如何直接转换模板数据

cv::mat数据类型转换 管子 (Pipes) 动机 (Motivation)Output data transformations. They ensure data is in a desirable format by the time it loads onto the user’s screen. Normally data transforms behind the scenes...

2020-08-16 23:56:16 243

翻译 在COVID-19大流行期间如何在家工作:我的个人提示

COVID-19冠状病毒大流行导致许多人在家工作。 所以您可能想知道-我如何在家里保持生产力? (The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has resulted in many people working from home. So you might be wondering - how do I remain productive at home?)Remo...

2020-08-16 23:18:02 2197



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