WordPress 5.4的新功能(功能和屏幕截图)

WordPress 5.4 is scheduled to be released on March 31, 2020. It will be the first major release of the year and will ship with some significant improvements.

WordPress 5.4计划于2020年3月31日发布。它将是今年的第一个主要版本,并将进行一些重大改进。

We’ve been following the development closely and testing the first beta to try out new features that are on the way.


WordPress 5.4 contains several new features that are mainly focused around block editor improvements. There are also some important changes for developers.

WordPress 5.4包含几个新功能,主要集中在块编辑器的改进上。 对于开发人员也有一些重要的变化。

In this article, we will show you what’s coming in WordPress 5.4 with features and screenshots.

在本文中,我们将通过功能和屏幕截图向您展示WordPress 5.4中的功能。

What's coming in WordPress 5.4

Note: You can try out the beta version on your computer or on a staging environment by using the WordPress Beta Tester plugin.

注意:您可以使用WordPress Beta Tester插件在计算机暂存环境中试用Beta版本。

WordPress 5.4 is in the feature freeze stage of the development. This means new features will not be added, but existing new features can still change and may not make into the final release.

WordPress 5.4处于开发的功能冻结阶段。 这意味着将不会添加新功能,但是现有的新功能仍然可以更改,并且可能不会包含在最终版本中。

Having said that, let’s take a look at what’s coming in WordPress 5.4.

话虽如此,让我们看一下WordPress 5.4中的功能。

影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


If you’d prefer written instructions, just keep reading.


块编辑器的改进 (The Block Editor Improvements)

WordPress 5.4 is focused around improving the block editor by including new features and extending the existing blocks.

WordPress 5.4专注于通过添加新功能和扩展现有块来改进块编辑器

This is great news for content creators as they will now be able to do more with blocks inside the content editor.


新的欢迎指南模式 (The New Welcome Guide Modal)

WordPress 5.4 will come with a new welcome guide popup to introduce new users with the block editor. It is a simple slide-show that explains blocks, points users to the block library, and a link to block editor tutorial.

WordPress 5.4将带有一个新的欢迎指南弹出窗口,以使用块编辑器介绍新用户。 这是一个简单的幻灯片,它解释了块,将用户指向块库,以及指向块编辑器教程的链接。

Welcome modal in WordPress 5.4

You can also relaunch the guide by clicking on the three-dot menu on the top-right corner of the edit screen and then selecting Welcome Guide.


Welcome guide menu
WordPress 5.4中的新块 (New Blocks in WordPress 5.4)

WordPress 5.4 will also bring two new blocks to the library.

WordPress 5.4还将为该库带来两个新块。

1. Social Icons Block


Social Icons block allows you to easily add links to social media profiles inside your WordPress posts and pages.


Adding social icons block

You can then add social media icons by clicking on the add button and adding an icon. You can also click on an icon to provide a link to your social media page.

然后,您可以通过单击添加按钮并添加图标来添加社交媒体图标。 您也可以单击图标以提供指向您的社交媒体页面的链接。

Add a social media site to social icons block

Note: These social media icons just allow you to add links to your profiles. For social sharing, you would still need a WordPress social media plugin.

注意:这些社交媒体图标仅允许您向个人资料添加链接。 对于社交共享,您仍然需要WordPress社交媒体插件

2. Buttons Block


The button block will be replaced by the buttons block. The new buttons block now allows you to add more than one button side by side.

按钮块将被按钮块替换。 现在,新按钮块允许您并排添加多个按钮。

Buttons group

You can choose from two different styles, use your own text and background colors, and add gradient background colors as well.


WordPress 5.4中的块改进 (Block Improvements in WordPress 5.4)

WordPress 5.4 will come with many improvements to the WordPress block editor as well as individual blocks. The following are some of the enhancements included in the beta.

WordPress 5.4将对WordPress块编辑器以及单个块进行许多改进。 以下是Beta中包含的一些增强功能。

More Color Options for Blocks


WordPress 5.4 will introduce more color options for the cover, group, and column blocks.

WordPress 5.4将为封面 ,组和列块引入更多颜色选项。

Cover block colors

You can also choose background and text colors for all the blocks inside a group block.


Group color settings

Similarly, you’ll also be able to select background and text colors for the columns block.


Color options for the columns block

Drag and Drop to Upload Featured Image


Currently, you cannot just drag and drop an image to set it as a featured image. WordPress 5.4 will allow users to simply drag and drop an image to the featured image section.

当前,您不能仅仅拖放图像以将其设置为特色图像 。 WordPress 5.4将允许用户简单地将图像拖放到“特色图像”部分。

Drag and drop featured image

Change Text Color Inside Paragraph Block


Previously, you were only able to change text color for the entire paragraph block. With WordPress 5.4 users will be able to simply select any text inside a paragraph and change color.

以前,您只能更改整个段落块的文本颜色。 使用WordPress 5.4,用户将能够简单地选择段落中的任何文本并更改颜色。

Select text color in the paragraph block

Caption Below Table


Users will be able to add a caption below a table block.


Table captions

Fixed Block Toolbar on Mobile


Currently, if you had to edit a blog post using a mobile device, then you’ll notice the toolbar move around blocks as you write.


WordPress 5.4 fixes this with a floating toolbar at the top which changes depending on the type of block you are currently editing.

WordPress 5.4通过顶部浮动工具栏修复了此问题,该工具栏会根据您当前正在编辑的块的类型而变化。

Block toolbar on mobile screens

Easily Select Gallery Image Size


WordPress 5.4 allows you to easily choose a size for all images in the gallery.

WordPress 5.4允许您轻松选择图库中所有图像的大小。

Gallery image sizes

Improved Latest Posts Block


Coming with WordPress 5.4, users will be able to display featured images in the latest posts block.

WordPress 5.4随附的用户将能够在最新的帖子块中显示特色图片。

Latest posts block in WordPress 5.4

Easily Select Blocks


WordPress 5.4 will include a select tool that will allow users to easily select a block that they want to change. This will come in handy when you have nested blocks like a group or columns.

WordPress 5.4将包括一个选择工具,该工具将使用户可以轻松选择要更改的块。 当您具有诸如组或列之类的嵌套块时,这将派上用场。

Select block tool

The TikTok Embed Block


WordPress 5.4 will come with an embed block to easily add TikTok videos in your WordPress posts and pages.

WordPress 5.4将带有一个嵌入块,可轻松在您的WordPress帖子和页面中添加TikTok视频。

TikTok embed block in WordPress 5.4
WordPress 5.4的高级更改 (Under The Hood Changes in WordPress 5.4)

WordPress 5.4 will bring significant improvements for developers. The following are some of those under the hood changes.

WordPress 5.4将为开发人员带来重大改进。 以下是一些内幕变化。

WordPress 5.4 will change the HTML output for the Calendar widget. It moves the navigation links to a <nav> HTML element right after the <table> element in order to produce valid HTML. (#39763)

WordPress 5.4将更改Calendar小部件HTML输出。 它将导航链接移动到<table>元素之后的<nav> HTML元素,以生成有效HTML。 ( #39763 )

A new apply_shortcodes() function will be introduced as an alias to the do_shortcode() function. (#37422)

新的apply_shortcodes()函数将作为do_shortcode()函数的别名引入。 ( #37422 )

Some unused customizer classes will be formally deprecated in WordPress 5.4. (#42364)

一些未使用的定制器类将在WordPress 5.4中正式弃用。 ( #42364 )

In WordPress 5.4, the Button component for WordPress admin area design has been enhanced with several changes and additions. (Details)

在WordPress 5.4中,对WordPress管理区域设计的Button组件进行了一些更改和添加,从而得到了增强。 ( 详细 )

We hope this article helped you get a good idea of what’s coming in the WordPress 5.4 release. Let us know what features you find interesting and what you’d look to see in a future WordPress release.

我们希望本文能帮助您更好地了解WordPress 5.4版本中的功能。 让我们知道您发现有趣的功能以及在将来的WordPress版本中看到的功能。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/whats-coming-in-wordpress-5-4-features-and-screenshots/

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